Yersinia pestis: Infectious substances pathogen safety data sheet

For more information on Yersinia pestis, see the following:

Section I – Infectious agent


Yersinia pestis 

Agent type









Synonym or cross-reference

Plague, pestis, Bubonic plague, pestilential fever, Black death, Justinian's Plague, and the plague bacillusFootnote 1Footnote 2Footnote 3.


Brief description

Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative, coccobacillus (1 to 3 µm in length), ovoid in shape with characteristic bipolar staining (safety pin appearance)Footnote 3Footnote 4. It is non-motile, non-spore-forming, facultative anaerobe that can grow between 4 and 40oC but optimally at 29-30oC. Y. pestis is an obligate parasite and can not replicate outside of a host. The genome of Y. pestis consists of a 4.6-4.65 Mb chromosome and three plasmids of 96.2, 70.3 and 9.6 kb in sizeFootnote 5. Y. pestis is classified as a Tier 1 category A bioterrorism agent by the Centers for Disease and Control and a security sensitive biological agent by the Public Health Agency of CanadaFootnote 6Footnote 7.


Y. pestis has a large number of plasmid-borne virulence factorsFootnote 3Footnote 8. The 70.3 kb plasmid contains the genes for a type III secretion system (T3SS), the Yersinia outer proteins (Yops), the V antigen and the yersiniabactin siderophore system (ybt)Footnote 8. These genes are thermoregulated and are only induced upon entry into a mammalian hostFootnote 9. Yops are secreted into host cells via the T3SS where they have many roles in infection: they inhibit GTPases and disrupt the actin cytoskeleton thereby inhibiting phagocytosis, they downregulate pro-inflammatory cytokines, and they also induce apoptosisFootnote 10. The V-antigen is involved in supressing the host immune systemFootnote 3. Ybt aids in growth of Y. pestis in the body by procuring iron from blood and has been shown to be essential for pathogenesisFootnote 11. Plasminogen activator (Pla) is encoded on the 9.6 kb plasmid and is involved in adhesion, invasion, and fibrinolytic activityFootnote 3Footnote 12. While the 100-110 kb plasmid encodes genes that allow for the survival of Y. pestis in the gut of fleasFootnote 3Footnote 13.

Y. pestis can survive and replicate in both neutrophils and macrophages, allowing it to subvert the early immune response and allow time to multiply and to travel to the target organs, either lymph nodes (bubonic plague) or lungs (pneumonic plague)Footnote 8Footnote 14Footnote 15. This ability allows Y. pestis to become a serious infection, progressing to fatal sepsis before symptoms appear.

Section II – Hazard identification

Pathogenicity and toxicity

Y. pestis causes a highly pathogenic infection with clinical characteristics largely dependant on the method of transmissionFootnote 3. There are 3 main forms of plague: bubonic, septicaemic, and pneumonic.

Bubonic plague is the most common form of the disease. Transmitted by the bite of a flea, infection leads to acute inflammation of peripheral lymph nodes (buboes). Symptoms of bubonic plague begin 2-10 days after exposure and include swollen glands in the groin, armpit or neck, accompanied with fever, chills, headache, extreme exhaustion, and arthralgiasFootnote 3Footnote 16.

Septicaemic plague can be the result of a primary infection or the result untreated bubonic plague progression and bacterial invasion of the bloodstreamFootnote 3. Primary septicaemia presents with gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, multiple organ failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and septic shockFootnote 4. Secondary septicemia as a result of bubonic plague presents clinically with tachycardia, lethargy, somnolence, hypotension, hepatosplenomegaly, renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and gangrene of the extremitiesFootnote 3Footnote 4.

Pneumonic plague is the most virulent and dangerous form of diseaseFootnote 3Footnote 4. This is an infection of the lungs that develops from either progression of the bubonic form of the disease (secondary) or from inhalation of infected airborne droplets (primary), and is characterized by high fever, cough, bloody sputum, and difficulty breathing. Onset of symptoms from primary plague is usually 1-3 days after exposure to infected droplets.

If untreated, mortality rates are up to 60% for the bubonic form, 100% for septicaemic, and 100% for pneumonic forms. Antibiotic treatment is effective against plague bacteria, so early diagnosis and early treatment can save livesFootnote 3Footnote 17.

