National Oral Health Month – April 2018


April is Oral Health Month, a chance for all Canadians to take extra care of our oral health and recognize its often understated impact on our overall well-being. As well, April 7 to 13 is National Dental Hygienists Week, a time to celebrate these dedicated professionals who help to keep our mouths healthy.

The year’s theme is Think Mouth, Think Health. Ranging from tooth decay and gum disease to oral cancer, oral diseases are among the most common illnesses here in Canada and worldwide. Yet many of them are preventable – daily brushing and flossing as well as regular visits to an oral health professional help maintain a healthy mouth. The food we eat also plays a role: a healthy, balanced diet reduces the risk of oral health issues.

Although these steps may seem easy for some, making healthy choices can be difficult for many Canadians. Unhealthy, processed foods high in sugar are sometimes the only option for families with limited time or budgets. Our government understands these pressures – that’s why we’ve launched our Healthy Eating Strategy to help make the healthier choice the easier choice.

I urge you all to take a moment to learn more about oral health, including how to keep your mouth healthy and prevent disease. You can show appreciation for Canada’s dental hygienists by using #NDHW18 on social media.

This April, Think Mouth, Think Health!

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health

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