Chapter 208 – Relocation Benefits
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On this page
Section 8 – Relocation Expenses
- 208.80 – Application and Definitions
- 208.801 – Special Powers of the Minister – Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses
- 208.81 – Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release – Alien Members – Regular Force
- 208.82 – Movement of Dependants
- 208.83 – Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants
- 208.831 – Additional Transportation Entitlements on Restricted Postings – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
- 208.832 – House Hunting Trip
- (208.833: Not Allocated)
- 208.834 – Storage of Private Motor Vehicle and Related Transportation and Travelling Expenses
- 208.84 – Shipment of Household Goods and Effects
- 208.841 – Movement of Mobile Homes
- (208.842 to 208.844 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.845 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – Personnel Released for Misconduct – Regular Force
- 208.846 – Movement of Dependants – Alien Members – Regular Force
- 208.847 – Return to place of enrolment or transfer on release or transfer from the Regular Force
- 208.848 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – On Termination of Class C Reserve Service for Misconduct – Reserve Force
- 208.849 – Posting Allowance
- 208.85 – Movement Grant
- 208.86 – Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Accompanied Member or Dependants Travelling Alone
- 208.861 – Interim Lodgings, Meals and Incidental Expenses – Officer or Non-Commissioned Member Without Dependants
- (208.862: Not Allocated)
- 208.863 – Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Unaccompanied Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
- (208.864 to 208.884 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.885 – Reimbursement when Dependants Move in Advance of the Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
- (208.89: Not Allocated)
- 208.90 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects to Other Than the Place of Duty of the Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
- (208.91 to 208.954 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.955 – Reimbursement for Rent or Lease Liability
- 208.956 – Rent in Advance of a Move
- 208.96 – Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation
- 208.961 – Mortgage Early Repayment Penalty (MERP)
- 208.97 – Home Equity Assistance
Section 9 – Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program
Section 10 – Miscellaneous
- 208.99 – Entitlement to Transportation Benefits on Reinstatement – Regular Force
- 208.991 – Transportation Entitlements of Non-Commissioned Members who Re-Engage While on Terminal Leave
- 208.9911 – Transportation of Dependants – Limitation of Entitlement
- 208.9912 – Transportation of Dependants and Shipment of Household Goods and Effects for Other Than Service Reasons
- 208.9913 – Early repatriation of a dependant from outside Canada
- (208.9914 to 208.9919 inclusive: Not allocated)
- 208.992 – Posting Allowance
- 208.994 – Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Access to Household Goods and Effects in Long-Term Storage
- 208.9941 – Shipment of Replacement Household Goods and Effects
- 208.9942 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – Personnel Reinstated – Regular Force
- (208.9943 to 208.9949 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.995 – Employment Assistance for Spouses and Common-Law Partners
- 208.9951 – Temporary Evacuation of Residential Housing Units
- 208.9952 – Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Other Than Temporary Duty and Dependants
- (208.9953 to 208.9959 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.996 – Local Move of Household Goods and Effects
- 208.9961 – Local Move of Household Goods and Effects – Furnished Residential Housing Units
- 208.9962 – Reimbursement on Postponement or Cancellation of a Posting
- 208.9963 – Reimbursement of Additional Living Expenses – Dependants Separated from an Officer or Non-Commissioned Member on Posting
- 208.9964 – Reimbursment of Customs Duties and Taxes on Early Repatriation to Canada
- (208.9965 to 208.9969 Inclusive: Not Allocated)
- 208.997 – Separation Expense
- 208.998 – Custodial Expense
208.01 – Special Powers of the Minister – Relocation Expenses
The Minister may approve reimbursement of all or part of the expenses reasonably incurred by an officer or non-commissioned member or their dependants that are directly related to, or that arise directly out of, the member’s relocation and that are not specifically provided for in this chapter, but only if such reimbursement would be equitable and consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
(208.02 to 208.79 inclusive: Not allocated)
208.80 – Application and Definitions
208.80(1) (Application) This section applies to an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force on Class "C" Reserve Service to whom Section 9 (Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive (CAFRD)) does not apply.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.80(2) (Service couple) When an officer or non-commissioned member is a spouse or common law partner of another member:
- if they are both moved on posting from and to the same place of duty they shall be reimbursed under this section as if the junior in rank, or if they are the same rank, as if one of them was a dependant but not a member of the Canadian Forces; and
- in any other case, each shall be reimbursed under this section, but one may not be reimbursed in respect of a dependant claimed by the other.
208.80(3) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this section.
- commercial lodgings
means lodgings obtained in a hotel, motel, tourist home, guest cottage or similar establishment that caters to the general public at predetermined rates. (logement commercial)
- dependant
means, in respect of an officer or non-commissioned member
- the member's spouse or common-law partner, who is normally resident with the member at the member's place of duty or who, if living separately, is doing so for military reasons;
- a relative by blood, marriage or common-law partnership or adoption legally or in fact who is normally resident with the member and for whom the member may claim a personal exemption under the Income Tax Act;
- a housekeeper, if the member is single and has a dependent child as defined in CBI 205.015 (Interpretation) for whom the member maintains a home in which the member also normally resides;
- a child who is normally resident with the member and for whom the member would have been eligible to claim a personal exemption under the Income Tax Act if the child were a relative by blood, marriage or common-law partnership or adoption legally or in fact and for whom the member has accepted full financial responsibility and has commenced adoption proceedings;
- a child or legal ward of the spouse or common-law partner or the member, or of the spouse or common-law partner and the member, or an individual adopted legally or in fact by the spouse or common-law partner or the member, or by the spouse or common-law partner and the member, who cannot be claimed as a personal exemption by the member under the Income Tax Act but who is single and in full-time attendance at school or university, if it would be equitable and consistent with the purpose of this section that such a person be a dependant; or
- a family member who is permanently residing with the member, but who is precluded from qualifying as a dependant under the Income Tax Act because the family member receives a pension.
(personne à charge)
- in-transit storage
means the temporary storage of household goods and effects either immediately prior or subsequent to movement of the household goods and effects at public expense, including a move on release. (entreposage temporaire)
- non-commercial lodgings
means lodgings obtained other than as described in the definition commercial lodgings and includes lodgings obtained in a travel trailer, camper, tent or private home. (logement non commercial)
- place of duty
means the place at which an officer or non-commissioned member usually performs their normal military duties and includes any place in the surrounding geographical area that is determined to be part thereof by the Chief of the Defence Staff or such other officer as the Chief of the Defence Staff may designate. (lieu de service)
- spouse
in relation to a member, does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member. (conjoint)
- trained status
- means the point at which a member has successfully completed or is otherwise granted basic military occupation training and is posted to a unit where the member will apply their occupation or trade skills and/or undergo further on-job training. (qualifié)
- transportation
when used in relation to household goods and effects, includes, where applicable and with respect to any one move, in-transit storage for a period not exceeding 60 days and, when approved by the Minister, a period not exceeding 120 days. (transport)
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.801 – (Repealed by TB effective 1 March 2022. Replaced by CBI 208.01)
208.81 – Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release – Alien Members – Regular Force
When an officer or non-commissioned member to whom paragraph (4) of article 15.04 (Place of Release) of the QR&O applies is released, the member may be granted the benefits under:
- CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) for the move, and
- CBI 208.9952 (Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Other Than Temporary Duty and Dependants) in respect of the shipment of the member's personal baggage,
as if the member were moving on posting to such place as the Minister may determine.
208.82 – Movement of Dependants
208.82(1) (Eligibility) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (5), an officer or non-commissioned member is entitled to move their dependants at public expense:
- from one place of duty to another, when the member is moved within Canada and the United States of America, other than temporarily;
- from one place of duty to another, when the member is moved from a place of duty within Canada and the United States of America to a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America, if:
- the move of the member is for an expected period of six months or more, and
- the member will remain at the new place of duty for an expected period of six months or more after the arrival of the member's dependants;
- from one place of duty to another, when the member is moved from a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America to a place of duty within Canada or the United States of America, if:
- the dependants were moved at public expense to a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America,
- the member acquired the dependant while serving outside Canada and the United States of America, or
- it is the first such move of the member and the member had the dependant at the time of the member's enrolment outside Canada and the United States of America;
- from one place of duty to another, when the member is moved, other than temporarily, from a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America to another place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America;
- from one place to another, as if the move were between two places of duty, when an emergency exists and, in the opinion of the Minister, it is necessary to evacuate or move dependants;
- from the member's place of duty to a place approved by the Chief of the Defence Staff, as if the move were to a place of duty, when the dependants have been moved under subparagraph (b) or (d) and, in the opinion of the Chief of the Defence Staff, they should be moved before the member;
- subject to the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff in each case, from the place where the member ordinarily resided on commencing Class C Reserve Service to the place of duty where the member is first moved within Canada and the United States of America, other than temporarily;
- from the member's place of duty to a place approved by the Minister, as if the move were to a place of duty, when the member is moved from either an isolated place in Canada as established and determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff or from the United States of America to a place where it is not desirable to move from dependents, and in the opinion of the Minister, it is necessary to move the dependants from the place at which they are residing; or
- subject to the approval of the Minister:
- from the place to which they were moved under subparagraph (e), (f) or (h), or
- from the place to which they were moved in the circumstances described in subparagraph (e), (f) or (h) and for which reimbursement was made under CBI 208.885 (Reimbursement When Dependants Move in Advance of the Officer or Non-commissioned Member),
to the member's place of duty.
