Audit of the Citizenship Program
Appendix C: Management Action Plan
Recommendations | Action Plan | Responsibility | Target Date |
1. OMC, in consultation with CPR should clarify and communicate accountability, roles, and responsibilities for the overall management of the Citizenship Program business lines. | Finalize terms of reference at the first meeting of the working group created by OMC-CPDP. | OMC- CPDP | October 15, 2011 |
Review Citizenship Program roles and responsibilities and develop communications strategy. | OMC- CPDP | February 29, 2012 | |
Present roles and responsibilities document and communications strategy to the ADM and Senior Judge’s Citizenship Modernization Steering Committee by the end of this fiscal year (March 31, 2012). | OMC- CPDP | March 31, 2012 | |
2. The Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of Operations, in consultation with the ADM of Strategic and Program Policy and the Senior Citizenship Judge, should clearly articulate and communicate accountability, roles and responsibilities of CIC and the Citizenship Commission as they relate to the delivery of the Citizenship Program in order to formalize the governance process between the two parties.
Prepare an issue paper outlining where clarification is needed on roles and responsibilities of CIC staff and the Citizenship Commission. | OMC, Citizenship Commission, Citizenship Modernization | December 31, 2011 |
Submit issue paper to the Citizenship Modernization Steering Committee for discussion on strategy on how to address areas identified. | OMC, Citizenship Commission, Citizenship Modernization | January 31, 2012 | |
Citizenship Modernization Steering Committee will determine approach. | OMC, Citizenship Commission, Citizenship Modernization | March 31, 2012. | |
Develop communications strategy for staff and citizenship judges. | OMC, Communications | April 30, 2012 | |
3. OMC, in consultation with CPR and the Regions should analyze, review and update periodically the basis for the allocation of applications to local offices to ensure that production expectations are consistent with the regional capacity and support the outcome of the Citizenship Program. Additionally, responsibility for monitoring should be clarified. | Consider need for short-term action on file distribution from CPC-Sydney. | OMC-CPDP/ CPR/ Citizenship Modernization | October 15, 2011 |
Establish sub-committee of Production and Capacity Working Group. | OMC-CPDP/OPMB/CPR/ Regions | October 31, 2011 | |
Conduct consultations with OPMB, the regions and CPR on revised application referral volumes to local offices. | OMC-CPDP/OPMB/CPR/ Regions | October 1,2011 to February 29, 2012 | |
Table report on recommended regional and local office application volume needs to the DG Steering Committee on Production and Capacity and to the ADM Production Oversight Committee. | OMC | March 31, 2012 | |
Report on an annual and quarterly basis to the DG Steering Committee on Production and Capacity. | OMC-CPDP/OPMB/CPR/ Regions | Ongoing | |
4. OMC, in consultation with CPR and the Regions as required, should establish clearly what documentary evidence is required to be kept in grant files (to establish residency, etc.), and in proof files to be able to demonstrate compliance to legislative and policy requirements. | Issue an Operational Bulletin to reinforce existing procedures to Citizenship staff. |
October 15, 2011 |
Review the types of documents that should be included in adult grant and citizenship proof applications, and documents which must be presented to the citizenship judge for decision and retained in the finalized file. | OMC- CPDP / OMC-PID | November 1, 2011 to February 29, 2012 | |
Seek approval from ADM Operations on changes/ additions to documents required for a complete application. | OMC – CPDP / OMC-PID | March 31, 2012 | |
Review the File Requirements Directive policy and make changes if necessary to forms and manuals. This policy will be reinforced to staff to ensure that it is being followed properly. Monitoring mechanisms, such as through QA will be explored. | OMC - CPDP | June 30, 2012 | |
5. OMC, in consultation with CPR, IR, and the Regions, should review policy and update the delegation of authority instrument to ensure it is accurate and complete, to ensure compliance with departmental policy. | Update the NHQ list of delegated citizenship officers (grants, proofs, adoptions). | OMC – CPDP | October 15, 2011. |
Post delegation instrument on the CIC Intranet. | OMC – CPDP | October 30, 2011. | |
Finalize changes to the current delegation policy for citizenship grants, proofs and adoptions and present the finalized delegation policy to BOC. | OMC – CPDP | December 15, 2011. | |
Conduct quarterly updates of the list of delegated citizenship officers (beginning Q3 2011). | OMC - CPDP | Ongoing |
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