FAQ: Hybrid Work
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Working Remotely
Are DND Public Service employees required to make up for missed days in the office if they were absent on their designated in-person day in the office whether because they were sick, on training, statutory holiday, etc.
Departmental direction is for employees to spend a minimum of 40% of their regular schedule in the workplace. There is no requirement to necessarily “make-up” scheduled in-office days missed due to unexpected or unplanned events (such as illness and family care obligations), off-site training, statutory holidays or vacations. However, discussions on expectations around attendance and compliance to the Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service may be raised by the manager if a pattern of absences are observed e.g. employee is consistently sick or regularly requests leave on the on-site days.
Will DND employees whose work arrangements will not change due to the new hybrid work model still be required to fill out a myWorkArrangement?
All DND public service employees must submit a work arrangement agreement in mWA by March 3, 2023, including employees working full-time on-site and those who have not experienced a change in their work arrangements.
Any agreements previously submitted through the Civilian Flexible Work Program PDF form are no longer valid and must be submitted as new agreements in mWA.
Do contract workers, students and part-time employees need to fill out a myWorkArrangement? If so, and they do not have access to DWAN, how should their mWA be recorded?
All DND public service employees, regardless of tenure (indeterminate, term, casual and student) or if they are hired on a full-time or part-time basis are to enter their work arrangement agreement in myWorkArrangements (mWA) by March 3, 2023.
Contract workers are not subject to this requirement.
A solution for those who do not have access to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Application Portal (TAP) portal, where the mWA application is housed, is forthcoming. More information will be shared when it becomes available.
Can DND employees that are currently in the office full-time adopt a Hybrid Work Model?
Hybrid work is a flexible work option which can be considered across DND based on L1 direction and operational requirements.
Employees currently working full-time on-site can discuss with their manager whether hybrid work is an appropriate option for them, based on operational requirements. The decision is at the manager's discretion and should be made in consideration of a number of factors, including the degree to which an individual's work can be effectively performed remotely or in the office.
Are managers still able to hire someone who lives outside of the 125 km radius even though they would need to work remotely full time?
As per the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace - Canada.ca, L1/ADM's are delegated to approve certain exceptional circumstances. Accordingly, the respective L1/ADM will determine if hiring an individual outside of the 125km radius from a designated worksite is feasible or not. This decision may be based on a variety of factors such as operational requirements, hard to hire jobs and suitability of the work to a virtual location. Even when approved, employees living outside of the 125km radius may still be required to report to the designated worksite on occasion. Review of all exceptional cases will be conducted on an annual basis.
A process by which exceptions to the common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service can be found on the Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca) website.
What are the approval level requirements for exceptions to the Hybrid Work Model? Does the option (hybrid, full time work, or full-time telework, etc.) dictate the approval level?
The exceptions process at DND can be found on the Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca) website.
What is the process to request an exception to the new Hybrid Work Model?
Employees seeking exceptions for full-time telework as identified in the common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service can be found on the Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca) website.
They are not to enter full-time work arrangement agreements in mWA until they have L1 approval.
Is the Hybrid Work Model applicable to both Public Servants and serving CAF members?
While this direction was specific to public servants, implementation of this policy may also have impacts on Canadian Armed Forces members. Members are encouraged to consult their local Chain of Command for additional details.
When is the deadline to submit a work arrangement agreement in myWorkArrangement?
All DND public service employees must submit a work arrangement agreement in mWA by March 3, 2023, including employees working full-time on-site. Agreements can be iterative and updated as the implementation of the common hybrid model progresses.
Are military members required to submit a Hybrid Work Arrangement?
CAF members do not need to complete new Work Arrangement Agreements via the MyWorkArrangements application like public servants will need. Instead, they should discuss Hybrid Work Arrangement possibilities with their Chain of Command.
Military managers of civilian employees are, however, required to review and approve their civilian employees' agreements in myWorkArrangements application in Treasury Board's TAP.
Who should DND employees contact if they do not have access to the myWorkArrangement app on TBS Application Portal.
We are working on a solution for those who do not have access to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Application Portal (TAP) portal, where mWA is housed.
More information will be communicated as soon as it becomes available, including extensions to the submission deadline.
Employees and managers can get in touch with HR Connect RH as needed.
Who has to complete a work arrangement agreement in myWorkArrangement?
All DND public service employees (indeterminate, term, students, and casuals) must submit a work arrangement agreement in mWA by March 3, 2023, including employees working full-time on-site.
