Information about programs and information holdings

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General Information

Introduction to Info Source

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It provides individuals and employees of the government (current and former) with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

The Introduction and an index of institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.

Raison d'être

The mandate of the Public Service Commission (PSC) is to promote and safeguard merit-based appointments and, in collaboration with other stakeholders, to protect the non-partisan nature of the public service. The PSC reports independently on its mandate to Parliament.

Under the delegated staffing system set out in the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), the PSC fulfills its mandate by providing policy guidance and expertise as well as by conducting effective oversight. In addition, the PSC delivers innovative staffing and assessment services.

The President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada is identified as the appropriate minister for the PSC in accordance with the Financial Administration Act. Visit the Public Service Commission for more information on our history.


The PSC is responsible for promoting and safeguarding merit-based appointments that are free from political influence and, in collaboration with other stakeholders, for protecting the non-partisan nature of the public service.

The PSC is mandated to:

Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

PSC strategic outcome: To provide Canadians with a highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and are free from political influence, and on the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency.

1.1 Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality

The Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality program is focused on independently safeguarding merit and non-partisanship in the federal public service. This program includes developing and advancing strategic policy positions and directions; conducting policy research; establishing Public Service Commission (PSC) policies and standards; providing advice, interpretation and guidance; and administering delegated and non-delegated authorities, including official languages, the political activities regime and priority administration.

1.1.1 Staffing and Non-Partisanship Policies, Advice and Support

The Staffing and Non-Partisanship Policies, Advice and Support sub-program develops and advances strategic policy positions and directions on merit and non-partisanship in the federal public service. It also develops, interprets and provides advice and guidance on the Staffing Management Accountability Framework and PSC policies, regulations and exclusion approval orders related to staffing and non-partisanship; it ensures departments and agencies, managers and human resources professionals receive relevant policy information, advice and support in a timely manner. It develops the PSC position on policy issues raised in complaints brought to the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB).

Political Activities Self-Assessment Tool

Description: The Political Activities Self-Assessment Tool is an on-line resource available on the Public Service Commission's Web site which assists employees, subject to the political activities provisions (Part 7) of the Public Service Employment Act, in making an informed decision about participating in a non-candidacy political activity.

Document Types: Name of institutions; the nature of the employee’s current public service duties within the context of their organization, the level and visibility of an employee’s current position and person, the nature of political activity and an employee’s personal visibility. The statistical information collected is not personal and is provided voluntarily by the users for statistical and program evaluation purposes only.

Record Number: PSC 1.1.1 – 2413

Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board Staffing Complaints and Court Proceedings

Description: Copies of Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB) case files concerning staffing complaints filed pursuant to section 65 (lay-offs), section 74 (revocation of appointment), section 77 (internal appointments), and section 83 (failure of corrective action ordered by the PSLREB) of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). In response to staffing complaints brought to the PSLREB, the PSC develops submissions on the Appointment Policy and legal issues raised. The PSC will intervene during the hearing, either orally or by way of written submissions, to provide its interpretation of certain concepts, such as abuse of authority, and to explain the relationship between the PSLREB’s mandate and that of the PSC. When a PSLREB decision related to staffing is taken to Court (Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal and Supreme Court), the PSC is considered a part of the Attorney General (AG) of Canada, one of the parties in the proceeding. As a result, the PSC contributes to the development of the AG’s position and submissions before the Court.

Document Types: Copies of PSLREB staffing complaints, allegations, replies of deputy heads and other parties, correspondence, motions, requests, pre-hearing conference notes, pleadings, notices, exhibits, notices of withdrawals of complaint, PSC policy risk assessments, policy advice, legal advice, written submissions and PSLREB decisions. Also includes applications for judicial review, affidavits, memorandums of fact and law and factums.

Record Number: PSC 1.1.1 – 4926

1.1.2 Delegation, Political Activities, Official Languages and Priority Administration

The Delegation, Political Activities, Official Languages and Priority Administration sub-program administers the delegation of appointment authorities to departments and agencies through articulated delegation instruments, learning products and services, staffing advice, intelligence gathering to support the PSC oversight function and support to organizations — enabling delegated appointment and appointment-related authorities to the most suitable level(s) and full exercise of their delegated staffing authority. This sub-program is also responsible for administering the political activities regime and determining eligibility for the legislated mobility provisions; monitoring and providing expert advice on the use of the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order; and administering priority entitlements established under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and the Public Service Employment Regulations (PSER).

Staffing Framework

Description: Information on the development and application of legislation, exclusion approval orders, regulations and policies pursuant to the PSEA, with respect to staffing and the delegation of appointment and appointment-related authorities to departments and agencies and on the co-ordination of parts of the Official Languages program for which the PSC is responsible.

Document Types: Policies, directives, methods and procedures for conducting staffing in the federal public service and approval of staffing programs of separate agencies to allow deployment of their employees to delegated organizations; appointment delegation and accountability instruments; lists of deputy heads and organizations to which appointment and appointment-related authorities have been delegated, specific arrangement for sub-delegation; additional terms and conditions to delegation; staffing consultant certification files under the former PSEA; exclusion approval order and regulatory files; and organizational staffing reports to the PSC.

Persons Appointed under an Exclusion Approval Order

Description: This bank may contain basic data regarding appointments made pursuant to an exclusion approval order made by the Commission, with the approval of the Governor in Council.

Class of Individuals: Persons appointed to or within the public service who are excluded from certain provisions of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), pursuant to section 20.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 37 and 41 of the former Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), repealed 2003, and sections 20 and 21 of the current PSEA to record and report to Parliament the names of persons and the reason for their exclusion from certain provisions of the Act, pursuant to section 20.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used to record and report to Parliament annually the names of persons and the reason for their exclusion under an exclusion approval order.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five years after termination of the exclusion, and then sent to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 4390
TBS Registration: 001447
Bank Number: PSC PCE 780

Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order

Description: This bank may contain basic personal data, medical certificates, supporting documentation, department/agency requests and Commission decisions, in some cases.

Class of Individuals: Public servants who have requested an official languages exclusion.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 37 and 41 of the former Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), and sections 20 and 21 and paragraph 30(2)(a) of the current PSEA, to record information relating to the review of cases of employees requesting an exclusion from the obligation to meet the second language requirements of their position.

