ARCHIVED - Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008



Appendix K: Variance Estimates and Confidence Intervals

The following is a description of the methodology employed to obtain the sampling error for the CIS-2008 estimates, presented in this report. Variance estimates and confidence intervals for the estimates contained in the tables (“total” column, as applicable) of this report are provided.

Sampling Error Estimation

The CIS-2008 uses a multi-stage random sample survey method to estimate the incidence and characteristics of cases of reported child abuse and neglect across the country. The study estimates are based on the CIS-2008 sample of 15,980 child investigations.

The size of this sample ensures that estimates for figures such as the overall rate of reported maltreatment, substantiation rate, and major categories of maltreatment have a reasonable margin of error. However, the margin of error increases for estimates involving less frequent events, such as the number of placements in a group home or residential/secure treatment.

The tables in this appendix provide the margin of error for CIS-2008 estimates. For example, the estimated number of child maltreatment investigations in Canada during 2008 is 235,842, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 202,523 to 269,161 investigations. This means that if the study were repeated 20 times, in 19 times the calculated confidence interval (202,523-269,161) would contain the true number of child maltreatment investigations (Table K3-1).

Estimates are only representative of the sampling period; therefore, the error estimates do not account for any errors in determining the annual and regional weights. Nor do they account for any other non-sampling errors that may occur, such as inconsistencies or inadequacies in administrative procedures from site to site. The error estimates also cannot account for any variations due to seasonal effects. The accuracy of these annual estimates depends on the extent to which the sampling period is representative of the whole year.

To assess the precision of the CIS-2008 estimates, sampling errors were calculated taking into account the stratified cluster design of the sample, in which at least one cluster (or site) had been randomly selected from each stratum. From each selected cluster, all cases in the threemonth period were selected. In a few sites, an additional sampling stage was performed, in which a shorter collection period was selected or cases were randomly sampled. An annualization weight was used to weight the survey data to represent annual cases. A regionalization weight was used to weight the survey data so that data from sites represented regions or strata from which they were selected. The sampling error of the additional sampling stage was assumed to be negligible.

Sampling errors are equal to the square root of the sampling variance. They measure the sampling variability due to the randomness of the cluster selection. That is, had different clusters been selected in the sample, different estimates would have been obtained. As the stratified random sample’s variability between strata is zero, the variance at the national level is then calculated as the sum of the variance for each stratum.

The estimated population of incidences with the characteristic of interest is:

where , the estimated population of incidences with the characteristic of interest for the hth stratum, is defined as:

where wh is the weight for the hth stratum and yhi, the ith unit (investigation) in stratum h, is 1 if it has the characteristic of interest and 0 if it does not. is then the weighted sum of all i units (investigations) in the hth stratum.

As some strata contained only one cluster, the following approach was used (Rust & Kalton, 1987). For the CIS-2008, the H strata were collapsed into J groups. There were Hj strata (Hj ≥ 2) in the collapsed stratum j. Stratum h within the collapsed stratum j is denoted by h(j). The collapsed strata estimator of the variance of is given by:

where denotes the unbiased estimator of , the parameter for stratum h in the collapsed stratum j, and

The following are the variance estimates and confidence intervals for the variables of interest. The tables are presented to correspond with the tables in the chapters of the CIS-2008 report. Each table includes the estimate, its standard error, coefficient of variation (CV), and lower and upper limits of the confidence interval.

The CV is the ratio of the standard error to its estimate. According to Statistics Canada guidelines, estimates with a CV under 16.60% are considered to be reliable, estimates with a CV between 16.60% and 33.30% should be treated with caution, and estimates with a CV above 33.30% are recommended not to be used.