Rare forms of Y. pestis infection caused by the ingestion of raw or undercooked meet include pharyngitis, gastrointestinal and tonsillar plagueFootnote 3Footnote 18. Cutaneous plague is also described in rare cases and is characterized by the rapid formation of herpes and pustulesFootnote 19.


Y. pestis is maintained in over 200 mammalian species but the main reservoir is rodents, specifically ratsFootnote 3Footnote 16. From 2010-2019, there have been 4547 reported cases of the plague reported worldwide from 21 countries in the Americas, Africa and AsiaFootnote 3Footnote 20Footnote 21. 94% of the reported cases were found in either the Democratic Republic of Congo or MadagascarFootnote 20. Where plague is endemic, it is a seasonal infection with a defined geographic distribution correlating with that of the rodent reservoirs and the flea vectorsFootnote 22. The most recent large outbreak of the plague occurred in Madagascar between August and November of 2017Footnote 20. During this outbreak 597 cases of plague were reported with 418 (84%) being pneumonic plague and 55 (9%) deaths occurring. In North America, plague is found on the western side of the continent (from British Columbia to Alberta, Pacific Coast east to the western Great Plains, and Southward from Canada to Mexico). Most human cases occur in the western United States New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and CaliforniaFootnote 3.

Population risk factors of plague infection include people working with animals such as farming, butchery or animal husbandryFootnote 23.

Host range

Natural host(s)

Humans, more than 200 species and subspecies of rodents (including mice, ground squirrels, rock squirrels, prairie dogs), other small mammals, such as rabbits, hares, dogs and cats; and wild carnivores that prey on these animalsFootnote 3Footnote 16. The primary host is the rat, Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicusFootnote 16.

Other host(s)

Nonhuman primates used as experimental hosts include rhesus macaques, cynomolgus macaques, and African green monkeysFootnote 24.

Infectious dose

Laboratory animal studies have shown the lethal and infectious doses to be quite low, less than 100 colony-forming units, with some estimates being as low as 1-10 organismsFootnote 4Footnote 25.

Incubation period

Bubonic plague: 2 to 10 days. Pneumonic plague: 1 to 3 daysFootnote 3. Septicaemic plague : no information available.


Y. pestis causes a highly pathogenic infection that is most commonly acquired through the bite of infected rodent fleasFootnote 3. The most commonly involved rodents are Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus, though more than 200 species of mammals can be infected by Y. pestis.Footnote 3Footnote 16. The flea Xenopsylla cheopsis is most commonly associated with and most efficient at transmitting Y. pestis.Footnote 16. Y. pestis can also be transmitted through direct contact/bites with infected animals, or in rare cases by ingestion of contaminated meat and other animal productsFootnote 3Footnote 18. Contact with the corpses of infected humans and carcasses of infected animals (mountain lions, coyotes, camels, rats, goats, marmots, Tibetan sheep, rabbits, and guinea pigs) can transmit Y. pestis Footnote 3Footnote 26. Pneumonic plague can be transmitted by the inhalation of respiratory droplets expelled by the coughing of an infected person or animalFootnote 3. Direct exposure to domestic pets (e.g., cats and dogs), as well as plague-infected fleas on these animals, is another route of transmissionFootnote 27.

Section III – Dissemination


Primarily wild rodents (prairie dogs, rock squirrels)Footnote 3. Commensal rats may be important in some places, and fleas may also be considered part of the reservoir, thus the natural reservoir is an arthropod-vertebrate complex.


Y. pestis is transmitted from rodents to animals and humans via fleas and to humans directly from infected animalsFootnote 3.


Y. pestis is transmitted primarily by wild rodent fleas, most often the oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis.Footnote 4. Occasionally it can be transmitted by human fleas Pulex irritans and Pediculus humanis or other ectoparasites such as camel fleas, lice, mites, and ticksFootnote 4Footnote 28.

Section IV – Stability and viability

Drug susceptibility/resistance

Y. pestis is sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics and effective treatment has been shown with aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and fluroquinolonesFootnote 29. β-lactams have been shown to lack efficacy and are therefore not recommended. Drug resistance is a growing concernFootnote 30. In 1995, a multi-drug resistant strain was identified from a Madagascar plague epidemicFootnote 30. The strain was resistant to at least 8 anti-microbial drugs, including streptomycin, ampicillin, kanamycin, spectinomycin, sulfonamides, tetracycline, minocycline, and chloramphenicol. There have also been four strains identified showing resistance to streptomycin and one strain resistant to doxycycline.