Consistent Uses: Information is used by the PSC in determining whether to grant or refuse a request to exclude an employee from meeting the linguistic requirements of a position for medical reasons pursuant to the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order (PSOLEAO). Personal information may be used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes as part of PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities that are authorized by the PSEA: Studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis. The information may be disclosed to the Investigations Directorate under the authority of paragraph 8(2)(b) of the Privacy Act during the course of an investigation under the PSEA.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 25 years and then destroyed, except for those with historical value, which are kept indefinitely.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 4390
TBS Registration 001460
Bank Number: PSC PCE 774

Staffing Consultant Certification

Description: This bank may contain individual files that include recommendations from departments and agencies for staffing certification, such as letters of recommendation from heads of human resources (HR), information on previous personnel studies and work experience, staffing knowledge examination results, outlines of training, related on-the-job staffing activities and assignments and assessments of such activities and assignments. Part of the above information is also recorded in a computerized inventory. As of December 31, 2005, the PSC no longer certifies staffing consultants. This bank currently exists solely for retention purposes.

Class of Individuals: Public service staffing consultants.

Purpose: This bank ceased to collect any new information on December 31, 2005, as the PSC no longer certifies staffing consultants further to the coming into force of the PSEA. This bank existed to record and provide information on the certification of staffing consultants as it relates to the exercise of staffing authority delegated pursuant to subsection 6(1) of the former PSEA.

Consistent Uses: This bank was used to provide information in support of the certification of staffing consultants and to prepare various reports and statistical analyses. It currently exists for retention purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years after the date of certification. The computerized record will be maintained as a record of who is certified until the year 2035.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 4390
TBS Registration: 001464
Bank Number: PSC PCE 800

Statutory and Regulatory Priority Entitlements Class of Records

Description: Information on the administration of the priority entitlements flowing from the PSEA and the Public Service Employment Regulations (PSER), including personal information of persons with a priority entitlement, guidance materials and procedural manuals required for administration of these entitlements and information on responsibilities related to the broader area of work force adjustment.

Document Types: Policy and program development; guidance materials and instructional manuals for PSC and departmental/agency staff involved in the administration of priority entitlements; case file information for the referral and placement of priority persons; Priority Information Management System; letters, résumés, references and information on persons eligibility for the priority entitlement, on the referral of persons with a priority entitlement for consideration by organizations, including the results of referrals and appointments of persons with a priority entitlement,  and priority-related documents such as data reports on various populations of persons with a priority entitlement, referral history and organization’s appointment rates.

Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 4780

Statutory and Regulatory Priority Entitlements Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank may contain basic personal, statutory or regulatory data including employment equity information, together with the results of referrals made to departments and agencies. The priority types include members of the Canadian Forces who have been medically released for reasons attributable to service, leave of absence, Former Ministers’ Staff, staff of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (repealed on September 30, 2010), lay-off, surplus, reinstatement, relocation of spouse, employees who become disabled, surviving spouse or common law partner, members of the Canadian Forces who have been medically released for reasons not attributable to service, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who have been medically released. This information is stored in paper or in electronic files in the Priority Information Management System (PIMS).

Class of Individuals: Public servants and other persons who have a statutory or regulatory priority for appointment.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 11 and 39.1, 40 to 43 of the PSEA and sections 3 to 12 of the PSER and provides information relating to individuals with a statutory or regulatory priority for appointment.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used by the PSC and other federal government organizations to identify individuals with a statutory or regulatory priority for appointment purposes and to engage in job-searching activities on their behalf. Reports of aggregate results (e.g. total number of priority persons) are provided to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), organizations, and unions for information purposes. Personal information may be used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes as part of PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities that are authorized by the PSEA: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis. The information may be disclosed to the Investigations Directorate (PSC PPU 010) under the authority of paragraph 8(2)(b) of the Privacy Act during the course of an investigation under the PSEA. Personal information is shared with TBS for the purposes of work force adjustment analysis in accordance with an information sharing agreement. Employment equity data collected is used for reporting and compliance purposes as mandated in the Employment Equity Act. Information in the bank also relies on the Shared Services Canada’s PIB: SSC 607 for External Credential Management Services

Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard-copy records are retained for five years from the date the individual's priority status is terminated, after which the records are destroyed. Personal information in PIMS is kept indefinitely.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 4780
TBS Registration: 001452
Bank Number: PSC PCE 801

Political Activities Permission and Leave

Description: Information related to requests from federal public servants subject to the political activities provisions (Part 7) of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) who request, the PSC’s permission to seek nomination as, or be, a candidate in a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal election before and during the election period and, if applicable, a leave of absence without pay.

Document Types: Requests, briefing notes, reports, letters, records of decisions, opinions, legal interpretations and recommendations.

Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 2410

Administration of political candidacy requests

Description: This bank contains information related to the administration of political candidacy requests from federal public servants subject to Part 7 of the PSEA and the Political Activities Regulations (PAR). Personal information may include name; contact information; biographical information; employee personnel information; language; views and opinions of, or about, individuals; and signature. In addition to the requirements specified on the TBS Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information included in this bank must provide the subject and date of correspondence.

Note: This Personal Information Bank was updated in 2011. It was formerly called Leave of absence and permission to seek election.

Class of Individuals: Federal public servants who have requested permission to seek nomination as, or be, a candidate in an election before or during an election period and, if applicable, a leave of absence without pay; deputy heads and supervisors who provide professional opinions on the ability of the incumbent to perform public service duties in a politically impartial manner; other individuals who provide views and opinions related to the request of political candidacy.

Purpose: Personal information is collected by the authority conferred to the PSC in the PSEA (its preamble and, more specifically, section 11 and Part 7) and by the PAR, and is used to review requests for permission; to conduct follow up on the conditions related to the permissions granted; and to take action, if necessary, if such activity is contrary to the PSEA.

Consistent Uses: Personal information may be shared with the Federal Court during the course of a judicial review in accordance with paragraphs 8(2)(c) and (d) of the Privacy Act. In the event the PSC receives an allegation of improper political activity, personal information may be shared with the Investigations Directorate for the purpose, and during the course, of an investigation in accordance with section 118 of the PSEA and may be disclosed pursuant to section 14 of the PAR.This disclosure is in accordance with paragraph 8(2)(b) of the Privacy Act. Personal information may be used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes as part of PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities that are authorized by the PSEA: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: After 15 years retention at the PSC, records are destroyed, except for those with historical value, which are sent to Library and Archives Canada. All documents presented to the Commission as part of the process to seek permission to participate in Political Activities as well as all Records of Decision made by the Commission or on its behalf are also retained in the “Records of the Commission” class of personal information in accordance with that class’ retention standard.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Class of Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 2410
TBS Registration: 001448
Bank Number: PSC PCE 763

Mobility Provisions for Former Ministers’ Staff and Persons Formerly Employed in Certain Excluded Positions at the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General

Description: Information related to the PSC’s confirmation of the eligibility of Former Ministers’ Staff (FMS) and persons formerly employed in certain excluded positions at the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG) to apply for advertised internal appointment processes.

