Administrative Services Group (AS) - Effective June 14, 2017

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Voir les taux de rémunération en vigueur pour AS Services administratifs.

Rates of pay not authorized by a collective agreement


  • $) Effective
  • A) Effective
  • B) Effective
  • X) Effective – Restructure
  • C) Effective
  • D) Effective
Code: 30100
AS-07 – Annual Rates of Pay (in dollars)
(Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement)
Effective Date Rates of Pay
$) 89,112 to 101,892
A) 90,226 to 103,166
B) 91,354 to 104,456
X) – Restructure 91,811 to 104,978
C) 92,959 to 106,290
D) 94,121 to 107,619
Code: 30100
AS-08 – Annual Rates of Pay (in dollars)
(Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement)
Effective Date Rates of Pay
$) 92,014 to 108,305
A) 93,164 to 109,659
B) 94,329 to 111,030
X) – Restructure 94,801 to 111,585
C) 95,986 to 112,980
D) 97,186 to 114,392

Pay Notes

  1. An employee being paid at Level AS-7 or AS-8 shall have his/her rate of pay increased
    1. On , to a rate of pay within the "A" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
    2. On , to a rate of pay within the "B" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
    3. On , to a rate of pay within the "X" performance range which is zero point five percent (0.50%) higher than his/her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
    4. On , to a rate of pay within the "C" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
    5. On , to a rate of pay within the "D" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).

Approval date: .

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