Mutual Agreement Procedure - Program report - 2022

Executive summary

This is the annual report issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on its Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Program. This report provides a summary of the MAP program for the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

This report describes the purpose, history and current events that are shaping the future of the MAP program. The publication of statistical information makes the MAP program more transparent and provides some insight to the types of issues addressed by the CRA and its treaty partners. A summary of the key findings presented in this calendar year report is provided here:

The CRA encourages taxpayers subject to double taxation or taxation not in accordance with an income tax convention to consider the MAP program.

For more information, see Information Circular (IC) 71‑17, Competent Authority Assistance Under Canada’s Tax Conventions or contact a MAP manager in the Competent Authority Services Division (CASD).

The IC 71-17R6 provides interpretation to taxpayers on how to preserve and exercise their treaty rights and explains the roles and responsibilities of both the taxpayer and the Canadian competent authority. It also addresses recent peer review feedback by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which sought more clarity in Canada’s published guidance on the Mutual Agreement Procedure process.                                                                                                                   


The MAP program is a service provided by the CRA to assist taxpayers in resolving cases of double taxation or taxation not in accordance with the provisions of a tax convention. The process requires co-operation from taxpayers to achieve the goal of resolving such cases.

What is the mutual agreement procedure?

The MAP article in Canada’s conventions is a dispute resolution mechanism that allows authorized CRA officials to interact with foreign tax administrations to resolve issues of double taxation and taxation not in accordance with a convention. Under the article, residents in either country may request assistance resolving an issue covered by their convention. In Canada, the Minister of National Revenue authorizes senior CRA officials to try to resolve tax disputes under tax conventions that Canada has with other countries. These senior officials are referred to as the competent authority. A similar authorization usually takes place in Canada’s treaty partner countries.

Who is involved in the MAP?

The Competent Authority Services Division (CASD), which has responsibility for the MAP program, is part of the International and Large Business Directorate (ILBD) in the Compliance Programs Branch of the CRA. The Director of the CASD is an authorized competent authority for Canada and is responsible for cases involving double taxation and taxation not in accordance with a convention, as well as for the overall administration of the MAP program. For information on access to and the use of the MAP, see IC 71-17R6.

The CASD is responsible for:

The Director of CASD is supported by a division of approximately 50 employees structured as follows:

When a MAP request is received, the request is tracked and assigned to the appropriate team. The lead analyst assigned is responsible for the review, analysis, negotiation and resolution of the MAP case. If needed the analyst may seek support from other areas of the CRA including ILBD’s International Tax Division, the Income Tax Rulings and Legislative Policy Directorate of the Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch, or from legal counsel with the Department of Justice Canada.

Taxpayers may choose to represent themselves or authorize a representative to pursue a MAP request on their behalf. Taxpayers, or their representatives, work co-operatively with the CRA during the MAP process to ensure an accurate and timely resolution to the case.

For more information on barriers to resolving double taxation, how the competent authority achieves resolution through the MAP and benefits of the MAP, please see appendix A.

The MAP program in Canada

Canada’s MAP program dates back to 1942, when it signed its first tax treaty with the United States, which contained a MAP provision. Published taxpayer guidance dates back to 1971, with the release of Information Circular 71-17. This information circular has been revised several times, and the CRA now operates under Information Circular 71-17,  Competent Authority Assistance Under Canada’s Tax Conventions.

The number of MAP requests in Canada has grown over the years. The CASD has continued reorganizing and implementing a number of initiatives to improve the quality and timeliness of services to taxpayers. These service improvements include the introduction of case management techniques to ensure that MAP requests are progressing on schedule, as well as ongoing efforts to improve the bilateral process with other tax administrations.

According to the publication of OECD 2021 MAP statistics, Canada is in the top five placements for two categories: average time to close the transfer pricing MAP cases and age of inventory. This demonstrates Canada’s commitment to the MAP program as noted above.

Recent developments

As of October 2021, almost half of Canada’s 94 tax treaties currently in force have been modified by the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“Multilateral Instrument” or “MLI”). The MLI may affect treaty time limits and other MAP-related treaty provisions. A common change is an increase in the amount of time to submit a request for MAP assistance from two years to three years. The MLI also introduces mandatory binding arbitration to resolve certain classes of MAP disputes into some treaties. More of Canada’s tax treaties will be modified by the MLI as additional countries sign and ratify this Convention.

Canada remains an active member of the OECD’s Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) MAP Forum in Making Dispute Resolution Mechanisms More Effective (BEPS Action 14) and a participant in its peer review process. Canada is also an active member of the MLI Conference of Parties where parties to the MLI work towards common understandings as to the interpretation and application of the MLI, including modifications as they relate to MAP and arbitration. 

Timeline: general

When a MAP case involves negotiation with another tax administration (“negotiable case”), every effort is made to resolve the tax issue as quickly as possible.