208.82(2) (Entitlement to benefits) Subject to paragraph (3) and, for an officer or noncommissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service, the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff in each case, when the member or their dependants are authorized to move, they are entitled to the benefits under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) for the journey from the last place of duty to which the member was moved other than temporarily to the place to which the member is or could be provided with those benefits.
208.82(3) (Subsequent entitlement to move dependants) When an officer or noncommissioned member is serving at a place of duty to which the member's dependants have not been moved at public expense and the member becomes entitled to move them in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2), the member is, in lieu of the entitlement from their present place of duty, entitled:
- to the benefits under CBI 208.83 for the move of the member's dependants to the new place of duty from the place where they are residing, but the amount of those benefits may not exceed the amount of the benefits to which the member would have been entitled if the dependants had been moved by the most direct route to the new place of duty from
- the last place to which they were moved at public expense, or
- the place of duty at which the member was serving when the member acquired them, if they have never been moved at public expense,
through any intermediate places of duty to which the member was entitled to move them at public expense;
- if the member had dependants at the time of enrolment and they have never been moved at public expense, to reimbursement of the member's actual costs incurred since enrolment in moving the member's dependants to the new place of duty, but the amount of reimbursement may not exceed the amount of the benefits that would have been payable under CBI 208.83 if the dependants had been moved from the member's first place of duty to the new place of duty by the most direct route through any intermediate places of duty to which the member was entitled to move them at public expense; or
- to the benefits under CBI 208.83 for the move of the member's dependants to the intended place of residence outside Canada from the place where they are residing, but:
- the amount of those benefits may not exceed the amount of the benefits to which the member would have been entitled if the dependants were moved to the intended place of residence from:
- the last place to which they were moved at public expense, or
- the place of duty at which the member was serving when the member acquired them, if they have never been moved at public expense, and
- prior payment shall be made by the member of the cost of the hypothetical move of the dependants to the member's intended place of residence from the port of embarkation or the border point in Canada nearest to the member's intended place of residence.
- the amount of those benefits may not exceed the amount of the benefits to which the member would have been entitled if the dependants were moved to the intended place of residence from:
208.82(4) (Prohibition of movement of dependants – medical reason) If a medical examination conducted under article 34.22 (Medical Examination – Dependants) of the QR&O indicates that it is undesirable for the dependants to proceed to the place of duty of the officer or non-commissioned member, the officer commanding the command may prohibit their movement at public expense.
208.82(5) (Prohibition of movement of dependants – public interest) When the Chief of the Defence Staff considers it in the public interest, the Chief of the Defence Staff may prohibit the movement of dependants at public expense but may subsequently authorize their movement at public expense to the place of duty at which the officer or non-commissioned member is then serving other than temporarily.
208.83 – Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants
208.83(1) (Entitlement) If an officer or noncommissioned member is authorized to move on posting to a new place of duty or to move their dependants under CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants), the member is entitled to the benefits described in this instruction for the mode of transportation that is authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff as being the most economical and practical in the circumstances.
208.83(2) (Travel by private motor vehicle, airplane or boat) If the officer, non-commissioned member or dependant travels by private motor vehicle, airplane or boat, the member is entitled to
- for accommodation,
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings, or
- the amount for non-commercial lodgings established by the Treasury Board for public service employees travelling in similar circumstances;
- in respect of each person who travels,
- the appropriate meal allowances established by the Treasury Board for public service employees travelling in similar circumstances, and
- the miscellaneous allowance comprised of 12% of the member's full meal rate and 6% of the full meal rate for the member's spouse and each accompanying dependant or extended family member, regardless of age; and
- if the member certifies that they or one of their dependants operated the motor vehicle, airplane or boat,
- for travel by motor vehicle, the amount established by the Treasury Board for public service employees travelling in similar circumstance, or
- for travel by airplane or boat, the amount as if they had travelled by motor vehicle under subparagraph (i).
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.83(3) (Travel by commercial air) If the officer, non-commissioned member or dependant travels by commercial air, the member is entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for local ground transportation; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- economy air fare,
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for meals necessarily purchased aboard the aircraft, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for public service employees traveling in similar circumstances.
208.83(4) (Travel by rail) If the officer, noncommissioned member or dependant travels by rail, the member is entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for local ground transportation; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- train fare as follows:
- coach class for a journey of less than four hours,
- a parlour car seat for a day journey of more than four hours, or
- a roomette for an overnight journey,
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for meals necessarily purchased aboard the train, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances.
- train fare as follows:
208.83(5) (Shipment of motor vehicle) If the officer or non-commissioned member or a dependant
- travels by military air or commercial carrier and ships a motor vehicle that is registered in the name of the member or a dependant, or jointly, the member is entitled to be reimbursed the actual and reasonable expenses incurred to ship that vehicle between the two places of duty; or
- owns two motor vehicles that are registered in the name of the member or a dependant, or jointly, and
- travels by both vehicles, the member is entitled to be reimbursed the expenses set out in sub-subparagraph (2)(c)(i) for each vehicle, or
- travels by one vehicle and ships the other vehicle, the member is entitled to be reimbursed the expenses set out in sub-subparagraph (2)(c)(i) for the vehicle that is driven and the actual and reasonable expenses incurred to ship the other vehicle between the two places of duty.
208.83(6) (Travel by bus) If the officer, noncommissioned member or dependant travels by bus, the member is entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for local ground transportation; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- bus fare,
- the appropriate meal allowances established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling under similar circumstances, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling under similar circumstances.
208.83(7) (Travel by military air or ground transport) If the officer, non-commissioned member or dependant travels by military air or ground transport, the member is entitled to:
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for local ground transportation; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- the appropriate meal allowances established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances.
208.83(8) (Travel by ship) If the officer, noncommissioned member or dependant travels by inland, coastal or transoceanic ship, the member is entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for local ground transportation; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- the transportation and accommodation expenses established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances,
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred for meals during the journey, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances.
208.83(9) (Travel unavoidably interrupted) If the journey of the officer or non-commissioned member or a dependant travelling under this instruction is unavoidably interrupted, or includes a scheduled stopover, the member is entitled to
- in respect of lodgings necessarily obtained during the interruption or stopover,
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings, or
- the amount established for noncommercial lodgings by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances; and
- in respect of each person who travels,
- the appropriate meal allowances established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances, and
- the incidental expense allowance established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling in similar circumstances.
208.83(10) (Reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred) In respect of expenses that are not described in this instruction, the officer or non-commissioned member is entitled to reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses necessarily incurred during the journey for transportation and accommodation.
Amendment 2/03
208.831 – Additional Transportation Entitlements on Restricted Postings – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
An officer or non-commissioned member who is serving at a place of duty to which the move of the member's dependants was not authorized is, when the move of the member's dependants to that place is authorized, entitled to:
- travel to the place where the member's dependants are residing and return to the member's place of duty; and
- the benefits under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) in respect of that journey.
208.832 – House Hunting Trip
208.832(1) (Authorization) When an officer or non-commissioned member is authorized to be moved at public expense on posting:
- from a place of duty in Canada to another place of duty in Canada,
- from a place of duty in the United States of America to a place of duty in Canada, or
- subject to approval by the Chief of the Defence Staff in each case, from a place of duty in Canada to a place of duty outside Canada,
the member or the member's spouse or common-law partner, or both, may be authorized a return trip not to exceed seven calendar days and six nights, including travel, to the new place of duty for the purpose of seeking accommodation.
208.832(2) (Authorization – posting from outside Canada or United States of America) When an officer or non-commissioned member is authorized to be moved at public expense on posting from a place of duty outside Canada or the United States of America to a place of duty in Canada, the member or the member's spouse or common-law partner may be authorized a return trip to the new place of duty for the purpose of seeking accommodation.
208.832(3) (Reimbursement) An officer or non-commissioned member who is authorized a return trip to the new place of duty under paragraph (1) or (2) may be reimbursed the actual and reasonable costs of transportation, accommodation, meals and incidental expenses for a maximum of seven calendar days and six nights, including travel.
208.832(4) (Reimbursement for spouse or common-law partner) Reimbursement of the actual and reasonable cost of transportation, accommodation, meals and incidental expenses may be authorized on behalf of the spouse or common-law partner of an officer or non-commissioned member if the spouse or common-law partner accompanies the member under paragraph (1) or if the spouse or common-law partner travels alone under paragraph (1) or (2).
