Contact tracing of COVID-19 transmission during restrictive closures in Canada


Volume 46-11/12, November 5, 2020: Oral Health in Canada


Assessing the impact of varying levels of case detection and contact tracing on COVID-19 transmission in Canada during lifting of restrictive closures using a dynamic compartmental model

Antoinette Ludwig1, Philippe Berthiaume1, Heather Orpana2,3, Claude Nadeau4, Maikol Diasparra4, Joel Barnes4, Deirdre Hennessy4,5, Ainsley Otten4,6, Nicholas Ogden1


1 Public Health Risk Sciences Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, St-Hyacinthe, QC

2 Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON

3 School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

4 Health Analysis Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON

5 Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB

6 Public Health Risk Sciences Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, Guelph, ON


Suggested citation

Ludwig A, Berthiaume P, Orpana H, Nadeau C, Diasparra M, Barnes J, Hennessy D, Otten A, Ogden N. Assessing the impact of varying levels of case detection and contact tracing on COVID-19 transmission in Canada during lifting of restrictive closures using a dynamic compartmental model. Can Commun Dis Rep 2020;46(11/12):409-21.

Keywords: COVID-19, case detection, contact tracing, dynamic compartmental model, Canada


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began with a detected cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Endemic transmission was recognized in Canada in early February 2020, making it urgent for public health stakeholders to have access to robust and reliable tools to support decision-making for epidemic management. The objectives of this paper are to present one of these tools-an aged-stratified dynamic compartmental model developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada-and to model the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the attack rate of COVID-19 infection in Canada.

Methods: This model simulates the impact of different levels of non-pharmaceutical interventions, including case detection/isolation, contact tracing/quarantine and changes in the level of physical distancing in Canada, as restrictive closures began to be lifted in May 2020.

Results: This model allows us to highlight the importance of a relatively high level of detection and isolation of cases, as well as tracing and quarantine of individuals in contact with those cases, in order to avoid a resurgence of the epidemic in Canada as restrictive closures are lifted. Some level of physical distancing by the public will also likely need to be maintained.

Conclusion: This study underlines the importance of a cautious approach to lifting restrictive closures in this second phase of the epidemic. This approach includes efforts by public health to identify cases and trace contacts, and to encourage Canadians to get tested if they are at risk of having been infected and to maintain physical distancing in public areas.


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health threat on a scale that was not seen in a century. The first cases of a cluster of pneumonia in Wuhan, China were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019 with the cause of the outbreak identified as a novel coronavirus (now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2) on January 7, 2020Footnote 1. Cases were soon detected outside China, with the first case of COVID-19 identified in Canada on January 25, 2020 in a resident who had returned from Wuhan, ChinaFootnote 2Footnote 3. As of September 16, 2020, there have been 28.6 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, and over 900,000 deaths, globallyFootnote 4; within Canada, there have been 139,747 confirmed cases and 9,193 deathsFootnote 3.

A number of researchers have developed dynamic models of COVID-19 transmission to explore the effects of public health interventions for Canadian jurisdictions, including in OntarioFootnote 5Footnote 6Footnote 7 and British Columbia (similar findings have been found in personal communications, Anderson et al. Estimating the impact of COVID-19 control measures using a Bayesian model of physical distancing. medRxiv 2020), while many provinces and territories have released the results of COVID-19 modellingFootnote 8Footnote 9Footnote 10Footnote 11Footnote 12. Given the observed variation in the risk of severe outcomes of COVID-19 by ageFootnote 13Footnote 14, and the need to consider differences in contact and transmission rates amongst age groupsFootnote 15Footnote 16, age stratification is an important consideration for dynamic models of COVID-19. As of early July 2020, only a minority of the models for Canada or its provinces presented in the peer-reviewed or pre-print literature are age-structured (similar findings can be found in personal communications, Tuite et al. Reduced COVID-19-Related Critical Illness and Death, and High Risk of Epidemic Resurgence, After Physical Distancing in Ontario, Canada. medRxiv 2020).

In Canada, public health intervention strategies including physical (social) distancing, case detection and isolation, contact tracing and quarantine of contacts, among othersFootnote 16Footnote 17 have been implemented with the aim of slowing the spread of the epidemic, reducing peak health care demand, reducing the possibility of infection for those most at risk of severe outcomes of the disease and reducing the overall number of deathsFootnote 18. In order to implement and optimize effective interventions, decision-makers in Canada need information on the relative impact of these measures. They also need to assess scenarios for lifting restrictive closures (e.g. stay-at-home orders, workplace, school and university closures, which may have severe economic and non-COVID-19 health impacts), while avoiding resurgence of the epidemic (often termed a "second wave") in a Canadian population that remains largely naïve to this infection.

The objectives of this paper are 1) to present an aged-stratified dynamic compartmental model developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada and 2) to model the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including case detection/isolation, contact tracing/quarantine and changes in the level of physical distancing associated with lifting restrictive closures, on the attack rate of COVID-19 infection in Canada.

Simulations of the epidemic

Model presentation

An age-stratified dynamic deterministic compartmental model using the susceptible, exposed, infected, removed framework, was developed and applied to the Canadian population stratified into six age groups. Model states are presented in Figure 1. Transmission between individuals can occur within or between age groups at rates influenced by the daily contact number, based on the matrix projected for Canada by Prem etal.Footnote 19. Individuals in quarantine were assumed to interact with a maximum of one person daily during the course of the quarantine. As the model aimed to explore the epidemic over a short time period (730 days), the model had a closed population with no births or non-COVID-19 related deaths, with a population comprising susceptible people at the beginning of the epidemic. Cases who recovered were assumed not to be susceptible to re-infection during the time period of the model (730 days). The model also assumed the infectivity of presymptomatic infectious individuals who become symptomatic was the same as that of symptomatic individuals, as well as individuals who remained asymptomatic throughout the course of infection. Assuming that all detected cases went into isolation, so case detection was a proxy for isolation (see Table 1). See Appendix A for a description of population flows in the model. While the model includes compartments for hospitalizations, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, those in ICU on ventilators, and deaths, here are the results of the model for number of cases only. Model equations can be found in Appendix B.

Figure 1: Diagram of the states and flows of the model

Figure 1: Diagram of the states and flows of the model

Text description: Figure 1

Figure 1: Diagram of the states and flows of the model

Figure 1 shows the states and flows of the model. The susceptible state is the brown box; yellow boxes are latent infection states, blue boxes are detected and isolated case states; green boxes are quarantined contact states; orange boxes are undetected and non-quarantined or isolated case states; red boxes are hospitalized case states, the purple box is the recovered case state, and the grey box indicates deaths. The orange triangles indicate processes by which hospital systems may be overwhelmed if the need for hospital services exceeds available resources. Flows go from the susceptible reservoir to either the latent in the general population or the latent in quarantine. Latent in general population flow to the infected pre/asymptomatic in the general population from which they then go to either infectious not detected with mild symptoms/asymptomatics, infectious detected with mild symptoms/asymptomatics or infectious detected with severe symptoms. Latent in quarantine flow in the quarantined infected pre/asymptomatic from which they then go to either infectious detected with mild symptoms/asymptomatics or infectious detected with severe symptoms or infectious not detected in quarantine. Infectious not detected quarantined or not flow to recovered. Infectious detected with mild symptoms flow to recovered. Infectious with severe symptoms all enter a first compartment where they stay until they flow into a sorting compartment in hospital from which they then flow to either a general hospitalized compartment, or an ICU compartment, or a ventilator compartment. In addition, there is also two alternate compartments for those denied ICU or ventilator due to lack of resources. Every compartment in hospital, past the sorting can flow to either a recovered or dead compartment.

