Communiqué to employees: 2016 Elections - Political Activities of Employees


In 2016, various elections are being held across Canada at provincial and municipal levels. As a public service employee, you have the right to engage in political activities, but this right must be balanced with your responsibility to maintain the political impartiality of the federal public service.

Thinking of participating in political activities?

Before supporting or opposing a candidate or a political party, get informed! Start by watching this video.

The Political Activities Self-Assessment Tool and the Guidance Document for Participating in Non-Candidacy Political Activities can also help!

Interested in being a candidate in a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal election?

Before you become a candidate, you must first request and obtain permission and, if applicable, a leave without pay, from the Public Service Commission (PSC). This video explains the process.


Improper political activities may be investigated by the PSC and could result in corrective action.

Still have questions?

You may wish to speak to your manager, your organization’s Designated Political Activities Representative or visit the Public Service Commission’s Web site, where you can find the PSC’s Suite of Political Activities Tools to help you make an informed decision.

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