Susceptibility to disinfectants

Susceptible to many disinfectants, including 1% sodium hypochlorite, 70% ethanol, 2% glutaraldehyde, iodines, phenolics, formaldehyde, and vaporous hydrogen peroxideFootnote 31Footnote 32Footnote 33. In potable water, a 2-log10 (99%) or 3-log10 (99.9%) inactivation was found with 0.03 and 0.04 mg/min/liter free active chlorine, respectively, at both 5oC and 25oCFootnote 34.

Physical inactivation

Killed by a 15 minute exposure to 55°CFootnote 30. Y. pestis is very susceptible to UV light, temperatures exceeding 40°C, and intensive desiccationFootnote 35.

Survival outside host

One study demonstrated survival of Y. pestis for 16 months in soil. It has been isolated from the undisturbed burrow of an infected animal 11 months after the animal's deathFootnote 3. On steel or glass, Y. pestis is much less resilient, surviving less than 72 hours.

Section V – First aid/medical


Early diagnosis is important, as starting treatment in the early stages of infection greatly increases survival rates. The gold standard for diagnosis is the isolation, culturing, and detection of Y. pestis from clinical samples (bubo aspirates, sputum, blood, pharyngeal swabs, and urine)Footnote 3. Cultures are grown on Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) agar to reduce the growth of contaminant bacteriaFootnote 3Footnote 4. Rapid F1 antigen detection kits and both conventional and real-time PCR diagnostic methods are also availableFootnote 3Footnote 36. Recombinase polymerase assays and loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays are also available, simpler, and more efficient than conventional PCRFootnote 29.

Note: The specific recommendations for surveillance in the laboratory should come from the medical surveillance program, which is based on a local risk assessment of the pathogens and activities being undertaken, as well as an overarching risk assessment of the biosafety program as a whole. More information on medical surveillance is available in the Canadian Biosafety Handbook (CBH).

First aid/treatment

Antibiotic therapy should be performed as soon as possible (8 to 20 hours after onset of pneumonic plague) with either streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, or moxiloxacinFootnote 4Footnote 37. Supportive treatment consists of intravenous fluids, oxygen and respiratory supportFootnote 33.

Note: The specific recommendations for first aid/treatment in the laboratory should come from the post-exposure response plan, which is developed as part of the medical surveillance program. More information on the post-exposure response plan can be found in the CBH.


A licensed, inactivated, whole cell vaccine was available until 1998, but is no longer being produced. No vaccine is currently available, although new alternatives are under developmentFootnote 4Footnote 38.

Note: More information on the medical surveillance program can be found in the CBH, and by consulting the Canadian Immunization Guide.


Antibiotic therapy is recommended for close contact with confirmed or suspected pneumonic plague cases, including medical personnelFootnote 3Footnote 4. Individuals present in places where a plague outbreak is occurring should also take antibiotics. For individuals potentially exposed during laboratory work ciprofloxacin for 7 days is recommendedFootnote 39.

Note: More information on prophylaxis as part of the medical surveillance program can be found in the CBH.

Section VI – Laboratory hazard

Laboratory-acquired infections

Prior to 1970 at least 10 laboratory-acquired infections have been reported, with 4 deathsFootnote 40. Since then, there has been a reported death with exposure thought to have occurred due to inconsistent glove wearing and exposure through a cut or skin abrasionFootnote 41Footnote 42. In an other report, there were two fatal accidental exposures; one was a wildlife biologist, who carried out an autopsy on an infected mountain lion in Arizona in 2007, and another a geneticist with subclinical hemochromatosis in Chicago, who was handling an avirulent strain of Y. pestis in 2009Footnote 43Footnote 44.

Note: Please consult the Canadian Biosafety Standard (CBS) and CBH for additional details on requirements for reporting exposure incidents.


Bubo fluid, blood, sputum, tracheal/lung aspirate, nasal swab, lymph node aspirate, cerebrospinal fluid, faeces, urine, post-mortem lymphoid tissues, lung, and bone marrow samplesFootnote 3Footnote 4.

