Revocation of permanent resident cards upon granting of citizenship
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
This section is about the policy and procedures related to revoking the permanent resident card (PR card) when the holder becomes a Canadian citizen.
Background, requirements and policy
The PR card was primarily designed to avoid the problem of fraudulent use associated with the IMM 1000. Accordingly, strict regulatory and procedural safeguards have been developed to protect its integrity. These include provisions governing the production, distribution and destruction of the PR card.
Persons who become permanent residents after June 28, 2002, are issued a PR card automatically, pursuant to subsection 31(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, together with a Confirmation of Permanent Residence document (IMM 5292) . The IMM 5292 replaces the Immigration Record of Landing for purposes of demonstrating the historical fact of permanent residence, as well as containing personal information formerly captured on the IMM 1000, including immigration details of the person to whom it was issued. It assists that person in obtaining access to a variety of Canadian provincial and federal government programs and services. One of the main differences between the IMM 1000 and the IMM 5292 is that the holder’s copy of the IMM 5292 is preprinted with the notation "NOT VALID FOR TRAVEL/NON VALIDE POUR VOYAGER." There is, therefore, no requirement to update the information on the (status of the holder) of IMM 5292, when the holder becomes a citizen, since only the PR card can be used for travel.
It is important to note, however, that CIC will continue to update the Record of Landing of persons who received a PR card on the strength of their IMM 1000 by stamping the document, "The holder is no longer a permanent resident" at the time the holder becomes a Canadian citizen.
Requirements of the Regulations
Paragraph 60(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that:
"A permanent resident card is revoked if (a) the permanent resident becomes a Canadian citizen…" Furthermore, subsection 53(2) states that "A permanent resident card remains the property of Her Majesty in right of Canada at all times and must be returned to the Department on the Department’s request."
CIC has a statutory obligation, as well as the authority, to revoke the PR cards of clients as part of the Citizenship process. It is practical to do this when the person receives a citizenship certificate. This policy should be read in conjunction with the policy on Updating the IMM 1000 upon acquisition of Canadian citizenship.
Informing the applicant
Applicants are advised, in writing, on the test, hearing, and ceremony notices to bring their PR cards and IMM 1000, to their scheduled appointments. Local office staff may also verbally advise applicants of the requirement at any point in the process.
For minor non-concurrent grants under 14 years of age, CPC Sydney writes to the client to request the original IMM 1000 and/or PR card before mailing the citizenship certificate directly to the client.
Applicant reports PR card lost or stolen
The form entitled Solemn Declaration concerning a Permanent Resident card that was lost, stolen, destroyed or never received (CIT 0459E) is to be given to the applicant at any stage in the process before the ceremony when the applicant informs CIC staff that the PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed.
If the client informs CIC staff at the ceremony that the PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed, the local office can decide whether or not the client completes the form entitled Solemn Declaration concerning a permanent resident card and/or an Immigration Record of Landing (IMM 1000) that was lost, stolen or destroyed (CIT 0459E) at the ceremony, or is rescheduled and instructed to return with the completed CIT 0459E to the new ceremony.
CBSA - Intelligence needs to be advised when a PR card has been lost, stolen or destroyed and could not be revoked at the citizenship ceremony. As soon as possible after the ceremony (preferably the same day) the local office will send an e-mail to PRC-Sydney-Urgent with the client’s name, date of birth, UCI number in GCMS or PR card number and confirmation that CIT 0459E has been received. The local office will put the CIT 0459E in the applicant’s file. CPC Sydney will cancel the card upon receipt of the e-mail, which automatically creates an NCB type 28 in FOSS. It also generates the Lost/Stolen document record in the LSFD database in FOSS, which is automatically connected to the Primary Inspection Line at the airport port of entry.
Revoking the PR card
The PR card is obtained from applicants as they present themselves at the citizenship ceremony, immediately before taking the oath of citizenship. Revocation of PR cards is done at all ceremonies, including special ceremonies and ceremonies held away from the local office. The nominal roll or participants’ list is to be used as the control sheet and used to record additional information if necessary. GCMS will be updated once the card is returned to the PR card Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Applicant forgets to bring PR card
Local office staff will make arrangements with the applicant to return, with the PR card, to another ceremony. Officers will use judgment in determining whether an exception should be made to allow applicants to participate in a ceremony with the understanding that they will become citizens, but receive only the commemorative document at that time. For example, in case of circuits (remote ceremonies) held only twice a year, it may not be practical for the client to return in person to attend another ceremony the same day. Also, the operational requirements of the office should be taken into account. In this case, the declaration CIT 0468 is completed at the time of the ceremony and a copy may be given to the applicant. An envelope, with the local office address, is given to the client for ease of sending the PR card. The applicant’s printed file with the citizenship certificate will be retained at the local office until the applicant brings or sends the PR card.
If the client does not return with or send in the PR card within 30 days, the local office sends a reminder to the client, and again after 90 days a second reminder is sent. After six months, the citizenship file and certificate is returned to CPC Sydney for retirement. The local office should add a client note to GCMS.
Applicant forwarded PR card to CPC-Sydney for renewal
If the applicant does not have the PR card because it was forwarded to CPC Sydney for renewal, the local office must ensure that CPC Sydney will not send a new PR card to the applicant as the applicant will no longer be a permanent resident. The local office must send an urgent e-mail to PRC-Sydney-Urgent and request the cancellation of the application for a new PR card. Information such as the UCI number in GCMS, the date that the applicant applied for the new card, and the date that the applicant became a Canadian citizen should be included in the e-mail.
Exceptional procedures for minors
In the case of non-concurrent minors under 14 years of age, the IMM 1000 and/or PR card will be recovered by CPC Sydney. CPC Sydney will write to the client asking them to send in their IMM 1000 and/or PR card. Once the IMM 1000 and/or PR card is returned to CPC Sydney the citizenship card will be mailed to the client. CPC Sydney will be responsible for updating GCMS.
Disposition of PR cards
PR cards revoked at Citizenship ceremonies should be forwarded for destruction to the PR Card Processing Center.
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