[Accessible Version]
TABLE K3-1: Number and Rate of Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Number of investigations 235,842 16,999 7.21% 202,524 269,160
Incidence per 1,000 children 39.16 2.82 33.63 44.69


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TABLE K3-2: Age of Children in Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
<1 year 17,501 1,547 8.84% 14,469 20,533
Incidence per 1,000 children 51.81 4.58 42.83 60.79
1-3 years 43,694 2,600 5.95% 38,598 48,790
Incidence per 1,000 children 43.14 2.57 38.10 48.18
4-7 years 58,405 4,632 7.93% 49,326 67,484
Incidence per 1,000 children 41.73 3.31 35.24 48.22
8-11 years 57,601 4,608 8.00% 48,569 66,633
Incidence per 1,000 children 36.92 2.95 31.14 42.70
12-15 years 58,641 4,287 7.31% 50,238 67,044
Incidence per 1,000 children 34.26 2.50 29.36 39.16


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TABLE K3-3: Substantiation Decisions in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Substantiated 85,440 4,744 5.55% 76,142 94,738
Incidence per 1,000 children 14.19 0.79 12.64 15.74
Suspected* 17,918 1,791 10.00% 14,408 21,428
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.98 0.30 2.39 3.57
Unfounded* 71,053 6,039 8.50% 59,217 82,889
Incidence per 1,000 children 11.80 1.00 9.84 13.76
Risk of future maltreatment 12,018 1,414 11.77% 9,247 14,789
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.00 0.24 1.53 2.47
No risk of future maltreatment* 39,289 4,460 11.35% 30,547 48,031
Incidence per 1,000 children 6.52 0.74 5.07 7.97
Unknown risk of future maltreatment* 10,124 1,040 10.28% 8,086 12,162
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.68 0.17 1.35 2.01
*   Level included in Figure 3-1 only.



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TABLE K3-5: Provision of Ongoing Services Following an Investigation in Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Case to stay open for ongoing services 62,715 4,282 6.82% 54,322 71,108
Incidence per 1,000 children 10.41 0.71 9.02 11.81
Case to be closed 172,782 13,748 7.96% 145,836 199,728
Incidence per 1,000 children 28.69 2.28 24.22 33.16


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TABLE K3-6: Placement in Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Child remained at home 215,878 16,245 7.53% 184,038 247,718
Incidence per 1,000 children 35.85 2.70 30.56 41.14
Child with relative (not a formal child welfare placement) 8,713 969 11.12% 6,814 10,612
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.45 0.16 1.14 1.76
Foster care (foster care and kinship care) 9,454 615 6.51% 8,249 10,659
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.57 0.10 1.37 1.77
Group home/residential secure treatment 1,432 273 19.06% 897 1,967
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.24 0.05 0.14 0.34


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TABLE K3-7: History of Previous Investigations in Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada (excluding Quebec) in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Child previously investigated 103,810 5,450 5.25% 93,128 114,492
Incidence per 1,000 children 17.24 0.91 15.46 19.02
Child not previously investigated 111,084 12,852 11.57% 85,894 136,274
Incidence per 1,000 children 18.46 2.14 14.27 22.65
Unknown 3,003 528 17.58% 1,968 4,038
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.50 0.09 0.32 0.68


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TABLE K3-8: Applications to Child Welfare Court in Child Maltreatment Investigations and Risk of Future Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
No application to court 223,063 16,830 7.54% 190,076 256,050
Incidence per 1,000 children 37.04 2.79 31.57 42.51
Application made 12,700 825 6.50% 11,083 14,317
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.11 0.14 1.84 2.38


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TABLE K4-1: Primary Category of Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Physical abuse 17,212 1,875 10.89% 13,537 20,887
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.86 0.31 2.25 3.47
Sexual abuse 2,607 288 11.05% 2,043 3,171
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.43 0.05 0.33 0.53
Neglect 28,939 1,751 6.05% 25,507 32,371
Incidence per 1,000 children 4.81 0.29 4.24 5.38
Emotional maltreatment 7,423 459 6.18% 6,523 8,323
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.23 0.08 1.07 1.39
Exposure to intimate partner violence 29,259 1,987 6.79% 25,364 33,154
Incidence per 1,000 children 4.86 0.33 4.21 5.51