Primary hazards

Direct contact with cultures and infectious materials from humans or rodents. Infectious aerosols or droplets generated during manipulation of cultures, and infected tissues, necropsy of rodents, accidental auto-inoculation, and ingestionFootnote 45.

Special hazards

Bites by infected fleas collected from rodentsFootnote 3.

Section VII – Exposure controls/personal protection

Risk group classification

Yersinia pestis is a Risk Group 3 Human Pathogen and Risk Group 3 Animal PathogenFootnote 46. Yersinia pestis is a Security Sensitive Biological Agent (SSBA).

Containment requirements

Containment Level 3 facilities, equipment, and operational practices outlined in the CBS for work involving infectious or potentially infectious materials, animals, or cultures.

Note that there are additional security requirements, such as obtaining a Human Pathogens and Toxins Act Security Clearance, for work involving SSBAs.

Protective clothing

The applicable Containment Level 3 requirements for personal protective equipment and clothing outlined in the CBS are to be followed. At minimum, use of full body coverage dedicated protective clothing, dedicated protective footwear and/or additional protective footwear, gloves when handling infectious materials or animals, face protection when there is a known or potential risk of exposure to splashes or flying objects, respirators when there is a risk of exposure to infectious aerosols, and an additional layer of protective clothing prior to work with infectious materials or animals.

Note: A local risk assessment will identify the appropriate hand, foot, head, body, eye/face, and respiratory protection, and the personal protective equipment requirements for the containment zone must be documented.

Other precautions

All activities involving open vessels of pathogens are to be performed in a certified biological safety cabinet (BSC) or other appropriate primary containment device. The use of needles, syringes, and other sharp objects are to be strictly limited. Additional precautions must considered for work involving animals or large scale activities.

Proper precautions should be considered when working with infected arthropods. This might include implementing a program to prevent escapes and monitor any escaped arthropods, as well as using suitable personal protective equipment (PPE), among other measuresFootnote 47Footnote 48.

Section VIII – Handling and storage


Allow aerosols to settle. Wearing protective clothing, gently cover the spill with absorbent paper towel and apply suitable disinfectant, starting at the perimeter and working towards the centre. Allow sufficient contact time before clean up (CBH).


Regulated materials, as well as all items and waste, to be decontaminated at the containment barrier prior to removal from the containment zone, animal room, animal cubicle, or post mortem room. This can be achieved by using decontamination technologies and processes that have been demonstrated to be effective against the infectious material, such as chemical disinfectants, autoclaving, irradiation, incineration, an effluent treatment system, or gaseous decontamination (CBH).


The applicable Containment Level 3 requirements for storage outlined in the CBS are to be followed. Primary containers of regulated materials removed from the containment zone to be stored in a labelled, leak-proof, impact-resistant secondary container, and kept either in locked storage equipment or within an area with limited access.

Containers of security sensitive biological agents (SSBA) stored outside the containment zone must be labelled, leakproof, impact resistant, and kept in locked storage equipment that is fixed in place (i.e., non-movable) and within an area with limited access.

An inventory of RG3 and SSBA toxins in long-term storage, to be maintained and to include:

  • specific identification of the regulated materials
  • a mechanism that allows for the detection of a missing or stolen sample in a timely manner

Section IX – Regulatory and other information

Canadian regulatory information

Controlled activities with Yersinia pestis require a Human Pathogen and Toxins licence issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Yersinia pestis is a terrestrial animal pathogen in Canada; therefore, importation of Yersinia pestis requires an import permit under the authority of the Health of Animals Regulations (HAR). The PHAC issues a Pathogen and Toxin licence which includes a Human Pathogen and Toxin licence and an HAR importation permit.

Note that there are additional security requirements, such as obtaining a Human Pathogens and Toxins Act Security Clearance, for work involving SSBAs.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of applicable designations, regulations, or legislations:

Last file update

February, 2024

Prepared by

Centre for Biosecurity, Public Health Agency of Canada.


The scientific information, opinions, and recommendations contained in this Pathogen Safety Data Sheet have been developed based on or compiled from trusted sources available at the time of publication. Newly discovered hazards are frequent and this information may not be completely up to date. The Government of Canada accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, sufficiency, or reliability or for any loss or injury resulting from the use of the information.

