Supplementary Information Tables: 2013–14 Report on Plans and Priorities
Details on Transfer Payment Programs
This section provides details for each Transfer Payment Program (TPP).
Transfer Payment Program | Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 |
Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities | 32.1 | 32.1 | 32.1 | 29.1 |
Assessed Contribution to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) | 0.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 |
Canadian Diabetes Strategy | 6.1 | 6.3 | 6.3 | 6.3 |
Community Action Program for Children | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 |
Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada | 24.0 | 24.2 | 23.1 | 23.1 |
Healthy Living Fund | 4.8 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Hepatitis C - Undertaking | - | - | 49.7 | - |
Innovation Strategy | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.3 | 10.2 |
National Collaborating Centres for Public Health | 8.3 | 8.3 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
Disclosure of TPPs under $5 Million | 30.4 | 30.7 | 29.3 | 29.0 |
Total | 197.9 | 210.3 | 255.1 | 202.0 |
Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) (Voted)
Start Date: 1995–96
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: This program builds capacity by providing funding to Aboriginal community organizations to deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, early childhood development programs for Aboriginal preschool children and their families living off-reserve and in urban and northern communities across Canada. It engages stakeholders and supports knowledge development and exchange on promising public health practices for Aboriginal preschoolers through training, meetings and workshops. The primary goal of the program is to mitigate inequities in health and developmental outcomes for Aboriginal children in urban and northern settings by supporting early intervention strategies that cultivate a positive sense of self, a desire for learning, and opportunities to develop successfully as young people. Funded projects offer programming focused on health promotion, nutrition, culture and language, parent and family involvement, social support and educational activities. The program responds to a gap in culturally appropriate programming for Aboriginal children and families living in urban and northern communities. Research confirms that early childhood development programs can provide long-term benefits such as lower costs for remedial and special education, increased levels of high school completion and better employment outcomes. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Result: Community-based organizations funded by AHSUNC promote supportive environments for Aboriginal children and families living in urban and northern communities.
Performance indicators include:
- Number of children and families participating in AHSUNC-funded projects; and
- Proportion of children and families participating in AHSUNC-funded projects relative to their representation in the general population.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 32.1 | 32.1 | 32.1 | 29.1 |
Total Transfer Payments | 32.1 | 32.1 | 32.1 | 29.1 |
Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: The Evaluation of the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities Program was completed in 2011-12.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: An evaluation is scheduled to be completed in 2016-17.
General Targeted Recipient Group: Aboriginal community-based organizations serving First Nations, Métis and Inuit children and their families living in urban and northern communities across Canada.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Recipients are engaged through targeted solicitations. Funded recipients deliver comprehensive, culturally appropriate, locally controlled and designed early childhood development programs for Aboriginal pre-school children and their families living in urban and northern communities across Canada. They also support knowledge development and exchange at the community, Provincial/Territorial (P/T) and national levels through training, meeting and exchange opportunities.
Assessed Contribution to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Assessed Contribution to the Pan American Health Organization (Voted)
Start Date: July 2008
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2008-09
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Public Health Infrastructure
Description: Payment of Canada's annual membership fees to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: The Government of Canada's primary objective for engaging with PAHO is to protect the health of Canadians and contribute to the security of the Region. This is achieved through effective and timely management of health emergencies and outbreaks in the region; collaboration on the production and sharing of health information and public health intelligence; building capacity in the Region to ensure that international norms and standards are upheld (through the provision of training on food safety inspection systems for example) and, through comparative policy analysis and sharing of best practices.
Canada's influence and interests in the Americas region with respect to good governance, transparency and accountability are also advanced through our membership in PAHO, which provides a forum for the wider dissemination of Canadian-based values related to health and the provision of health-care, amongst others. Canada's membership in this multilateral organization also aligns with the Government of Canada's foreign policy objectives for the Americas which seek to strengthen our bilateral and multilateral relations in the region.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 0.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
Total Transfer Payments | 0.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: N/A
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: N/A
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: An evaluation of this contribution is currently being conducted in 2012-13.