Table 1: Variation of the attack rate (at day 730) for different levels of case detection/isolation, contact tracing/quarantining and physical distancing, after day 88, May 4, 2020
Case detection/isolation Contact tracing and quarantine
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Contact rate reduced by 50% after day 88
0.30 53.57 51.68 49.66 47.49 45.15 42.62
0.40 44.21 41.06 37.61 33.84 29.71 25.24
0.50 31.92 27.10 21.86 16.35 11.09 7.06Footnote a of Table 1
0.60 16.46 10.82 6.61Footnote a of Table 1 4.34Footnote a of Table 1 3.25Footnote a of Table 1 2.66Footnote a of Table 1
0.70 4.69Footnote a of Table 1 3.35Footnote a of Table 1 2.68Footnote a of Table 1 2.29Footnote a of Table 1 2.05Footnote a of Table 1 1.88Footnote a of Table 1
0.80 2.33Footnote a of Table 1 2.06Footnote a of Table 1 1.88Footnote a of Table 1 1.75Footnote a of Table 1 1.65Footnote a of Table 1 1.58Footnote a of Table 1
Contact rate reduced by 33% after day 88
0.30 68.68 67.41 66.04 64.56 62.95 61.20
0.40 62.54 60.37 57.95 55.26 52.24 48.84
0.50 54.22 50.68 46.65 42.02 36.70 30.61
0.60 42.70 37.17 30.77 23.49 15.67 8.86Footnote a of Table 1
0.70 26.68 18.89 11.18 6.02Footnote a of Table 1 3.82Footnote a of Table 1 2.88Footnote a of Table 1
0.80 8.34Footnote a of Table 1 4.69Footnote a of Table 1 3.23Footnote a of Table 1 2.56Footnote a of Table 1 2.19Footnote a of Table 1 1.96Footnote a of Table 1
Contact rate reduced by 16.7% after day 88
0.30 76.56 75.65 74.66 73.58 72.41 71.13
0.40 72.20 70.63 68.87 66.89 64.66 62.13
0.50 66.27 63.67 60.67 57.19 53.10 48.29
0.60 57.92 53.73 48.74 42.77 35.59 27.03
0.70 45.80 39.18 31.21 21.85 12.20 6.03Footnote a of Table 1
0.80 27.95 18.53 9.65Footnote a of Table 1 4.96Footnote a of Table 1 3.28Footnote a of Table 1 2.57Footnote a of Table 1

Parameterization and initialization of model

Assuming that the first community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada was February 8, 2020. The simulations were run for the entire Canadian population (N=37,894,799 inhabitants), stratified in six age groups as shown in Appendix A Table S1 and Table S2Footnote 19Footnote 20.

Parameter values were set according to observed data for Canada (when available) and values in the literature (see Table S2 in Appendix A), obtained in a scan of the COVID-19 literature (published and pre-published) conducted daily by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Searches to retrieve relevant COVID-19 literature were conducted in Pubmed, Scopus, BioRxiv, MedRxiv, ArXiv, SSRN, Research Square and cross-referenced with the literature on the WHO COVID-19 literature list, and COVID-19 information centers run by Lancet, BMJ, Elsevier and Wiley. Literature with relevant prioritized outcomes were identified from the daily scan and parameter values were recorded in a data-extraction form. Model parameters are reassessed weekly according to new research. The choice of the literature source was made according to the relevance and quality of the publication. Estimates were chosen to reflect the most likely value based on minimum and maximum estimates from studies identified from the literature scanning process, using geography, date of study, sample size and target population as criteria in the choice of the retained literature. Estimates from Canada or similar countries, those with more recent study dates, larger sample sizes and more representative samples were prioritized.

A simple calibration of the probability of successful transmission (beta) of SARS-CoV-2 from an infectious person to an uninfected person when they make contact was obtained (Figure 2). This was achieved through iterative trials that compared a target curve based on reported cases from February 8 to May 4, 2020Footnote 21, and simulation results for the same period. The target curve was obtained from increasing the observed count by 25% (assuming later in the epidemic reported cases underestimate the actual number by 25%: personal communication, Dougherty et al., September 15, 2020), and moving the entire curve to be one week earlier (assuming each case was reported one week later than symptom onset). The number of reported cases in the target curve and the number of simulated cases were compared visually to ensure that the parameter values for the simulations were reasonable before assessing the impacts of NPIs.

Figure 2: Comparison of observed cases in Canada from February 8 (day 1) to May 4, 2020 (day 88)

Figure 2: Comparison of observed cases in Canada from February 8 (day 1) to May 4, 2020 (day 88)

Text description: Figure 2

Figure 2: Comparison of observed cases in Canada from February 8 (day 1) to May 4, 2020 (day 88)

Figure 2: Comparison of observed cases in Canada from February 8 (day 1) to May 4, 2020 (day 88)
Day Number of observed cases Number of corrected observed cases Number of infectious simulated
1 0 8.75 22
2 7 8.75 25
3 7 8.75 28
4 7 10 32
5 7 10 38
6 7 10 44
7 7 10 51
8 7 10 59
9 7 11.25 69
10 8 11.25 80
11 8 11.25 92
12 8 12.5 107
13 8 13.75 123
14 8 15 142
15 9 16.25 164
16 9 16.25 189
17 9 18.75 218
18 10 30 251
19 11 33.75 290
20 12 37.5 333
21 13 42.5 384
22 13 46.25 442
23 15 67.5 509
24 24 75 587
25 27 82.5 675
26 30 96.25 778
27 34 118.75 896
28 37 137.5 1,032
29 54 177.5 1,188
30 60 247.5 1,369
31 66 315 1,576
32 77 426.25 1,815
33 95 551.25 2,091
34 110 747.5 2,409
35 142 908.75 2,775
36 198 1,091.25 3,196
37 252 1,358.75 3,682
38 341 1660 4,242
39 441 1,837.5 4,887
40 598 2,613.75 5,630
41 727 3490 6,486
42 873 4,261.25 7,472
43 1,087 5,053.75 8,584
44 1,328 5,946.25 9,795
45 1,470 7,068.75 11,073
46 2,091 7,900 12,384
47 2,792 9,310 13,686
48 3,409 10,685 14,936
49 4,043 12,016.25 16,083
50 4,757 14,103.75 17,127
51 5,655 15,671.25 18,105
52 6,320 17,380 19,048
53 7,448 19,390 19,977
54 8,548 20,833.75 20,909
55 9,613 22,371.25 21,854
56 11,283 24,111.25 22,822
57 12,537 25,956.25 23,820
58 13,904 27,685 24,852
59 15,512 29,147.5 25,922
60 16,667 30,478.75 27,034
61 17,897 32,100 28,191
62 19,289 33,828.75 29,394
63 20,765 35,476.25 30,648
64 22,148 37,615 31,953
65 23,318 39,855 33,312
66 24,383 41,692.5 34,728
67 25,680 43,482.5 36,203
68 27,063 46,038.75 37,740
69 28,381 48,027.5 39,340
70 30,092 50,237.5 41,007
71 31,884 52,637.5 42,744
72 33,354 54,860 44,552
73 34,786 56,692.5 46,435
74 36,831 58,618.75 48,395
75 38,422 60,625 50,437
76 40,190 62,532.5 52,562
77 42,110 64,496.25 54,775
78 43,888 66,545 57,078
79 45,354 68,826.25 59,475
80 46,895 70,892.5 61,970
81 48,500 74,342.5 64,567
82 50,026 75,965 67,268
83 51,597 77,557.5 70,079
84 53,236 79,370 73,003
85 55,061 81,152.5 76,044
86 56,714 83,042.5 79,207
87 59,474 84,627.5 82,496

Initial values for each model state were set according to the number of cases reported in Canada at February 8, 2020, which was seven cases. The epidemic was initiated with 10 latent individuals, 20 presymptomatic individuals and two individuals with mild symptoms in the general population. The values were chosen to be higher than the observed number of cases to reflect both likely underdetection of cases, as well as the lag between the moment of exposure and the detection and declaration of cases. All other model state variables were set to zero.

The model was implemented in R using RStudio, using the following packages: adaptivetau; deSolve; dplyr; DT; forcats; ggplot2; htmlwidgets; lhs; magrittr; openxlsx; plotly; readxl; scales; tidyr; and triangle. Code is available upon request to the authors.

No ethics approval was required as all data were based on surveillance reports publically available from the Public Health Agency of Canada and published literature sources.