Persons in Canada are responsible for complying with the relevant laws, including regulations, guidelines and standards applicable to the import, transport, and use of pathogens in Canada set by relevant regulatory authorities, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Transport Canada. The risk classification and related regulatory requirements referenced in this Pathogen Safety Data Sheet, such as those found in the Canadian Biosafety Standard, may be incomplete and are specific to the Canadian context. Other jurisdictions will have their own requirements.

Copyright © Public Health Agency of Canada, 2024, Canada


Footnote 1

Acha, P. N., and B. Szyfres. 2003. Plague, p. 207-218. Anonymous Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals, 3rd ed., vol. I Bacterioses and Mycoses. Pan American Health Organization, Washington D.C.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Aleksic, S., and J. Bockmuhl. 1999. Yersinia and other Enterobacteriaceae, p. 483-496. P. R. Murray (ed.), Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed.,. ASM Press, Washington D.C.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Barbieri, R., M. Signoli, D. Chevé, C. Costedoat, S. Tzortzis, G. Aboudharam, D. Raoult, and M. Drancourt. 2021. Yersinia pestis: The natural history of Plague. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 34:1-44.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Bayerfeind, R., A. von Graevenitz, P. Kimmig, H.G. Schiefer, T. Schwarz, W. Slenczka, and H, Zahner. 2016. Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible From Animals to Humans, Fourth Edition., pp. 223-228. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press.

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Parkhill, J., B. W. Wren, N. R. Thomson, R. W. Titball, M. T. G. Holden, M. B. Prentice, M. Sebaihia, K. D. James, C. Churcher, K. L. Mungall, S. Baker, D. Basham, S. D. Bentley, K. Brooks, A. M. Cerdẽo-Tárraga, T. Chillingworth, A. Cronin, R. M. Davies, P. Davis, G. Dougan, T. Feltwell, N. Hamlin, S. Holroyd, K. Jagels, A. V. Karlyshev, S. Leather, S. Moule, P. C. F. Oyston, M. Quail, K. Rutherford, M. Simmonds, J. Skelton, K. Stevens, S. Whitehead, and B. G. Barrell. 2001. Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. Nature. 413:523-527.

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

Government of Canada. 2021. ePATHogen - Risk Group Database.

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

Rotem, S., I. Steinberger-Levy, O. Israeli, E. Zahavy, and R. Aloni-Grinstein. 2021. Beating the bio-terror threat with rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Microorg. 9:.

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

Demeure, C. E., O. Dussurget, G. Mas Fiol, A. -. Le Guern, C. Savin, and J. Pizarro-Cerdá. 2019. Yersinia pestis and plague: an updated view on evolution, virulence determinants, immune subversion, vaccination, and diagnostics. Genes Immun. 20:357-370.

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

Plano, G.V., and Schesser, K. (2013). The Yersinia pestis type III secretion system: expression, assembly and role in the evasion of host defenses. Immunol Res. 57(1-3):237-45.

Return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

Trosky, J. E., A. D. B. Liverman, and K. Orth. 2008. Yersinia outer proteins: Yops. Cell. Microbiol. 10:557-565.

Return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

Fetherston, J. D., O. Kirillina, A. G. Bobrov, J. T. Paulley, and R. D. Perry. 2010. The Yersiniabactin transport system is critical for the pathogenesis of bubonic and pneumonic plague. Infect. Immun. 78:2045-2052.

Return to footnote 11 referrer

Footnote 12

Sebbane, F., V. N. Uversky, and A. P. Anisimov. 2020. Yersinia pestis plasminogen activator. Biomolecules. 10:1-34.

Return to footnote 12 referrer

Footnote 13

Hinnebusch, B. J., A. E. Rudolph, P. Cherepanov, J. E. Dixon, T. G. Schwan, and Å. Forsberg. 2002. Role of Yersinia murine toxin in survival of Yersinia pestis in the midgut of the flea vector. Science. 296:733-735.

Return to footnote 13 referrer

Footnote 14

Shannon, J. G., A. M. Hasenkrug, D. W. Dorward, V. Nair, A. B. Carmody, and B. J. Hinnebusch. 2013. Yersinia pestis subverts the dermal neutrophil response in a mouse model of bubonic plague. MBio. 4:.

