CCDR: Volume 51-1, January 2025: Personal Protective Measures


Table of contents

Advisory Committee Statement

Summary of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) Statement—Updated guidance on Imvamune in the context of a routine immunization program
N Forbes, J Montroy, MI Salvadori, K Klein on behalf of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)

Systematic Review

Is there sufficient evidence to inform personal protective equipment choices for healthcare workers caring for patients with viral hemorrhagic fevers?
A Graham, S Ettles, M McGrath, T Ogunremi, J Selkirk, N Bruce


Surveillance of laboratory exposures to human pathogens and toxins, Canada, 2023
A Nafees, A Gauthier, AN Davis, EF Tran, C Abalos, CM Girincuti, S Bonti-Ankomah

Epidemiologic Study

Burden of disease of respiratory syncytial virus in older adults and adults considered at high risk of severe infection
EM Abrams, P Doyon-Plourde, P Davis, L Lee, A Rahal, N Brousseau, W Siu, A Killikelly

The prevalence of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (HIV-PrEP) use and HIV-PrEP-to-need ratio in nine Canadian provinces, 2018–2021
N Popovic, Q Yang, L Campeau, J Elliott, A Williams, VD Lima, P Sereda, J Cox

Using behavioural science to improve antibiotic stewardship in Canadian long-term care homes: Protocol for a multi-center cluster randomized quality improvement study
T Good, J Cila, R Mosher, K Puka, S Reynolds, B Catt, A Mounchili, D Gravel-Tropper, P Quail, A McGeer, A Moser, M Ashcroft, P Daley, K Piggott, J Leis, M Morrissey

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