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TABLE K4-2: Single and Multiple Categories of Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Single form of substantiated maltreatment
Physical abuse 12,635 1,515 11.99% 9,666 15,604
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.10 0.25 1.61 2.59
Sexual abuse 2,065 248 12.01% 1,579 2,551
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.34 0.04 0.26 0.42
Neglect 23,641 1,442 6.10% 20,815 26,467
Incidence per 1,000 children 3.93 0.24 3.46 4.40
Emotional maltreatment 5,279 364 6.90% 4,566 5,992
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.88 0.06 0.76 1.00
Exposure to intimate partner violence 26,230 1,805 6.88% 22,692 29,768
Incidence per 1,000 children 4.36 0.30 3.77 4.95
Multiple categories of substantiated maltreatment
Physical abuse and sexual abuse 190 81 42.57% 31 349
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.05
Physical abuse and neglect 977 113 11.57% 756 1,198
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.16 0.02 0.12 0.20
Physical abuse and emotional maltreatment 2,281 286 12.54% 1,720 2,842
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.38 0.05 0.28 0.48
Physical abuse and exposure to intimate partner violence 1,484 192 12.94% 1,108 1,860
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.25 0.03 0.19 0.31
Sexual abuse and neglect 358 119 33.24% 125 591
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.10
Sexual abuse and emotional maltreatment – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Sexual abuse and exposure to intimate partner violence – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Neglect and emotional maltreatment 2,295 277 12.07% 1,752 2,838
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.38 0.05 0.28 0.48
Neglect and exposure to intimate partner violence 3,773 410 10.87% 2,969 4,577
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.63 0.07 0.49 0.77
Emotional maltreatment and exposure to intimate partner violence 2,367 308 13.01% 1,763 2,971
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.39 0.05 0.29 0.49
Physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional maltreatment – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Physical abuse, sexual abuse and exposure to intimate partner violence – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Physical abuse, neglect, emotional maltreatment 567 152 26.81% 269 865
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.09 0.02 0.05 0.13
Physical abuse, neglect and exposure to intimate partner violence 102 14 13.73% 75 129
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02
Physical abuse, emotional maltreatment and exposure to intimate partner violence 375 127 33.87% 126 624
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.10
Sexual abuse, neglect and emotional maltreatment 146 110 75.34% 0 362
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.06
Sexual abuse, neglect and exposure to intimate partner violence – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Neglect, emotional maltreatment and exposure to intimate partner violence 460 99 21.52% 266 654
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.12
–  Estimates of less than 100 investigations are not shown.          


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TABLE K4-3: Nature of Physical Harm in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
No physical harm
No physical harm 78,081 4,349 5.57% 69,557 86,605
Incidence per 1,000 children 12.97 0.72 11.56 14.38
Physical harm
Bruises, cuts, and scrapes 4,754 476 10.01% 3,821 5,687
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.79 0.08 0.63 0.95
Burns and scalds 172 50 29.28% 74 270
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.05
Broken bones 175 29 16.81% 118 232
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03
Head trauma 325 96 29.67% 137 513
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.09
Fatality – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Other health conditions 1,989 238 11.97% 1,523 2,455
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.33 0.04 0.25 0.41
–  Estimates of less than 100 investigations are not shown.          


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TABLE K4-4: Physical Harm and Medical Treatment in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
No physical harm 78,081 4,349 5.57% 69,557 86,605
Incidence per 1,000 children 12.97 0.72 11.56 14.38
Physical harm, no medical treatment required 4,643 312 6.73% 4,031 5,255
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.77 0.12 0.53 1.01
Physical harm, medical treatment required 2,414 290 12.01% 1,847 2,983
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.40 0.05 0.30 0.50


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TABLE K4-5: Documented Emotional Harm in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
No emotional harm documented 59,701 3,781 6.33% 52,290 67,112
Incidence per 1,000 children 9.91 0.63 8.68 11.14
Emotional harm, no treatment required 9,705 666 6.86% 8,400 11,010
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.61 0.11 1.39 1.83
Emotional harm, treatment required 14,720 1,040 7.07% 12,682 16,758
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.44 0.17 2.11 2.77


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TABLE K4-6: Duration of Maltreatment in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Single incident 35,025 2,483 7.09% 30,158 39,892
Incidence per 1,000 children 5.82 0.41 5.02 6.62
Multiple incidents 49,341 2,802 5.68% 43,849 54,833
Incidence per 1,000 children 8.19 0.47 7.27 9.11