Directive for filling out the WA indicates that a lvl 4 needs to approve hybrid work routines. There is no guidance what lvl needs to approve those who work on-site 5 days/week. Can this approval be at a Lvl 5 or 6 then, or does the lvl 4 have to approve all WA which in my org means 260 approvals?
Full-time onsite work arrangements can be approved by the employee’s direct supervisor. Refer to the Tips for using the myWorkArrangements application and submitting a work agreement (mil.ca) for more information.
Are student working on a limited number of hours per day, are required to go in the office base on the 40% to 60% calculation? example the student works 3 hours per day a total of 15 hours. The employee would be required to go in the office 6 hours?
Yes, part-time employees are required to go in the office based on the 40% to 60% calculation. In this case, the minimum requirement for the student is 6 hours.
How do I, or my manager, have a location added to the work location list on myWorkArrangement site?
For onsite locations: Onsite work location
A drop down list of addresses is available for onsite work locations. To navigate the list of locations:
- Type in the street address of your onsite work location into the search bar. For example, enter 60 Moodie for National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ Carling).
- Scroll the predetermined list to find your work location.
If your onsite work location is on a base, the address will start with 'CFB' (Canadian Forces Base) followed by the location. There are no street addresses nor on-base buildings listed.
If you are not able to locate your location in the list of pre-established locations please contact the Flexible Work Program team at the Flexible Work Program mailbox.
For telework locations: Prior to submitting your work arrangement agreement in the myWorkArrangement application, add your telework location(s) by selecting the 'Personal Preferences' tab at the top navigation bar on the mWA Home page.
Telework location (if applicable)
A drop down list for telework locations is based on addresses that have been previously entered into the Personal Preferences section of the application. If you are unable to select an address in this section, revisit the revisit the Creating a work agreement section.
Please note that employees can select more than one onsite or telework location if they regularly work out of various locations.
More information can be found on the Tips for using the myWorkArrangements application and submitting a work agreement (mil.ca) website.
Are students working on a limited number of hours per day required to go into the office based on the 40% to 60% calculation? For example, if a student works 3 hours per day for a total of 15 hours, would they be required to go into the office for 6 hours?
Yes, part-time employees are required to go in the office based on the 40% to 60% calculation. In this case, the minimum requirement for the student is 6 hours.
Exceptions application form (DND 4895)
If there are issues filling out the Exceptions Application form (DND 4895) available on the Defence Forms Catalogue, make sure of the following:
- Ensure form is opened in Adobe Acrobat (not FoxIt, not Microsoft Edge)
- Ensure Java Script is enabled per message on yellow bar at top
- Request for International Telework cannot be checked until the box for Category #4 is first selected
- The Level 1 Recommendation for Category #4 only, can only be used when Category #4 is first selected
For more information, go to Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca).
Will there be any compensation for employees who must work on-site more than the standard 40 percent of their normal working hours?
No. There is no plan to compensate employees for returning to their designated work location regardless of their work posture. As per the National Joint Council Travel Directive, an employee reporting to their designated worksite is not on travel status: hence, they are not eligible for compensation. Employees are encouraged to consult Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for information on potential deductions and taxes.
Can an employee submit an exception or accommodation request if their management is requiring them to work on-site more than the two-day (40 percent) minimum established by the department?
Managers have the discretion to manage their employees and consequently, request employees to work on-site for more than two days a week based on business requirements.
If your manager determines that the business requirements necessitate onsite presence for more than the minimum of two days, these cases do not follow the exception process. Only exception requests for less than the prescribed two days can be submitted.
We encourage you to discuss your situation with your manager.
For situations where employees are seeking accommodation measures relating to on-site work presence, please refer to Workplace accommodations within the common hybrid work model website.
Will there be any tax implications for returning to the office?
No, there are no tax implications for returning to the office.
The same taxation rules apply, however, if you previously claimed home expenses as an employee working remotely, you may need to adjust based on the amount of time spent working from your residence once in a hybrid posture.
Employees are encouraged to consult Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for information on deductions and taxes.
With the return to the office for 40% - 60% of the time, will individuals on full-time second language training be expected to go into the office for the training if it is currently conducted virtually?
Employees should continue their training as per current arrangements. Any changes to training arrangements will be communicated directly to participants.
What is the process to submit a Flexible Work Agreement (FWA) and obtain approval from their ADM if a person believes they are entitled to an exemption?
Information for work arrangements can be found on the work arrangements website: Guide to work arrangements (mil.ca)
The process for exceptions can be found on the Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca) website.
How will managers ensure that the hybrid schedule is respected?