General Targeted Recipient Group: PAHO is the sole recipient of membership fees under these terms and conditions.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Meetings with the recipient; participation in PAHO governing bodies (planning and budgeting processes); technical and program cooperation in priority areas; knowledge transfer activities through Canada's participation in PAHO's technical advisory groups; review of annual reporting; monitoring performance and results.
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) (Voted)
Start Date: 1994–95
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: This program builds capacity by providing funding to community organizations to deliver and enable access to programs that promote the health of vulnerable pregnant women and their infants. The program also supports knowledge development and exchange on promising public health practices related to maternal-infant health for vulnerable families, community-based organizations and practitioners. The goal of the program is to mitigate inequities in health for pregnant women and infants who face challenging life circumstances such as low socioeconomic status, lack of food security, social and geographic isolation. Evidence shows that maternal nutrition, social and emotional support can affect both prenatal and infant health, as well as longer-term physical, cognitive and emotional functioning in adulthood. This program raises stakeholder awareness of and support a coherent, evidence-based response to the needs of vulnerable children and families on a local and national scale. Programming delivered across the country includes nutrition counselling, prenatal vitamins, food and food coupons, parenting classes, education on prenatal health, infant care, child development, healthy living and social supports. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: Community-based organizations funded by CPNP promote supportive environments for pregnant women, infants, and families living in conditions of risk.
Performance indicators include:
- Number of women participating in CPNP funded projects; and
- Proportion of pregnant and post-partum low income women and their infants participating in CPNP funded projects.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 |
Total Transfer Payments | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: The Summative Evaluation of the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program 2004-09 was completed in January 2010.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: The program will undergo its next evaluation in 2016–17.
General Targeted Recipient Group: Community-based organizations serving at-risk pregnant women and infants.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Knowledge development and exchange, and engagement in strategic projects on emerging issues via CAPC/CPNP National Projects Fund. Partnerships and training opportunities.
Canadian Diabetes Strategy
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Diabetes Strategy (CDS) (Voted)
Start Date: 2005–06
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: Chronic disease is one of the leading causes of death and reduced quality of life in Canada today and the risk factors that lead to these prevalent chronic diseases are becoming more common. The Diabetes Program responds to the rising incidence of diabetes due to an increasingly inactive and overweight Canadian population by sharing evidence-based knowledge and supporting interventions targeted at preventing and early detection of diabetes. The program also supports Federal leadership by facilitating multisectoral partnerships between governments, non-governmental organizations, as well as the private sector to ensure that resources are deployed to maximum effect. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results:
- Community-based and non-profit organizations have access to credible evidence-based information in support of at risk and underserved populations; and
- The Agency's evidence-based information is of a high quality, objective, and meets the needs of diabetes-related key stakeholders who design chronic disease policy initiatives and programs that support at risk and underserved populations.
Performance indicators include:
- Percentage of community-based and non-profit organizations who access diabetes knowledge products/interventions; and
- Level of usageFootnote * of diabetes knowledge products/interventions.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Grants | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 |
Total Contributions | 4.9 | 5.1 | 5.1 | 5.1 |
Total Transfer Payments | 6.1 | 6.3 | 6.3 | 6.3 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: An evaluation on the CDS for the period 2004–09 was completed in March 2009 as part of the Promotion of Population Health Grant and Contribution Programs: Summary of Program Evaluations, 2004-2009. A formative evaluation for Diabetes Community-based Programming was completed in March 2009.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: Evaluations of the grants and contributions components of Chronic Diseases Prevention and Mitigation (including the Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease) are planned for 2014–15.
General Targeted Recipient Group: Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, post-secondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Open G&C solicitations posted on the Agency's Web site, targeted G&C solicitations, recipient in person or teleconference meetings to promote collaboration, evaluation and knowledge synthesis, development of case studies to share learnings from funded projects.