Document Types: Requests, copies of pay cards, correspondence from pay offices, procedures guide, legal interpretations, recommendations and correspondence.

Record Number: PSC 1.1.2 – 2430

Mobility Provisions

Description: This bank contains information concerning individuals formerly employed for at least three years as exempt staff in the office of a minister or the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate or the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, or in any of those offices successively. Such individuals may make a request to the PSC for confirmation of eligibility to apply for advertised internal appointment processes for a period of one year after ceasing to be employed in the above capacity. This bank also contains information concerning persons formerly employed for at least three consecutive years in one or more of the following excluded positions, GGS-S-910 to GGS-S-920, at the OSGG. Such individuals may make a request to the PSC for confirmation of eligibility to apply for advertised internal appointment processes for a period of one year after ceasing to be employed in the above capacity. Personal information may include the following: name; contact information; biographical information; personnel information, including types of periods of leave such as educational, personal, and extended sick leave; language; views and opinions by the individual requesting eligibility; and signature.

Class of Individuals: Individuals requesting confirmation of eligibility under the Former Ministers' Staff and Persons Formerly Employed in an Excluded Position at the OSGG mobility provisions, to participate in advertised internal appointment processes.

Purpose: Personal information is collected under the authority of the PSEA and the Office of the Governor General’s Secretary Employment Regulations to confirm if applicants meet the requirements to be eligible to participate in advertised internal appointment processes in accordance with the FMS and Persons Formerly Employed in an Excluded Position at the OSGG mobility provisions.

Consistent Uses: Information may be used to validate information on the request for confirmation forms provided by the individual requesting confirmation and the designated compensation authority. Personal information may be shared with the Federal Court during the course of a judicial review in accordance with paragraphs 8(2)(c) and 8(2)(d) of the Privacy Act. Personal information may be used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes as part of PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities that are authorized by the PSEA: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: After five years retention at the PSC, records are destroyed, except for those with historical value, which are sent to Library and Archives Canada.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Class of Record Number: 1.1.2 – 2430
TBS Registration: 20110276
Bank Number: PSC PCU 747

1.2 Staffing Services and Assessment

The Staffing Services and Assessment program maintains the systems that link Canadians and public servants seeking employment opportunities in the federal public service with hiring departments and agencies. It provides assessment-related products and services in the form of research and development, consultation, assessment operations and counselling for use in recruitment, selection and development throughout the federal public service. This program also includes delivering staffing services, programs and products to departments and agencies, to Canadians and public servants, through client service units located across Canada.

1.2.1 Staffing Services

The Staffing Services sub-program includes the development and delivery of staffing services and programs to departments and agencies and to Canadians, including public servants. The PSC staffing services include comprehensive staffing services at all levels as well as student and graduate recruitment programs. These services are designed to help federal departments and agencies select qualified individuals for positions across a range of occupations and levels within the public service.

Executive Programs

Description: Information on assessment and counselling for executives and employees in the feeder groups.

Document Types: Assessment documents and employment counselling forms and files.

Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 2900

Career Consultation and Development, Diversity Management: Senior Levels

Description: This bank may contain basic personal information, curricula vitae, general career information and plans, appraisal information and reference checks.

Class of Individuals: Employment equity designated group members (i.e., women, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples and persons with disabilities) at the EX equivalent, EX minus 1 and EX minus 2 levels who have received career consultation and development services.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with section 11 of the Public Service Employment Act to maintain a historical record of designated group members seeking career consultation services in order to fulfill their chosen career plans.

Consistent Uses: The bank is used to maintain records of meetings with clients and to identify and contact designated group clients eligible to compete for specific EX processes and for referral of clients to developmental assignments in other departments and agencies. Personal information may be routinely used or disclosed by PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities: Studies, evaluations, analytical activities, audits, research, reporting and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years after being declared inactive, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 2900
TBS Registration: 001466
Bank Number: PSC PCE 721

Executive Resourcing

Description: This bank may contain security clearance ratings; language examination results; board reports; letters to unsuccessful candidates; notification (if applicable); Official Languages information forms; job descriptions; statements of merit criteria; résumés; individual candidate reports from the Personnel Psychology Centre; screening and assessment results; reference check results; and lists of qualified candidates. Individuals seeking access to this information are requested to provide the pertinent selection process number.

Class of Individuals: Persons who are included in an Executive Group appointment process administered by the PSC on behalf of client organizations

Purpose: These banks exists in accordance with section 11 and subsection 30(1) of the PSEA to record and provide information relating to Executive Group selection processes administered by the PSC on behalf of client organizations.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used to provide information relating to Executive Group selection and appointments. On request, information may be disclosed to a participant in an appointment process to explain the reasons for the selection decision. Information in this bank may be obtained from information in the applicant inventories or assessment results and from client organizations. Personal information may be routinely used or disclosed by PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis. The information may be disclosed to the PSC Investigations Directorate (PSC PPU 010) in accordance with section 8(2)(b) of the Privacy Act and the authority under the PSEA.

Note: The program ceased to exist in July 2013.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five years after the last administrative action, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 2900
TBS Registration: 001475
Bank Number: PSC PCE 746

Flexibility EX and Special Assignment Pay Plan Positions

Description: This bank may contain agreements between the employees and organizations involved, administrative correspondence, reports on staffing transactions, approval forms and curricula vitae, as required.

Class of Individuals: Public servants at the EX group and level employed by the PSC in unclassified positions at the EX level, and employees of other groups who are employed under the Special Assignment Pay Plan (SAPP).

