What is the training/certification process?
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Nobody’s Perfect uses a ‘train-the-trainer’ approach to training and certifying facilitators, trainers and master trainers.
- Facilitators work directly with parents within their communities.
- Trainers provide training sessions to individuals wishing to become facilitators.
- Master trainers provide training to existing facilitators who want to become trainers.
Facilitation training provides information about delivering the program and develops skills for helping adults learn in group settings. Training manuals for use by facilitators, trainers, and master trainers contain information and tools for facilitating strength-based learning and conducting non-judgmental and inclusive community programming. They do not include content on child health, safety, development and/or parenting.
Each level has a certification process that must be completed before a person is considered a certified facilitator, trainer or master trainer. This process includes participating in a multi-day training, offering a series of Nobody’s Perfect sessions/training and completing the required documentation.
Potential facilitators are required to complete the four day training, offer a parenting session and complete a self-evaluation. Facilitators are typically people who already have knowledge of parenting skills or early childhood development such as public health nurses or community workers.
Potential trainers are required to complete the three-day training, offer a facilitator training and complete a self-evaluation. Trainers are typically people who have been a Nobody’s Perfect facilitator for a number of years and have been recognized to possess a greater understanding of the program.
Potential master trainers are required to complete a self-study exercise that is reviewed by a Standards Review Committee and provide references. Master trainers are typically people who have been a Nobody’s Perfect trainer for a number of years and have been recognized to possess a deep understanding of the program.
For more information about the Nobody’s Perfect parenting program, please email DCA.public.inquiries@phac-aspc.gc.ca.
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