Employees and managers are expected to proactively engage in discussions to address and clarify expectations with regards to hybrid work.
Employees are expected to submit their work arrangement to their manager for approval through the new Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) myWorkArrangements application.
Will schedules be flexible in allowing employees to switch an in-person day for a teleworking day if a minimum requirement of two days is met?
The Common Hybrid Work Model for the Federal Public Service outlines an on-site presence of at least 2 to 3 days per week, or 40 to 60% of the regular work schedule.
A number of hybrid work models using fixed (at manager's discretion) and flexible (at employee's discretion) can be considered across the Defence Team based on Level 1 direction.
The decision to switch on-site and teleworking days is at the manager's discretion and should be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on workplace capacity as well as other factors.
Notwithstanding, managers and employees are expected to proactively engage in discussions to address and clarify expectations with regards to hybrid work.
Hybrid work may cause a lot of stress and anxiety with a multitude of changes to both personal and work life. Is the mental health of the Defence Team being considered through this transition?
As we adopt the new common approach to hybrid work, public service employees may have different reactions and experience various emotions in response to these changes.
Fortunately, there are many resources available to the Defence Team in order to help face this new normal, such as resources from the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Centre of Expertise on Mental Health which includes toolkits on making the transition to the office and tips for handling anxiety and uncertainty.
If you are experiencing work-related or personal issues for any reason and are looking for support, the Department offers the following free and confidential resources for DND employees.
Will DND employees be granted flexible hours of work on in-person days (i.e., leave the office earlier and make up hours at home, etc.).
Employees and managers are expected to proactively engage in discussions to address and clarify expectations with regards to hybrid work.
Managers are responsible for reviewing hours of work on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with the relevant collective agreement and terms and conditions of employment.
Will staffing actions and career opportunities for progression remain impartial regardless of a person's work location?
Employees will be able to continue to apply to selection processes based on the area of selection established by sub-delegated manager. As part of regular business planning, sub-delegated managers are responsible for evaluating the location of work or whether certain jobs can be anywhere across Canada based. This assessment is impartial and is based on the operational requirements of the position.
Does this new 'MyWorkArrangements' application replace the requirement to complete a DND 4722-E Civilian Flexible Work Agreement?
Yes, the new Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) myWorkArrangements application replaces the DND 4722, Civilian Flexible Work Program Form.
All work arrangements agreements are to be submitted in myWorkArrangements. Any agreements previously submitted via the DND 4722 form will be considered invalid as of January 30, 2023.
What are all the modes of Hybrid Work available to DND employees (i.e., compressed workdays, working full time from the office)?
A number of hybrid work models using fixed (at manager's discretion) and flexible (at employee's discretion) can be considered across the Defence Team based on Level 1 direction.
The decision between on-site and teleworking days is at the manager's discretion and should be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on workplace capacity as well as other factors.
Notwithstanding, managers and employees are expected to proactively engage in discussions to address and clarify expectations with regards to hybrid work.
What GBA+ considerations were considered prior to announcing Hybrid Work?
We are waiting to receive more information from Treasury Board Secretariat about GBA+ considerations.
Why is there such a push to return to the office when productivity has been proven while working from home throughout the pandemic?
As indicated in the Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service announcement, the government has rediscovered the value of shared in-person experiences that are essential to cohesive, collaborative, and high-performing organizations. Also, it has seen the need for consistency in how hybrid work is applied. The on-site presence of 2–3 days each week (or 40–60 per cent of regular schedule) reflects the benefits that consistent in-person experiences offer, all the while maintaining flexibility of working off-site.
Will managers also be forced to adopt the 40-60 per cent in-person rule?
The new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service applies to all of the core public administration, including managers. The “core public administration” is defined in the FAA as “the departments named in Schedule I and the other portions of the federal public administration named in Schedule IV”.
Will accommodations be made for people with long commutes?
As per the new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service possible exceptions to the hybrid work model may include employees, with the permission of their Assistant Deputy Minister, who are working remotely 125 km or more from their designated worksite.
How will this new directive affect Defence Team members who hold jobs outside of their region (ex. working in a region and living in NCR)?
The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO), within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS), has developed specific direction to support departments and agencies with the implementation of a common hybrid work model.
Although 2–3 days of on-site presence (or 40–60 per cent of regular schedule) will be the default, alternative models may be warranted in a very limited set of circumstances, pending appropriate approval of management.