The target for resolving a MAP case (including non-negotiable cases) is 24 months; however, there are many factors beyond the CRA’s control, which may result in this target not being met. Factors include the co-operation and timely receipt of information from the taxpayer, the complexity of an issue, the time that the other competent authority needs to review and respond to a position paper, and the willingness of both competent authorities to adopt reasonable negotiating positions.

The CRA’s in-house management system allows CASD management and staff to monitor the status of MAP cases and report statistics on a number of performance measures, including the average time taken to

The CRA continues to enhance its management system to be in line with the OECD’s MAP statistic reporting framework (“framework”) and to fulfill its commitment to resolve MAP cases in a timely, efficient and effective manner. 

Timeline: negotiable MAP case completions

Beginning in 2016, MAP reporting has been done on a calendar year basis instead of on a fiscal year basis. This is in line with the framework for reporting purposes.

As a result of requirements under the framework, MAP results were categorized as either pre-2016 (cases with a start date prior to January 1, 2016) or post-2015 (cases with a start date after December 31, 2015). The framework requires time reporting by the following stages:

Start to end: Time elapsed between the start date and the end date

Received to start: Time from receipt of a request until the start date

Start to position paper: Time between the start date and the date position papers were sent by the CRA or received from a treaty partner

Position paper to end: Time between the date position papers were sent by the CRA (or received from a treaty partner) and the end date.

Under the framework, the start date is generally expected to be five weeks or less from the receipt of a taxpayer’s MAP request. The end date is the date of an official communication (typically in the form of a letter) from the competent authority to advise the taxpayer of the outcome of their request or in the case of a withdrawal, the date the competent authority receives the withdrawal.

MAP results

Footnote 1 The OECD publishes the MAP statistics on an annual basis and further breaks the MAP caseload down by jurisdiction.  Specific to Canada, at the start of the period there were 198 pending MAP cases and at the end of the period there were 192 cases. During this period, 70 cases were started and 76 cases were closed.

Of the 76 MAP cases closed during 2022, 2 had a start date before 2016 and 74 after December 31, 2015. To calculate the average time taken to resolve pre-2016 MAP cases, the date of filing of the MAP request was used as the start date and the date of the closing letter sent to the taxpayer was considered the end date. 

Table 1: 2022 MAP cases (pre-2016 and post-2015) closed and average time to complete
  Starting inventory Cases started Cases closed 2022 ending inventory Average time to complete in months
Transfert pricing 134 34 42 126  
   Attribution / Allocation Pre-2016 2 0 0 2 0.00
   Attribution / Allocation Post-2015 132 Footnote 2 34 42 124 23.53
Other 64 36 34 66  
   Other Pre-2016 2 0 2 0 72.89
   Other Post-2015 62 36 32 66 13.13
Total 198 70 76 192  

2022 Post-2015 MAP cases closed by outcome

Of the 74 post-2015 MAP cases closed in 2022,

Image description

The circular graph provides a visual breakdown of the 74 Post-2015 MAP cases closed in 2022. It notes the percentage of each type of closure relative to the total 74 cases closed.

Table 2: 2022 MAP cases (pre-2016 and post-2015) closed by outcome
Category of cases Denied MAP access Objection is not justified Withdrawn by taxpayer Unilateral relief granted Resolved via domestic remedy Agreement fully eliminating double taxation / fully resolving taxation not in accordance with tax treaty Agreement partially eliminating double taxation / partially resolving taxation not in accordance with tax treaty Agreement that there is no taxation not in accordance with tax treaty No agreement including agreement to disagree Any other outcome Total
Transfer pricing cases 1 1 4 1 0 31 3 0 0 1 42
   Attribution / allocation Pre-2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Attribution / allocation Post-2015 1 1 4 1 0 31 3 0 0 1 42
Other cases 4 5 0 5 1 15 1 2 0 1 34
   Other Pre-2016 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
   Other Post-2015 4 5 0 5 1 14 1 2 0 0 32
Total 5 6 4 6 1 46 4 2 0 2 76
Percentage 6.6% 7.9% 5.3% 7.9% 1.3% 60.5% 5.3% 2.6% 0.0% 2.6% 100%

According to the framework, an attribution/allocation case is a MAP case where the request relates to the attribution of profits to a permanent establishment or the determination of profits between associated enterprises. This is also known as a transfer pricing MAP case.

Any MAP case that is not defined as an attribution/allocation MAP case is defined as other. This may include requests involving juridical double taxation. This is taxation contrary to a convention where either the mutual agreement procedure is required to resolve an issue (for example the taxation of pension and annuities or other income) or a permanent establishment determination is required.

