
Reasonable efforts under section 247 of the Income Tax Act

Date: September 18, 2006

Please note that the following Transfer Pricing Memorandum, although correct at the time of issue, has not been updated to reflect subsequent legislative changes since the date of issue. As a result, some information may no longer be valid.

This memorandum does not replace the law found in the Income Tax Act and its Regulations. It is provided for your reference. As it may not completely address your particular situation, it would be advisable to refer to the Income Tax Act, any applicable Regulation, and relevant case law. You may also want to contact a tax services office of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for more information.


The primary purpose of this transfer pricing memorandum is to provide guidance as to what constitutes reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or arm's length allocations. The concept of reasonable efforts is also contained in the definition of a Qualifying Cost Contribution Arrangement, and that will be addressed later in the transfer pricing memorandum.

Subsection 247(3) of the Income Tax Act provides for a transfer pricing penalty when the net amount of transfer pricing adjustments exceeds a specific threshold. The penalty is intended to be a compliance penalty focusing on the efforts that a taxpayer makes to determine an arm's length price and not solely on the ultimate accuracy of the transfer prices. Therefore, provided a taxpayer makes reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length prices or allocations, the transfer pricing penalty does not apply. The provisions of subsection 247(4) may deem that taxpayers have not made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length prices or allocations.

The Transfer Pricing Review Committee (TPRC) is responsible for reviewing all cases where a transfer pricing penalty may be assessed (that is, the adjustments are above the threshold for the application of penalties set out in subsection 247(3) of the Act) to evaluate whether reasonable efforts have been made and to ensure fair and consistent application of the law.

What is reasonable in any situation can only be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the facts and circumstances of each case; however, general guidance will be given to provide a framework on what constitutes reasonable efforts.


Subsection 247(3) of the Act imposes a penalty equal to 10% of the net result of certain adjustments made under subsection 247(2) of the Act calculated as follows:


If the taxpayer has not made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length prices or allocations, subsection 247(3) does not permit a reduction of the amount subject to the penalty.

Subsection 247(4) of the Act (Contemporaneous Documentation) deems a taxpayer not to have made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or allocations unless the taxpayer has prepared or obtained records or documents which provide a description that is complete and accurate in all material respects of the items listed in subparagraphs 247(4)(a)(i) through (vi) of the Act. The documentation must be prepared or obtained on or before the taxpayer's documentation-due date for the tax year or fiscal period in which the transaction is entered into. The taxpayer must provide the records or documents specified in subsection 247(4) to the CRA within three months of service of a written request to do so. TPM-05R, Requests for Contemporaneous Documentation provides a directive concerning requests for contemporaneous documentation. Taxpayers will generally produce or obtain the required documentation at the time the transaction is entered into. If the taxpayer does not meet all the requirements of subsection 247(4), which includes providing the documents within the 3 months, the taxpayer is deemed not to have made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or allocations for purposes of the penalty in subsection 247(3) of the Act.

Contemporaneous Documentation Under Subsection 247(4)

The term "contemporaneous documentation" is not defined in the Act.

The policy of the CRA regarding transfer pricing legislation is found in information circular IC87-2R, International Transfer Pricing. IC87-2R states that

"In light of the obligations set out in subsection 247(4), taxpayers will generally produce or obtain the required documentation at the time the transaction is entered into."


"Taxpayers may, after a transaction has occurred but before the filing-due date, recognize that the transfer price recorded for that particular transaction does not represent an arm's length price."

However, subsection 247(4) of the Act states that the taxpayer must make or obtain, on or before the taxpayer's documentation-due date for the taxation year or fiscal period, certain records or documents.

The "documentation-due date" is defined in subsection 247(1) of the Act. In the case of a person, it is the person's filing-due date for the year. For example, in the case of a corporation, the filing-due date is within six months after the end of the taxation year pursuant to paragraph 150(1)(a) of the Act. Accordingly, the corporate taxpayer must make or obtain, within six months after the end of the relevant taxation year, the transfer pricing records or documents required under subsection 247(4) of the Act. Records or documents prepared in this time period are considered to satisfy the documentation-due date requirement.

Pursuant to subsection 247(4), a taxpayer is deemed not to have made reasonable efforts unless the taxpayer makes or obtains, on or before the documentation-due date, records or documents that provide a description that is complete and accurate in all material respects of:

  1. the property or services to which the transaction relates
  2. the terms and conditions of the transaction and their relationship, if any, to the terms and conditions of each other transaction entered into between the participants in the transaction
  3. the identity of the participants in the transaction and their relationship to each other at the time the transaction was entered into
  4. the functions performed, the property used or contributed and the risks assumed, in respect of the transaction, by the participants in the transaction
  5. the data and methods considered and the analysis performed to determine the transfer prices or the allocations of profits or losses or contributions to costs, as the case may be, in respect of the transaction and
  6. the assumptions, strategies and policies, if any, that influenced the determination of the transfer prices or the allocations of profits or losses or contributions to costs, as the case may be, in respect of the transaction

Where a transaction spans more than one taxation year or fiscal period, the documentation must be updated to reflect any material changes on or before the documentation-due date for the year or period in which the material change occurs.

In summary, although our policy as set out in IC87-2R recommends that taxpayers determine their transfer pricing on an on-going basis during the year in order to ensure the pricing is appropriate and in accordance with the arm's length principle, the Act allows taxpayers to make or obtain the required documentation on or before the documentation-due date. If the documentation described in subsection 247(4) is not made or obtained by the documentation-due date, (or is not provided to the CRA within three months of service of a written request to do so) the taxpayer is deemed not to have made reasonable efforts for the purposes of the penalty in accordance with subsection 247(3) of the Act.