Community Action Program for Children
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) (Voted)
Start Date: 1993–94
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: This program builds capacity by providing funding to community organizations to deliver and enable access to programming that promotes the healthy development of at-risk children (0–6 years) and their families. The program also supports knowledge development and exchange on promising public health practices for at-risk families, community-based organizations and practitioners. The goal of the program is to mitigate health inequalities for at-risk children and families facing challenging life circumstances such as low socio-economic status, teenage parents, those facing situations of violence or neglect, social and geographic isolation, or tobacco or substance use/abuse. Special emphasis is given to the inclusion of Aboriginal children and families living in urban and rural communities. Compelling evidence shows that risk factors affecting the health and development of children can be mitigated over the life-course by investing in early intervention services that address the needs of the whole family. This program raises stakeholder awareness and supports a coherent, evidence-based response to the needs of at-risk children and families on a local and national scale. Programming across the country may include education on health, nutrition, early childhood development, parenting, healthy living and social supports. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Result: Community-based organizations funded by CAPC promote supportive environments for children and families living in conditions of risk.
Performance indicators include:
- Number of children and families participating in CAPC funded projects; and
- Proportion of low income families with children 0-6 participating in CAPC funded projects.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 |
Total Transfer Payments | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 | 53.4 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: The Summative Evaluation of the Community Action Program for Children: 2004-09 was completed in January 2010.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: The program will undergo its next evaluation in 2016–17.
General Targeted Recipient Group: Community based organizations serving at-risk children (0–6) and their families.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Knowledge development and exchange and engagement in national strategic projects on emerging issues via CAPC/CPNP National Projects Fund. Partnerships and training opportunities.
Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (FI) (Voted)
Start Date: January 2005
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: Contributions towards the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: Projects funded at the national and regional levels will result in:
- Increased knowledge and awareness of the nature of HIV and AIDS and ways to address the disease;
- Increased individual and organizational capacity to address HIV and AIDS;
- Enhanced engagement and collaboration on approaches to address HIV and AIDS;
- Reduced stigma, discrimination, and other barriers; and
- Improved access to more effective prevention, care, treatment, and support.
Performance indicators include:
- Total number of individuals by Target population and audiences reached and by type of activities funded by Federal Initiative;
- Total number of partnerships by type and their status;
- Total number of individuals by Target populations who have access to the services.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Grants | 7.4 | 7.4 | 7.4 | 7.4 |
Total Contributions | 16.6 | 16.8 | 15.7 | 15.7 |
Total Transfer Payments | 24.0 | 24.2 | 23.1 | 23.1 |
Total Contributions | 4.8 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Total Transfer Payments | 4.8 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: The Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada Implementation Evaluation Report (2004–07) was completed in 2009-10.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2013–14
General Targeted Recipient Group: Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; for-profit organizations, unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Applicants and recipients are engaged through performance measurement and evaluation processes, and periodic meetings with stakeholders involved in the prevention and control of communicable diseases.
Healthy Living Fund
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Healthy Living Fund (HLF) (Voted)
Start Date: June 2005
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: The HLF supports healthy living and chronic disease prevention activities, focused on common risk factors, by funding and engaging multiple sectors, and by building partnerships between and collaborating with governments, non-governmental organizations and other sectors, including the private sector. It also focuses on informing policy and program decision-making through knowledge development, dissemination and exchange. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: Funds will be used to build public health capacity and develop supportive environments for physical activity and healthy eating. Projects will help to strengthen the evidence base, contribute to knowledge development and exchange and help in the formation of health promotion activities.
Performance indicators include:
- Percentage of Canadians who are physically active; and
- Percentage of Canadians who engage in healthy eating (fruit and vegetable consumption).
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 4.8 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Total Transfer Payments | 4.8 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 5.4 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: 2009-10
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: The HLF is relevant, necessary and generally well formulated.