208.832(5) (Limitation) Reimbursement of expenses under this instruction shall not exceed the expenses authorized by the Treasury Board for public service employees under like circumstances for a maximum of seven days and six nights, including travel.
(208.833: Not Allocated)
208.834 – Storage of Private Motor Vehicle and Related Transportation and Travelling Expenses
208.834(1) (Eligibility) This instruction applies to a member who, after 31 January 2011:
- owns a private motor vehicle (PMV), including a motorcycle and a motorized scooter;
- is posted – not attached posted – from a place of duty in Canada to another place of duty in Canada; and
- is prohibited, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, from moving the member's dependants and household goods and effects.
208.834(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to be reimbursed:
- for storing their PMV at a commercial storage facility, for actual and reasonable storage expenses;
- for storing their PMV at a non-commercial storage facility, for actual and reasonable storage expenses to a maximum of $30 per month;
- if no commercial storage facility is available at the place of duty, for return travel expenses to the nearest commercial storage facility outside their former place of duty, in accordance with the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction;
- if the member is subsequently posted and is not entitled to receive any benefit under the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program, for the most economical and practical of:
- shipment expenses of their stored PMV to the new place of duty, in accordance with paragraph (5) of CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Noncommissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants); and
- return travel expenses to the storage facility, in accordance with CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants);
- if the member is posted back to the former place of duty, for return travel expenses to the commercial storage facility, in accordance with the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction;
- if the PMV is stored at a storage facility outside the member's place of duty and the PMV cannot be prepared for road operation in one day, for duty travel expenses with one overnight stay, in accordance with the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction; and
- if the PMV is stored at a commercial storage facility, for actual and reasonable expenses – to a maximum of $200 – required to restore the vehicle to roadworthiness, including labour charges associated with a mandatory safety check, towing charges, brake cleaning/adjustments, as well as labour and minor parts associated with a minor tune up.
208.84 – Shipment of Household Goods and Effects
208.84(1) (Interpretation) For the purpose of this instruction:
- carload means the contents of a standard 12.34-metre railway box car;
- when the charges in respect of shipping household goods and effects are made by cubic capacity, 2.83 cubic metres shall be considered to be the equivalent of 454 kilograms; and
- where the weight of household goods and effects that may be moved or stored at public expense is fixed, it is inclusive of the weight of packing materials.
208.84(2) (Maximum allowable amounts) Subject to paragraph (6), when the dependants of an officer or non-commissioned member are moved under subparagraph (1)(a), sub-subparagraph (1)(c)(iii) and paragraph (2) of CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants) or, if the move is to a place in Canada or the continental United States of America, subparagraph (1)(e), (f), (g), (h) or (i) of CBI 208.82, the public bears the cost of packing, crating, cartage, transportation to the new place, unpacking and uncrating of household goods and effects not exceeding, except when the Minister in exceptional circumstances approves a higher amount:
- if moved by rail – one carload;
- if moved by water – 12,712 kilograms;
- if moved by road – 9,080 kilograms; or
- if moved by more than one mode of transportation – for the whole of the journey, whichever is the greater of the quantities described in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) for the modes of transportation actually used.
Movement of household goods and effects on release, from a place of duty in Canada to an intended place of residence outside Canada, is subject to payment by the member of the cost of the hypothetical move of the household goods and effects, including unpacking and uncrating outside Canada, to the intended place of residence from the port of embarkation or the border point in Canada nearest to the intended place of residence.
208.84(3) (Storage of household goods and effects) When the dependants of an officer or non-commissioned member are granted transportation from a place of duty within Canada or the United States of America to a place outside Canada and the United States of America or when the dependants are granted transportation but the Chief of the Defence Staff considers it not in the public interest to ship the household goods and effects of the member to the member's new place of duty, the member is entitled, within the maximum allowable under paragraph (2), to have the public bear the cost of:
- the following:
- packing, crating, cartage and transportation of household goods and effects to the nearest place where appropriate storage facilities are available,
- storage of household goods and effects until they can be restored to the member at the place of duty in Canada or the United States of America at which the member is serving other than temporarily, and
- packing, crating, cartage, transportation, unpacking and uncrating of household goods and effects when they are restored to the member at the place of duty in Canada or the United States of America at which the member is serving other than temporarily; or
- if the member has not exercised the entitlements under subparagraph (a), the packing, crating, cartage and transportation to, and the unpacking and uncrating of the member's household goods and effects at, the place of duty in Canada or the United States of America at which the member is serving other than temporarily from
- the last place to which they were moved at public expense, or
- the place in Canada or the United States of America where they are located, except that the cost may not exceed the cost that would be incurred under sub-subparagraph (i).
208.84(4) (Member without dependants)
- When an officer or non-commissioned member without dependants
- is moved, other than temporarily, from one place of duty to another within Canada and the United States of America,
- is granted the benefits under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants), or
- could be granted the benefits under CBI 208.83 but for the fact that the member is required for service reasons to remain at the place of duty,
the member is, subject to paragraph (6), entitled to have the public bear the costs described in paragraph (2).
- For the purpose of this paragraph and subject to the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff, an officer or noncommissioned member is deemed to be a member without dependants when the member is moved but is not accompanied by a dependant because their dependant is living apart from the member for other than service reasons.
208.84(5) (Storage of household goods and effects – members without dependants) An officer or non-commissioned member without dependants is entitled to the costs described in paragraph (3) when:
- under paragraph (4), the Chief of the Defence Staff
- prohibits the movement of household goods and effects, or
- limits the weight of household goods and effects that may be moved, in which case the combined weight that is moved and stored at public expense shall not exceed in total the weight limits under paragraph (2); or
- the member is moved, other than temporarily, from a place of duty in Canada or the United States of America to a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America.
208.84(6) (Reimbursement for move of household goods and effects) When an officer or non-commissioned member is serving at a place of duty to which the member's household goods and effects have not been moved at public expense and the member becomes entitled to move them in accordance with paragraph (2) or (4), the member is, in lieu of the entitlement from the present place of duty, entitled to:
- reimbursement of the member's actual costs incurred in moving them to the new place of duty from the place where they are located, but the amount of reimbursement may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public under paragraph (2) or (4) if the household goods and effects had been moved by the most direct route to the new place of duty from
- the last place to which they were moved at public expense, or
- the place of duty at which the member was serving when the member acquired them, if they have never been moved at public expense,
- if the member had household goods and effects upon enrolment and they have never been moved at public expense, reimbursement of the member's actual costs incurred since enrolment in moving their household goods and effects to the new place of duty, but the amount of reimbursement may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public under paragraph (2) or (4) if they had been moved by the most direct route from the member's first place of duty through any intermediate places of duty to which the member was entitled to move them at public expense; or
- reimbursement of the member's actual costs incurred in moving the household goods and effects to the intended place of residence outside Canada from the place where they are located, but
- the amount of reimbursement may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public if the household goods and effects were moved from
- the last place to which they were moved at public expense, or
- the place of duty at which the member was serving when the member acquired them, if they have never been moved at public expense, and
- payment shall be made by the member of the cost of the hypothetical move of the household goods and effects, including unpacking and uncrating outside Canada, to the intended place of residence from the port of embarkation or the border point in Canada nearest to the intended place of residence.
- the amount of reimbursement may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public if the household goods and effects were moved from
208.84(7) (Conditions for furnished accommodation)
- Subject to subparagraph (b), when the shipment of household goods and effects is authorized in accordance with this instruction and the officer or non-commissioned member is able to obtain furnished but not unfurnished accommodation for the member and the member's dependants at the new place of duty, the commanding officer may authorize the member to receive:
- the costs described in paragraph (2) and the necessary cost of cartage and storage at the new place of duty for a period not exceeding six months, or
- the costs described in paragraph (3).
- Subject to subparagraph (c), storage charges shall not be paid under this paragraph when, in respect of the same period, the officer or non-commissioned member is in receipt of Separation Expense under CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense) or would be entitled to Separation Expense but for the fact that the member is provided with rations, quarters or rations and quarters without charge, unless the member is again moved to a place of duty:
- to which the member's dependants, household goods and effects cannot be moved at public expense, or
- at which the member is unable to find appropriate accommodation for their dependants.
- Subparagraph (b) does not apply:
- to an officer or non-commissioned member who is ordered to occupy single quarters if the commanding officer certifies that the dependants are residing in furnished accommodation in the locality of the base or other unit or element of the member, or
- when the dependants of an officer or non-commissioned member have been moved under subparagraph (1)(e) of CBI 208.82.
208.84(8) (Storage of household goods and effects – furnished residential housing unit) When an officer or non-commissioned member is posted to a base or other unit or element at which a furnished residential housing unit is provided, the officer commanding the command may authorize the storage of all or part of the member’s household goods and effects at public expense at the nearest place at which adequate storage facilities are available.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.84(9) (Partial shipment of household goods and effects) When it is desirable and in the public interest to authorize shipment of only part of the household goods and effects that may be moved under paragraph (2), storage of the remainder may be authorized at public expense at the nearest place where adequate storage facilities are available, until it can be restored to the officer or non-commissioned member at the place of duty in Canada or the United States of America at which the member is serving other than temporarily. The combined quantity of household goods and effects that may be shipped and stored under this instruction shall not exceed the amounts described in paragraph (2).
