Visa services
How do I apply for a visa for my official passport?
If the official passport has already been issued, we strongly suggest that, before applying for a visa, you consult the mission of the country concerned about visa requirements as they are subject to change. Then send all of the required documentation to Official Travel along with the valid passport.
If you are applying for an official passport and a visa at the same time, submit all of the required documentation for both documents together.
What is the processing time for a visa?
If a service request has been made for a visa, additional processing time (beyond the 15 business days required for an official passport) will be required to meet the visa issuing requirements of the foreign government. Each country sets its own visa requirements and processing times which can range anywhere from three to 45 business days.
Official Travel has no influence over the visa issuing agency of a foreign government and cannot influence visa processing times.
Does Official Travel provide a visa service for the regular (blue) passport?
No. It is the traveller’s responsibility to get a visa for a regular passport.
Is it possible to get urgent processing for a visa service?
Passport Program Official Travel has no influence over the visa issuing agency of a foreign government and cannot control visa processing times. However, some foreign missions do offer urgent services. It is also possible to ask for a bearer’s note for certain foreign missions
Can Official Travel issue an urgent bearer’s note?
Yes, but it must be supported by acceptable justification.
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