Supplementary Data on Budget 2012 Implementation
This chart provides data pertaining to the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) planned savings, as set out in Budget 2012, based on the CRA's program activity structure. The CRA's savings measures arising from Budget 2012 are associated primarily with:
Making it easier for Canadians and businesses to deal with their government: The way Canadians file their taxes is changing. In today's world of 24/7 electronic availability and self-serve options, Canadians are increasingly looking to interact with public and private-sector institutions quickly, efficiently, and on an on-demand basis, and the CRA is changing to meet those expectations. Canadians and businesses want a reduction in the burden of meeting their tax obligations and are increasingly comfortable with electronic options for doing so. Accordingly, the CRA is taking action to increase taxpayers' and benefit recipients' use of electronic channels when interacting with the CRA. These initiatives will not have a negative impact on tax and benefit processing.
Modernizing and reducing the back office: The CRA will modernize and streamline the internal business functions. These changes include consolidating management functions in regional operations, and bringing together, in one location, program activities that were distributed across a number of regional offices to produce centres of expertise.
Program Activity (in $000s) |
2012-2013 | 2013-2014 | 2014-2015 |
Accounts Receivable and Returns Compliance | minus (1,214) | minus (1,653) | minus (12,185) |
Appeals | minus (1,616) | minus (2,997) | minus (6,889) |
Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing | minus (10,057) | minus (37,157) | minus (76,371) |
Benefit Programs | 0 | 0 | minus (1,893) |
Internal Services | minus (8,908) | minus (7,744) | minus (56,590) |
Reporting Compliance | minus (710) | minus (1,297) | minus (12,863) |
Taxpayer and Business Assistance | minus (5,129) | minus (7,884) | minus (15,308) |
Taxpayers' Ombudsman | minus (257) | minus (155) | minus (268) |
Total | minus (27,891) | minus (58,887) | minus (182,367) |
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