Simulations of non-pharmaceutical interventions

A total of 108 possible epidemics were simulated to assess the impact of different levels of case detection/isolation and contact tracing/quarantine under three scenarios for different levels of contact rates due to changes in physical distancing following de-escalation of restrictive closures as of May 4, 2020 (day 88). The study design is represented in Figure 3. From day 0 until day 88, all three scenarios are identical and involved constant levels of case detection/isolation (a conservative 40% of cases detected) and contact tracing/quarantine (40% traced and quarantined) while physical distancing (and thus the contact rates) varied according to the following: 1) an initial period of 40 days during which the level of daily contacts corresponded to what is normally observed in the general population; 2) a seven-day period during which the daily contact rate was gradually reduced by 50% to represent the implementation of physical distancing associated with the start of implementation of restrictive closures in Canada; and 3) a period of 40 days (from day 47 to day 87) over which physical distancing due to the restrictive closures maintained contact rates at 50% below pre-COVID-19 levels.

Figure 3: Simulation study design showing initial period of epidemic (before day 88)

Figure 3: Simulation study design showing initial period of epidemic (before day 88)

Text description: Figure 3

Figure 3: Simulation study design showing initial period of epidemic (before day 88)

Figure 3 describes visually and in text format the simulation design used, indicating the levels of case detection/isolation, contact tracing, physical distancing and average contact rate in the general population for the calibration period (up to day 88) and the scenarios (from day 88). For the calibration period, both the case detection/isolation and contact tracing levels are kept at 40% until day 88. Starting from day 88, six scenarios of case detection and six scenarios of contact tracing are simulated, varying from 30% to 80% by increments of 10%. Physical distancing is not implemented and contact level is kept at 100% (12 contact/day) of initial level until day 40. After day 40 contact level is reduced to 50% of initial level (at six contact per day) over a period of seven days and is kept constant until day 87 inclusively. Starting from day 88, the physical distancing reduction is implemented according to three scenarios, respectively kept at 50% reduction than normal, eased to 33% reduction (than normal) or eased to 16.7% reduction (than normal).

From day 88 (the date of lifting restrictive closures), there were three scenarios for physical distancing: 1) physical distancing was kept such that contact rates remained 50% less than pre-COVID-19 levels (i.e. restrictive closures are not lifted); while in 2) and 3) restrictive closure were lifted to allow contact rates to increase, respectively, to 33% or 16.7% below pre-COVID-19 levels until the end of the simulation. Six levels of case detection/isolation (from 30% to 80% in 10% increments) and six levels of contact tracing/quarantine (from 30% to 80% by 10% increments) were simulated for each one of the three scenarios of physical distancing, for a total of 108 simulated epidemics.

Outcome measures

The attack rate was the primary outcome of the simulation experiments, consisting of the cumulative number of infected people over the entire initial population, for the entire 730 days of the epidemic, or at the end of the simulation period if the epidemic was not completed. Simulations longer than two years were considered as unrealistic given the assumption that recovered individuals do not return to the susceptible state during the simulation. Currently, there is not enough scientific evidence to confirm post-infection immunity in all recovered cases, or the duration of immunity any individual may achieve from a COVID-19 infectionFootnote 22Footnote 23Footnote 24. Attack rates below 10% were considered corresponded to a condition of "epidemic control" of COVID-19 in Canada, below which the healthcare system was less likely to be overwhelmed.

A analysis of sensity of the attack rate to an increase or decrease of the transmission coefficient (beta) by 10% (using the formula Sensitivity=((Vi - V0)/V0)/(|(Ti - T0)/T0|)Footnote 25 was performed, where V0 is the attack rate without changes to input data [T0] and Vi is the attack rate with a given increase or decrease of input [Ti]).


Attack rates of the 108 simulations are presented in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 4; both table and figure show how the attack rate reduction evolved according to the different levels of NPI. Results showed that relaxing physical distancing at day 88 (40 days after its implementation) had a significant impact on the attack rate in all the simulated epidemics, with the attack rate varying between 1.6% and 76.6%. The extent of the impact of the easing of physical distancing varied according to the values of the other control measures already in place; i.e. the case detection/isolation rate and the contact tracing/quarantine rate. An attack rate below 10%, which was considered here to represent epidemic control, was much more frequent when the contact rate was kept at 50% level below normal after day 88, compared with lower levels of physical distancing.

Figure 4: Simulation of the epidemic for three scenarios after day 88, May 4, 2020

Figure 4: Simulation of the epidemic for three scenarios after day 88, May 4, 2020

Text description: Figure 4

Figure 4: Simulation of the epidemic for three scenarios after day 88, May 4, 2020