208.84(10) (Limit) When shipment or storage is authorized in accordance with this instruction, the commanding officer shall determine the most economical suitable method, at the owner's risk, of shipment or storage. Reimbursement shall not exceed the costs that would have been incurred had the method determined by the commanding officer been employed.
208.84(11) (Liability of the Crown) In no case shall any liability be assumed on behalf of the Crown for accident or damage in respect of shipment or storage in accordance with this instruction.
208.84(12) (Shipment of household goods and effects – release outside Canada) Despite anything in the CBI, an officer or noncommissioned member who intends to reside outside Canada and is released at a place of duty outside Canada is entitled to have the public bear the cost of packing, crating, cartage and transportation of their household goods and effects from the last place in Canada to which they were moved at public expense to the intended place of residence, subject to payment by the member of the cost of the hypothetical move of the household goods and effects to the member's intended place of residence from the port of embarkation or the border point in Canada nearest to the intended place of residence. Where the household goods and effects of a member are located at the port of embarkation in Canada nearest to the intended place of residence outside Canada the public bears the cost of packing, crating, cartage and transportation of the member's household goods and effects to shipboard only.
208.84(13) (Authorization of partial shipment of household goods and effects) Despite any other provisions in this instruction, when it is desirable and in the public interest to authorize the shipment of all or a part specified by the Minister of the household goods and effects of an officer or non-commissioned member to a location determined by the Minister in connection with
- the move of the dependants of a member under subparagraph (1)(b) of CBI 208.82, or
- the move of a member without dependants under subparagraph (5)(b),
the public shall bear the cost of packing, crating, cartage, transportation to the new place of duty, unpacking and uncrating for that part of the household goods and effects which are authorized for shipment, and the benefits under subparagraph (3)(a) shall apply to the remainder of the household goods and effects which are not moved.
208.84(14) (New place of duty) When an officer or non-commissioned member who was authorized the benefits of paragraph (13) is again moved to a new place of duty, other than temporarily, the public shall, in addition to the benefits established in subparagraph (3)(a), bear the cost of packing, crating, cartage, transportation to the new place, unpacking and uncrating of all of the household goods and effects at the determined location.
208.845 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – Personnel Released for Misconduct – Regular Force
When an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force is released under item 1 – Misconduct of the table to article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-commissioned Members) of the QR&O and is eligible for transportation under CBI 209.72 (Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release for Misconduct – Regular Force):
- the member's dependants may be provided at public expense with transportation and meal expenses in accordance with CBI 209.72; and
- the public may bear the cost of the amounts payable under paragraph (2) of CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects) in respect of the shipment of the member's household goods and effects to the place authorized under CBI 209.72.
208.846 – Movement of Dependants – Alien Members – Regular Force
When an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force to whom paragraph (4) of article 15.04 (Place of Release) applies is released and is eligible for transportation under CBI 208.73 (Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release – Alien Members – Regular Force), the member's dependants may be granted
- the benefits under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants), and
- shipment of their unaccompanied personal baggage under CBI 208.9952 (Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Other Than Temporary Duty and Dependants),
for the journey to the place authorized under CBI 208.73.
208.847 Return to a place of enrolement or transfer on release or transfer from the Regular Force
208.847(1) (Purpose) The purpose of this benefit is to provide basic relocation benefits to members who are releasing or transferring from the Regular Force before reaching trained status and who are not authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.847(2) (Interpretation) In this instruction:
- “household goods and effects” does not include those personal items shipped as unaccompanied personal baggage for a restricted or prohibited move; and
- “place of enrolment or transfer” means
- in relation to a member who enrolled in or transferred to the Regular Force in Canada, a place that is no more than 100 kilometres by direct road distance of the address in Canada that the member specifies as their residence at the time of enrolment or transfer, or
- in relation to a member who enrolls in or transfers to the Regular Force while outside of Canada, the nearest port of entry or border point in Canada on a direct route from their current permanent workplace to the country where they were residing at the time of enrolment or transfer.
208.847(3) (Application) Subject to paragraph (4), this instruction applies to a member who is being released or transferred from the Regular Force before reaching trained status and who is not authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.847(4) (Exception) This instruction does not apply to a member who:
- is being released under Item 1 (Misconduct), or item 4(c) (On Request – Other Causes) of the table to QR&O Vol 1 article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-commissioned Members); or
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2019)
- is eligible to receive the benefits under CBI 208.81 (Transportation And Travelling Entitlements On Release – Alien Members – Regular Force).
208.847(5) (Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies is eligible to receive the benefits under the following CBI, as if they were moving on posting to a new place of duty:
- CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) for the member only;
- subparagraph (2)(g) of CBI 208.834 (Storage of Private Motor Vehicle and Related Transportation and Travelling Expenses) if, at the time of their most recent enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force the member placed that vehicle in storage at public expense;
- subparagraph (3)(a) of CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household Goods and Effects) in order to restore the member’s household goods and effects if, at the time of their most recent enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force the member placed those household goods and effects in storage at public expense. The restoration must be completed not later than 30 days after the date of release or transfer;
- CBI 208.861 (Interim Lodgings, Meals and Incidental Expenses – Officer or Non-commissioned Member Without Dependants), for a maximum of one day at their place of enrolment or transfer; and
- CBI 208.9952 (Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers or Non-commissioned Members on Other than Temporary Duty and Dependants).
(TB, effective 19 April 2018)
208.848 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – On Termination of Class “C” Reserve Service for Misconduct – Reserve Force
Subject to the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff in each case, when the period of Class “C” Reserve Service of an officer or noncommissioned member of the Reserve Force is terminated for misconduct
- the member's dependants may be provided at public expense with transportation and meal expenses in accordance with CBI 209.715 (Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Termination of Class “C” Reserve Service for Misconduct – Reserve Force); and
- the public may bear the costs described in paragraph (2) of CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects) in respect of the shipment of the member's household goods and effects to the place authorized under CBI 209.715.
208.85 – Movement Grant
208.85(1) (Definition) In this instruction, effects includes unaccompanied personal baggage shipped under CBI 208.9952 (Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Other Than Temporary Duty and Dependants).
208.85(2) (Eligibility) An officer or noncommissioned member who is moved other than locally is entitled to
- a movement grant of $650, where the member moves household goods or effects, or both, weighing 907 kilograms or more to a new place of duty or to another authorized place under CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects), 208.9941 (Shipment of Replacement Household goods and Effects), 208.9942 (Movement of Dependants, Household goods and Effects – Personnel Reinstated – Regular Force) or 208.90 (Movement of Dependants, Household goods and Effects to Other Than the Place of Duty of the Officer or Non-commissioned Member);
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
- a movement grant of $260, where the member moves household goods or effects, or both, weighing less than 907 kilograms to a new place of duty or to another authorized place under an instruction listed in subparagraph (a);
- a movement grant of $260, where the member is prohibited from moving household goods or effects, or both, to a new place of duty or to another authorized place and stores either household goods or effects, or both, regardless of weight under CBI 208.84; or
- actual and reasonable incidental relocation expenses not exceeding $260 as supported by receipts, where the member moves effects to a new place of duty or to another authorized place under CBI 208.9952.
208.85(3) (Maximum reimbursement) An officer or non-commissioned member who receives the movement grant under subparagraph (2)(b) or (c) or is compensated for relocation expenses under subparagraph (2)(d) may be reimbursed to a maximum of $390 for any actual and reasonable incidental relocation expenses in excess of $260, as supported by receipts, incurred as a result of the move.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.85(4) (Authorization for maximum reimbursement) The officer commanding the command or an officer designated by him or her may authorize the reimbursement of expenses under paragraph (3).
208.85(5) (Repealed by TB, effective 1 April 2021).
208.86 – Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Accompanied Member or Dependants Travelling Alone
208.86(1) (Entitlement to reimbursement and daily amounts) If an officer or non-commissioned member is authorized to move their dependants under CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants), the member is, in respect of any period during which the dependants, and the member if they accompany the dependants, are required as a result of the move to obtain interim lodgings or meals or both at their own expense, entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings or a daily amount for private lodgings; and
- in respect of each person,
- a daily amount for meal expenses, and
- a daily amount for incidental expenses.
208.86(2) (Rate) The daily amounts payable under this instruction for private lodgings, meal expenses and incidental expenses are as established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee travelling under similar circumstances.
208.86(3) (Reimbursement of expenses) Subject to paragraphs (4), (5) and (6), the entitlements described in paragraph (1) are payable only when interim lodgings or meals or both are obtained at the place where the move commences or ends, except that, when the officer or non-commissioned member certifies that they have obtained permanent accommodation for their dependants at the place where the move ends, the daily amount for private lodgings and the daily amounts for meals and incidental expenses may be paid for interim lodgings and meals obtained at a place other than the place where the move commences or ends.
