2015–16 Departmental Performance Report - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Subsequent to tabling in Parliament and online publication of the Rapport ministériel sur le rendement de 2015-2016, two translation errors were corrected in sections II and III of the HTML and PDF versions of the French report.

  • In the “Priorité 6 : Un Secrétariat ouvert, souple et propice à la collaboration” subsection, the starting date for the initiative “Favoriser un milieu de travail plus dynamique, plus ouvert et plus connecté” has been modified from to .”
  • In the “Tendances relatives aux dépenses du ministère” subsection, the paragraph describing the variance between the 2013-14 and 2014-15 total program expenditures has been modified from “60 milliards” to “60 millions.”

These changes do not affect the rest of the information contained in the report.

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,
represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2016

Catalogue No. BT1-22E-PDF
ISSN: 1490-1498

Table of Contents

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