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with the Directive on Executive Compensation to record and control EX employees in unclassified positions and SAPP situations at the PSC.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used to administer and maintain data on EXs in unclassified positions and SAPP situations at the PSC. It is also used to report general data to PSC management and TBS, as required. Personal information may be routinely used or disclosed by PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a period of five years, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 98/005
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 2900
TBS Registration: 001486
Bank Number: PSC PPE 801

Special Measures Program Participants

Description: This bank may contain information concerning the on-the-job training assignments of participants in the Special Measures Program, including the Access Program, the Visible Minority Employment Program, the National Indigenous Development Program, the Northern Careers Program and the Non-Traditional Occupations Program for Women (e.g., trainee identification, training status, letters of agreement, training plans, release of medical/psychiatric authorization forms, position descriptions, training evaluations, letters of offer and reports on staffing transactions, as well as post-training employment details, including follow-up dates and results).

Note: This program ceased to exist in 1998.

Class of Individuals: Individuals participating in the Special Measures Program, including the Access Program for Disabled Persons, the Visible Minority Employment Program, the National Indigenous Development Program, the Northern Careers Program and the Non-Traditional Occupations Program for Women.

Purpose: The bank exists in accordance with TBS authority 789462 to record information on participants in the Special Measures Program.

Consistent Uses: The bank is used to monitor the progress of participants and measure the effectiveness of each initiative/program, as well as for statistical and management information reports prepared for the PSC, TBS, federal government departments and agencies and employment equity committees. Personal information may be routinely used or disclosed by PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The hard-copy or official files are retained by the PSC regional offices. Copies of the files may also be retained in the records of participating organizations. Paper records are retained for five years after the participant has completed the assignment, after which they are destroyed. Machine-readable records will be retained until 2023, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 2900
TBS Registration: 002297
Bank Number: PSC PCE 798

Resourcing Services

Description: Information on the management and execution of internal and external recruitment programs and on the development of approaches aimed at recruiting qualified individuals for the federal public service.

Document Types: Recruitment strategies and guidelines; post-secondary and student recruitment, letters of reference, résumés, applications, applicant accounts and profiles, self-declaration/self-identification documents, job advertisements, notifications, Statements of Merit Criteria, pre-screening criteria, Terms of Access.

Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 4700

Applicant Profiles, Applications and Referrals

Description: This bank contains information about individuals who have created an applicant account in the Public Service Resourcing System (PSRS). To create a PSRS applicant account, an individual must provide required information, which will be retained in the individual's account profile and may be retained as part of submitted and in progress applications compiled within PSRS. Personal information required to create a PSRS applicant account includes name, contact information, citizenship status and partial date of birth. Additional personal information required to submit an application will be retained in the individual’s account profile and may be retained as part of submitted and in progress applications compiled within PSRS. The additional personal information required to submit an application may include Canadian Armed Forces service number and eligibility for the preference to veterans, Priority Reference Number and priority entitlement type, Nunavut Land Claims Agreement beneficiary information, employment status, work history and educational information, name and contact information of references, employee identification numbers, language, medical information and employment equity information. The individual can provide information on gender on a voluntary basis; this information is retained in the account profile for statistical analysis and reporting. PSRS also contains electronic screening information and may include manual screening information for each application the individual submitted to an advertised process. PSRS also captures applicant information for internal jobs and notifications, jobs open to the public, and the following recruitment programs: Post-Secondary Recruitment (formerly PSC PPU 096), Federal Student Work Experience Program (formerly PSC PPU 086), Recruitment of Policy Leaders and Research Affiliate Program. Assessment and referral information may also be contained in this bank, as well as individual test results (for unsupervised Internet tests, occupational tests or second language evaluation tests) (PSC PPU 025).

Class of Individuals: General public (non–public servants), federal employees (public servants) or any individual who has an applicant account in PSRS wishing to apply to the public service.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 11, 30 and 36 of the PSEA, as well as sections 5 and 9 of the Employment Equity Act and article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The personal information provided by the individual will be used by the PSC, the Office of the Chief Human Officer (OCHRO), Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and federal government organizations to identify applicants suitable for referrals and appointments to positions within the public service.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used to collect applicant data, to search for and identify applicants suitable for referrals and to hold individual’s applicant accounts and their profiles. The bank is also used to retain the individual’s applications that are in progress of being submitted and those applications that are submitted to internal and external advertised processes using PSRS. Searches of PSRS identify applicants suitable for referral and appointments to positions in the public service and, for certain programs, record referral information that is shared with government organizations. Employment equity information may be used for employment equity–related recruitment, HR management and statistical purposes by the PSC, the OCHRO, TBS and the employing organization or agency. It is also provided to the following systems: Analytical Environment (PSC PCE 761) and Employment Equity Data Base (TBS PCE 739). Other than for recruitment, the information on Nunavut Land Claims Agreement beneficiaries may be used for analytical purposes and shared with Employment and Social Development Canada for reporting on the Inuit Labour Force Analysis. The information may be collected, retained, used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes by PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the PSEA for the following purposes: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; surveys; and statistical analysis. The information may be disclosed to the PSC Investigations Directorate (PSC PPU 010) in accordance with section 8(2) of the Privacy Act and the authority under the PSEA.

Note: Individuals seeking access to this information are required to provide their PSRS applicant account number or username (email address), name and partial date of birth. If the individual is enquiring about a specific advertised process or notification, they must include the reference number or some identifying information with regard to the process.

Retention and Disposal Standards: The current retention practice of records in PSRS meets the minimum requirements of the Privacy Regulations, which is 2 years following the last administrative action. The PSC is currently developing retention and disposal standards for PSRS, which are expected to be defined within fiscal year 2016-17. Implementation of the technological mechanisms to enable them will occur at a later date.

RDA Number: Under development
Related Class of Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 - 4700
TBS Registration: 001422
Bank Number: PSC PPU 015

Personnel Selection

Description: This bank may contain requests for candidate referral statements of merit criteria and conditions of employment, official languages profiles, selection process notices, applications, curricula vitae, rating guides, board reports, and all other documents used in establishing candidate merit, results and notification of appointment.

Note: Persons completing a Personal Information Request Form are required to give the pertinent appointment process numbers.

Class of Individuals: Non-public servants and public servants who are being considered for appointment through a collective advertised appointment process by the Services and Business Development Sector.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with section 11 of the Public Service Employment Act to record and provide information related to any process of personnel selection, advertised or non-advertised, administered by the PSC.

