Who is the target audience? Nobody's Perfect parenting program

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Type: Fact Sheet
Date published: 2017-11-30
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Nobody’s Perfect is a program for parents of children from birth through age five. It is designed to meet the needs of parents who are: young; single; isolated (because they have no friends or family nearby or because they live in a rural area); or who have low income and/or little formal education.
These parents may have difficulty finding resources for several reasons:
- They cannot afford to participate in some programs, either because there is a fee involved or because they cannot afford the costs of transportation and child care.
- They do not have the level of education or literacy they need to find, read and apply most of the printed material that is available on parenting.
- They are isolated and may not know where to look or who to talk to for information about the confusing and challenging job of parenting.
- They are young and feel that most parenting programs do not apply to them.
- They are afraid that they will be judged or labeled as bad parents if they ask for support or help.
- They do not think most parenting programs are culturally relevant to them.
Though participants may differ in age or cultural background from one Nobody’s Perfect program to another, all of the parents who participate in Nobody’s Perfect have several things in common:
- They want to be there—Nobody’s Perfect is a voluntary program where no one is required or forced to participate.
- They want what is best for their children.
- They want to be good parents.
The program is not intended for families in crisis or those with serious challenges.
The Nobody's Perfect program is based on what parents already know and what they do for themselves and their children. It draws on the experiences and interests of parents by having them play a role in the learning process.
The program helps parents build networks and encourages them to see each other as sources of advice and support.
For more information about the Nobody’s Perfect parenting program, please email DCA.public.inquiries@phac-aspc.gc.ca.
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