More practical comparative stylistics (French to English) (SFE-255)
This workshop is offered in English only and is reserved for people translating or revising French-to-English texts. Taking Practical comparative stylistics (French to English) (SFE-253) first is recommended.
- Category
Professional training
- Description
In this workshop, you’ll learn some more principles of comparative stylistics that help make translations from French sound like natural English. (Take that, machine translation systems!)
You’ll have the opportunity to apply this new set of principles consciously in discussions and group exercises that will focus on the practical rather than the theoretical. The tools you’ll gain will help you be more confident in your ability to produce good translations and revise others’ work effectively.
- Open to
Specialists in translation or revision (French to English)
- Prerequisite
You must already be involved in translating or revising French-to-English texts.
- Language
The workshop is given in English; however, you are welcome to use the official language of your choice.
- Learning objectives
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
- name and explain a new set of helpful principles of comparative stylistics
- use those principles in your daily translation and revision work
- produce English translations that sound more idiomatic
- Dates and length
Please consult the directory and schedule of Translation Bureau courses.
- Seat allocation
Maximum of 12
The Translation Bureau reserves the right to cancel this activity unless there are at least 6 registrations.
- Course fee
$200 (free of charge for Translation Bureau employees)
20% discount for members of a recognized professional association. Please send proof of certification, such as a photo of your membership card, to
- Registration
To register for this workshop, please consult the Translation Bureau course registration procedure and form.
Page details
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