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TABLE K5-2: Child Functioning Concerns in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Depression/anxiety/withdrawal 16,310 1,170 7.17% 14,017 18,603
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.71 0.19 2.34 3.08
Suicidal thoughts 3,511 345 9.83% 2,835 4,187
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.58 0.06 0.46 0.70
Self-harming behaviour 5,095 327 6.42 % 4,454 5,736
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.85 0.05 0.75 0.95
Attention deficit disorder/attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) 9,101 653 7.18% 7,821 10,381
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.51 0.11 1.29 1.73
Attachment issues 11,797 883 7.48% 10,066 13,528
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.96 0.15 1.67 2.25
Aggression 13,237 1,063 8.03% 11,154 15,320
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.20 0.18 1.85 2.55
Running (multiple incidents) 3,588 357 9.95% 2,888 4,288
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.60 0.06 0.48 0.72
Inappropriate sexual behaviours 3,453 361 10.45% 2,745 4,161
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.57 0.06 0.45 0.69
Youth criminal justice act involvement 1,789 126 7.04% 1,542 2,036
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.30 0.02 0.26 0.34
Intellectual/developmental disability 9,805 742 7.57% 8,351 11,259
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.63 0.12 1.39 1.87
Failure to meet developmental milestones 7,508 599 7.98% 6,334 8,682
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.25 0.10 1.05 1.45
Academic difficulties 19,820 1,270 6.41% 17,331 22,309
Incidence per 1,000 children 3.29 0.21 2.88 3.70
Fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effect (FAS/FAE) 3,177 365 11.49% 2,462 3,892
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.53 0.06 0.41 0.65
Positive toxicology at birth 845 102 12.07% 645 1,045
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.18
Physical disability 1,428 203 14.22% 1,030 1,826
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.24 0.03 0.18 0.30
Alcohol abuse 2,704 331 12.24% 2,055 3,353
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.45 0.06 0.33 0.57
Drug/solvent abuse 3,474 326 9.38% 2,835 4,113
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.58 0.05 0.48 0.68
Other functioning concern 3,484 478 13.72% 2,547 4,421
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.58 0.08 0.42 0.74


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TABLE K5-4: Age and Sex of Primary Caregiver in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Females < 16 years – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Males < 16 years – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children    
Females 16-18 years 934 143 15.31% 654 1,214
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.16 0.02 0.12 0.20
Males 16-18 years – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Females 19-21 years 3,003 267 8.89% 2,480 3,526
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.50 0.04 0.42 0.58
Males 19-21 years – – – – –
Incidence per 1,000 children
Females 22-30 years 23,448 1,458 6.22% 20,590 26,306
Incidence per 1,000 children 3.89 0.24 3.42 4.36
Males 22-30 years 1,305 255 19.54% 805 1,805
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.22 0.04 0.14 0.30
Females 31-40 years 34,595 2,240 6.47% 30,205 38,985
Incidence per 1,000 children 5.74 0.37 5.01 6.47
Males 31-40 years 3,316 458 13.81% 2,418 4,214
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.55 0.08 0.39 0.71
Females 41-50 years 12,214 1,124 9.2% 10,011 14,417
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.03 0.19 1.66 2.40
Males 41-50 years 2,481 281 11.33% 1,930 3,032
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.41 0.05 0.31 0.51
Females 51-60 years 1,855 244 13.15% 1,377 2,333
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.31 0.04 0.23 0.39
Males 51-60 years 493 81 16.43% 334 652
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.10
Females > 60 years 514 129 25.1% 261 767
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.09 0.02 0.05 0.13
Males > 60 years 123 61 49.59% 3 243
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.04
–  Estimates of less than 100 investigations are not shown.          


