CCDR: Volume 50-7/8, July/August 2024: Sexual Health


The PDF for this issue has been updated as of December 2, 2024 with a new catalogue number.

Table of contents

Advisory Committee Statement

Summary of the National Advisory Committee on Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (NAC-STBBI) Statement: Recommendations on Screening for Syphilis in Non-Pregnant Adults and Adolescents
H Begum, S Gadient, J Bullard, J Gratrix, T Grennan, T Hatchette, A Fleurant‑Ceelen, on behalf of the National Advisory Committee on Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections

Survey Report

Exploring the need for sexually transmitted infection education among university student athletes in Saskatchewan
I Hedayat, N Steinberg, S Akhtar, AT Clay, DR Frost

Systematic Review

Acceptability, feasibility, equity and resource use for prenatal screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea: A systematic review
S Shanmugasegaram, U Auguste, A Fleurant‑Ceelen, S Sabourin, A‑C Labbé, J Bullard, G Ogilvie, MH Yudin, N Santesso


HIV among African, Caribbean and Black people in Ontario


Social capital interventions for human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization and cervical cancer screening: A rapid review
C Gillies, LK Allen‑Scott, CIJ Nykiforuk, AP Belon, MO Kim, B Lee, L Nieuwendyk, K Adhikari, EM Ori

Case Report

Congenital rubella syndrome, a case series
O Medu, P Mahajan, M Hennink, L Stang, M Anderson, B Tan, A Oyenubi, M Plamondon, MI Salvadori, K Franklin, C Primeau, J Hiebert, J Minion, T Diener

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