Consistent Uses: This bank is used to staff position. In the event of suspected irregularities in staffing or recruitment processes, information may be shared with the Investigations Directorate (PSC PPU 010). The information on employment equity groups is used for statistical purposes by the PSC, TBS and the employing department or agency. Information in this bank may be obtained from systems pertaining to applicant inventories and assessment results.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five years after the last administrative action, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.1 – 4700
TBS Registration: 001427
Bank Number: PSC PPU 040

1.2.2 Assessment

Through the PSC’s Personnel Psychology Centre and regional client services units, the Assessment sub-program provides assessment-related products and services in the form of research and development, consultation, assessment operations and counselling for use in staffing, selection and development throughout departments and agencies. These standardized assessment instruments, professional services and leading edge techniques such as e-testing support efficient, merit-based appointments through accurate and fair assessment of qualifications including second official language requirements.

Personnel Psychology Centre

Description: Information on personnel assessment tools that help public service managers identify and develop competent staff; career counselling for aspirants to, and employees at, Executive levels; career transition counselling for employees; and consultation and training for the HR community.

Document Types: Assessment tools, reports, manuals and procedures, test results, competency profiles, training material, candidate and client files.  Also, client surveys, Memorandum of Understanding and assessment proposals with other federal organizations and statistical analysis

Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 – 4900

Assessment Accommodation for Individuals with Special Needs

Description: This bank contains information concerning accommodation requests related to testing or other forms of assessment, including second language evaluation or other HR management activities. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, employment equity information, employee identification number, language, medical information, physical attributes, date of birth and the individual’s signature.

Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the TBS Personal Information request form, if applicable, individuals requesting information contained in this bank must provide the selection process number and the subject and date of correspondence.

Class of Individuals: General public and federal government employees who participate in PSC testing, assessments or other HR management activities and who request assessment accommodation.

Purpose: Personal information is used to determine appropriate assessment accommodation and is collected under the authority of sections 11, 30 and 36 of the PSEA and sections 7 and 10 and subsection 15(2) of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Consistent Uses: With the written consent of the individual seeking accommodation, PSC staff may ask to contact medical or other specialists directly for clarification on matters pertaining to assessment accommodation. The information may also be used or disclosed for the purposes of archiving, enforcement and safety. With the consent of the individual, information may be shared with the federal institution that is running the selection or appointment process for which the candidate requested accommodation. Information in the bank may, with the individual’s consent, also be aggregated with that of other candidates and used for research, training, evaluation or statistical purposes. Information in the bank may also be used for quality control purposes to validate test content and to monitor test performance. The information may be collected, retained, used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes by PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the Public Service Employment Act for the following purposes: Studies, evaluations, analytical activities, audits; research, reporting, surveys and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard-copy records are retained for 10 years after being declared inactive, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2015/??
Related Class of Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 - 4900
TBS Registration: 20110275
Bank Number: PSC PCU 202

Assessment by the Personnel Psychology Centre

Description: This bank contains information relating to candidate participation in assessments conducted by, or on behalf of, the Personnel Psychology Centre of the PSC. Personal information may include name, contact information, employment status and history, education history, date of birth, gender, official language proficiency, employment equity information, medical information relating to requests for accommodation, physical disability considerations, citizenship status, personnel record identifier (PRI), employee personnel information and biographical information. Opinions of others, such as individuals contacted for reference check purposes, are included in this bank.

Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the TBS Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their PRI, or, if they have no PRI, their date of birth.

Class of Individuals: Current and former public servants, as well as non-public servants, who have taken tests or undergone assessments, or who have acted as referees for candidates undergoing assessments, by or on behalf of the PPC of the PSC.

Purpose: Personal information is collected under the authority of sections 11, 30, 35 and 36 of the PSEA and is used to support assessment operations and decision-making for staffing and related HR management purposes, such as training and development, career counselling and performance.

Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be used for quality control purposes and purposes relating to ensuring compliance with test instructions, such as retest limitations (i.e. to ensure that retest waiting periods are respected), test security and non-disclosure requirements. Second language evaluation results are used by authorized federal organizations for purposes related to the management of official languages requirements pursuant to employer policy and the Official Languages Act. Personal information collected on a voluntary basis, such as education, age, sex and employment equity group self-identification, as well candidate responses and assessment results, may be used for research and development purposes such as validation of tests and test content, development of new tests and monitoring of test performance. In the event of suspected irregularities in staffing or recruitment processes, information may be shared with the Investigations Directorate (PSC PPU 010). The information may be collected, retained, used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes by PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the PSEA for the following purposes: Studies, evaluations, analytical activities, audits, research, reporting, surveys and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard-copy files are retained for five years, and then destroyed. Audio recordings of the Second Language Evaluation Test of Oral Proficiency are retained for two years, and then destroyed, unless the candidate agrees to their earlier disposal. Candidate test results are kept indefinitely on computerized files.

RDA number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 - 4900
TBS Registration: 001424
Bank Number: PSC PCU 025

Executive Counselling Services Files

Description: This bank may contain biographical information, service-related notes and assessment results.

Class of Individuals: Public servants in the Executive category, in EX-equivalent positions and in positions at the EX minus 1, 2 and 3 levels who have requested services. Also public servants or Canadian citizens undergoing psychological assessment for selection purposes.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with section 11 of the PSEA to provide public servants who access Executive Counselling Services with information to develop in their careers, to enhance their self-understanding and to provide an opportunity to receive confidential counselling. This bank is also used to provide hiring managers with the results of psychological assessments for selection purposes.

Consistent Uses: This information is used to provide advice to the client. With the client's written consent, information on the client can also be provided to a third party. Information may also be used for statistical purposes aimed at ensuring the quality of service. Standardized PSC assessment results obtained in the course of Executive Counselling Services may also be held in the “Assessment by the Personnel Psychology Centre” bank (PSC PCU 025).

Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard-copy records are retained for 10 years after being declared inactive, and then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 – 4900
TBS Registration: 002912
Bank Number: PSC PCE 744

Second Language Evaluation Examiners

Description: This bank may contain information related to the registration/certification and monitoring of test administrators and scorers for the Second Language Evaluation (SLE) as well as the assessors for the Test of Oral Proficiency; registration forms for the Certification Program; test use agreements; letters of certification/decertification; trainer/monitor comments and recommendations and other administrative data collected in connection with accreditation/registration.

Class of Individuals: Public servants who have been participants in the Test of Oral Proficiency (formerly Oral Interaction) Certification Program or who have been authorized to administer and score SLE tests.

Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 11, 31, 35 and 37 of the PSEA to record all information relating to the registration/certification of SLE examiners.

Consistent Uses: The bank is used to record information related to the qualifications, training and certification/registration of SLE examiners and prospective SLE examiners. It is also used to provide information to monitor the performance of SLE examiners both individually and as a group, to monitor the performance of the test, and to take corrective action, if warranted.