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014-15
General Targeted Recipient Group: Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, post-secondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Recipients are engaged through open, targeted and directed solicitations. Funded recipients engage at the community, P/T and national levels through training, meeting and exchange opportunities.
Hepatitis C - Undertaking
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Hepatitis C Undertaking (Voted)
Start Date: April 2000
End Date: March 31, 2020
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2014-15
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: The Government of Canada is to transfer up to $300M over 20 years to provinces and territories. Payments are provided every five years to ensure that persons infected with Hepatitis C through the blood system prior to January 1, 1986 and after July 1, 1990 have reasonable access to Hepatitis C related health care services. The final payment will occur in 2014-15. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Result: Improved access to current emerging antiviral drug therapies, other relevant drug therapies, immunization and health care services for the treatment of Hepatitis C infection and related medical conditions.
Performance indicator includes:
- Fiscal transfer completed.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | - | - | 49.7 | - |
Total Transfer Payments | - | - | 49.7 | - |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: 2012-13
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: A formative evaluation of the first five years (2009) of the program recommended that future evaluations be subsumed within broader examinations of community-acquired infections. Program to sunset in 2020 following final payment in 2014-15.
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: N/A
General Targeted Recipient Group: Provinces and Territories; for-profit organizations.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: No further payments are planned following the final payment in 2014-15.
Innovation Strategy
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Innovation Strategy (IS) (Voted)
Start Date: 2009–10
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal Year for Terms and Conditions: 2009–10
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Description: This program enables the development, implementation and evaluation of innovative public health interventions to reduce health inequalities and their underlying factors by providing project funding support to external organizations in a variety of sectors such as health and education. It focuses on priority public health issues such as mental health promotion and achieving healthier weights. The program fills a need by stakeholders such as public health practitioners, decision makers, researchers and policy makers for evidence on innovative public health interventions which directly benefit Canadians and their families, particularly those at greater risk of poor health outcomes (e.g., northern, remote and rural populations). Evidence is developed, synthesized and shared with stakeholders in public health and other related sectors at the community, P/T and national levels in order to influence the development and design of policies and programs. This program is necessary because it enables stakeholders to implement evidence-based and innovative public health interventions that fit local needs. The goals of the program are to stimulate action in priority areas and equip policy makers and practitioners to apply best practices. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: To increase effective action to reduce health inequalities and their underlying causes by implementing innovative and promising population health practices.
Performance indicators include:
- Extent of design and implementation across Canada of innovative and promising interventions and practices;
- Extent of knowledge exchange regarding effective interventions to take action on priority heath issues; and
- Increase in the number of intersectoral collaborations to address specific determinants of health and reduce health inequalities.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Grants | 7.3 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 7.4 |
Total Contributions | 3.8 | 2.9 | 2.9 | 2.8 |
Total Transfer Payments | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.3 | 10.2 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: The Population Health Fund Evaluation 2008 covering the period of 2005–08 was completed in 2009.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: 2014–15
General Targeted Recipient Group: Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments; and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Open and targeted calls for proposals are utilized to solicit proposals from potential applicants. Various approaches are used to engage applicants and optimize the quality of submitted proposals, including information events and tools and resources. The IS places a high priority on and supports the systematic collection of learnings and the sharing of this information between funded recipients, the Agency, and other partners to influence future program and policy design.
National Collaborating Centres for Public Health
Name of Transfer Payment Program: National Collaborating Centres for Public Health (NCCPH) (Voted)
Start Date: 2004–05
End Date: Ongoing
Fiscal year for Terms and Conditions: 2012-13
Strategic Outcome: Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health
Program: Public Health Infrastructure
Description: Contributions to persons and agencies to support health promotion projects in community health resource development, training/skill development and research. The focus of the NCCPH program is to strengthen public health capacity, translate health knowledge and research, and promote and support the use of knowledge and evidence by public health practitioners in Canada through collaboration with P/T and local governments, academia, public health practitioners and non-governmental organizations. Contributions under this TPP are not repayable.
