Health Canada meeting with the Canadian Vaping Association – August 30, 2023


Vaping Industry Compliance and Enforcement, Vaping Products Reporting Regulations, Industry Recycling Program, Government Relations


August 30, 2023


Health Canada (HC)

Canadian Vaping Association (CVA)


A meeting was held at the request of CVA to discuss vaping industry compliance.

The Chair opened the meeting with round table introductions.

HC reminded participants that this meeting is subject to disclosure as per HC's Openness and Transparency policies. In the interest of transparency, the Department stated that it would be making a record of the meeting publicly available. The handling of information and privacy notice was mentioned and acknowledged.

HC also referred to Article 5.3 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), its international obligation to protect tobacco control policies from the vested interests of the tobacco industry. It was acknowledged by CVA representatives.


Enforcement and Compliance

The CVA shared its ongoing compliance initiatives and findings with Health Canada. The CVA shared what they have found to be the most prevalent instances of non-compliance, including incorrectly labelling high nicotine vaping products, the absence of, or inaccurate, dealer information listed on some imported products, and labelling and packaging violations.

The CVA provided an update on training initiatives for identifying illicit vaping products. As part of this initiative, they will provide training to public health units and law enforcement agencies to support the strengthening of enforcement and compliance at the manufacturing/distribution and retail levels.

The CVA provided feedback to Health Canada regarding communicating non-compliance with industry. The CVA noted that Health Canada is providing more information within the warning letters. However, the CVA indicated that after a company has received a letter of non-compliance and addressed the concerns raised to the best of their ability, they have no way of knowing if they were successful in addressing the non-compliance. Health Canada noted these concerns.

Vaping Products Reporting Regulations (VPRR)

The CVA shared concerns on the protection of corporate data and intellectual property in the reports to be submitted pursuant to the VPRR. They informed Health Canada that overseas manufacturers that supply Canadian importers are being informed about the VPRR requirements and being provided guidance on how to fill out the templates prescribed by the VPRR. Health Canada noted that webinars will be offered to industry in the near future, during which additional guidance on the VPRR will be shared.

Forward Regulatory Plan 2023-2025

Health Canada was asked for updates on its Forward Regulatory Plan 2023-2025, in particular regarding:

Health Canada indicated that the information posted on its website regarding the Forward Regulatory Plan is up-to-date.

Industry Recycling Program

The CVA said that their recycling program will recycle every component of vaping products, including disposable vaping products. It is anticipated to launch by the end of the year.


The meeting was then concluded.


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