CCDR: Volume 43-3/4, March 2, 2017: Tuberculosis (TB)


Table of contents

Latent tuberculosis infection: An overview
S Kiazyk, TB Ball

Early communication
A shorter treatment regimen for latent tuberculosis infection holds promise for at-risk Canadians
C Pease, KR Amaratunga, GG Alvarez

Outbreak report
Outbreak of tuberculosis among substance users and homeless people in Greater Montréal, Canada, 2003–2016
J Aho, C Lacroix, M Bazargani, DM Milot, JL Sylvestre, E Pucella, N Trudeau, N Sicard, N Savard, P Rivest, H Soualhine, M Munoz-Bertrand

Surveillance report
Tuberculosis in Canada - Summary 2015
V Gallant, V Duvvuri, M McGuire

Web exclusive
Tuberculosis in Canada: 2015 Supplementary data
V Gallant, V Duvvuri, M McGuire

CPHLN device testing recommendations regarding non-tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) contamination in heater-cooler units

CCDR call for submissions

ID News
Markers that may differentiate active from latent TB

Author correction for Can Commun Dis Rep. 2016;42(1)

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