Canada Learning Bond
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides an additional incentive of up to $2,000 to help low-income families start saving early for their child's education after high school (post-secondary education).
The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) money will be deposited directly into the child's registered education savings plan (RESP).
The CLB is available for eligible children from low-income families born in 2004 or later and provides an initial payment of $500 for the first year the child is eligible, plus $100 for each additional year of eligibility, up to age 15, for a maximum of $2,000. Personal contributions are not required to receive the CLB. To help cover the cost of opening an RESP, ESDC will pay $25 into the RESP to which the initial CLB of $500 is deposited in recognition of a one-time incidental expense that may be associated with opening the RESP account.
Children who are in care of a public primary caregiver for whom a special allowance under the Children's Special Allowance Act is paid, are also entitled to the CLB.
Youth who meet the minimum age requirement to open an RESP in their province of residence can be their own subscriber of an RESP and request the CLB for themselves.
The beneficiary must be under the age of 21 at the time of application.
If the beneficiary does not pursue post-secondary education, the CLB is returned to the government.
For more information on the CLB, call 1-800-O-CANADA (1-800-622-6232).
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