208.86(4) (Limitation) Subject to paragraph (6), the entitlements described in paragraph (1) shall not be paid for more than 35 days.
208.86(5) (Entitlement period) Subject to paragraph (4), the entitlements described in paragraph (1) shall, if the move is authorized under paragraph (2) of CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants) be paid only in respect of the period during which the household goods and effects of the officer or non-commissioned member are being prepared for shipment and transported to the less expensive of
- the intended place of residence on release, and
- the place to which the member is entitled to move them.
208.86(6) (Reimbursement of expenses – exceptional circumstances) Despite the limitations described in paragraphs (3) and (4), the Chief of the Defence Staff may in exceptional circumstances approve reimbursement
- for interim lodgings and meals obtained at a place other than the place where the move commences or ends, when the officer or noncommissioned member concerned does not certify that they have obtained permanent accommodation for their dependants at the place where the move ends;
- of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings, in lieu of a daily amount for non-commercial lodgings, when interim lodgings and meals are obtained at a place other than the place where the move commences or ends and the member certifies that they have obtained permanent accommodation for their dependants at the place where the move ends; or
- of expenses in respect of a period in excess of 35 days.
208.861 – Interim Lodgings, Meals and Incidental Expenses – Officer or Non-Commissioned Member without Dependants
208.861(1) (Entitlement to reimbursement and daily amounts) Subject to this instruction, an officer or non-commissioned member who is moved on posting to a new place of duty and required as a result of that move to obtain interim lodgings or meals is entitled to
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings or a daily amount for non-commercial lodgings; and
- a composite daily amount for meals and incidental expenses.
208.861(2) (Daily amount) The daily amount for non-commercial lodgings and the composite daily amount for meals and incidental expenses payable under this instruction are as established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee in similar circumstances.
208.861(3) (When entitlement is payable) Subject to paragraph (4), the entitlements described in paragraph (1) are payable only when interim lodgings and meals are obtained at the place where the move commences or ends.
208.861(4) (Limitation) Subject to paragraph (5), the entitlements described in paragraph (1) shall not be paid for more than 21 days.
208.861(5) (Reimbursement of expenses – exceptional circumstances) Despite the limitations on location and time described in paragraphs (3) and (4), the Chief of the Defence Staff may in exceptional circumstances approve
- reimbursement of the actual and reasonable expenses that the officer or noncommissioned member incurred for interim lodgings or meals or both elsewhere than at the place where the journey commences or ends; and
- payment in respect of a period in excess of 21 days.
208.863 – Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Unaccompanied Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
208.863(1) (Entitlement to reimbursement and daily amounts) Subject to this instruction, an officer or non-commissioned member who is moved on posting to a new place of duty to which the move of their dependants is not authorized is entitled, for any period when they are required as a result of the move to obtain interim lodgings or meals or both at their own expense, to
- either
- reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses incurred for commercial lodgings, or
- a daily amount for non-commercial lodgings; and
- a composite daily amount for meals and incidental expenses.
208.863(2) (Rate) The daily amount for noncommercial lodgings and the composite daily amount for meals and incidental expenses payable under this instruction are as established by the Treasury Board for a public service employee in similar circumstances.
208.863(3) (Limitation) The entitlements described in paragraph (1) are payable only in respect of interim lodgings or meals or both obtained at the new place of duty for a period of up to seven days.
208.863(4) (Reimbursement of expenses – exceptional circumstances) Despite paragraph (3), the Minister may, in exceptional circumstances, approve, for any further period, the reimbursement of obtained at the new place of duty.
208.885 – Reimbursement when Dependants Move in Advance of the Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
208.885(1) (Eligibility) Subject to the remainder of this instruction, when an officer or noncommissioned member is entitled to move their dependants in accordance with CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants) and, if applicable, their household goods and effects in accordance with CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects), and their dependants are not residing with the member or the member's dependants, household goods and effects have preceded the member to the place to which the member is entitled to move them, the member is entitled, in respect of their move to that place, to
- the benefits described in CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants);
- reimbursement of interim lodgings and meal expenses as described in CBI 208.86 (Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Accompanied Member or Dependants Travelling Alone);
- a movement grant in the appropriate amount as described in CBI 208.85 (Movement Grant);
- reimbursement of the member's actual costs incurred for packing, crating, cartage, transportation to the new place, unpacking and uncrating of household goods and effects; and
- storage of household goods and effects in accordance with CBI 208.84.
208.885(2) (Reimbursement) The amount of reimbursement
- under subparagraph (1)(a) may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public if the dependants had been moved in accordance with CBI 208.82; and
- under subparagraph (1)(d) may not exceed the cost that would have been borne by the public if the household goods andeffects had been moved in accordance with CBI 208.84.
208.885(3) (Interim lodgings and meals) Entitlement to amounts for interim lodgings and meals does not commence prior to the date the officer or non-commissioned member arrives at the new place.
208.885(4) (Storage) Entitlement to storage of household goods and effects, if applicable, commences on the date the officer or noncommissioned member departs from the former place of duty.
208.90 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects to Other than the Place of Duty of the Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
208.90(1) (Designation) Where the Minister is of the opinion that it would be in the public interest or desirable for the efficient administration and good government of the Canadian Forces, the Minister may designate any location, base or other unit or element in Canada as a limited accommodation area.
208.90(2) (Entitlement on posting to a limited accommodation area) An officer or noncommissioned member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class “C” Reserve Service who is posted from a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America to a place of duty in Canada which has been designated as a limited accommodation area and
- whose dependants have been moved at public expense to a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America or to a selected place of residence in the United Kingdom or continental Europe,
- who has married or declared a commonlaw partnership while serving at a place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America, or
- whose dependants were resident in the United Kingdom or continental Europe at the date of enrolment of the member and have not, since that date, been moved to Canada at public expense,
is entitled to
- move their dependants from the last place outside Canada and the United States of America to which they were moved at public expense or, if they have not been so moved, from the place of enrolment outside Canada and the United States of America or the place of duty outside Canada and the United States of America at which the member was serving when the member acquired them, as applicable, to a place of residence in Canada selected by the member on their behalf, subject to:
- the member's certification that the member has accommodation for their dependants at that place,
- certification by the member’s commanding officer that a residential housing unit or government controlled housing is not available at the place of duty, and
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024) - the approval of the Minister if the selected place of residence is over 800 kilometres beyond the place of duty in Canada,
and to receive entitlements under this section and CBI 208.955 (Reimbursement for Rent or Lease Liability) in respect of the move of the member's dependants, except that entitlement to expenses for interim lodgings and meals may not exceed a period of one day;
- when household goods and effects have been stored at public expense, continued storage at public expense; and
- subject to the approval of the Minister, the costs described in paragraph (2) of CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects) in respect of the move of the member’s household goods and effects to the place of residence at the destination selected in accordance with subparagraph (d), but only if a reasonable period for the member to seek accommodation at the new place of duty has elapsed and the commanding officer certifies that a residential housing unit or appropriate accommodation are not available.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.90(2A) (Entitlement – no certification) When an officer or non-commissioned member mentioned in paragraph (2) cannot select a place of residence because the member cannot certify under subparagraph (2)(d) that they have accommodation for their dependants, the member is, subject to certification by the commanding officer that a residential housing unit or government controlled housing is not available within commuting distance of the new place of duty, entitled to the payments described in this section in respect of:
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
- the movement of the member's dependants, household goods and effects to an alternative location designated by the Minister; or
- the movement of the member's dependants in accordance with subparagraph (a) and to continued storage of the member's household goods and effects at public expense.
208.90(3) (Transportation on special leave) An officer or non-commissioned member whose dependants are moved under paragraph (2) or (2A) and who, on disembarkation in Canada, is granted special leave under article 16.20 (Special Leave) of the QR&O is entitled to receive the expenses described in subparagraph (2)(c) of CBI 209.52 (Transportation on Special Leave) in respect of a journey to the selected destination and return to the member's place of duty.
208.90(4) (Accommodation becomes available) Subject to certification by the commanding officer that the officer or non-commissioned member is expected to remain at the new place of duty for a further 12 months from the date of certification, when a residential housing unit or appropriate private accommodation becomes available within commuting distance of the member’s place of duty, a member whose dependants have been moved in accordance with paragraph (2) is entitled to move their dependants, household goods and effects to the place of duty and to receive entitlements under this section and CBI 208.955 in respect of that move, except that entitlement to expenses for interim lodgings and meals may not exceed a period of three days.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.90(5) (Movement of dependants to an alternative location) An officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class “C” Reserve Service who is moved other than temporarily from one place of duty in Canada to another that has been designated as a limited accommodation area or designated as an isolated post by the Treasury Board is, subject to certification by the commanding officer that a residential housing unit or government controlled housing is not available within commuting distance of the member’s new place of duty, entitled to the payments described in this section in respect of:
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
- the movement of the member's dependants, household goods and effects to an alternative location designated by the Minister in the case of a limited accommodation area;
- the movement of the member's dependants, household goods and effects to a selected place of residence in the case of an isolated post; or
- the movement of the member's dependants, as under subparagraph (a) or (b), and the movement of the member's household goods and effects to the nearest place in Canada where suitable storage facilities are available or, if the household goods and effects are already in storage, to continued storage at public expense.