Return to footnote 14 referrer

Footnote 15

Spinner, J. L., S. Winfree, T. Starr, J. G. Shannon, V. Nair, O. Steele-Mortimer, and B. Joseph Hinnebusch. 2014. Yersinia pestis survival and replication within human neutrophil phagosomes and uptake of infected neutrophils by macrophages. J. Leukocyte Biol. 95:389-398.

Return to footnote 15 referrer

Footnote 16

Butler, T. 2009. Plague into the 21st century. Clin. Infect. Dis. 49:736-742.

Return to footnote 16 referrer

Footnote 17

WHO. 2022. Plague. 2022: Available at

Return to footnote 17 referrer

Footnote 18

Zhu, S., D. Zimmerman, and S. L. Deem. 2019. A Review of Zoonotic Pathogens of Dromedary Camels. EcoHealth. 16:356-377.

Return to footnote 18 referrer

Footnote 19

Yang, R. (2017). Plague: Recognition, Treatment, and Prevention. J Clin Microbiol. 56(1):e01519-17.

Return to footnote 19 referrer

Footnote 20

Bertherat, E. (2019). Plague around the world in 2019. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 94:289–292.

Return to footnote 20 referrer

Footnote 21

Butler, T. (2023). Plague Gives Surprises in the Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 109(5):985-988.

Return to footnote 21 referrer

Footnote 22

Piret, J., and G. Boivin. (2021). Pandemics Throughout History. Front. Microbiol. 11:.

Return to footnote 22 referrer

Footnote 23

Kugeler, K. J., Staples, J., Hinckley, A., Gage, K. L., and Mead, P. S. (2015). Epidemiology of Human Plague in the United States, 1900–2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 21(1).

Return to footnote 23 referrer

Footnote 24

Lemaitre, J., T. Naninck, B. Delache, J. Creppy, P. Huber, M. Holzapfel, C. Bouillier, V. Contreras, F. Martinon, N. Kahlaoui, Q. Pascal, S. Tricot, F. Ducancel, L. Vecellio, R. Le Grand, and P. Maisonnasse. 2021. Non-human primate models of human respiratory infections. Mol. Immunol. 135:147-164.

Return to footnote 24 referrer

Footnote 25

Kolodziejek, A. M., C. J. Hovde, and S. A. Minnich. 2012. Yersinia pestis Ail: multiple roles of a single protein. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2:103.

Return to footnote 25 referrer

Footnote 26

Jullien, S., N. L. de Silva, and P. Garner. 2021. Plague transmission from corpses and carcasses. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 27:2033-2041.

Return to footnote 26 referrer

Footnote 27

Campbell, S. B., C. A. Nelson, A. F. Hinckley, and K. J. Kugeler. 2019. Animal exposure and human plague, United States, 1970–2017. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 25:2270-2273.

Return to footnote 27 referrer

Footnote 28

Barbieri, R., M. Drancourt, and D. Raoult. 2021. The role of louse-transmitted diseases in historical plague pandemics. Lancet Infect. Dis. 21:e17-e25.

Return to footnote 28 referrer

Footnote 29

Nelson, C. A., S. Fleck-Derderian, K. M. Cooley, D. Meaney-Delman, H. A. Becksted, Z. Russell, B. Renaud, E. Bertherat, and P. S. Mead. 2021. Antimicrobial treatment of human plague: A systematic review of the literature on individual cases, 1937–2019. Clin. Infect. Dis. 70:S3-S10.

Return to footnote 29 referrer

Footnote 30

Lei, C., and S. Kumar. 2022. Yersinia pestis antibiotic resistance: a systematic review. Osong Public Health Res. Perspect. 13:24-36.

Return to footnote 30 referrer

Footnote 31

Anonymous 2004. Plague, p. 40-44. R. G. Darling and J. B. Woods (eds.), USAMRIID's Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook, 5th ed.,. USAMRIID, Fort Detrick M.D.

Return to footnote 31 referrer

Footnote 32

Val'kov, B. G., G. I. Kostina, V. N. Saleeva, and A. V. Agafonov. 1979. Sensitivity of different strains of the causative agent of plague to disinfectants. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. (6):71-74.

