Infographic: Make your impact on childhood cancer


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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Date published: 2019/02/06

Are you a researcher interested in childhood cancer?

The Cancer in Young People in Canada (CYP-C) Program maintains a national childhood cancer surveillance and research database that is available to researchers seeking to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.

What types of data are available through

CYP-C captures data on all children less than 15 years old who are diagnosed or treated at any of the 17 Canadian pediatric oncology centres from 2001 onwards.

Researchers can apply to access anonymized, person-level data or aggregate data derived from as many as 200 variables, including:

  • demographics;
  • diagnosis details;
  • treatments, including location and timing of care and clinical trial enrolment;
  • outcomes over at least five years of follow-up.

How does the application processFootnote * work?

  1. Submit your application including your Research Proposal and Data Elements Checklist.
  2. Refine your application with advice from the CYP-C Data Access Committee, if needed.
  3. Obtain Research Ethics Approval (for person-level data only).
  4. The Public Health Agency of Canada obtains Privacy approval and builds your custom dataset.

It’s free to apply and to access data

Turnaround time for application review is short

Applications may be submitted at any time

A structured application form helps guide you through the process

Would you like help getting started?

The CYP-C Research Champions ProgramFootnote * can help guide you with:

  • in-depth webinars on access and use of CYP-C data;
  • opportunities for networking, research collaboration, and more!

Learn more about childhood cancer in Canada

Acknowledgements: This work was made possible through collaboration between the PHAC and the C17 Council, a network of all 17 pediatric cancer centres across Canada, and expert contribution from the members of the CYP-C Infographics Work Group.

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