Retention and Disposal Standards: All records are retained for 10 years after the employee ceases to perform examiner's duties. Records pertaining to persons who have not performed examiner's duties are also retained for 10 years. Records are then destroyed.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 - 4900
TBS Registration: 001458
Bank Number: PSC PCE 796

Research and Development

Description: This bank contains information voluntarily obtained during research to support the development and delivery of HR assessment-related products and services for use in recruitment, selection and development throughout the federal public service. Personal information may include name, signature, contact information, biographical information, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, test responses, opinions and views of or about individuals and/or assessment issues.

Note: In addition to the requirements specified on the TBS Personal Information Request form, if applicable, individuals requesting information contained in this bank must provide the subject and appropriate date of correspondence, as well as the type of research activity (e.g. pre-tests, surveys, focus groups or other consultations) in which they participated.

Class of Individuals: General public and federal employees who have participated in PSC pre-tests, surveys, focus groups or other consultations or activities related to research and development of HR assessment-related products and services.

Purpose: Personal information is used to facilitate research related to the development and validation of tests and related products for use in public service recruitment, staffing and career development. Personal information is collected under the authority of the PSEA.

Consistent Uses: Information may be shared with federal government departments and agencies that fall within the core and extended jurisdictions of the PSC. With the consent of participants, information may be compared with information in the following Personal Information Banks: PSC PPU 015 (Applicant Profiles, Applications and Referrals); Assessments by the Personnel Psychology Centre (PSC PPU 025), Assessment Accommodations for Individuals with Special Needs (PSC PCU 202) and Executive Counselling Services Files (PSC PCE 744). The information may be collected, retained, used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes by PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the Public Service Employment Act for the following purposes: Studies, evaluations, analytical activities, audits, research, reporting, surveys and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information is retained for 10 years and then destroyed. Anonymous test responses and demographic information are retained in electronic format indefinitely.

RDA Number: Under development
Related Class of Record Number: PSC 1.2.2 - 4900
Registration Number: 20110553
Bank Number: PSC PPU 211

1.2.3 Enabling Infrastructure

The Enabling Infrastructure sub-program includes the maintenance and ongoing development of the systems and processes linking those who seek federal public service employment opportunities with hiring departments and agencies. The system supports staffing and recruitment activities — including student and graduate recruitment programs.

Enabling Infrastructure Class of Records

Description: Providing tiered client support services to users of the Public Service Resourcing System (such as external and internal applicants and HR specialists) through a help desk, self-service tools, individual or group training and guidance, and a Memorandum of Understanding with Service Canada (for lower-level user support). Working with clients to understand issues, identify improvements for the system. Documenting bugs, issues, user needs and change requests. Analyzing and monitoring client usage of the system using data captured from user support logs, client feedback and reporting tools.

Document Types: Policies, directives, reports, manuals and procedures, e-mails, user support logs, standardized templates, training material, statistical analysis, studies, proposals, MOUs, service requests, briefing notes.

Record Number: PSC 1.2.3 - 5100

1.3 Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-partisanship

The Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-Partisanship program provides an accountability regime for the implementation of the appointment policy and regulatory framework for safeguarding the integrity of public service staffing and ensuring staffing is free from political influence. This program includes monitoring departments’ and agencies’ staffing performance and compliance with legislative requirements; conducting audits and studies; carrying out investigations; and reporting to Parliament on the integrity of public service staffing and the non-partisanship of the public service.

1.3.1 Monitoring

The Monitoring sub program ensures that departments and agencies respect the appointment values and legislative requirements of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) in the context of their delegated authorities and non-delegated authorities retained by the PSC. It includes analysis and feedback to organizations based on results from monitoring tools and activities such as reports and visits.


Description: Staffing management and results-related information on federal government organizations that fall under the Public Service Employment Act provided by these organizations, and the analysis thereof by the Public Service Commission to support deputy heads in having an effective staffing management framework and related continuous improvement.

Document Types: Departmental Staffing Accountability Reports, Departmental Staffing Accountability Summary Reports, departmental staffing-related statistical reports, related methodology and guideline documents and chronologies of significant monitoring milestones.

Record Number: PSC 1.3.1 - 8536

1.3.2 Audit and Data Services

The Audit and Data Services sub-program conducts independent organizational and government-wide audits to support the oversight activities of the PSC and supplies data services, information, studies and analysis on the public service to support the enabling activities of the PSC and departments and agencies. These contribute to providing objective information, advice and assurance to Parliament, and ultimately Canadians, about the integrity and effectiveness of the appointment process, including the protection of merit and non-partisanship.

Public Service Commission Audits under the Public Service Employment Act

Description: The PSC conducts a variety of audits, including organizational and system-wide audits. The objectives of these audits are to determine whether organizations have an appropriate framework, practices and systems in place to manage their appointment activities, and to determine if appointments and appointment processes in organizations comply with the PSEA, any other applicable statutory and regulatory instruments, the PSC’s Appointment Framework, including the Appointment Delegation and Accountability Instrument (ADAI), and the organizations’ own appointment policies. Information in support of these objectives is among the sub-program’s holdings.

Document Types:   These include a variety of audit working papers collected during the planning, examination and reporting phases of the engagement.  These could include documents provided by organizations e.g., HR plans and policies or the results of analyses conducted by auditors.

The bank also includes documents to support auditors in conducting their work.  These include templates, presentations, guidance documents and spreadsheets.  Finally the bank contains documentation in support of the Audit and Data Services’ audit planning function.

Record Number: PSC 1.3.2 – 8600


Description: This bank contains information related to independent audits on the integrity of the appointment process, including the protection of merit and non-partisanship. Personal information may include name, contact information, date of birth, employee identification number, curriculum vitae, and employment equity information and education history.

Class of Individuals: Applicants and appointees (general public, current and former public servants) to positions with any federal organization subject to the PSEA.

Purpose: Personal information is used to conduct audits of staffing practices, including individual appointments in federal organizations subject to the PSEA and Regulations, the PSC’s appointment policies and the organizations’ delegated staffing authority. Personal information is collected under the authority of sections 11, 15 and 17 of the PSEA.

