Call for data: Request for scientific data and information on Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in various food commodities

Current status: Closed

Opened on July 23, 2021 and will close November 12, 2021

Health Canada has begun the development of a risk analysis on Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) (also known as Shigatoxigenic E. coli and verotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC)) in various food commodities. This work will review information related to STEC in various food commodities in Canada and examine current food safety approach. The main objective of this work is to support Health Canada’s guidance to industry and regulatory authorities regarding the identification and mitigation of STEC in food and continue to protect the Canadian population from foodborne illnesses.

Goals of this call for data

Health Canada is issuing a call for data to help identify the factors that may have an impact on the presence of STEC in various food commodities and to identify potential mitigation strategies in the production, distribution and consumption of such products. The risk analysis will also examine microbiological methods for isolation and identification of STEC in use across the production and distribution continuum.

Join in: how to participate

We invite you to review the information document and respond to all sections or areas for which you may have information.

Please send an email to to request the document. Please use the words "STEC in various food commodities data and information" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Information and data may be submitted electronically at or by mail at the address below. If you are submitting information or data electronically, please use the words "STEC in Various Food Commodities Data and Information" in the subject box of your e-mail.

Mailing address:
Health Canada, Bureau of Microbial Hazards
Evaluation Division
251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway, Postal Locator: 2204E
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0L2

Who is the focus of this consultation?

The call for data is intended for the food industry, food industry associations, regulatory authorities, including federal, provincial and territorial authorities, academia, and other professional research or expertise centers that may have information that could support the risk analysis.

Confidential and/or unpublished information

Health Canada recognizes that some of the available information and/or relevant data that is being requested may be unpublished or of a confidential nature. If submitted, unpublished information would remain the property of the submitting organization or individual and its confidentiality will be safeguarded in so far as it is possible to do so within current regulations governing such issues. Specific issues relating to confidentiality should be discussed directly between the information owners and Health Canada. For these and other issues please contact the Food Directorate's Bureau of Microbial Hazards through the contact information provided above.

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