Public Service Entrance Exam - Test of Judgement Unsupervised Internet Test 374
The purpose of the Public Service Entrance Exam - Test of Judgement Unsupervised Internet Test 374 (TOJ UIT 374) is to assess an individual’s judgement for officer-level positions in the federal public service. Hiring managers may use it as the first step in a two-step assessment process to complement a similar test administered in a supervised setting (e.g., TOJ 375).
This test is an Unsupervised Internet Test (UIT) that is administered over the Internet in an unsupervised environment. It is accessible anywhere the test-taker has access to a computer and an Internet connection. Consult the Understanding the Public Service Entrance Exam Suite of Products Web page to learn more about the suite of related products.
The TOJ UIT 374 is designed to assess the judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations and consists of 52 multiple choice questions. It does not contain any pilot questions. All questions count towards the final score.
The test presents hypothetical and challenging situations encountered at work that involve communication, interpersonal skills, initiative, decision making, analytical thinking and action management.
The time limit is 75 minutes to complete this test.
Pass mark
Applicants must place in the top 80% (20th percentile or better) of a large volume of previous test-takers (normative sample) for the test.
At the hiring manager's discretion, the pass mark may be set as high as the 50th percentile. In other words, to pass the test, an applicant would have to place in the top 50% of the normative sample to pass.
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