Consistent Uses: Personal information may be shared with audit consultants and is protected under privacy clauses outlined in contracting agreements. In the event of suspected irregularities in staffing or recruitment processes, information may be disclosed to the Investigations Directorate (see Institution-specific PIB Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation, PSC PPU 010). The information may be collected, retained, used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes by PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the PSEA for the purpose of studies, analytical activities, research, reporting, surveys and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for 10 years and are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as archival records.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Classes of Records Number: PSC 1.3.2 – 8600
TBS Registration: 20110274
Bank Number: PSC PPU 080

Data Services (formerly known as Appointment Information and Analysis)

Description: Information on data services pertaining to the production of statistical information, the conduct of quantitative and qualitative analysis and the uses of that information.

Document Types: Data files, statistical analysis, requests, briefing notes, reports, studies, presentations, survey results, questionnaires, data dictionaries, letters, user guides, Memorandum of Understanding with other federal organizations, and project charters.

Record Number: PSC 1.3.2 – 8450

Analytical Environment

Description: The Analytical Environment includes information obtained from the following sources: Job-Based Analytical Information System (JAIS) which is derived from the Incumbent and Mobility files provided by the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO) and is used to provide information on public servants occupying jobs in the public service and to estimate appointment activities; Employment Equity (EE) data extracts provided by OCHRO and is derived from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Employment Equity Data Bank (EEDB) (TBS PCE 739) is used for statistical purposes. The Survey of Staffing (SOS) data collection which is administered every two years in partnership with Statistics Canada and provides both quantitative and qualitative (non-personal) data, including perceptions of staffing and awareness of the legal rights and responsibilities regarding political activities among public service employees; Quarterly Appointment Process Reports (historical records only) with information on advertised and non-advertised appointments; data extracts from the Priority Information Management System (PIMS) which lists priority persons in an inventory searched by departments conducting staffing or recruitment; data extracts from the Public Service Resourcing System (PSRS) which provides information on applicants and applications to advertised appointment processes; and Publiservice data on internal staffing processes which provide information related to staffing advertisements and notifications pertaining to positions available to public servants (historical records only). The data holdings are maintained by the Public Service Commission (PSC) and contain basic personal information such as client service numbers (CSNs - a PSC generated identifier), work history, employment status, language proficiency, employment equity designated group, reasons for separation, education level, major field of study, and specific information related to an advertised process from the PSRS. The PSC also receives monthly extracts from the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Central Index File (PCU 715) which includes the Social Insurance Number. This information does not form part of the Analytical Environment but is used to create randomized CSNs. This data and information is used for the preparation of the PSC’s Annual Report, the production of statistical and organizational data reports, responding to requests from clients, for human resources (HR) planning and analysis, for release in the PSC Staffing Dashboard, for the oversight of the staffing system, for the preparation of PSC research and studies. Information from the incumbent/mobility systems of TBS is also used to update the JAIS. Statistical information from the Analytical Environment is also used to support the PSC’s audit functions (see Institution-specific PIB Audit PSC PPU 080). All publications and the PSC Staffing Dashboard are accessible via the PSC extranet.

Class of Individuals: All individuals who have applied to or have been appointed to positions in the public service or who have left the public service.

Purpose: Pursuant to Section 11 of the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), this Analytical Environment was created to record information on appointments in the public service (prior to April 1999), separations, and the distribution of public servants by department or agency and by location, and to provide information on the health of the staffing system of the public service. Staffing activities are estimated based on the JAIS. The Analytical Environment is updated on a regular basis.

Consistent Uses: The data and information are used for the preparation of reports to the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO) on the utilization of HR and on the status of programs. This data and information are also used to track employee mobility and to determine the number of students who become regular employees of the public service and for other statistical purposes. Source data from TBS’ incumbent (TBS PCE 753) and mobility systems (TBS PCE 769) is used to provide some additional tombstone information for PSC employee inventories. In the event of suspected irregularities in staffing or recruitment processes, personal information such as personal work history, may be shared with the Investigations Directorate to validate other direct sources of information, as well as to follow up on conditions of corrective actions (see PSC PIB Investigations, Mediation and Conciliation, PSC PPU 010).

Retention and Disposal Standards: Appointment Information Management System: The computerized data is kept in a secure optical archive for an indefinite period. Separations: The computerized information is retained until it has been superseded and then it is deleted, except for year-end information which is kept in an optical archive indefinitely. Work Force Adjustment Reporting System: Retained indefinitely in an optical archive. Quarterly Statistical File (subsumed into the analytical environment from 1995-1996 and terminated in 2010-2011): Information on individuals is retained indefinitely in an optical archive. Student Employment Program: An optical archive is retained indefinitely. JAIS (including CSNs): Information on individuals is retained indefinitely. EE data extracts: Retained indefinitely. PSRS data extracts: Retained indefinitely. PIMS data extracts: Retained indefinitely. SOS data: Retained indefinitely. PubliService data extracts: Retained indefinitely.

RDA Number: 85/016, 94/00, 90/012 and 92/016
Related Record Number: PSC 1.3.2 – 8450
TBS Registration: 002299
Bank Number: PSC PCE 761

1.3.3 Investigations

The Investigations sub-program conducts investigations into appointment processes to ensure that an appointment or proposed appointment respects the value of merit and is free from fraud and political influence. The PSC also examines whether an error, omission or improper conduct affected the selection of the person appointed or proposed for appointment. Allegations of errors, omission and improper conduct can concern biases or barriers disadvantaging members of equity-seeking groups in an appointment process. The Investigations sub-program also conducts investigations into allegations of improper political activities by public servants and deputy heads to ensure the respect of the principle of non‑partisanship.  

Appeal Hearings Class of Records

Description: Information on appeals by public servants against internal appointments that were heard with respect to alleged breaches of the former Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and Public Service Employment Regulations (PSER).

Document Types: Appeal Board decisions.

Format: Electronic

Record Number: PSC 1.3.3 – 8265

Appeal Hearings Personal Information Bank

Description: This bank contains Appeal Board decisions that are kept on CD-ROM. Persons completing a Personal Information Request Form are required to quote the Investigations Directorate file reference number given on the Appeal Board decision report submitted to the appellant.

Class of Individuals: Public servants who have filed an appeal, or public servants involved in the appeal.

Purpose: This bank exists by reason of section 21 of the former PSEA and sections 19 to 28 of the former PSER to record and provide information on appeals.