Reasonable Efforts – Transfer Pricing Penalty

Transfer pricing is not an exact science and requires the exercise of judgment on the part of both the tax administration and the taxpayer. That judgment must be exercised in a reasonable manner.

The reasonable efforts test is contained in both subsections 247(3) and 247(4) and contains two elements:

  1. the general determination of reasonable efforts and
  2. the deeming provision of not having made reasonable efforts

The general determination of whether a taxpayer has made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or allocations is a question of fact. The CRA will consider taxpayers to have made reasonable efforts if they have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that their transfer prices or allocations conform with the arm's length principle.

The reasonable efforts test in both subsections 247(3) and 247(4) also refers to a dual obligation in that taxpayers must make reasonable efforts:

  1. to determine arm's length transfer prices or arm's length allocations and
  2. to use those prices or allocations

Therefore, in determining whether the transfer pricing penalty is applicable, it will be necessary to show that reasonable efforts were made both in establishing and using arm's length pricing.

A reasonable effort means the degree of effort that an independent and competent person engaged in the same line of business or endeavour would exercise under similar circumstances. What is reasonable is based on what a reasonable business person in the taxpayer's circumstances would do, having regard to the complexity and importance of the transfer pricing issues that arise in the taxpayer's case.

When the TPRC is evaluating whether a taxpayer has made reasonable efforts to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or allocations, the TPRC will first review if the deeming provision contained in subsection 247(4) applies. The TPRC will evaluate:

  1. whether the documents obtained or prepared contain a description that is complete and accurate in all material respects of the items listed in subsection 247(4)
  2. whether the documents were prepared or obtained by the documentation-due date and
  3. whether the documents were provided within three months of a written request to do so

When the TPRC is reviewing the general determination of reasonable efforts a number of different factors will be taken into consideration, including but not limited to:

Compliance vs. Accuracy

Demonstrated efforts

Administrative burden


Examples of situations where taxpayers are at risk for a transfer pricing penalty are as follows:

An example of a situation where taxpayers are less likely to be at risk for the transfer pricing penalty:

Appendix A contains some examples of cases that have been reviewed by the TPRC, indicating where a penalty was applied.

Reasonable Efforts – Qualifying Cost Contribution Arrangement (QCCA)

The concept of reasonable efforts is also contained in the definition of a QCCA found in subsection 247(1) of the Act. In general, a QCCA is an arrangement whereby two or more parties have made reasonable efforts to share the costs and risks of producing, developing, or acquiring any property, or acquiring or performing any services, in proportion to the benefits which each participant is reasonably expected to derive from the property or services as a result of the arrangement.

A cost-sharing arrangement will not be defined to be a QCCA if the taxpayer does not make reasonable efforts to match the contributions of the participants to their respective expected benefits. Taxpayers will be deemed not to have participated in a transaction that is a QCCA unless the taxpayer has prepared or obtained records or documents which provide a description that is complete and accurate in all material respects of the items listed in subparagraphs 247(4)(a)(i) through (vi) of the Act.

The documentation pertaining to a QCCA will generally address:

Similar to the discussions above in the section Reasonable Efforts – Transfer Pricing Penalty, the reasonable efforts test is contained in both subsections 247(3) and 247(4) and contains two elements:

  1. the general determination of reasonable efforts and
  2. the deeming provision of not having made reasonable efforts

The reasonable efforts test in both subsections 247(3) and 247(4) for QCCAs requires the taxpayer to match the contributions of the participants to their respective expected benefits.

When the TPRC is evaluating whether a taxpayer has made reasonable efforts to match the contributions of the participants with their respective benefits, the TPRC will first review if the deeming provision contained in subsection 247(4) applies. The TPRC will evaluate:

  1. whether the documents obtained or prepared contain a description that is complete and accurate in all material respects of the items listed in subsection 247(4)
  2. whether the documents were prepared or obtained by the documentation-due date and
  3. whether the documents were provided within three months of a written request to do so

When the TPRC is reviewing the general determination of reasonable efforts they will look at the types of factors discussed above.

Note that transfer pricing adjustments made to cost contribution arrangements are aggregated with other transfer pricing adjustments for purposes of the penalty calculation.

Transfer Pricing Review Committee (TPRC)

TPM-13, Referrals to the Transfer Pricing Review Committee outlines the process for referrals to the TPRC regarding possible transfer pricing penalties under subsection 247(3). The TPRC will review these referrals to evaluate whether reasonable efforts were made by the taxpayer to determine and use arm's length transfer prices or allocations. The TPRC review will be limited to a determination of whether transfer pricing penalties are applicable to the transfer pricing adjustments raised. The TPRC's role is not to question or review the adjustments that gave rise to the penalty referral.

When evaluating a referral, the TPRC will examine the Penalty Referral Report prepared by the auditor, which should provide the following:

  1. an overview of the case and the penalty issue
  2. the facts of the case
  3. an analysis of the taxpayer documentation taking into consideration the six items listed in subparagraphs 247(4)(a)(i) to (vi) and the issues identified by the auditor
  4. other related information such as a copy of the formal contemporaneous documentation request letter and requested opinions from other areas within the CRA
  5. representations made by the taxpayer or the representative of the taxpayer with respect to the penalty and
  6. any comments the auditor may have on each of the points raised in the taxpayer representations

Examples of some of the items the TPRC will possibly take into consideration during the evaluation are:

Refer to TPM-13, Referrals to the Transfer Pricing Review Committee for additional information regarding transfer pricing penalty referrals and QCCA referrals.


It is difficult to set out precisely what would amount to reasonable efforts to demonstrate an arm's length result. A good starting point would be to consider what a reasonable business person in the taxpayer's circumstances would do, having regard to the complexity and importance of the particular transfer pricing issue.

Appendix A – Examples of cases reviewed by the TPRC

The following are some examples of cases where the penalty was applied:

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