208.90(6) (Entitlement – subsequently available accommodation) Subject to certification by the commanding officer that the officer or non-commissioned member is expected to remain at the new place of duty for a further period of at least 12 months after the date of certification, if a residential housing unit or appropriate private accommodation becomes available within commuting distance of the member’s place of duty, the member who has received the payments described in paragraph (2A) or (5) is entitled to move their dependants, household goods and effects to the place of duty, but is not entitled to expenses for interim lodgings or meals or to a movement grant in respect of the move to the place of duty.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.90(7) (Restrictions not applicable) The restriction imposed by subparagraph (7)(b) of CBI 208.84 does not apply to an officer or non-commissioned member whose household goods and effects are stored under this instruction.
208.90(8) (Payment of expenses of interim lodgings and meals) Despite the restriction placed on the payment of expenses for interim lodgings and meals by paragraphs (2) and (4), the Chief of the Defence Staff may, when it would be equitable in individual cases, approve payment up to the maximum period under CBI 208.86 (Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Accompanied Member or Dependants Travelling Alone).
208.90(9) (Limited accommodation area list) The Minister shall cause an appropriate list to be maintained and reviewed annually of all locations designated under paragraph (1), for the purpose of determining whether any location can be removed from the category of a limited accommodation area.
208.955 – Reimbursement for Rent or Lease Liability
208.955(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer or non-commissioned member of the
- Regular Force; and
- Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service.
208.955(2) (Entitlement) Where public quarters are not available, or where public quarters are available but an officer or non-commissioned member has been granted permission to live out, and the member vacates rented or leased accommodation as a result of the member being
- posted to another base or other unit or element,
- ordered into public quarters, or
- moved other than temporarily with their base or other unit or element to another location,
the member is entitled to reimbursement for rent paid or for any liability under a lease, other than for damages, in accordance with paragraph (3).
208.955(3) (Reimbursement period) When an officer or non-commissioned member becomes eligible for reimbursement under paragraph (2), the period for which rent reimbursement is payable commences on the date the member vacates the rented or leased accommodation and, in respect of rental payments and other liability under a lease, the total reimbursement may not exceed an amount equivalent to two months rent or, in exceptional circumstances, up to three months rent if authorized by an officer commanding a command.
208.955(4) (Reimbursement for dependants)
- When the dependants of an office or non-commissioned member
- who has been moved in any of the circumstances described in paragraph (2) vacate rented or leased accommodation in order to join the member, or
- have been moved under subparagraph (1)(e) of CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants),
- When the dependants of an officer or noncommissioned member who dies, is presumed to have died or is officially reported missing, or is a prisoner of war or interned or detained by a foreign power, are moved under CBI 208.971 (Integrated Relocation Program) and vacate rented or leased accommodation, reimbursement in accordance with subparagraph (c) or (d) shall be made for rent paid or for any liability under a lease, other than for damages.
- When an officer or non-commissioned member, or their dependants, become eligible for reimbursement under subparagraph (a) or (b), the period for which rental reimbursement is payable commences on the date the dependants vacate the rented or leased accommodation and, in respect of rental payments and other liability under a lease, the total reimbursement may not exceed an amount equivalent to two months rent.
- Despite the limitations imposed under subparagraph (c), reimbursement in excess of an amount equivalent to two months rent but not exceeding three months rent may, in exceptional circumstances, be approved by an officer commanding a command
208.955(5) (Reimbursement for periods of more than three months) Despite the limitations imposed under paragraphs (3) and (4), reimbursement in excess of an amount equivalent to three months rent may, in exceptional circumstances, be approved by the Minister.
208.956 – Rent in Advance of a Move
208.956(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer or non-commissioned member of the
- Regular Force; and
- Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service.
208.956(2) (Eligibility) Where an officer or non-commissioned member is required to pay rent in order to hold accommodation at the new place of duty before the member vacates the accommodation at the previous place of duty, as a result of being
- posted to another base or unit or element, or
- moved other than temporarily with the member's base or other unit or element to another location,
the member is entitled to reimbursement of up to one month's rent for the new accommodation if the arrangement was reasonable and justified in the circumstances.
208.96 – Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation
208.96(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- member
means an officer or noncommissioned member. (militaire)
- principal residence
means a dwelling in Canada, other than a summer cottage or other seasonal accommodation, together with that portion of land of one acre or less upon which the dwelling is situated, that
- is situated at the location to which the member's household goods and effects were last moved at public expense or is situated at a location from which the member is authorized to move household goods and effects where the member's household goods and effects have never been moved at public expense,
- is owned by the member or the member's dependants or jointly by the member and the member's dependants, and
- was occupied continuously by the member or their dependants for the minimum period established by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(résidence principale)
- replacement residence
means a dwelling in Canada, other than a summer cottage or other seasonal accommodation, together with that portion of land of one acre or less upon which the dwelling is situated, that
- is situated at the location to which the move of the member's household goods and effects is authorized at public expense,
- is purchased by the member or the member's dependants or jointly by the member and the member's dependants, and
- will be the principal residence occupied by the member or the member's dependants or both at the location to which the move of the member's household goods and effects is authorized at public expense
(résidence de remplacement)
208.96(2) (Reimbursement for sale or purchase of residence) A member who is authorized to move household goods and effects at public expense, other than on release, and who as a result sells a principal residence or purchases a replacement residence within two years after the member’s change of strength date shall be reimbursed:
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
- real estate fees and legal or notarial fees necessarily paid for the sale of a principal residence;
- legal or notarial fees necessarily paid for the purchase of a replacement residence;
- expenses that are:
- necessarily incurred to dispose of or to acquire clear title to the property, which include sheriff’s fees, land transfer taxes, deed transfer charges, and survey costs when the survey is required to confirm the description of the replacement residence to be purchased,
- related to the disposal of a first mortgage for the principal residence,
- related to a mortgage early repayment penalty in accordance with CBI 208.961 (Mortgage Early Repayment Penalty (MERP)), and
- in respect of a member who has reached trained status, related to the acquisition of a first mortgage for the replacement residence, including mortgage default insurance and associated administrative fees but not other types of mortgage insurance; and
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
- (repealed by TB, effective 1 September 2012; see CBI 208.961 effective 19 April 2018)
- any interest charges on the first mortgage on the replacement residence in excess of the interest charges the member would have paid on the first mortgage on the former principal residence, based on the amount and the unexpired term of the first mortgage on the former principal residence, up to a maximum period of five years and in an amount not to exceed $5,000.
208.96(3) (Reimbursement for private sale) In lieu of reimbursement for the real estate fees referred to in subparagraph (2)(a), a member who sells a principal residence privately and who incurs expenses for one appraisal, advertising, the purchase or production of "for sale" signs or for similar expenditures related to the sale, shall be reimbursed for such expenses, in an amount not to exceed the real estate fees that would otherwise be payable under subparagraph (2)(a).
(amended by TB, effective 1 September 2012)
208.96(4) (Reimbursement for a second mortgage) Where no expenses related to the acquisition or disposal of any first mortgage under subparagraph (2)(c), (d) or (e) are incurred, a member may be reimbursed for similar expenses for a second mortgage in an amount not to exceed that which would otherwise be payable under those subparagraphs.
208.96(5) (Non-reimbursable fees) The following expenses are not reimbursable under this instruction:
- mortgage broker’s fees; and
- expenses such as for utilities or municipal taxes that may be adjusted as of the date of closing.
(amended by TB, effective 19 April 2018)
208.96(6) (Reimbursement of inspection fees) A member entitled to reimbursement under paragraph (2) shall be reimbursed the actual cost of a structural inspection of a replacement residence performed by a qualified structural inspector prior to purchase of the residence in an amount not to exceed the amount prescribed from time to time by Treasury Board directives for public servants in similar circumstances, where the residence is not covered by warranty at the time of possession.
208.96(7) (Reimbursement of interest charges when purchasing replacement residence) Subject to paragraph (8), a member entitled to reimbursement under paragraph (2) who purchases a replacement residence before the sale of the former principal residence is completed shall be reimbursed the interest charges and any necessary legal and administrative costs associated with a loan or part of a loan used to purchase the replacement residence, in an amount not to exceed the equity in the unsold principal residence.
208.96(8) (Conditions for reimbursement of interest charges when purchasing replacement residence) Reimbursement under paragraph (7) is subject to the following conditions:
- reimbursement shall be based on current bank interest rates for a short-term loan;
- subject to subparagraph (c), the period in respect of which the interest payable on the loan shall be reimbursed shall not normally exceed six months, but in exceptional circumstances the commanding officer may approve an additional period not exceeding six months; and
- reimbursement shall cease not more than ten days after the date on which the sale of the principal residence is completed.