Consistent Uses: Personal information may be routinely used or disclosed by PSC program activities in accordance with subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act for the following activities: studies; evaluations; analytical activities; audits; research; reporting; and statistical analysis.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Decisions are retained on CD-ROM for 20 years from the date of the decision.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.3.3 – 8265
TBS Registration: 001445
Bank Number: PSC PCE 708

Investigations Class of Records

Description: This bank contains information related to and collected for the purpose of conducting investigations of allegations of irregularities, political influence or fraud in an appointment process, in investigations of allegations of improper political activities by public servants and deputy heads and in administering the corrective actions ordered by the Commission.

Document Types: Forms, correspondence, briefing notes, jurisdiction reports, factual and investigation reports, excerpts of personnel files and/or staffing files, interview recordings, submissions of parties, case management database and related reports, performance evaluations, press clippings, internet and social media information, decision documents and meeting minutes, memoranda of agreement, employment data, and Certified Tribunal Records. 

Format: Electronic and paper documents and recordings.

Record Number: PSC 1.3.3 – 8255


Description: As part of its mandate, the Public Service Commission (PSC) investigates allegations relating to appointment processes (public servants and members of the public) as well as instances of improper political activities. These include allegations of political influence and fraud as well as errors, omissions, or improper conduct. They also include errors, omissions or improper conduct resulting from biases or barriers that disadvantage persons who belong to any equity-seeking group.

Investigations are conducted by the PSC’s Investigations Directorate, pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). Investigations under the PSEA involve the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information. This information may include information about individuals requesting an investigation, individuals whose actions are subject to an investigation and other involved individuals, such as: name and contact information; personal record identifier or other identifiers, date of birth, medical and accommodation information, information related to equity-seeking group status, information relating to employment, allegations, submissions, testimonials, other information deemed relevant and necessary for the purposes of an investigation, and information on current or prospective employers. This information can be obtained from various sources, including from involved individuals, organizational files, published material, the Internet and social media.

Class of Individuals: Individuals (public servants and members of the public) involved in an appointment process that is subject to an investigation under the PSEA and other individuals who provide information relevant to the investigation. Also, federal public servants and deputy heads who have been involved in improper political activities that may be perceived as impairing the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties in a politically impartial manner or public servants appointed as a result of political influence.

Purpose: This bank contains information collected or created in accordance with PSC’s investigation authorities flowing from Part 5 or Part 7 of the PSEA. Information described in this bank is used to determine whether the PSC has jurisdiction to investigate alleged irregularities, to determine whether an investigation is warranted, to conduct an investigation and to ensure compliance with corrective actions.

Consistent Uses: Personal information may be shared with jurisdiction, investigations and quality assurance personnel for staff training and quality assurance activities. The information may also be used or disclosed for non-administrative purposes to PSC program activities in accordance with the authority under the PSEA for the purpose of studies, audit and analytical activities, reporting, surveys and statistical analysis or to allow a PSC program or service to prevent recurrence of an irregularity in the application of the PSEA and protect the integrity of the staffing system.

Note: Under the authorities provided by section 19 of the Public Service Employment Regulations and section 14 of the Political Activities Regulations, the PSC may also publicly disclose select personal information obtained in the conduct of an investigation under Part 5 or 7 or disclose without consent to other public or private-sector organizations, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, and professional oversight bodies.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information collected by the PSC for purposes of determining the merits of an allegation and the PSC’s jurisdiction to conduct an investigation, but which is not used to conduct an investigation, is kept for five years. Personal information collected and used for purposes of an investigation is retained for ten years following the completion of an investigation and the resulting corrective actions, as applicable. After these retention periods, information for both purposes are destroyed, except in the case of an ongoing litigation hold or pursuant to any other legal requirements. All documents presented to the Commission as part of the Investigations process as well as all Records of Decision made by the Commission or on its behalf are also retained in the “Records of the Commission” class of personal information in accordance with that class’s retention standard.

Notes: Individuals wishing to submit a request for their personal information should provide the relevant investigation file number.

A privacy impact assessment was completed in relation to the activities of the PSC’s Investigations activities in March 2019.

RDA Number: 2001/025
Related Record Number: PSC 1.3.3 – 8255
TBS Registration: 001421
Bank Number: PSC PPU 010

2.1 Internal Services

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization, and not those provided to a specific program. The groups of activities are Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; and Acquisition Services.

Acquisition Services

Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Legal services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Materiel Services

Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Real Property Services

Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Classes of Personal Information

General Administrative Documentation

In the course of conducting the activities and programs of the PSC, categories of personal information are accumulated that are not contained in the specific information banks described in this entry. Examples of such personal information include routine correspondence of an administrative nature, complaints and inquiries files, as well as contracts for personnel and professional services and unsolicited applications for employment. This information is normally filed by general subject and is retrievable only if specifics are provided concerning the data and subject matter. The retention periods for these classes of personal information are controlled by the record schedules of the general subject files in which they are stored.

Records of the Commission

In the course of carrying out their mandate and responsibilities, activities and programs of the PSC may submit records containing personal information to the Public Service Service Commission (the Commission), whose retention period is indefinite and extends beyond those of the individuals PIBs listed above. Meeting documents, minutes and Records of Decision of the Commission may include personal information related, but not limited to:

The personal information contained in this class of personal information is not used for an administrative purpose. Individuals seeking access to these records must provide sufficient detail to enable the retrieval of the information (i.e. – an Investigation File number).

Surveys and Studies

The PSC occasionally surveys individuals and private and other public organizations that have participated in PSC programs or made use of its services. In the majority of cases, the identities of persons responding to the surveys are not recorded. These surveys usually form part of studies and are done to obtain individuals' views and opinions on PSC activities such as training, staffing, appeals, audits and other organizational responsibilities. The information is used for program planning and to evaluate the effectiveness of training methods and of PSC operations. It is also used to respond to training needs; to obtain a basis for the establishment of policies and procedures; and to ascertain the quality of services, identify problems in those services and make the necessary improvements. The retention period for this class of personal information is controlled by the record schedules of the general subject file in which they are stored.


Additional Information

The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through informal requests. You may wish to consult the Public Service Commission's completed Access to Information (ATI) summaries. To make an informal request, please refer to Making an ATIP Request.

Please see the Introduction to this publication for information on formal access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. You can submit your Access to Information or Privacy request online or by mail. To make a formal request please refer to Making an ATIP Request.

The Public Service Commission conducts Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to ensure that potential privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed PIAs are available at Publications – Access to Information and Privacy.

Reading Room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, the applicant may wish to review material in person at the Access to Information and Privacy Directorate:

22, Eddy Street
Gatineau, QC
K1A 0M7

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