Negotiable MAP cases completed: Canadian-initiated and foreign-initiated

In 2022, the majority of the cases closed (75.58%) were initiated by Canada, which has been the trend over the past several years. Overall in 2022, for cases starting on or after January 1, 2016, it took an average of 19.08 months to resolve a MAP case. Canadian-initiated cases took 20.39 months and foreign-initiated cases 14.99 months. The following table shows a breakdown of completed cases resulting from Canadian-initiated and foreign-initiated audit adjustments and further breaks down the data to show the number of cases for both pre-2016 and post-2015.

Table 3: Negotiable MAP cases completed: Canadian-initiated and foreign-initiated
Category of cases Total CDN initiated CDN initiated % Foreign initiated Foreign initiated % Average time (in months) to complete Canadian cases Average time (in months) to complete foreign cases Weighted average
Pre-2016 2 1 50% 1 50% 63.95 81.82 72.89
   Pre-2016 Transfer pricing - - - - - - - -
   Pre-2016 Other 2 1 50% 1 50% 63.95 81.82 72.89
Post-2015 74 56 75.58% 18 24.32% 20.39 14.99 19.08
   Post-2015 Transfer pricing 42 34 80.95% 8 19.05% 25.19 16.89 23.61
   Post-2015 Other 32 22 68.75% 10 31.25% 12.97 13.47 13.13
Total 76 57 75.0% 19 25% 21.15 18.51 20.49

Program statistics

The table below shows the number of cases, including non-negotiable cases that were accepted and completed for the 2012 to 2022 period.

Table 4: Total MAP cases accepted, completed and outstanding
Period Beginning inventory Accepted Completed Ending inventory
2022 854Footnote 3 785 444 1,195
2021 485Footnote 4 765 399 851
2020 242Footnote 5 467 228 481
2019 265Footnote 6 431 456 240
2018 583 415 732 266

MAP cases by type

The following table shows the acceptance and completion of MAP cases by type (negotiable and non-negotiable) and by year, for the period 2018 to 2022.

Negotiable cases generally require negotiations between Canada’s competent authority and another tax administration to resolve double taxation or taxation not in accordance with an income tax convention.

Non-negotiable cases are resolved by an agreement between Canada’s competent authority and taxpayers. These cases do not require involvement of another tax administration.

Table 5: Acceptance and completion of MAP cases
  Negotiable Non-negotiable Total Accepted
Period Negotiable Accepted Negotiable Completed Non-Negotiable Accepted Non-Negotiable Completed Total Accepted Total Completed
2022 70 76 715 368 785 444
2021 109 81 656Footnote 7 318 765 399
2020 72 74 395 154Footnote 8 467 228
2019 75 60 356 396 431 456
2018 97 126 318 606 Footnote 9 415 732

Non-negotiable MAP cases by category

Table 6: Non-negotiable 2022 MAP cases by category
2022 Opening inventory Accepted Completed Ending Inventory
Pensions Footnote 10 640 697 344 993
Gains 2 5 5 2
Other 14 13 19 8
Total 656 715 368 1,003

The Pensions category involves elections under the Canada – United States Convention with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital to defer the taxing of undistributed accrued pension income.

The Gains category includes deferred-gains agreements for all treaties and the application of the transitional rule in the Canada – United States Convention with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital.

The Other category generally includes matters relating to estate rollovers, United States “S” corporations, and other issues.

CASD’s workload also includes the analysis of treaty time limits for withholding tax requests received from the Sudbury Tax Centre (NR7-R forms). More specifically, CASD’s mandate consists of identifying if the requests for a refund of Part XIII tax are received within the treaty time limit prescribed under the relevant tax conventions and if refunds can consequently be issued beyond the domestic time limit. The Tax Centre is responsible for verifying if the refunds are warranted and for involving the audit functions. In 2022, CASD closed 3,489 NR7-R forms and provided a response to the Sudbury Tax Centre.

Participation by foreign jurisdiction

The CRA is currently engaged in negotiable MAP cases involving taxpayers from 31 jurisdictions: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United‑States. The breakdown of negotiable MAPs by country continues to reflect the significant flow of goods and services exchanged between Canada and the United States, representing 31.08% of MAP cases. 

Participation by sector

The completed MAP cases cover a wide variety of sectors including: aerospace; agriculture; chemical and allied industries; clothing and textiles; computer and electronics; e-commerce; finance and insurance; food and beverage; health; metals and minerals; petroleum; retail trade; T1 – personal tax; technical, scientific and professional services; and finally transportation and warehousing services. 

How to contact the CASD

If you have comments or questions about this report or the services offered by the Competent Authority Services Division, please contact the division:

Appendix A

Barriers to resolving double taxation

The CRA maintains effective dispute resolution procedures with all of its treaty partners where ever possible. This requires that tax administrations try to resolve cases in a timely, effective, and efficient manner. Although existing procedures generally work to provide full relief from double taxation, sometimes an agreement cannot be reached on a case.

Examples of situations for which there may be partial relief or no relief of double taxation:

How does the Canadian competent authority achieve resolution through the MAP?

Benefits of the MAP

Page details

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