Figure 4: Simulation of the epidemic for three scenarios after day 88, May 4, 2020
Day Number of infected using a contact rate after day 88
Reduced by 50% Reduced by 33% Reduced by 16.7%
0 22 22 22
1 25 25 25
2 28 28 28
3 32 32 32
4 38 38 38
5 44 44 44
6 51 51 51
7 59 59 59
8 69 69 69
9 80 80 80
10 92 92 92
11 107 107 107
12 123 123 123
13 142 142 142
14 164 164 164
15 189 189 189
16 218 218 218
17 251 251 251
18 290 290 290
19 333 333 333
20 384 384 384
21 442 442 442
22 509 509 509
23 587 587 587
24 675 675 675
25 778 778 778
26 896 896 896
27 1,032 1,032 1,032
28 1,188 1,188 1,188
29 1,369 1,369 1,369
30 1,576 1,576 1,576
31 1,815 1,816 1,816
32 2,091 2,091 2,091
33 2,409 2,409 2,409
34 2,775 2,775 2,775
35 3,196 3,196 3,196
36 3,682 3,682 3,682
37 4,242 4,242 4,242
38 4,887 4,887 4,887
39 5,630 5,630 5,630
40 6,486 6,486 6,486
41 7,472 7,472 7,472
42 8,584 8,584 8,584
43 9,795 9,795 9,795
44 11,073 11,073 11,073
45 12,384 12,384 12,384
46 13,686 13,686 13,686
47 14,936 14,936 14,936
48 16,083 16,083 16,083
49 17,127 17,127 17,127
50 18,105 18,105 18,105
51 19,048 19,048 19,048
52 19,977 19,977 19,977
53 20,909 20,909 20,909
54 21,854 21,854 21,854
55 22,822 22,822 22,822
56 23,820 23,820 23,820
57 24,852 24,852 24,852
58 25,922 25,922 25,922
59 27,034 27,034 27,034
60 28,191 28,191 28,191
61 29,394 29,395 29,395
62 30,648 30,648 30,648
63 31,953 31,953 31,953
64 33,312 33,312 33,312
65 34,728 34,728 34,728
66 36,203 36,203 36,203
67 37,740 37,740 37,740
68 39,340 39,340 39,340
69 41,007 41,007 41,007
70 42,744 42,744 42,744
71 44,552 44,552 44,552
72 46,435 46,435 46,435
73 48,395 48,395 48,395
74 50,437 50,437 50,437
75 52,562 52,562 52,562
76 54,775 54,775 54,775
77 57,078 57,078 57,078
78 59,475 59,475 59,475
79 61,970 61,970 61,970
80 64,567 64,567 64,567
81 67,268 67,268 67,268
82 70,079 70,079 70,079
83 73,003 73,003 73,003
84 76,044 76,044 76,044
85 79,207 79,207 79,207
86 82,496 82,496 82,496
87 85,916 85,916 85,916
88 89,471 89,471 89,471
89 93,137 93,735 94,335
90 96,724 98,917 101,129
91 100,058 104,582 109,190
92 103,024 110,410 118,027
93 105,554 116,175 127,286
94 107,617 121,722 136,720
95 109,207 126,954 146,161
96 110,335 131,814 155,505
97 111,027 136,279 164,691
98 111,317 140,344 173,689
99 111,240 144,020 182,492
100 110,837 147,328 191,107
101 110,146 150,292 199,551
102 109,204 152,941 207,845
103 108,047 155,304 216,015
104 106,707 157,408 224,085
105 105,214 159,282 232,080
106 103,593 160,950 240,025
107 101,870 162,435 247,941
108 100,064 163,758 255,848
109 98,194 164,937 263,764
110 96,276 165,990 271,704
111 94,325 166,931 279,682
112 92,350 167,772 287,711
113 90,364 168,526 295,798
114 88,375 169,201 303,954
115 86,390 169,807 312,184
116 84,415 170,351 320,493
117 82,456 170,838 328,886
118 80,517 171,275 337,364
119 78,601 171,667 345,929
120 76,712 172,016 354,582
121 74,852 172,328 363,322
122 73,022 172,604 372,147
123 71,225 172,847 381,055
124 69,462 173,060 390,044
125 67,732 173,244 399,110
126 66,038 173,401 408,248
127 64,379 173,532 417,453
128 62,755 173,638 426,720
129 61,167 173,721 436,042
130 59,614 173,781 445,414
131 58,096 173,819 454,826
132 56,613 173,836 464,273
133 55,165 173,831 473,746
134 53,750 173,806 483,236
135 52,370 173,761 492,734
136 51,022 173,697 502,230
137 49,707 173,613 511,715
138 48,424 173,510 521,179
139 47,172 173,388 530,611
140 45,951 173,248 539,999
141 44,760 173,090 549,334
142 43,599 172,913 558,603
143 42,466 172,718 567,795
144 41,362 172,506 576,898
145 40,286 172,276 585,900
146 39,237 172,028 594,788
147 38,214 171,764 603,551
148 37,217 171,482 612,176
149 36,245 171,183 620,651
150 35,299 170,868 628,962
151 34,376 170,536 637,099
152 33,476 170,188 645,048
153 32,600 169,823 652,797
154 31,746 169,443 660,335
155 30,914 169,047 667,649
156 30,103 168,634 674,728
157 29,313 168,207 681,560
158 28,544 167,764 688,135
159 27,794 167,306 694,441
160 27,064 166,833 700,468
161 26,352 166,345 706,207
162 25,659 165,843 711,647
163 24,984 165,326 716,781
164 24,326 164,796 721,599
165 23,686 164,251 726,093
166 23,062 163,693 730,256
167 22,454 163,121 734,082
168 21,862 162,536 737,565
169 21,285 161,938 740,698
170 20,724 161,328 743,477
171 20,177 160,704 745,898
172 19,644 160,069 747,958
173 19,125 159,421 749,653
174 18,620 158,761 750,982
175 18,128 158,090 751,943
176 17,648 157,408 752,537
177 17,182 156,714 752,762
178 16,727 156,009 752,621
179 16,285 155,294 752,113
180 15,854 154,569 751,242
181 15,434 153,833 750,011
182 15,025 153,088 748,423
183 14,627 152,332 746,482
184 14,240 151,568 744,194
185 13,863 150,794 741,563
186 13,495 150,012 738,596
187 13,137 149,221 735,299
188 12,789 148,421 731,679
189 12,450 147,614 727,745
190 12,120 146,799 723,503
191 11,798 145,976 718,963
192 11,485 145,145 714,134
193 11,180 144,308 709,024
194 10,883 143,464 703,644
195 10,594 142,613 698,002
196 10,313 141,756 692,111
197 10,039 140,893 685,979
198 9,772 140,024 679,617
199 9,513 139,150 673,037
200 9,260 138,270 666,249
201 9,014 137,385 659,264
202 8,774 136,496 652,093
203 8,541 135,601 644,747
204 8,314 134,703 637,238
205 8,093 133,800 629,577
206 7,878 132,893 621,773
207 7,668 131,983 613,840
208 7,464 131,070 605,786
209 7,266 130,153 597,624
210 7,072 129,233 589,363
211 6,884 128,311 581,015
212 6,701 127,386 572,589
213 6,523 126,458 564,095
214 6,349 125,529 555,543
215 6,180 124,598 546,943
216 6,015 123,665 538,304
217 5,855 122,731 529,636
218 5,699 121,796 520,946
219 5,547 120,859 512,244
220 5,400 119,922 503,537
221 5,256 118,984 494,835
222 5,116 118,046 486,143
223 4,980 117,107 477,470
224 4,847 116,168 468,823
225 4,718 115,230 460,209
226 4,592 114,292 451,633
227 4,470 113,354 443,102
228 4,351 112,417 434,622
229 4,235 111,481 426,198
230 4,122 110,546 417,836
231 4,012 109,612 409,540
232 3,905 108,680 401,315
233 3,801 107,749 393,166
234 3,699 106,819 385,096
235 3,601 105,892 377,109
236 3,505 104,966 369,209
237 3,411 104,042 361,398
238 3,320 103,121 353,681
239 3,232 102,202 346,059
240 3,146 101,286 338,535
241 3,062 100,372 331,112
242 2,980 99,461 323,791
243 2,901 98,553 316,574
244 2,823 97,648 309,463
245 2,748 96,746 302,459
246 2,675 95,848 295,563
247 2,603 94,953 288,776
248 2,534 94,061 282,100
249 2,466 93,173 275,534
250 2,400 92,289 269,080
251 2,336 91,408 262,737
252 2,274 90,531 256,507
253 2,213 89,659 250,388
254 2,154 88,790 244,380
255 2,097 87,926 238,485
256 2,041 87,065 232,701
257 1,986 86,210 227,027
258 1,933 85,358 221,464
259 1,882 84,511 216,011
260 1,831 83,669 210,666
261 1,783 82,831 205,430
262 1,735 81,998 200,301
263 1,689 81,170 195,278
264 1,644 80,346 190,361
265 1,600 79,528 185,547
266 1,557 78,714 180,837
267 1,515 77,906 176,229
268 1,475 77,102 171,722
269 1,436 76,304 167,313
270 1,397 75,511 163,003
271 1,360 74,723 158,790
272 1,324 73,940 154,672
273 1,288 73,162 150,648
274 1,254 72,390 146,716
275 1,220 71,623 142,875
276 1,188 70,862 139,124
277 1,156 70,106 135,461
278 1,125 69,355 131,884
279 1,095 68,610 128,393
280 1,066 67,870 124,985
281 1,037 67,136 121,659
282 1,010 66,408 118,414
283 983 65,685 115,248
284 957 64,967 112,159
285 931 64,255 109,147
286 906 63,549 106,209
287 882 62,848 103,343
288 858 62,153 100,550
289 835 61,464 97,827
