Doing Assessment
PPC Assessment Instruments and Services are used for essential human resource management tasks
Human Resources Management Products and Services:
- For all people
- At all levels
- In all regions
- In both official languages
Assessment for selection and promotion
The PPC helps managers:
- identify and define the key competencies
- select the person most competent to fill a position
Use our assessment tools and consultants to assist you with:
- recruitment
- selection
- promotion
- deployment
This makes your job - and the selection process - much easier.
Assessment for training and development needs
Use PPC assessment instruments and services tools to:
- assess the strengths and weaknesses of your staff
- identify their training and development needs
- target the specific competencies most in need of development
Through consultation, PPC's counsellors help executive-level public servants:
- cope with the dynamics of a radically altered workforce
- deal with career-related issues, challenges and opportunities
- market their expertise
Executives learn a great deal about themselves, including learning about their management and leadership styles, personality characteristics, personal and professional interests, cognitive abilities and career needs.
This unique, personal, and confidential service is provided by psychologists and seasoned executive counsellors who know the public sector well, and have a first-hand understanding of the stresses and demands of leadership.
Diagnosing organizational development needs
PPC Consultation Services help you and other managers direct organizational change by identifying:
- the strengths and weaknesses in the current competencies of the individuals in your organization,
- the future competencies needed by the organization, and
- the gap between the two.
Once you've identified specific gaps, you can design special programs to meet your needs.
PPC Instruments and Services Help You Meet Your Needs
An individual needs to improve the way he or she manages a unit. PPC assessment instruments can tell what type of training would be helpful.
Your unit's work is changing and will require new competencies. Call our consultants at the Client Services Bureau. They will help you to identify, define and assess the new competencies that will be necessary for your unit to succeed.
Jobs are being cut and individuals will be redeployed where possible. PPC's Executive Counselling Services can assess an individual's aptitudes, interests, and other relevant competencies and provide counselling on what training is necessary before he or she can move into a different job.
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