Possible exceptions to the hybrid work model include:
- Employees hired to work remotely prior to March 16, 2020
- Indigenous public servants whose location is critical to their identity to work from their communities
- Exceptional exemptions on a case-by-case basis, on a time-limited or longer-term duration (for example, illness, short-term operational requirement, extenuating circumstances)
- As determined by a deputy head, and in exceptional cases, a relevant business case demonstrates a measurable increase in efficiency for the delivery of an operation or a specific function
- Employees, with the permission of their Assistant Deputy Minister, who are working remotely 125 km or more from their designated worksite
- A business model has been previously established and not influenced by the remote-by-default COVID-19 management
Is there a plan to allow Defence Team members to continue working from home for reduced pay?
The Treasury Board Secretariat has not provided any direction to this effect. However, the new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service will see employees work on site at least 40–60 per cent of their regular schedule.
Is there a plan to compensate for returning to the office and will this affect how much can be claimed on income tax?
No, there is no plan to compensate employees for returning to the office, and no changes to benefits.
As per the NJC Travel Directive, an employee reporting to their designated worksite is not on travel status: hence, they are not eligible for compensation.
Employees are encouraged to consult Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for information on deductions and taxes.
Does this new policy supersede all previous employee arrangements if a Defence Team member had an alternative work arrangement created during COVID-19?
Yes, the new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service supersedes all previous arrangements.
Possible exceptions to the hybrid work model include:
- Employees hired to work remotely prior to March 16, 2020
- Indigenous public servants whose location is critical to their identity to work from their communities
- Exceptional exemptions on a case-by-case basis, on a time-limited or longer-term duration (for example, illness, short-term operational requirement, extenuating circumstances)
- As determined by a deputy head, and in exceptional cases, a relevant business case demonstrates a measurable increase in efficiency for the delivery of an operation or a specific function
- Employees, with the permission of their Assistant Deputy Minister, who are working remotely 125 km or more from their designated worksite
- A business model has been previously established and not influenced by the remote-by-default COVID-19 management
If a Defence Team member was hired for remote work, does this policy still affect their work arrangements?
The new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service affects employees hired to work remotely after March 16, 2020, but possible exceptions to the hybrid work model include employees, with the permission of their Assistant Deputy Minister, who are working remotely 125 km or more from their designated worksite.
In the case where spouses of CAF members are public service employees and had to take on remote work due to CAF postings, will accommodations be made?
The new Common hybrid work model for the Federal Public Service affects employees hired to work remotely after March 16, 2020, but possible exceptions to the hybrid work model include employees, with the permission of their Assistant Deputy Minister, who are working remotely 125 km or more from their designated worksite.
Will satellite offices and GC Co-working spaces be considered on-site work?
Currently, there is no official decision from the department on this topic. However, information will continue to be provided as it becomes available.
At this time, each employee is required to report to their designated worksite, as directed by their manager or supervisor, regardless of the designated worksite(s) of other employees.
How will the rule regarding remote work for those who live 125 km away from their office be applied? Will it count if you moved after COVID-19 began?
If an employee currently lives more than 125 km away from their designated worksite, and wishes to seek an exception to TBS's Common Hybrid Work Model for the Federal Public Service, they should follow the steps on the Exceptions within the common hybrid work model (mil.ca) website.
Given the desire to have employees report to the physical workplace, how will this impact individuals who had been working remotely from a different geographic region long before the pandemic?
Per the Common Hybrid Work Model for the Federal Public Service issued by TBS, there is a new exceptions process for employees hired to work remotely prior to March 16, 2020.
Exceptions and accommodations may be warranted, pending appropriate approval of management.
Can you please confirm that full-time public servants are only required to work a maximum of 2 days per week. Or is it based on the number of hours an employee works?
Per the Common Hybrid Work Model for the Federal Public Service issued by TBS, 40 to 60% of an employee's regular work schedule must be done on-site, regardless of employment status and work hours (e.g. full-time or part-time work).
If your team is in two different buildings or locations, is it possible to report to work two days per week at either location?
Currently, each employee is required to report to their designated worksite, as directed by their manager or supervisor, regardless of the designated worksite(s) of other employees.
As indicated in the Glossary Terms on the Guidance on Optimizing Hybrid Workforce web page, a designated worksite refers to a physical location under the organization’s control. This is not a virtual location or a residential address.
For DND employees, additional direction will be relayed in the coming weeks.
Workplace accommodations
Will locations that do not have access to public transportation make accommodations for Defence employees?
The Treasury Board Secretariat has not provided direction to this effect.
Public Health
When an employee is sick will they be able to work from home to not add a public health risk and will they need a note from a medical practitioner?