290 813 60,780 95,172
291 791 60,102 92,584
292 770 59,430 90,062
293 750 58,763 87,605
294 730 58,102 85,210
295 710 57,446 82,877
296 691 56,796 80,605
297 673 56,152 78,391
298 655 55,514 76,234
299 637 54,881 74,134
300 620 54,253 72,089
301 604 53,632 70,097
302 588 53,016 68,158
303 572 52,405 66,270
304 557 51,800 64,432
305 542 51,201 62,643
306 527 50,607 60,901
307 513 50,019 59,206
308 499 49,436 57,556
309 486 48,858 55,950
310 473 48,287 54,387
311 461 47,720 52,867
312 448 47,159 51,387
313 436 46,604 49,948
314 425 46,054 48,547
315 413 45,509 47,185
316 402 44,970 45,859
317 391 44,436 44,570
318 381 43,907 43,315
319 371 43,384 42,096
320 361 42,865 40,909
321 351 42,352 39,755
322 342 41,845 38,633
323 333 41,342 37,542
324 324 40,844 36,480
325 315 40,352 35,448
326 307 39,865 34,445
327 299 39,383 33,469
328 291 38,905 32,521
329 283 38,433 31,598
330 275 37,966 30,702
331 268 37,503 29,830
332 261 37,046 28,982
333 254 36,593 28,159
334 247 36,146 27,358
335 240 35,703 26,579
336 234 35,264 25,823
337 228 34,831 25,087
338 222 34,402 24,372
339 216 33,978 23,677
340 210 33,558 23,002
341 204 33,143 22,346
342 199 32,733 21,708
343 194 32,327 21,088
344 188 31,926 20,486
345 183 31,529 19,900
346 178 31,136 19,331
347 174 30,748 18,778
348 169 30,364 18,241
349 165 29,985 17,719
350 160 29,609 17,212
351 156 29,238 16,719
352 152 28,872 16,240
353 148 28,509 15,774
354 144 28,151 15,322
355 140 27,796 14,883
356 136 27,446 14,456
357 133 27,099 14,041
358 129 26,757 13,638
359 126 26,419 13,247
360 122 26,084 12,867
361 119 25,754 12,497
362 116 25,427 12,138
363 113 25,104 11,789
364 110 24,785 11,451
365 107 24,469 11,122
366 104 24,158 10,802
367 101 23,849 10,491
368 98 23,545 10,189
369 96 23,244 9,896
370 93 22,947 9,612
371 91 22,653 9,335
372 88 22,363 9,066
373 86 22,076 8,805
374 84 21,793 8,552
375 81 21,513 8,306
376 79 21,236 8,066
377 77 20,963 7,834
378 75 20,693 7,608
379 73 20,426 7,389
380 71 20,162 7,176
381 69 19,902 6,970
382 67 19,645 6,769
383 66 19,391 6,574
384 64 19,140 6,384
385 62 18,892 6,200
386 60 18,647 6,021
387 59 18,405 5,847
388 57 18,166 5,679
389 56 17,930 5,515
390 54 17,697 5,356
391 53 17,467 5,201
392 51 17,239 5,051
393 50 17,015 4,906
394 49 16,793 4,764
395 47 16,574 4,626
396 46 16,357 4,493
397 45 16,144 4,363
398 44 15,932 4,237
399 42 15,724 4,115
400 41 15,518 3,996
401 40 15,315 3,881
402 39 15,114 3,769
403 38 14,916 3,660
404 37 14,720 3,554
405 36 14,527 3,451
406 35 14,336 3,352
407 34 14,148 3,255
408 33 13,962 3,161
409 32 13,778 3,070
410 32 13,597 2,981
411 31 13,418 2,895
412 30 13,241 2,811
413 29 13,066 2,730
414 28 12,894 2,651
415 28 12,724 2,574
416 27 12,556 2,500
417 26 12,390 2,428
418 25 12,226 2,358
419 25 12,064 2,289
420 24 11,905 2,223
421 23 11,747 2,159
422 23 11,591 2,097
423 22 11,438 2,036
424 22 11,286 1,977
425 21 11,136 1,920
426 20 10,989 1,864
427 20 10,843 1,810
428 19 10,699 1,758
429 19 10,557 1,707
430 18 10,416 1,658
431 18 10,278 1,610
432 17 10,141 1,563
433 17 10,006 1,518
434 16 9,873 1,474
435 16 9,742 1,432
436 16 9,612 1,390
437 15 9,484 1,350
438 15 9,357 1,311
439 14 9,232 1,273
440 14 9,109 1,236
441 14 8,988 1,200
442 13 8,868 1,166
443 13 8,749 1,132
444 13 8,632 1,099
445 12 8,517 1,067
446 12 8,403 1,037
447 12 8,291 1,007
448 11 8,180 978
449 11 8,070 949
450 11 7,962 922
451 10 7,856 895
452 10 7,750 869
453 10 7,647 844
454 10 7,544 820
455 9 7,443 796
456 9 7,343 773
457 9 7,245 751
458 9 7,147 729
459 8 7,052 708
460 8 6,957 687
461 8 6,863 667
462 8 6,771 648
463 8 6,680 629
464 7 6,590 611
465 7 6,502 593
466 7 6,414 576
467 7 6,328 560
468 7 6,243 543
469 6 6,159 528
470 6 6,076 512
471 6 5,994 498
472 6 5,914 483
473 6 5,834 469
474 6 5,755 456
475 5 5,678 442
476 5 5,601 430
477 5 5,526 417
478 5 5,451 405
479 5 5,378 393
480 5 5,305 382
481 5 5,234 371
482 4 5,163 360
483 4 5,093 350
484 4 5,025 340
485 4 4,957 330
486 4 4,890 320
487 4 4,824 311
488 4 4,759 302
489 4 4,694 293
490 4 4,631 285
491 4 4,568 277
492 3 4,506 269
493 3 4,446 261
494 3 4,385 253
495 3 4,326 246
496 3 4,268 239
497 3 4,210 232
498 3 4,153 225
499 3 4,097 219
500 3 4,041 212
501 3 3,986 206
502 3 3,932 200
503 3 3,879 194
504 2 3,827 189
505 2 3,775 183
506 2 3,724 178
507 2 3,673 173
508 2 3,623 168
509 2 3,574 163
510 2 3,526 158
511 2 3,478 154
512 2 3,431 149
513 2 3,384 145
514 2 3,338 141
515 2 3,293 137
516 2 3,248 133
517 2 3,204 129
518 2 3,161 125
519 2 3,118 122
520 2 3,076 118
521 2 3,034 115
522 2 2,993 111
523 1 2,952 108
524 1 2,912 105
525 1 2,872 102
526 1 2,833 99
527 1 2,795 96
528 1 2,757 93
529 1 2,719 91
530 1 2,683 88
531 1 2,646 85
532 1 2,610 83
533 1 2,575 81
534 1 2,540 78
535 1 2,505 76
536 1 2,471 74
537 1 2,437 72
538 1 2,404 70
539 1 2,372 68
540 1 2,339 66
541 1 2,307 64
542 1 2,276 62
543 1 2,245 60
544 1 2,215 58
545 1 2,184 57
546 1 2,155 55
547 1 2,125 53
548 1 2,096 52
549 1 2,068 50
550 1 2,040 49
551 1 2,012 47
552 1 1,985 46
553 1 1,958 45
554 1 1,931 43
555 1 1,905 42
556 1 1,879 41
557 1 1,853 40
558 1 1,828 39
559 1 1,803 38
560 1 1,778 36
561 1 1,754 35
562 1 1,730 34
563 1 1,707 33
564 0 1,683 32
565 0 1,660 31
566 0 1,638 31
567 0 1,615 30
568 0 1,593 29
569 0 1,572 28
570 0 1,550 27
571 0 1,529 26
572 0 1,508 26
573 0 1,488 25
574 0 1,467 24
575 0 1,447 23
576 0 1,428 23
577 0 1,408 22
578 0 1,389 21
579 0 1,370 21
580 0 1,351 20
581 0 1,333 20
582 0 1,315 19
583 0 1,297 19
584 0 1,279 18
585 0 1,262 17
586 0 1,244 17
587 0 1,228 16
588 0 1,211 16
589 0 1,194 16
590 0 1,178 15
591 0 1,162 15
592 0 1,146 14
593 0 1,130 14
594 0 1,115 13
595 0 1,100 13
596 0 1,085 13
597 0 1,070 12
598 0 1,055 12
599 0 1,041 12
600 0 1,027 11
601 0 1,013 11
602 0 999 11
603 0 985 10
604 0 972 10
605 0 958 10
606 0 945 9
607 0 932 9
608 0 920 9
609 0 907 9
610 0 895 8
611 0 883 8
612 0 871 8
613 0 859 8
614 0 847 7
615 0 835 7
616 0 824 7
617 0 813 7
618 0 802 7
619 0 791 6
620 0 780 6
621 0 769 6
622 0 759 6
623 0 748 6
624 0 738 6
625 0 728 5
626 0 718 5
627 0 708 5
628 0 699 5
629 0 689 5
630 0 680 5
631 0 670 5
632 0 661 4
633 0 652 4
634 0 643 4
635 0 634 4
636 0 626 4
637 0 617 4
638 0 609 4
639 0 600 4
640 0 592 3
641 0 584 3
642 0 576 3
643 0 568 3
644 0 560 3
645 0 553 3
646 0 545 3
647 0 538 3
648 0 530 3
649 0 523 3
650 0 516 3
651 0 509 3
652 0 502 2
653 0 495 2
654 0 488 2
655 0 482 2
656 0 475 2
657 0 469 2
658 0 462 2
659 0 456 2
660 0 450 2
661 0 444 2
662 0 437 2
663 0 431 2
664 0 426 2
665 0 420 2
666 0 414 2
667 0 408 2
668 0 403 2
669 0 397 1
670 0 392 1
671 0 386 1
672 0 381 1
673 0 376 1
674 0 371 1
675 0 366 1
676 0 361 1
677 0 356 1
678 0 351 1
679 0 346 1
680 0 341 1
681 0 337 1
682 0 332 1
683 0 328 1
684 0 323 1
685 0 319 1
686 0 314 1
687 0 310 1
688 0 306 1
689 0 302 1
690 0 297 1
691 0 293 1
692 0 289 1
693 0 285 1
694 0 282 1
695 0 278 1
696 0 274 1
697 0 270 1
698 0 266 1
699 0 263 1
700 0 259 1
701 0 256 1
702 0 252 1
703 0 249 1
704 0 245 1
705 0 242 1
706 0 239 1
707 0 235 0
708 0 232 0
709 0 229 0
710 0 226 0
711 0 223 0
712 0 220 0
713 0 217 0
714 0 214 0
715 0 211 0
716 0 208 0
717 0 205 0
718 0 202 0
719 0 199 0
720 0 197 0
721 0 194 0
722 0 191 0
723 0 189 0
724 0 186 0
725 0 184 0
726 0 181 0
727 0 179 0
728 0 176 0
729 0 174 0
730 0 171 0

