Our People

LCC Staff

Istahill Daoud – Administration Officer

Istahill is a recent graduate from the University of Ottawa, holding an Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Business Technology Management. She has a strong passion for reading and writing about advocacy-related topics and is committed to continuously acquiring new skills.   

Janelle McDougall – HR Stabilization and Special Projects Manager 

Janelle is the LCC’s HR Stabilization and Special Projects Manager.  

Fady Shamsoun – Deputy Chief Financial Officer 

Fady Shamsoun is the Deputy Chief Financial Officer at the Law Commission of Canada. With over 15 years of extensive financial management experience in various large and small federal government entities, Fady’s responsibilities at the LCC encompass financial reporting, forecasting, corporate accounting, strategic management and day-to-day operational finance matters among others. Fady is a member in good standing with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario. 

Isabelle Palad – Research Officer

Isabelle was a paralegal and analyst with the Department of Justice Canada for 12 years, followed by experience in policy analysis at Transport Canada and Statistics Canada. She is helping to build some of the foundations of the revived Law Commission of Canada, notably a knowledge base of the work carried out by the previous Commission (1997-2006) and the Law Reform Commission of Canada (1971-1992). 

Brian Peebles – Director of Outreach and Engagement 

Brian is a graduate of McGill University (BA) and the University of Ottawa (JD, cum laude, and LLL, cum laude), as well as a member of the Law Society of Ontario. Prior to joining the LCC, he gained experience in the office of a federal cabinet minister, at a leading law faculty, a multinational technology company, and at an international law firm.

Tara Berish – Director of Research 

Tara Berish worked at the Department of Justice for more than fifteen years.  Prior to that, she articled at the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, at the University of Ottawa.  She is delighted to lead the research team at the LCC through its inaugural projects.

Tracey O’Donnell – Executive Director 

With a strategic mindset finely tuned for problem-solving, Tracey adeptly balances logic and creativity, a skill honed over her nearly 24-year tenure in public service.  Embracing a "work to live" philosophy over a "live to work" mindset, Tracey balances her professional obligations with her personal life, prioritizing time with family and friends, as well as indulging in culinary or travel pursuits.

Shauna Van Praagh – President 

Shauna Van Praagh is honoured to lead the rebuilding of the Law Commission of Canada. As a professor of law, currently on leave from McGill University where she has taught for three decades, she brings a commitment to constant curiosity, never-ending conversations, and intergenerational learning. 

LCC Fellows

David D’Astous – LCC Fellow 2024-2025

David is a graduate from McGill University’s Faculty of Law and Laval University’s Great Books program. Prior to joining the Law Commission of Canada, he clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada for Justice Suzanne Côté and served as Assistant Director of the Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law. As a Fellow, he brings an interest in private and comparative law to the team.

LCC Associates

Law Commission of Canada (LCC) Associates are individuals invited – given their knowledge, perspectives, and expertise – to make meaningful contributions to the Commission’s work. Associates are key to the Commission’s capacity to develop and share high-quality projects. They benefit from the opportunity to participate in fulfilling the mandate of an independent federal agency committed to engaging the people of Canada in the ongoing and dynamic evolution of law.

Contributions made by individuals invited to become LCC Associates can take different forms such as: writing a commissioned paper, serving on an advisory panel for an LCC project, or supervising in-house research. LCC Associates could include, for example, university scholars or practicing jurists.

LCC Alumni

This page presents individuals who have previously shared their energies and talents in service of the Law Commission of Canada.


  • Jeanne Mayrand-Thibert – 2023-2024
  • Meg Pearson - 2023-2024


  • Marianna Do – Manager, Business Management Services – 2023-2024
  • Kirk Shannon – Director General and Deputy CEO - 2023-2024


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