208.96(9) (Inability to obtain short-term loan) When an officer or non-commissioned member is unable to obtain a short-term loan, interest and legal and administrative costs incurred for a mortgage obtained to purchase a replacement residence before sale of the former principal residence is completed may be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed that which would otherwise be payable under paragraphs (7) and (8).
208.96(10) (Maintenance fees of unoccupied and unsold former principal residence) Subject to paragraph (11), a member entitled to reimbursement under paragraph (2) who is required to occupy and maintain accommodation at the location to which the move of household goods and effects at public expense is authorized before the disposition of the former principal residence is completed may be reimbursed for the monthly costs associated with maintaining the former principal residence, where that residence remains unoccupied and unsold.
208.96(11) (Conditions for reimbursement of maintenance fees) Reimbursement under paragraph (10) is subject to the following conditions:
- reimbursement shall not exceed the lesser of the actual costs or the amount established by Treasury Board directives for a public service employee who is entitled to reimbursement in respect of the costs associated with maintaining a replacement residence while the principal residence remains unoccupied and unsold;
- the period of reimbursement respecting any principal residence shall not normally exceed nine months, but in exceptional circumstances the commanding officer may approve reimbursement for an additional period not exceeding three months; and
- no reimbursement is payable for expenses related to income properties or to any portion of a principal residence from which income is derived.
208.96(12) (Reimbursement for sale of former principal residence) A member who is entitled to receive reimbursement under paragraph (10) may be authorized to return to the location of the unsold principal residence on annual leave to attend to the final arrangements for the sale of the residence, and is entitled to the benefits under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) for a period not exceeding two days plus travelling time in respect of that journey.
208.96(13) (Maintenance fees for vacant replacement residence) Subject to paragraph (14), a member entitled to reimbursement under paragraph (2), who is required to take possession of a replacement residence while continuing to occupy and maintain accommodation at a location referred to in subparagraph (i) of the definition "principal residence" in paragraph (1) may be reimbursed the monthly costs associated with maintaining the vacant replacement residence for a maximum of one month.
208.96(14) (Conditions for reimbursement of maintenance fees) Reimbursement under paragraph (13) is subject to the following conditions:
- reimbursement shall not exceed the lesser of the actual costs or the amount established by Treasury Board for a public service employee who is entitled to reimbursement in respect of the costs associated with maintaining a replacement residence purchased in advance of the relocation date; and
- no reimbursement is payable for expenses related to income properties or to any portion of a replacement residence from which income is derived.
208.96(15) (Reimbursement for rental agency services) A member who engages the services of a rental agency to assist in finding rental accommodation at the location to which the move of household goods and effects is authorized at public expense may be reimbursed actual and reasonable expenses incurred for those services.
208.961 — Mortgage Early Repayment Penalty (MERP)
208.961(1) (Purpose) The purpose of this benefit is to reimburse a member who has reached trained status for any mortgage early repayment penalty expenses necessarily incurred upon the sale of their principal residence when moved at public expense other than on release.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.961(2) (Interpretation) In this instruction:
- “Mortgage Early Repayment Penalty” (MERP) means a charge imposed by a mortgage lender under the terms of a mortgage contract in respect of the early termination of that mortgage contract;
- “household goods and effects” does not include those personal items shipped as unaccompanied personal baggage for a restricted or prohibited move;
- “principal residence” has the same meaning as in CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation); and
- “replacement residence” has the same meaning as in CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation).
208.961(3) (Application) This instruction applies to a member who has reached trained status, who is entitled to receive the benefits under CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation) and who sells their principal residence on or after 19 April 2018.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.961(4) (Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies is entitled to be reimbursed MERP expenses calculated in accordance with paragraph (5) if:
- the sale of the principal residence occurs after the date when the member becomes entitled to receive relocation benefits under CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation);
- the principal residence is subject to at least one mortgage that is discharged upon the sale of that residence;
- the terms of the mortgage or mortgages require MERP to be paid to the mortgage lender; and
- at the new place of duty the member either
- does not purchase a replacement residence, or
- purchases a replacement residence and the transfer of the discharged mortgage to that residence was not permitted.
208.961(5) (Amount) The amount of MERP expenses reimbursable is determined by the formula
[ A + ( B + C ) ]
A is the sum of all MERPs, not to exceed the equivalent of six months of mortgage interest or $5,000, whichever is less;
B is the sum of all administrative fees charged by the mortgage lender for the early repayment; and
C is the sum of any taxes incurred on amount B.
“Mortgage Early Repayment Penalty” may also be referred to using different industry terms or expressions such as a “mortgage prepayment penalty”, “mortgage breaking penalty”.
(TB, effective 19 April 2018)
- principal residence
has the same meaning as in CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation). (résidence principale)
- purchase price
means the amount paid, including GST, PST and other similar sales taxes, by the current owner or owners of a principal residence for that residence. (prix d’achat)
- sale price
means, in respect of a principal residence, the final selling price. (prix de vente)
208.97(2) (Application) This instruction applies to a member who has reached trained status and is entitled to receive the benefits under CBI 208.96 (Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation).
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.97(3) (Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies, upon the sale of their principal residence, is entitled to receive Home Equity Assistance if the sale price is lower than the purchase price.
208.97(4) (Amount) The amount of the Home Equity Assistance is equal to the amount determined by the following formula or $30,000, whichever is less:
[ ( A – B + C ) x 0.8 ]
A is the purchase price;
B is the sale price; and
C is any reduction in the sale price that is identified in the agreement of purchase and sale and attributable to a requirement to repair or replace any part of the principal residence.
(amended by TB, effective 19 April 2018)
208.971(1) (Benefits) Section 35(2) of the National Defence Act authorizes the Treasury Board to determine and regulate the payments for the relocation expenses of Canadian Forces members.
208.971(2) (Administrative Instructions) Under subsection 18(2) of the National Defence Act, the Chief of the Defence Staff may issue orders and instructions to the Canadian Forces in respect of the relocation of Canadian Forces members and their dependants, household goods and effects.
208.971(3) (Directive) Under the authorities described at paragraphs (1) and (2), the Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive (CAFRD) is established.
208.971(4) (Application) The CAFRD applies to a member if they meet the application criteria described therein.
208.971(5) (Transitional) For the purposes of paragraph (1) of CBI 208.80 (Application and Definitions), this section applies to a member to whom the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program Directive applied on 31 March 2021.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.99 – Entitlement to Transportation Benefits on Reinstatement – Regular Force
Despite anything in the CBI, when the release or transfer of an officer or non-commissioned member is cancelled under article 15.50 (Reinstatement) of the QR&O, the transportation and travelling expenses paid on release or transfer are deemed to have been paid with due authority and the member is entitled to an adjustment, to such extent as may be approved by the Chief of the Defence Staff, between the benefits the member would have received under CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants) and any lesser benefits received under CBI 209.72 (Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release for Misconduct – Regular Force).
208.9911 – Transportation of Dependants – Limitation of Entitlement
Subject to subparagraph (1)(i) of CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants), the commanding officer may authorize the movement at public expense of a dependent child from the place to which the dependent child was moved under subparagraph (1)(f) of CBI 208.82 to the place of duty to which the officer or non-commissioned member is moved, other than temporarily, on the member's return to Canada or the United States of America.
208.9912 – Transportation of Dependants and Shipment of Household Goods and Effects for Other than Service Reasons
208.9912(1) (Entitlement of spouse or common-law partner) Subject to paragraph (3), the spouse or common-law partner of an officer or non-commissioned member who has accompanied the member to a place of duty outside Canada or to an isolated post and who ceases to reside with the member at that place of duty, because of a marital breakdown or the termination of the common-law partnership, may be granted transportation, using military transport to the maximum extent possible, from that place of duty to a place in Canada selected by the spouse or common-law partner.
208.9912(2) (Entitlement of child) When a child was, prior to the marital breakdown or the termination of the common-law partnership, a dependant as defined in subparagraph (d) or (e) of the definition dependant in paragraph (3) of CBI 208.80 (Application and Definitions) of an officer or non-commissioned member serving at a place of duty outside Canada or at an isolated post and if the custody of that child has been granted to the spouse or common-law partner referred to in paragraph (1) in accordance with the terms of a written separation agreement or order of a court or, if no such separation agreement or order of a court exists but such child is in fact in the custody of the spouse or common-law partner, the child shall be entitled to the same transportation as the spouse or common-law partner, provided that the child accompanies the spouse or common-law partner on the return journey to Canada or from the isolated post.