Additionally, a level of case detection/isolation of 70% or more allowed for control of the simulated epidemics at all levels of contact tracing above 30% when physical distancing is maintained at 50% below normal levels. However, the level of case detection and contact tracing needed to control the epidemic increased markedly if physical distancing was not maintained to reduce contact rates.

The results also suggest that the relative impact of case detection/isolation on the decrease of the attack rate appeared to be higher than that of contact tracing. Even with contact tracing at levels as high as 80%, 50% of cases had to be detected to control the epidemic when physical distancing kept contact rates 50% lower than pre-COVID-19 levels. An even higher level of case detection was required when physical distancing was lifted to allow contact rates to rise to 16.7% or 33% below pre-COVID-19 levels.

The sensitivity analysis for beta showed that the average percent change for the attack rate was lower than 10% in most scenarios, increasing with increasing beta (8.1%; SD=9.2%; data not shown) and decreasing with decreasing beta (4.1%; SD=2.9%). When beta was increased, the number of combinations of case detection and contact tracing rates resulting in an attack rate less than 10% reduced by half (from 32 to 16) while decreasing beta resulted in an increase (from 32 to 43) in the number of combinations resulting in an attack rate less than 10% (see Appendix C).


Summary of key findings

This work highlights, in order of importance, that ensuring a relatively high level of detection/isolation of cases and tracing/quarantine of potentially infected cases while maintaining some personal physical distancing will all be necessary to avoid a resurgence of the epidemic in Canada.

Comparison with other studies

These results are in accordance with an example presented in Ogden et al.Footnote 26, based on a deterministic compartmental model that was not age stratified. Additionally, similar studies that assessed the impact of NPIs for Canada as a whole, or for a specific Canadian province, have come to similar conclusionsFootnote 5Footnote 27Footnote 28 (similar findings have been found in personal communication, Tuite et al. Reduced COVID-19-Related Critical Illness and Death, and High Risk of Epidemic Resurgence, After Physical Distancing in Ontario, Canada. medRxiv 2020 and in Eastman et al. Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 containment strategies with considerations for limited medical resources. medRxiv. 2020). Even if a direct comparison between results in different studies is difficult because of differences in details of the modelling study design (study region, epidemic start date, inclusion or not of stochasticity and epidemic outbreak metric), they all concluded that control of the epidemic requires a combination of three things: 1) maintenance of some level of physical distancing (for a minimum of 10 months according to Tuite et al.Footnote 5); 2) enhanced detection of cases; and 3) tracing and quarantine of contacts, to minimize the attack rate.

Strengths and limitations

A major strength of this study is that it provides a clear signal of the potential impact of lifting restrictive closures (represented in this study release of physical distancing), which began in many jurisdictions within Canada around mid-May 2020. The results of the simulation experiments presented here demonstrated that during the lifting restrictive closures, public health decision-makers and practitioners will need to maintain continued vigilance to avoid the resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic (a "second wave"), through the maintenance of a high level of case detection and contact tracing and some level of physical distancing. A further strength of this work is that the chosen model states are comprehensive and account for the main disease statuses, including latent and presymptomatic states. Additionally, the model accounts for the age structure in the Canadian population, which is an important element of transmission risk heterogeneityFootnote 29. Finally, modeling the case detection level instead of the ratio of asymptomatic cases has allowed to circumvent the difficulty of obtaining precise information on the number of asymptomatic cases, which is a still a challenge for COVID-19 modelling.

A limitation of this study, which applies to most mathematical modelling work, is that translating the levels of NPI modelled into the real world is not always easy for the public health stakeholders and can be open to interpretation. In this study, we used our current best estimates for parameter values; however, these values may change as knowledge of COVID-19 increases. The preliminary sensitivity analysis that was conducted shows that the results were relatively robust to changes in beta (the transmission coefficient); therefore, the attack rate values obtained here should be considered as illustrative of the principle that increased case detection and contact tracing, as well as maintenance of some physical distancing, will be needed to control the epidemic as restrictive closures are lifted.

Additionally, the model does not account for delays between onset of symptoms and case detection or between case detection and contact tracing/quarantining. It is recognized that these delays exist and have been reported elsewhere in the worldFootnote 30. In the United States and the United Kingdom, it has been shown that these delays are subject to significant variation depending on the study population, the strength of symptoms and the vulnerability of the person, though no published estimates of these delays are yet available for Canada (Personal communication, Lawless et al. Estimation of Symptomatic Case Counts and the COVID-19 Infection Curve Through Reporting Delay Adjustment: An Observational Study of Ontario Surveillance).

Finally, the contact matrices used are the result of projections for Canada based on data from other countries in Europe and corrected for socio-demographic and health factorsFootnote 19. Actual contact rate data for Canada would strengthen future versions of this model.

Implications and next steps

This study underlines the importance of a cautious approach to lifting restrictive closures. It appears that maintaining some level of physical distancing (for example, by limitations on the size of gatherings, maintaining a two metre distance, or maintaining a social bubble) or other non-pharmaceutical measures (such as wearing non-medical masks) combined with high levels of case detection and contact tracing are key components of epidemic control. It this context, it seems important to support strategies aimed at encouraging people to get tested when they may have been exposed to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, encouraging people to respect isolation instructions as well as strategies that support personal protection measures, such as mandating the use of non-medical masks in indoor public settingsFootnote 31, in order to offset the risk of infection from the increase of physical proximity of citizens that comes with re-opening.


This paper presents an aged-stratified dynamic compartmental model for the transmission of COVID-19 in Canada. As well, these results provide estimates of the impact of NPIs, including case detection/isolation, contact tracing/quarantine and changes in the level of physical distancing, on the COVID-19 attack rate, for a period of time after mid-May 2020, when lifting of restrictive closures began at a national level. The model and analyzed scenarios demonstrate that case detection/isolation and contact tracing/quarantine, along with reduced rates of contact through some form of physical distancing, will be essential for future control of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Authors' statement

  • AL, PB and NO - Conceptualization
  • AL, PB, AO, HO- Data curation (parameter values)
  • AL, PB, CN, DH, JB, MD - Analysis
  • AL, PB, HO - Writing-original draft
  • AL, PB, NO, AO, HO, CN, DE, JB, MD - Writing-review and editing
  • NO - Supervision
  • AL, PB - Contributed equally to this work

Competing interests



The authors would like to thank the Knowledge Synthesis team members within Public Health Risk Sciences Division of Public Health Agency of Canada. Their daily literature scans and summarization of SARS-CoV-2 publications contributed to the quick preparation of the work presented here.


