How everyone can help prevent and respond to family violence

Everyone can help stop family violence

Everyone needs to be part of the solution to stop family violence.

Take action

If you or someone else is in immediate danger or needs urgent help, call 911 for police or emergency services. If you are being abused or are concerned that an adult or child is being abused, find help here.

Learn about family violence

Become informed about family violence and how it affects the health and well-being of Canadians. Find out more about rates of family violence in Canada and the high financial costs.

Be a positive role model

Adults can model empathy and compassion when they accept differences in opinions and treat others with respect. Children will learn to recognize violence, to understand it is wrong, and to speak out against it.

Speak out about family violence

Family violence remains a taboo subject because of the fear and shame associated with it. Talking about family violence can help reduce the stigma and raise awareness about how to prevent it.

Men's voices are particularly important to teach boys and young men that violence against women and girls is wrong and how to have healthy, safe, and respectful relationships.

Offer time and resources

Community organizations that work to prevent and respond to family violence often require support from community members to keep services open for those who need it.

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