The Brockville Rifles

"Always prepared"
Brockville Armoury
144 King St. East
Brockville, ON K6V 1C2

The Brockville Armoury
Join Our Team
Looking for full-time or part-time work? We are hiring and provide excellent career opportunities. Please do not hesitate to call or email our recruiter who will be pleased to answer any questions you may have and provide direction on how to apply to our Regiment.
Our Team Recruiter
Name: Sgt Justin Loomis
Phone: 613-342-2755, Ext. 2866
Or contact
Phone: 1-800-856-8488
Find a recruiting centre near you.
When We Train
September to May:
- Thursday evenings
- 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- one weekend per month.
Full-time summer employment is available from May to August.
Trades In Our Unit
- C6 7.62-mm Medium Machine Gun
- C9A2 Light Machine Gun
- C7A2 5.56-mm Automatic Rifle
- 84 mm Recoilless Rifle
- Colt M203 40-mm Grenade Launcher
- G Wagon - Light Utility Vehicle Wheeled (LUVW)
- Coyote Armored Vehicle
- Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS)
- Militarized Commercial Off-The-Shelf (MilCOTS)
The Brockville Rifles is a reserve infantry regiment of the Canadian Army, located in Brockville, Ontario. The Brockville Rifles is one of 15 reserve units of 33 Canadian Brigade Group, a Reserve Brigade located in Eastern and Northern Ontario.
As a Primary Reserve unit, The Brockville Rifles trains part time. The regiment provides individual augmentees to support domestic and international operations conducted by soldiers in support of the Canadian Army missions.
When you join our unit, you will receive competitive pay for your part time or full time work as well as be eligible for on the job training that could benefit you in civilian life. Also, there are medical, dental and educational benefits available to Army Reservists.
Here are all the details:
- Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel David Beyer
- Sergeant Major: Chief Warrant Officer Steven Cunningham, CD
The Brockville Rifles
Brockville Armouries
144 King St. East
Brockville, ON K6V 1C2
Phone: 613-342-2755
The formation of The Brockville Rifles pre-dates Canadian Confederation. The Brockville Rifles officially came into being on October 5th, 1866. No outline of the Regimental history would be complete without consideration of the Militia Units which lived and fought along the St. Lawrence River and in the northern states in the years prior to Confederation.
The Canadian Military tradition is essentially that of the citizen soldier – the Militiaman. The development of a substantial Regular Force is a very recent occurrence in the history of the Canadian Nation. A glance at a map will indicate that the City of Brockville, situated in Leeds County, lies along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. When, at the close of the American War of Independence, the remnants of the Loyalists regiments moved north to British Territory, it was to this area that they came. Among these units were: Roger’s Rangers, Jessop’s Corps and the Kings’ Royal Regiment of New York.
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