This work was supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Appendix A: Model flow, compartment definitions, parameter definitions and values

Model flow

Broadly, the naïve individuals (the Susceptible state), enter the latent infection state either in quarantine (state Lq) or while part of the general population (L). After the latent period, the individuals become infectious without developing symptoms-for individuals who will develop symptoms, this corresponds to a presymptomatic state (states Iq_pres or I_pres depending on whether the individual is quarantined or not). For individuals who will remain asymptomatic, the state we call presymptomatic simply corresponds to the first phase of their infectious period, until they may be detected, or not. Individuals are then either detected (a fraction of mild symptomatic individuals, asymptomatic individuals and all with severe symptoms) or not (most of the asymptomatic and a fraction of the mild symptomatic). Detected individual with mild symptoms or who are asymptomatic are isolated at home, while detected individuals with more severe symptoms enter the hospitalization section of the model. Undetected individuals, either with mild symptoms or who are completely asymptomatic are not isolated and are considered to continue to contribute to the epidemic for as long as their infectious period, at which point they recover. Once in the hospital states, depending on severity, individuals move to one of three possible compartments: a general non-emergency ward, an intensive care unit (ICU) if they are a severe case, or an ICU unit with ventilation for the most critical patients. The model accounts for lack of care for severe cases in the situation where hospital capacity is overwhelmed. Each severe case can either die or recover. State definitions can be found in Table S1.

Table S1: Model compartment definitions and values
State Definitions Initial values
S Susceptible Stratification by age group, StatCan Population estimates July 1, 2019Footnote 32Ages 0-10 estimate of 3,982,527Ages 10-20 estimate of 4,146,397Ages 20-40 estimate of 10,286,131Ages 40-60 estimate of 10,069,708Ages 60-75 estimate of 6,315,255Ages 75+ estimate of 2,789,244
Lq Latent in quarantine 0
L Latent in the general population (not in quarantine) 10
I_pres Infected presymptomatic in the general population (and first infectious period for asymptomatic) 20
Iq_pres Infected presymptomatic in quarantine (and first infectious period for asymptomatic) 0
Iqnd Infected in quarantine not detected (asymptomatic or mild symptom) 0
Ind Infected non-detected (asymptomatic or mild symptom) in the general population 2
Idam Infectious detected asymptomatic or with mild symptoms in the general population 0
Idss Infected detected between onset of symptoms, that are severe, and going to the hospital 0
Iss_hosp Infected with severe symptoms who are in hospital sorting 0
H_g_OK Infected with severe symptoms who stay at the hospital in the general care service 0
H_ICU_OK Infected with severe symptoms who stay at the hospital in ICU 0
H_vent_OK Infected with severe symptoms who stay at the hospital with ventilation 0
H_g_denied Infected with severe symptoms who are not able to access hospital care because of insufficient/overwhelmed local capacity 0
H_ICU_denied Infected with severe symptoms who are not able to access ICU because of insufficient/overwhelmed local capacity 0
H_vent_denied Infected with severe symptoms who are not able to access ventilation because of insufficient/overwhelmed local capacity 0
R Recovered 0
D Dead 0
Table S2: Model parameters, definition, values and evidence
Parameter name Definition Value Evidence
beta Probability of transmission when contact made with infectious person Ages 0-10 average value of 0.041Ages 10-20 average value of 0.041Ages 20-40 average value of 0.041Ages 40-60 average value of 0.041Ages 60-75 average value of 0.041Ages 75+ average value of 0.041 Based on Stilianakis et al.Footnote 33 and adjusted using data from the beginning of the epidemic (Figure 2 in the article)
lambda Proportion of exposed to detected infectious who are traced and quarantined (contact tracing/quarantine) Value of 40% until day 87From day 88 up to the end of the epidemic, the value varied according to control scenarios NA
cgg Number of daily contacts between two individuals from the general population 6*6 matrixAverage value of 12.6 from day 0 to day 40 (see Table S2.1 below)Linear decrease of 50% from days 41 and 47Value of 50% below normal from day 48 until day 87From day 88 up to the end of the epidemic, the value varied according to control scenarios Based on Prem et al.Footnote 19
cgq Number of daily contacts between an individual from the general population and an individual from the quarantined population 6*6 matrix identical during all the duration of the simulation (see Table S2.2 below) We assumed a person in quarantine is in contact with a maximum of one person each day during his/her quarantine period. The value of one was then standardized according to the total population size in each stratum
20sigma Latent period (days) 4.12 days Based on Li et al., 2020Footnote 34
delta Proportion of presymptomatic infectious cases that will be identified (or detected) Value of 40% until day 87From day 88 and to the end of the epidemic, the value varied according to control scenarios NA
alpha Proportion of cases who develop severe symptoms Ages 0-10 average value of 0.02Ages 10-20 average value of 0.02Ages 20-40 average value of 0.04Ages 40-60 average value of 0.10Ages 60-75 average value of 0.30Ages 75+ average value of 0.41 Based on Public Health Agency of CanadaFootnote 21
tpres Period of time between onset of infectiousness and onset of symptoms in those developing symptoms OR first infectious period for asymptomatic 2 days Based on He et al., 2020Footnote 35
tsm Period of time between onset of symptoms and recovery for cases with mild symptoms OR second infectious period for asymptomatic 6 days Based on Wölfel et al., 2020Footnote 36 and He et al., 2020Footnote 35
tsph Period between symptom onset for cases with severe symptoms and being taken care of by the health system 3 days Based on Khalili et al., 2020Footnote 37
pICU Proportion of hospitalized cases who require/access to ICU in hospital Ages 0-10 average value of 0.20Ages 10-20 average value of 0.35Ages 20-40 average value of 0.36Ages 40-60 average value of 0.46Ages 60-75 average value of 0.46Ages 75+ average value of 0.19 Based on Public Health Agency of CanadaFootnote 21
pvent Proportion of hospitalized cases who require/access to ventilation (Vent) 0 This will be updated in future models once age-specific data become available
tsorting Period of time for sorting severe cases in hospital (before general service, ICU or Vent) 1 day We assume it takes one day on average between when a severe case arrives in the hospital and when the case is sorted to the appropriate service
mg Mortality rate for severe cases in hospital that do not require ICU or Vent (general) Ages 0-10 average value of 0Ages 10-20 average value of 0Ages 20-40 average value of 0Ages 40-60 average value of 0.02Ages 60-75 average value of 0.14Ages 75+ average value of 0.34 Based on Public Health Agency of CanadaFootnote 34
mICU Mortality rate for severe cases dying in hospital (ICU) Ages 0-10 average value of 0Ages 10-20 average value of 0Ages 20-40 average value of 0.06Ages 40-60 average value of 0.15Ages 60-75 average value of 0.32Ages 75+ average value of 0.57 Based on Public Health Agency of CanadaFootnote 34
mVent Mortality rate for severe case dying in hospital (Vent) NA Not calibrated because this parameter has no impact on the results (e.g. attack rate) presented in this article
thr Period of time between first day in hospital after sorting, and recovery or death 12 days Based on hospitalization and length of stay of COVID-19 casesFootnote 38Footnote 39Footnote 40
mg- Mortality rate for severe cases dying at home because they are not able to access hospital care NA Not calibrated because this parameter has no impact on the results (e.g. attack rate) presented in this article
mICU- Mortality rate for severe cases dying in hospital because they are not able to access ICU NA Not calibrated because this parameter has no impact on the results (e.g. attack rate) presented in this article
Table S2.1: 6*6 matrix on the average value of 12.6 from day 0 to day 40
Age group 0-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-75 75+
0-10 4.60 0.89 2.59 1.38 0.34 0.04
10-20 1.03 10.27 2.80 2.45 0.21 0.03
20-40 1.15 1.67 8.18 4.05 0.35 0.04
40-60 1.00 2.17 4.89 5.83 0.60 0.07
60-75 0.63 0.65 1.89 2.06 1.98 0.14
75+ 0.45 0.66 0.84 1.42 0.77 0.46
Table S2.2: 6*6 matrix identical during all the duration of the simulation
Age group 0-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-75 75+
0-10 0.47 0.09 0.26 0.14 0.03 0.00
10-20 0.06 0.61 0.17 0.15 0.01 0.00
20-40 0.07 0.11 0.53 0.26 0.02 0.00
40-60 0.07 0.15 0.34 0.40 0.04 0.00
60-75 0.09 0.09 0.26 0.28 0.27 0.02
75+ 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.31 0.17 0.10