Expected Results: Improved public health decision-making stemming from:
- Increased knowledge translation activities (including knowledge synthesis, translation, dissemination, exchange and mobilization) and the application of environmental scans and research findings by researchers and knowledge users;
- Methods and tools available to support practitioners and decision-makers to apply new knowledge in their respective environments;
- Increased availability of knowledge for decision-making and increased use of evidence to inform public health programs, policies and practices;
- Knowledge gap identification, acting as catalysts for new research; and
- Increased opportunities for collaboration and networking between Health Portfolio partners, National Collaborating Centres, public health practitioners, and other external organizations.
Performance indicators include:
- Percent increase (by fiscal year) of knowledge translation activities undertaken;
- Number and uptake of knowledge translation products and activities created and disseminated;
- Number of instances of individuals and organizations reporting that they have used NCC products to inform public health research, policy, programs or practice;
- Number of methods and tools developed and disseminated;
- Percent increase (by fiscal year) in the number of knowledge translation products and activities disseminated;
- Number of activities undertaken that identify research knowledge gaps;
- Number of established partnerships and collaborative activities, mechanisms and processes; and
- Number and type of organizations and individuals participating in established partnerships, and collaborative activities, mechanisms and processes.
Forecast Spending 2012–13 | Planned Spending 2013–14 | Planned Spending 2014–15 | Planned Spending 2015–16 | |
Total Contributions | 8.3 | 8.3 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
Total Transfer Payments | 8.3 | 8.3 | 5.8 | 5.8 |
Fiscal Year of last Completed Evaluation: The Formative Evaluation of the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health Program (NCCPH) was completed in 2008-09.
Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Continuation
Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: An evaluation of Public Health Tools, including the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health, is planned for completion by 2013-14.
General Targeted Recipient Group: Six Centres focusing on thematic areas and priorities of public health located within host organizations in non-profit, academic and Provincial government settings.
Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Program does not anticipate issuing further solicitations. Six Contribution Agreements are in place to 2014-15.
Disclosure of TPPs under $5 Million
Main Objective | End Date of TPP, if applicable | Type of TP | Planned Spending for 2013–14 ($M) | Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation | General Targeted Recipient Group |
Name of TPP: Blood Safety (Voted) | |||||
Support Provincial and Territorial (P/T) transfusion and/or transplantation adverse event surveillance activities. | Ongoing | Contribution | 2.2 | 2009-10 | P/T governments; transfusion and/or transplantation centres and agencies and/or groups designated by P/T Ministries of Health; and Canadian not-for-profit organizations who support transfusion adverse event surveillance activities. |
Name of TPP: Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative (Voted) | |||||
Support networks of community organizations to share best practices in breast cancer and women's health to ensure that information and supports are available to communities. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 0.6 | 2008–09 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (Voted) | |||||
Contribute to the global effort to develop a safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV vaccine. | March 31, 2017 | Contribution | 1.9 | 2010-11 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. |
Name of TPP: Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (Voted) | |||||
Support tobacco-related interventions to reduce tobacco use as a chronic disease risk factor. | March 31, 2017 | Contribution | 2.4 | N/A | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) National Strategic Projects Fund (Voted) | |||||
Assist organizations that have the capacity to enhance and build on already existing FASD activities across the country, and to create new capacity where no previous capacity exists. | Ongoing | Contribution | 1.5 | 2008–09 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. |
Name of TPP: Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program (Voted) | |||||
Projects funded at the national and regional levels will: contribute to prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) in Canada and around the world; support persons infected with, affected by, at risk of and/or vulnerable to HCV; provide a stronger evidence base for policy and programming decisions; and strengthen partners' capacity to address HCV in Canada. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 3.5 | 2006–07 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. |
Name of TPP: Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Cancer (Voted) | |||||
Contribute to cancer prevention, particularly among vulnerable and underserved populations. By testing innovative models for increasing cancer prevention, projects identify best practices that can be replicated across the country. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 4.1 | 2009–10 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Cardiovascular Disease Program (Voted) | |||||
