Health-related messages for all tobacco product packaging: Health warnings on products

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The Tobacco Products Appearance, Packaging and Labelling Regulations (TPAPLR) mandate health-related messages for all tobacco products, as follows:

The TPAPLR also include a rotation scheme that alternates all health-related messages every 24 to 36 months depending on the product. The health-related messages for rotation 1 are provided here as reference.

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Health Warnings on Products – Cigarettes

Description: On-product health warnings

Cigarettes damage your organs
Health Canada

Description: On-product health warnings

Cigarettes cause cancer
Health Canada

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco smoke harms children
Health Canada

Second-hand Smoke facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Cigarettes cause impotence
Health Canada

Impotence facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Cigarettes cause leukemia
Health Canada

Leukemia facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Poison in every puff
Health Canada

Toxic emissions facts

Health Warnings on Products – Little cigars with tipping paper and tubes

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco damages your organs
Health Canada

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco causes cancer
Health Canada

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco smoke harms children
Health Canada

Second-hand Smoke facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco causes impotence
Health Canada

Impotence facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Tobacco causes leukemia
Health Canada

Leukemia facts

Description: On-product health warnings

Poison in every puff
Health Canada

Toxic emissions facts

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