Appendix B: Equations

dS / dt = - S * beta * 1/N * [(1-lambda*delta) * ( cgg * (I_pres + Ind) + cgq * (Iq_pres + Iqnd)) + lambda * delta * ( cgg * (I_pres + Ind) + cgq * (Iq_pres + Iqnd))]

dLq / dt = S * beta * 1/N * lambda * delta * ( cgg * (I_pres + Ind) + cgq * (Iq_pres + Iqnd)) - Lq / sigma

dL / dt = S * beta * 1/N* (1-lambda *delta) * ( cgg * (I_pres + Ind) + cgq * (Iq_pres + Iqnd)) - L / sigma

dIpres / dt = L / sigma - Ipres / tpres

dIq_pres/ dt = Lq / sigma - Iq_pres / tpres

dIqnd / dt = Iq_pres *( 1-delta) / tpres - Iqnd / tsm

dInd / dt = Ipres * ( 1-delta) / tpres - Ind / tsm

dIdam / dt = (Iq_pres + Ipres) * delta* (1- alpha) / tpres - Idam / tsm

dIdss / dt = (Iq_pres + Ipres) * (delta* alpha) / tpres - Idss / tsph

dIss_hosp / dt = Idss / tsph - Iss_hosp / tsorting

dH_g_OK/ dt = Iss_hosp * (1-pICU-pvent) / tsorting - H_g_OK / thr

dH_ICU_OK / dt = Iss_hosp * pICU / tsorting - H_ICU_OK / thr

dH_vent_OK / dt = Iss_hosp * pvent / tsorting - H_vent_OK / thr

dH_g_denied / dt = 0 * Iss_hosp * (1-pICU-pvent) / tsorting - H_g_denied / thr where 0 comes from the assumed infinite capacity.

dH_ICU_denied / dt = 0 * Iss_hosp * (pICU) / tsorting - H_ICU_denied / thr where 0 comes from the assumed infinite capacity.

dH_vent_denied / dt = 0 * Iss_hosp * (pvent) / tsorting - H_vent_denied / thr where 0 comes from the assumed infinite capacity.

dR / dt = Idam / tsm + Ind / tsm + Iqnd / tsm + H_g_OK * (1- mg) / thr + H_g_denied * (1- mg-) / thr + H_ICU_OK * (1- mICU) / thr + H_ICU_denied * (1- mICU-) / thr + H_vent_OK * (1- mVent) / thr

dD / dt = H_g_OK * mg / thr + H_g_denied * mg- / thr + H_ICU_OK * mICU / thr + H_ICU_denied * mICU- / thr + H_vent_OK * mVent / thr + H_vent_denied / thr

Appendix C: Sensitivity analysis for beta

Appendix C: Sensitivity analysis for beta
Case detection/isolation Contact tracing and quarantine
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Attack rate for a beta 10% higher than expected (beta=0.045)
Contact rate still reduced by 50% after day 88
0.30 59.09352 57.4983 55.78916 53.9561 51.98852 49.87534
0.40 51.116 48.47224 45.58901 42.44803 39.03661 35.35465
0.50 40.72402 36.72655 32.39552 27.80149 23.12042 18.6755
0.60 27.68375 22.66857 17.92792 13.9703 11.07788 9.127013Footnote a of Appendix C
0.70 14.67835 11.41256 9.222685Footnote a of Appendix C 7.797606Footnote a of Appendix C 6.846839Footnote a of Appendix C 6.184861Footnote a of Appendix C
0.80 7.997407Footnote a of Appendix C 6.941327Footnote a of Appendix C 6.220808Footnote a of Appendix C 5.706796Footnote a of Appendix C 5.325164Footnote a of Appendix C 5.032136Footnote a of Appendix C
Contact rate still reduced by 50% after day 88
0.30 72.12056 71.03947 69.87305 68.6118 67.24506 65.76064
0.40 66.84949 65.00664 62.96262 60.688 58.14878 55.30608
0.50 59.74349 56.76575 53.38173 49.5269 45.13509 40.15337
0.60 49.97753 45.37923 40.1135 34.16619 27.6911 21.21683
0.70 36.56815 30.14937 23.41448 17.23498 12.63568 9.755943Footnote a of Appendix C
0.80 20.20915 14.69697 10.93404 8.667255Footnote a of Appendix C 7.296874Footnote a of Appendix C 6.418942Footnote a of Appendix C
Contact rate reduced by 16.7% after day 88
0.30 78.97424 78.18379 77.33041 76.40654 75.40348 74.31118
0.40 75.19535 73.84808 72.34734 70.66763 68.77832 66.64237
0.50 70.09167 67.88819 65.35466 62.42254 59.0075 55.00747
0.60 62.96743 59.44347 55.27892 50.33294 44.45665 37.55202
0.70 52.71792 47.23034 40.70934 33.12933 24.9225 17.4795
0.80 37.83963 30.13374 22.10612 15.33652 11.01025 8.593437Footnote a of Appendix C
Attack rate for a beta 10% lower than expected (beta=0.037)
Contact rate still reduced by 50% after day 88
0.30 46.32687 44.1102 41.73141 39.17554 36.42638 33.46669
0.40 35.37861 31.69369 27.6635 23.2589 18.45491 13.23975
0.50 21.11151 15.51616 9.487262Footnote a of Appendix C 4.352624Footnote a of Appendix C 2.026998Footnote a of Appendix C 1.268084Footnote a of Appendix C
0.60 4.446911Footnote a of Appendix C 1.925112Footnote a of Appendix C 1.178985Footnote a of Appendix C 0.892557Footnote a of Appendix C 0.747114Footnote a of Appendix C 0.659919Footnote a of Appendix C
0.70 0.917685Footnote a of Appendix C 0.750175Footnote a of Appendix C 0.655133Footnote a of Appendix C 0.594146Footnote a of Appendix C 0.551763Footnote a of Appendix C 0.520622Footnote a of Appendix C
0.80 0.594963Footnote a of Appendix C 0.550296Footnote a of Appendix C 0.517993Footnote a of Appendix C 0.493555Footnote a of Appendix C 0.474428Footnote a of Appendix C 0.459053Footnote a of Appendix C
Contact rate reduced by 33% after day 88
0.30 64.06551 62.56878 60.95033 59.19649 57.29164 55.21801
0.40 56.83411 54.26817 51.41448 48.22939 44.66162 40.65115
0.50 47.04398 42.87674 38.12076 32.67411 26.42855 19.2982
0.60 33.54144 27.06095 19.59878 11.19984 4.000164Footnote a of Appendix C 1.648817Footnote a of Appendix C
0.70 14.97949 6.498159Footnote a of Appendix C 2.127114Footnote a of Appendix C 1.165722Footnote a of Appendix C 0.858549Footnote a of Appendix C 0.713186Footnote a of Appendix C
0.80 1.48164Footnote a of Appendix C 0.962062Footnote a of Appendix C 0.758895Footnote a of Appendix C 0.652422Footnote a of Appendix C 0.587167Footnote a of Appendix C 0.543146Footnote a of Appendix C
Contact rate reduced by 16.7% after day 88
0.30 73.32151 72.24328 71.07465 69.80463 68.42056 66.90782
0.40 68.1969 66.33559 64.25373 61.91416 59.27188 56.27203
0.50 61.2006 58.12787 54.57939 50.45286 45.61944 39.91796
0.60 51.36095 46.40851 40.51931 33.46741 25.00128 14.98944
0.70 37.11735 29.3243 19.98326 9.323668Footnote a of Appendix C 2.537434Footnote a of Appendix C 1.234962Footnote a of Appendix C
0.80 16.33694 6.198483Footnote a of Appendix C 1.832707Footnote a of Appendix C 1.050737Footnote a of Appendix C 0.794449Footnote a of Appendix C 0.670077Footnote a of Appendix C

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