How to get a police certificate – Luxembourg

If you need to give your fingerprints for a police certificate, this isn’t the same as giving your biometrics (fingerprints and photo) for an application.

Name of document you need

Criminal Record no. 3

Police certificate and IRCC requirements

You must provide a police certificate when you apply for:

  • permanent residence
  • citizenship
  • some temporary residence programs

Check your application package or instructions for details.

How to apply

Apply online to the Criminal Records Department.

You can also apply by email, mail or fax (check Contact information for the complete address) after you receive the official request letter for a police certificate from IRCC. Get the instructions to apply by email, mail or fax.

Special notes and considerations

Do I need a police certificate for International Experience Canada?

If you’re a citizen of Luxembourg, you do not need to provide a police certificate from this country with your application. However, an IRCC officer may request one at a later date.

You must provide police certificates for all other countries or territories where you have lived for a total of 6 months or more since your 18th birthday.

Contact information

Criminal Records Department
Cité judiciaire – Bâtiment BC – 1er étage
L-2080 Luxembourg

Telephone: (+352) 47 59 81-2346
Fax: (+352) 47 59 81-2248

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