Eligible sponsorship types
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
A13(1) provides the authority for sponsorship of foreign nationals.
Sponsorship groups
The following groups may submit a private sponsorship:
Sponsorship agreement holders (SAHs)
SAHs are incorporated organizations that have signed a formal sponsorship agreement with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Most current SAHs are religious organizations, ethno cultural groups or other humanitarian organizations. SAHs, which may be local, regional or national, assume overall responsibility for the management of sponsorships under their agreement. Organizations entering into a sponsorship agreement with IRCC, generally submit several refugee sponsorships a year.
Constituent groups (CGs)
CGs are a group of five individuals OR an individual in conjunction with a corporation, unincorporated organization, or association (R138). A SAH can authorize CGs to sponsor under its agreement and provide support to the refugees. Each SAH sets its own criteria for recognizing CGs. CGs are based in the sponsored refugee‘s expected community of settlement and must have their sponsorship application and settlement plan approved by their SAH before the undertaking is submitted to IRCC.
Groups of five (G5s)
G5s are five or more Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are at least 18 years of age, live in the expected community of settlement and have collectively arranged for the sponsorship of a refugee living abroad. The five individuals act as guarantors that the necessary support will be provided for the full duration of the sponsorship. IRCC assesses members’ individual contributions collectively to the sponsorship, both financial and non-financial, before the sponsorship is approved. The group’s financial commitment must be up to the levels established in the Sponsorship Cost Table.
Community sponsors
A community sponsor is any organization (for-profit/not-for-profit, incorporated/non-incorporated) located in the community where the refugees are expected to settle can make an organizational commitment to sponsor. Unlike SAHs and their CGs, community sponsors are limited to submitting two sponsorship undertakings a year and must undergo financial and settlement plan assessments by IRCC each time they wish to sponsor. Like G5s, community sponsors must demonstrate that the organization is willing and able to commit funds toward the sponsorship in line with the levels established in the Sponsorship Cost Table.
Applicants sponsored by private sponsors may qualify under the Convention refugee abroad or the country of asylum classes. Applicants should be assessed against the criteria of both classes prior to being refused.
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