How to fill out a fuel charge return schedule for registered users of fuel
This page provides line-by-line instructions on how to fill out Form B400-4, Fuel Charge Return Schedule – Registered User of Fuel, used to calculate your total charge for the reporting period.
Number of schedules
Indicate, at the top right of the schedule, the number of schedules you are filing for the reporting period.
Instructions for Part A: Business information
Part A of the schedule is used to identify the registrant. Up-to-date information is required for each field as follows:
Legal name and account number
Provide the legal name and account number. If the legal name of your business has changed, you need to contact your CRA regional excise office to report the change. A list of the offices is available at Contact Information – Excise and Specialty Tax Directorate.
Listed province
Enter the listed province for which you are filling out this schedule. The listed provinces are Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Yukon. If you are operating in more than one listed province, fill out a separate schedule for each additional listed province.
Reporting period
Identify the start and end dates of the calendar month for which the schedule is being filed. If the schedule does not cover a full calendar month because you have ceased operations or your operations have just started, enter the start and end dates that cover your operations within that calendar month.
Instructions for Part B: Charge calculation
Enter the total quantity of each fuel type diverted (used otherwise than in a non-covered activity) in a listed province during the reporting period.
Brought into a listed province
Enter the total quantity of each fuel type brought into a listed province during the reporting period, unless in a supply tank of a vehicle.
Imported in a listed province
Enter the total quantity of each fuel type imported in a listed province during the reporting period, unless in a supply tank of a vehicle.
Enter the total quantity of each fuel type held by a person that ceases to be a registered user.
If you produce fuel in a listed province, enter the total quantity for each fuel type produced in a listed province during the reporting period unless you are a registered specified air carrier, a registered specified marine carrier, or a registered specified rail carrier for that type of fuel.
Specify the addition for which you entered a quantity on the "Other" line.
For more information, contact one of the regional excise offices at Contact Information – Excise and Specialty Tax Directorate.
Total additions
Add the quantities in each column and enter the result on line A.
For each type of fuel, enter the rate for that type of fuel on line B. To find the applicable rate, go to Fuel Charge Rates.
Multiply the total additions by the applicable rate (A x B) and enter the result on line C.
Total charge for that listed province
Add all charge amounts from line C, and enter the result on line "Total charge for that listed province". Report the result under the "Charge" column in Part B of Form B400, Fuel Charge Return – Registrant, for the appropriate listed province.
Instructions for Part C: Rebate calculation
Enter the required information for each rebate claimed. If you have a different reason for rebate, fuel type or reporting period, use a different line.
Reason for rebate
You may be entitled to a rebate if you:
- remove a quantity of fuel from a listed province
- use a quantity of fuel in a non-covered activity in a listed province
Enter the reason for rebate for which a rebate is being requested.
Reporting period in which the charge was paid
Enter the reporting period in which the charge was paid.
Fuel type
Enter the fuel type for which a rebate is being requested.
Enter the total quantity of fuel for which a rebate is being requested on line D.
Enter the rate for that type of fuel on line E. To find the applicable rate, go to Fuel Charge Rates.
Multiply the quantity by the applicable rate (D x E) and enter the result on line F.
Total rebate for that listed province
Add all rebate amounts from line F, and enter the result on line "Total rebate for that listed province". Report the result under the "Rebate" column in Part B of Form B400, Fuel Charge Return – Registrant, for the appropriate listed province.
Instructions for Part D: Certification
As an authorized person, you must print your name and title, sign and date the schedule, and provide a current telephone number so that the CRA can contact you about this schedule.
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