Taxology - Trailer

Release date: January 31, 2024

Catalogue number: Rv4-197/1-2024E-MP3

ISBN: 978-0-660-69357-6

Transcript of Taxology – Trailer

CC: Taxes. The very word strikes fear in a lot of people’s hearts. They avoid doing them ‘til the last minute or they fearfully press send when they are submitting them, hoping against hope that they haven’t done something wrong. Some people, love the whole process and get theirs’ done the minute tax season opens.

Tax terms can be confusing! Benefits, credits, deductions, refunds, TFSA, RRSP. You’ve probably heard all these terms; you might understand some, and some are just a blank. I know, me too. So let’s talk about it.

I’m CC, the host of “Taxology”, the new podcast from the Canada Revenue Agency! I know what you’re thinking. Yes! Just the organization I want to chat with! Right? Hear me out. On this podcast, we’ll cover Canadian taxes, help you understand them and learn about the benefits and credits you may be eligible for!

Whether you’re doing taxes for the first time, or want to improve your tax knowledge. Or you’re just curious about what the heck the CRA is doing - “Taxology” is here for your listening pleasure. You can subscribe to “Taxology” on, or your favourite streaming service. For FREE. That’s right, you won’t owe us money for listening.

Download Taxology - Trailer (MP3, 1.3 MB)

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