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TABLE K5-5: Primary Caregiver’s Relationship to the Child in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Biological parent 80,559 4,740 5.88% 71,269 89,849
Incidence per 1,000 children 13.38 0.79 11.83 14.93
Parent's partner 1,191 205 17.21% 789 1,593
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.20 0.03 0.14 0.26
Foster parent 366 182 49.73% 9 723
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.12
Adoptive parent 464 119 25.65% 231 697
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.12
Grandparent 2,032 281 13.83% 1,481 2,583
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.34 0.05 0.24 0.44
Other 764 117 15.31% 535 993
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.13 0.02 0.09 0.17


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TABLE K5-6: Primary Caregiver Risk Factors in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Alcohol abuse 18,346 1,253 6.83% 15,890 20,802
Incidence per 1,000 children 3.05 0.21 2.64 3.46
Drug/solvent abuse 14,355 775 5.40% 12,836 15,874
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.38 0.13 2.13 2.63
Cognitive impairment 5,541 449 8.10% 4,661 6,421
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.92 0.07 0.78 1.06
Mental health issues 22,991 1,213 5.28% 20,614 25,368
Incidence per 1,000 children 3.82 0.20 3.43 4.21
Physical health issues 8,387 723 8.62% 6,970 9,804
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.39 0.12 1.15 1.63
Few social supports 33,235 1,865 5.61% 29,580 36,890
Incidence per 1,000 children 5.52 0.31 4.91 6.13
Victim of domestic violence 39,624 2,483 6.27% 34,757 44,491
Incidence per 1,000 children 6.58 0.41 5.78 7.38
Perpetrator of domestic violence 11,156 788 7.06% 9,612 12,700
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.85 0.13 1.60 2.10
History of foster care/group home 6,713 497 7.40% 5,739 7,687
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.11 0.08 0.95 1.27


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TABLE K5-7: Household Source of Income in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Full-time employment 43,355 3,630 8.37% 36,240 50,470
Incidence per 1,000 children 7.20 0.60 6.02 8.38
Part-time/multiple jobs/seasonal employment 8,264 719 8.70% 6,855 9,673
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.37 0.12 1.13 1.61
Social assistance/employment insurance/other benefits 28,159 1,424 5.06% 25,368 30,950
Incidence per 1,000 children 4.68 0.24 4.21 5.15
Unknown 4,236 689 16.27% 2,886 5,586
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.70 0.11 0.48 0.92
None 1,426 145 10.17% 1,142 1,710
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.24 0.02 0.20 0.28


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TABLE K5-8: Housing Type in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Own home 26,859 2,321 8.64% 22,310 31,408
Incidence per 1,000 children 4.46 0.39 3.70 5.22
Rental accommodation 37,237 2,149 5.77% 33,025 41,449
Incidence per 1,000 children 6.18 0.36 5.47 6.89
Public housing 9,674 761 7.87% 8,182 11,166
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.61 0.13 1.36 1.86
Band housing 4,152 419 10.09% 3,331 4,973
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.69 0.07 0.55 0.83
Shelter/hotel 1,409 230 16.32% 958 1,860
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.23 0.04 0.15 0.31
Other 2,155 347 16.10% 1,475 2,835
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.36 0.06 0.24 0.48
Unknown 3,954 570 14.42% 2,837 5,071
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.66 0.10 0.46 0.86


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TABLE K5-9: Family Moves within the Last Twelve Months in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
No moves in last twelve months 41,372 2,739 6.62% 36,004 46,740
Incidence per 1,000 children 6.87 0.45 5.99 7.75
One move 17,089 976.00 5.71% 15,176 19,002
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.84 0.16 2.53 3.15
Two or more moves 8,857 700 7.90% 7,485 10,229
Incidence per 1,000 children 1.47 0.12 1.23 1.71
Unknown 17,986 1,669 9.28% 14,715 21,257
Incidence per 1,000 children 2.99 0.28 2.44 3.54


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TABLE K5-10: Exposure to Hazards in the Home in Substantiated Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada in 2008
Variable Estimate Standard
of variation
Confidence interval
Lower Upper
Accessible weapons 1,358 180 13.25% 1,005 1,711
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.23 0.03 0.17 0.29
Accessible drugs or drug paraphernalia 4,571 441 9.65% 3,707 5,435
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.76 0.07 0.62 0.90
Drug production/trafficking in home 1,228 331 26.95% 579 1,877
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.30
Chemicals or solvents used in production 496 273 55.04% 0 1,031
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.16
Other home injury hazards 3,675 470 12.79% 2,754 4,596
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.61 0.08 0.45 0.77
Other home health hazards 5,538 530 9.57% 4,499 6,577
Incidence per 1,000 children 0.92 0.09 0.74 1.10



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