Appendix A: Assessment and diagnosis of FASD among adults: a national and international systematic review – FAS screening form
Appendix A: FAS screening form
Source: Burd, Cox, Fjelstad, & McCulloch, 1999 as presented in Burd et al. (2003, p. 687)
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Text equivalent: FAS screening form
- Name_DOB_/_/_Age_
Sex (circle one) F M - Date of Exam_/_/_
- Child’s Race (circle one) 1) white 2) NA 3) other
- Height _inches –5% Y_ N_10
- Weight_pounds –5% Y_ N_ 10
- Head Cir._ cm –5% Y_ N_ 10
Head and face
- Ears stick out (protruding auricles) Y_ N _ 4
- Skin folds near inner eye (epicanthal folds) Y_ N_5
- Drooping of eyelids (ptosis) Y_ N _4
- Crossed eyes – one or both eyes (strabismus) Y_ N _ 3
- Flat midface/cheeks (hypoplastic macila) Y_ N _ 7
- Flat/low nose between eyes (low nasal bridge) Y_ N_ 2
- Upturned nose Y_ N_ 5`
- Groove between lip and nose absent or shallow (flat philtrum Y_ N _ 5
- Thin upper lip Y_ N_ 4
- Cleft lip or cleft of roof of mouth (present or repaired) Y_ N _ 4
Neck and back
- Short, broad neck Y_ N_ 4
- Curvature of the spine (scoliosis) Y_ N _ 1
- Spina bifida (history of neural tube defect) Y_ N _
Arms and hands
- Fingers, elbows (limited joint mobility) Y_ N_ 4
- Permanently curved, small fingers, especially pinkies (clinomicrodactuly) Y_ N _ 1
- Deep or accentuated palmar crease Y_ N _ 4
- Small nails/nail beds (hypoplatic nails) Y_N_ 1
- Tremulous, poor finger agility (fine motor dysfunction) Y_ N_ 1
- Sunken chest (pectus excavatum) Y_ N _ 3
- Chest sticks out (pectus carinatum) Y_ N _ 1
- History of hear murmur or any heart defect Y_ N_ 4
- Raised red birthmarks (capillary hemangiomas) Y_ N _ 4
- Greater than normal body hair, hair also on forehead
and back (hirsutism) Y_ N _ 1
- Mild to moderate mental retardation (– 70) Y_ N _ 10
- Speech and language delays Y_ N _ 2
- Hearing problems Y_ N_ 1
- Vision problems Y_ N_1
- Attention concentration problems Y_ N_2
- Hyperactivity Y_ N _5
Score total_
Refer if 20 or above
Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD Among Adults: A National and International Systematic Review
Inventory of Literature on the Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD Among Adults
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