Internal audits
What is internal audit?
Internal audit is an independent, objective organizational function that adds value to, and improves, the overall effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's operations. In a public sector context, the internal audit function helps an organization accomplish its objectives by providing professional review and assessment, independent from line management, of risk management, control and governance processes in federal departments and agencies across government.
The internal audit function delivers greater "assurance" of due diligence and a sense of integrity, providing the knowledge that if there are problems, a skilled, professional internal audit function will help to find them.
What is the purpose of the Internal Audit function within the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)?
The Office of Audit and Evaluation (OAE) Internal Audit function provides the Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO), the Minister, and PHAC and Health Canada (HC) management with an independent capability to perform audits that are consistent with agency and central agency policies, to respond to PHAC and HC priorities, and to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of operations. The function provides independent, professional and high quality audit services, founded on sound values and ethics, to support informed decision making and accountability across PHAC and HC. Internal audit activity helps PHAC and HC accomplish their objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to support and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
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