Contribute to the reduction of the severity and burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by increasing access to information and knowledge for health professionals and the public about CVD prevention. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 1.4 | 2009–10 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Enhanced Surveillance for Chronic Disease (Voted) | |||||
Enhance capacity for public health chronic disease surveillance activities to expand data sources for chronic disease surveillance. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 2.4 | 2009–10 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Joint Consortium for School Health (Voted) | |||||
Strengthen Federal leadership efforts to promote health and prevent chronic disease among school-aged children, and to better align policy and program contributions, both within the Federal Health Portfolio (Health Canada the Agency, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and related agencies) and throughout the Government of Canada. | Ongoing | Grant | 0.3 | N/A | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease – Observatory of Best Practices (Voted) | |||||
Build collaborative linkages, nationally and internationally, between researchers, policymakers and practitioners for the purpose of increasing the adoption of effective practices. | Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 0.2 | 2009–10 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: International Health Grants Program (Voted) | |||||
To facilitate the Health Portfolio's international collaboration and strengthen relationships with key international partners through the promotion of best practices and approaches that respond to Canada's global health priorities and international commitments, and increased knowledge of current and emerging global health issues to inform policy and program development. | Ongoing | Grants | 2.7 | 2007-08 | International entities (i.e., bilateral and multilateral international organizations and institutions with established relationships with Canada); Canadian not-for-profit organizations and institutions, including academic and research-based institutions. |
Name of TPP: National Projects Fund: Community Action Program for Children/Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CAPC/CPNP) (Voted) | |||||
Supports time-limited national initiatives that support vulnerable children, pregnant women and families through public health knowledge development, translation and exchange, and by supporting collective community action on public health issues. | Ongoing | Contribution | 1.1 | 2009–10 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. |
Name of TPP: Neurological Diseases (Voted) | |||||
Improve current knowledge about the incidence, prevalence, co-morbidities, risk factors, and the impacts on the use of health services and the economy of neurological conditions in Canada. | March 31, 2014 | Contribution | 0.4 | N/A | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Preparedness for Avian and Pandemic Influenza – Influenza Research Network (Voted) | |||||
Develop and test methodologies/methods related to the evaluation of influenza vaccines as they pertain to safety, immunogenicity and effectiveness, and program implementation and evaluation. | Ongoing | Grant | Nil | 2010–11 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. |
Name of TPP: Preventative Public Health Systems and Adaptation to Climate Change (Voted) | |||||
To support the development of adaptation tools by academic institutions. | March 31, 2015 | Contribution | 0.1 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations; P/T and local governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments. | |
Name of TPP: Promoting Access to Automated External Defibrillators in Recreational Hockey Arenas Initiative (Voted) | |||||
Support the installation of AEDs and the provision of associated user training in recreational hockey arenas across Canada with the objective of reducing deaths from sudden cardiac arrest in these venues, and enhancing the protection of the health and safety of Canadians. | March 31, 2016 | Contribution | 3.8 | N/A | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, for-profit organizations; unincorporated groups; societies and coalitions; P/T, regional and municipal governments and agencies; organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities, schools, postsecondary institutions, etc.) and individuals deemed capable of conducting population health activities. |
Name of TPP: Public Health Scholarship and Capacity Building Initiative (Voted) | |||||
To increase the number and skills of public health professionals; To enhance relationships between university programs in public health and public health organizations; and, To develop public health training products and tools. |
Ongoing | Grant and Contribution | 2.1 | 2010–11 | Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations, P/T and local governments and agencies, organizations and institutions supported by P/T governments (regional health authorities or districts, postsecondary institutions, etc.), and individuals, deemed capable of conducting public health activities to contribute to enhancing public health workforce development and strengthening the capacity and knowledge of the public health sector. |
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