Audit enquiries for businesses

To send a question to your assigned CRA auditor:

  1. Log in to My Business Account.
  2. From the Welcome page, select "Audit enquiries."
  3. On the “Audit enquiries” page, select “Submit an audit enquiry.”
  4. On the “Audit enquiries - enter case number” page, enter the case number provided by the CRA auditor.
  5. On the “Submit an audit enquiry” page, complete the form and select “Submit” to send your question to your CRA auditor.
  6. You will be directed to a confirmation page after successfully submitting your enquiry.

To view your CRA auditor’s answers to your questions:

To view your audit enquiries history:

  1. Log in to My Business Account.
  2. From the Welcome page, select "Audit enquiries."
  3. On the “Audit enquiries” page, select “View audit enquiry history.”

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