Return to footnote 32 referrer

Footnote 33

Shchedrin, V. I., V. S. Vashchenok, M. A. Shashaev, L. V. Briukhanov, and S. P. Osipova. 1984. Method of disinfecting plague-infected fleas in preparation for electron microscopic study. Parazitologiia. 18:317-318.

Return to footnote 33 referrer

Footnote 34

Rose, L. J., G Rice, B. Jensen, R. Murago, A. Peterson, R. Donlan, and M. J. Arduino. (2005). Chlorine inactivation of bacterial bioterrorism agents. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 71(1):566-568.

Return to footnote 34 referrer

Footnote 35

Ditchburn, J.L., and Hodgkins, R. (2019). Yersinia pestis, a problem of the past and a re-emerging threat. Biosafety and Health. Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 65-70.

Return to footnote 35 referrer

Footnote 36

Jullien, S., H. A. Dissanayake, and M. Chaplin. 2020. Rapid diagnostic tests for plague. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2020:.

Return to footnote 36 referrer

Footnote 37

Nelson, C. A., D. Meaney-Delman, S. Fleck-Derderian, K. M. Cooley, P. A. Yu, and P. S. Mead. 2021. Antimicrobial Treatment and Prophylaxis of Plague: Recommendations for Naturally Acquired Infections and Bioterrorism Response. MMWR Recomm. Rep. 70:1-32.

Return to footnote 37 referrer

Footnote 38

Rosenzweig, J. A., E. K. Hendrix, and A. K. Chopra. 2021. Plague vaccines: new developments in an ongoing search. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105:4931-4941.

Return to footnote 38 referrer

Footnote 39

Rusnak, J. M., M. G. Kortepeter, R. J. Hawley, E. Boudreau, J. Aldis, and P. R. Pittman. 2004. Management guidelines for laboratory exposures to agents of bioterrorism. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 46:791-800.

Return to footnote 39 referrer

Footnote 40

Pike, R. M. 1976. Laboratory-associated infections: summary and analysis of 3921 cases. Health Lab. Sci. 13:105-114.

Return to footnote 40 referrer

Footnote 41

Ritger, K., S. Black, K. Weaver, J. Jones, S. Gerber, C. Conover, K. Soyemi, K. Metzger, B. King, P. Mead, C. Molins, M. Schriefer, W. -. Shieh, and S. Zaki. 2011. Fatal laboratory-acquired infection with an attenuated Yersinia pestis strain --- Chicago, Illinois, 2009. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 60:201-205.

Return to footnote 41 referrer

Footnote 42

Silve, S. 2015. Laboratory-acquired lethal infections by potential bioweapons pathogens including Ebola in 2014. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 362:.

Return to footnote 42 referrer

Footnote 43

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Fatal laboratory-acquired infection with an attenuated Yersinia pestis Strain—Chicago, Illinois, 2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 60(7):201-5.

Return to footnote 43 referrer

Footnote 44

Wong, D., Wild, M.A., Walburger, M.A, Higgins, C.L., Callahan, M., Czarnecki, L.A., Lawaczeck, W.W., Craig E. Levy, C.E., Patterson, J.G., Sunenshine, R., Adem, P., Paddock, C.D., Zaki, S.R., Petersen, J.M., Schriefer, M.E., Eisen, R.J., Gage, K.L., Griffith, K.S., Weber, I.B., Spraker, T.R., and Mead, P.S. (2009) Primary Pneumonic Plague Contracted from a Mountain Lion Carcass, Clinical Infectious Diseases. Volume 49. Issue 3. Pages e33–e38.

Return to footnote 44 referrer

Footnote 45

Anonymous 2007., p. 158-159. J. Y. Richmond and R. W. McKinney (eds.), Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL)., 5th ed.,. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washingtion D.C.

Return to footnote 45 referrer

Footnote 46

Public Health Agency of Canada. 2018. ePATHogen - Risk Group Database. 2022.

Return to footnote 46 referrer

Footnote 47

Containment Standards for Facilities Handling Plant Pests, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Canada)

Return to footnote 47 referrer

Footnote 48

Arthropod Containment Guidelines from the American Committee of Medical Entomology; American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (USA)

Return to footnote 48 referrer

Page details

Date modified: