Official travel: Passports for people travelling on Government of Canada business

This section contains information for

  • representatives of the Government of Canada, and
  • people travelling on Government of Canada-related business

Find out how to get a special or diplomatic passport (official passport) and a visa if you need to travel on official government business or are representing the Government of Canada abroad. If you need to travel  urgently, contact us.

Services and information

Apply for a special or diplomatic passport for an adult or renew one

Who can apply, who can renew, how to apply, forms, fees and processing times for special or diplomatic passports for adults.

Apply for a special or diplomatic passport for a child

Who can apply, how to apply, forms, fees and processing times for special or diplomatic passports for children.

Apply for a foreign visa

Find out if you need a visa for your destination and how to apply.

Return your passport or get your passport from safekeeping

How to return a passport after a trip or get your passport for an upcoming official business trip.

Page details

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