When an employee is sick and unable to work, it is expected that sick leave will be used. Employees are to consult their applicable collective agreement for medical note requirements when taking sick leave.
Should an employee feel sick but able to work, they should discuss with their manager or supervisor the possibility of performing their duties remotely.
Managers are to use their discretion, in consultation with labour relations.
For Managers
Section 2: Managing and Supporting Hybrid Teams
I work for the Navy, in Esquimalt BC, at the Fleet Maintenance Facilities in the Dockyard. The Province has removed masks and physical distancing mandates for months now.
The military does not operate based on Provincial guidance when it comes to COVID-19 PHMs on DND/CAF property.
Why hasn't the Base and the FMF? There has not been any communications that explain this reasoning by any medical professional.
Bases follow direction from the Chain of Command up to the CDS, who gets direction from the federal government. Information about why masking is important has been shared by Canadian Forces Health Services Group throughout the pandemic as another layer of defence that limits the spread exhaled droplets that could carry COVID-19 while in enclosed, crowded areas and spaces lacking proper ventilation.
When it comes to the decision of masking levels on a base or wing, the CDS/DM Directive on DND/CAF Operating and Reconstituting in a Persistent COVID-19 Environment was amended on 14 July, 2022 to delegate authority to determine the level of masking on a base to its Commander. Masking posture will be determined through a risk assessment done in consultation with the local Occupational Health and Safety Officer and Senior Medical Advisor, consider local public health guidance and COVID prevalence, and determine the potential impact on operational requirements. Commanders will also consider factors such as workplace ventilation, crowding, workforce composition, and work duration.
The current masking level as decided by the Commander is subject to change with the local COVID situation, requiring more stringent masking if local COVID cases rise and decreasing masking levels when cases decline and stay depressed.
Regardless of what level of masking the Commander decides is appropriate for their command, members are always permitted to mask at a higher level than that determined by the Commander.
Is there a timeline when we will see ourselves adopting a more relaxed approach on the mask policy?
There is planning underway to look at relaxing mask requirements based on provincial, territorial and local public health guidance. The timeframe will be determined as L1s and Commands hold discussions with Senior Medical Authorities and local Workplace Health and Safety Committees.
In Quebec, we still wear the mask at work. We meet people from other units across Canada, and several of them stopped wearing the mask at work. Can we get a clear direction on mask wearing at work for the CAF?
In order to resume most CAF activities and levels of operations in a COVID-19 environment, the CDS/DM Directive on DND/CAF Operating and Reconstituting in a Persistent COVID-19 Environment was issued on Feb. 25, 2022 to provide guidance on how to balance the CAF's operational readiness with force health protection. The directive initially required that masking continue in any indoor setting, in addition to the suite of other PHMs in place, unless the member was guaranteed to be alone; while eating or drinking with physical distancing being maintained; or when at their workstation if it's physically distanced and well-ventilated.
However, as the majority of the Defence Team is now vaccinated, the Directive was amended in July 2022 in order to provide flexibility to loosen mask postures where and when it is safe to do so. The amendment to the directive provides L1s, or their delegates, the ability to tailor the posture on mask use in accordance with provincial and/or territorial restrictions, as well as local public health, federal health, and workplace guidance.
Defence Team members can, of course, choose to remain masked if they wish, and can request modified work arrangements if they feel reduced masking will put themselves or those close to them at increased risk. Masks worn properly continue to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and remain an important part of our Layered Risk Mitigation Strategy.
I went to get vaccinated during working hours. What is the name of the leave type that I must select in Peoplesoft?
Employees who secure an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine during the work day should use leave code 698, medical and dental appointments. For more information, please visit COVID-19 vaccines for Defence Team members - Canada.ca
Is it normal practice for a Chain of Command to ask for a picture of a positive test after the MIR has confirmed a positive case and issued MELs?
Generally speaking and regardless of the medical condition, the Chain of Command (CoC) does not ask for medical information from members. When information needs to be shared with the CoC, Canadian Forces Health Services clinics provide medical employment limitations (MEL) that are phrased in such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of the member's medical information. In accordance with the Privacy Act, medical practice guidelines and Canadian licencing authorities, personal health information will not be disclosed without the consent of the individual.
Because COVID-19 presents a public health hazard, there are circumstances in which members may be screened for symptoms or asked for results of COVID-19 screening tests in order to ensure health and safety of others in the workplace. Many of the screening tests for COVID-19 are done for administrative reasons (such as to enable travel) and CoC can request results of these types of screening when relevant.
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