208.9912(3) (Military transport) When transportation by military transport for a spouse or common-law partner referred to in paragraph (1) and for any child or children accompanying the spouse or common-law partner in accordance with paragraph (2) is not practical, the officer commanding the command or such other officer as he or she may designate may authorize the use of commercial transportation for the spouse or common-law partner and child or children at public expense, by the most practical and economical means, from the place of duty of the officer or non-commissioned member outside Canada or the isolated post to the intended place of residence in Canada selected by the spouse or common-law partner.
208.9912(4) (Stored household goods and effects) Subject to paragraph (5), any household goods and effects which have been stored in Canada at public expense while the officer or non-commissioned member is serving at a place of duty outside Canada or isolated post and which belong to the spouse or common-law partner referred to in paragraph (1) or that have been declared, in accordance with the terms of a written separation agreement or order of a court, to be the property of the spouse or common-law partner or of the child or children accompanying the spouse or commonlaw partner in accordance with paragraph (2) may be, at the direction of the spouse or common-law partner
- maintained in storage in Canada at public expense for a period of not more than 60 days subsequent to the tour expiry date of the member; or
- removed from storage at public expense and delivered to the intended place of residence in Canada selected by the spouse or common-law partner, provided that only the costs that would be incurred for a move within the geographical boundaries of the place of storage, accepted by the moving industry as a local move, shall be paid from public funds.
208.9912(5) (Exceptional circumstances) In exceptional circumstances the Minister may, if the Minister considers it would be equitable and consistent with the purpose of Section 8 (Relocation Expenses), authorize the move of household goods and effects at public expense from the place where they are stored to a place in Canada selected by the Minister as being more appropriate.
208.9912(6) (Reimbursement of costs) Reimbursement of the costs of interim lodgings, meals and incidental expenses, if required, may be approved on behalf of a spouse or commonlaw partner referred to in paragraph (1) and any child or children accompanying such spouse or common-law partner in accordance with paragraph (2) for a period not exceeding seven days, at the intended place of residence in Canada selected by the spouse or common-law partner, by the commanding officer of the Canadian Forces Base closest to that intended place of residence.
208.9912(7) (Unaccompanied personal baggage) When a spouse or common-law partner referred to in paragraph (1) and any child or children accompanying the spouse or common-law partner in accordance with paragraph (2) are authorized transportation to a place in Canada selected by the spouse or common-law partner, unaccompanied personal baggage may be shipped to that place in Canada at the direction of the commanding officer under CBI 208.9952 (Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Other Than Temporary Duty and Dependants) and the weight of that shipment shall be counted against the normal weight entitlement under CBI 208.9952 upon repatriation of the member as if it were an accompanied move.
208.9912(8) (Limitation) Subject to this instruction, no other relocation benefits in this chapter accrue to or on behalf of a spouse or common-law partner referred to in paragraph (1) or any child or children accompanying that spouse or common-law partner in accordance with paragraph (2).
208.9913 — Early repatriation of a dependant from outside Canada
208.9913(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a member who is accompanied at public expense by one or more of their dependants to a place of duty outside of Canada and who requests to have one or more of their dependants returned to Canada from that place of duty for one of the following reasons:
- the dependant ceases to meet the requirements for a dependant under the terms of any agreement with the host country, or
- it is in the best interest of the dependant to be returned to Canada.
208.9913(2) (Entitlements) In relation to a dependant referred to in paragraph (1), the member is entitled to receive the benefits under paragraphs (3) through (8) of CBI 208.9912 (Transportation Of Dependants And Shipment Of Household Goods And Effects For Other Than Service Reasons) to have the dependant returned to Canada as if the dependant were being moved under that instruction, if all the following conditions are met:
- the reason for the return to Canada is not related to a marital breakdown or the termination of a common-law partnership; and
- the member is not entitled to receive benefits under the CBI Chapter 10 (Military Foreign Service Instructions), the Foreign Service Directives, or under any other program available to members posted to a place of duty outside of Canada to have the dependant returned to Canada.
(TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.992 — Posting Allowance
208.992(1) (Purpose) The Posting Allowance is intended to offset additional relocation expenses not otherwise covered under Section 8 (Relocation expenses) or Section 9 (Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive (CAFRD)) of this chapter. The Posting Allowance is divided into two distinct elements:
- the relocation of the member; and
- the relocation of the member’s dependants.
208.992(2) (Application) This instruction applies to a member of the Regular Force who is posted and entitled to relocation benefits under Section 8 (Relocation expenses) or Section 9 (Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive (CAFRD)) of this chapter, and who has either:
- achieved trained status; or
- accumulated three years of completed service.
208.992(3) (Interpretation) For the purposes of paragraph (2):
- “trained status” has the same meaning as in CBI 208.80(3); and
- “service” means
- Regular Force service,
- Class “C” Reserve Service, or
- a combination of service under (i) and (ii).
208.992(4) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (7), the member is entitled to receive a Posting Allowance, which consists of one or both of the following elements:
- one Member Element, which is payable to all members to whom this instruction applies; and
- one Dependant Element, which is payable to a member who, in relation to the posting, moves one or more dependants at public expense and, at the time of the move, that dependant is not:
- a member of the Regular Force who is also entitled under subparagraph (a), or
- a member of the Reserve Force who is entitled to receive the Reserve Relocation Allowance under Chapter 13 of the CAFRD.
208.992(5) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to receive a Posting Allowance if any of the following conditions are satisfied:
- in relation to the posting, the member is prohibited from moving their dependants and household goods and effects, except when the member is authorized to move their dependants and household goods and effects to a third location;
- the member is posted and entitled to be moved at public expense immediately upon the member’s enrolment in the Regular Force. For greater certainty, this condition does not apply to a member who transfers to the Regular Force under QR&O article 10.05 (Voluntary Transfer From Reserve Force To The Regular Force);
- the member elects to receive Special Commuting Assistance under CBI 209.29 (Special Commuting Assistance (SCA));
- the member’s posting is cancelled;
- the move is a local move under the CAFRD;
- the member does not move; or
- the move is to the member’s intended place of residence (IPR) in relation to their release or transfer from the Regular Force.
208.992(6) (Amount) The amount of each of the Member Element and the Dependant Element is equal to 50% of the monthly rate of pay for the rank and pay increment that the member holds on the change of strength date.
208.992(7) (Dependant Element — Service Couples) In relation to two members of the Regular Force who are spouses or common law partners, and who, when posted from the same former place of duty to the same new place of duty, are accompanied by a dependant who satisfies the requirements under paragraph (4), only the member who has the higher monthly rate of pay is entitled to receive the Dependant Element under paragraph (4). For greater certainty, this paragraph does not impact the entitlement of either member to receive the Member Element under paragraph (4).
(TB, effective 1 April 2021)
(208.993: Not allocated)
208.994 – Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Access to Household Goods and Effects in Long-Term Storage
An officer or non-commissioned member who is moved to a new place of duty on posting under Section 8 (Relocation Expenses) of this chapter is entitled to transportation, travelling expenses and incidental travelling expenses under the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction, as if the member was travelling on duty from the place where the member is serving to the place where their household goods and effects are stored and return, if the following circumstances exist:
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
- the member is posted from a place of duty to which the move of all or part of their household goods and effects was prohibited to another place of duty to which the move of all or part of their household goods and effects is prohibited; and
- the member requires access to their household goods and effects because
- there is a significant climatic change between the two places of duty,
- the member is moving from furnished to unfurnished accommodation, or
- in the circumstances, the Chief of the Defence Staff considers access is necessary.
208.9941 – Shipment of Replacement Household Goods and Effects
208.9941(1) (Household goods and effects destroyed or damaged) Subject to paragraph (2), an officer or non-commissioned member whose household goods and effects have been wholly or partially destroyed or damaged by fire or other cause while in storage at public expense is, when the member would otherwise have become entitled to have their household goods and effects restored to them, entitled to the costs described in CBI 208.84 (Shipment of Household goods and Effects) in respect of the movement of newly-acquired replacement household goods and effects from the place where they were acquired within Canada or the United States of America, or if they were acquired outside Canada and the United States of America from the port of entry into Canada, to the place at which the member normally would have had their household goods and effects restored to them.
208.9941(2) (Cost of shipping) The cost of shipping household goods and effects acquired in the United States of America may be paid only from the border point of entry into Canada to the place at which the officer or noncommissioned member normally would have had their household goods and effects restored to them unless, when the member acquired them, the place of duty of the member was in the United States of America.
208.9942 – Movement of Dependants, Household Goods and Effects – Personnel Reinstated – Regular Force
If the release or transfer of an officer or noncommissioned member is cancelled under artilce 15.50 (Reinstatement) of the QR&O,
- the amounts that were paid in respect of the movement of their dependants, household goods and effects on release or transfer are deemed to have been paid with due authority; and
- the member is entitled to receive the difference between what they would have received in respect of the movement of their dependants, household goods and effects under Section 8 (Relocation Expenses) and any lesser amount received under CBI 208.845 (Movement of Dependants, Household goods and Effects – Personnel Released for Misconduct – Regular Force).
208.995 – Employment Assistance for Spouses and Common-Law Partners
208.995(1) (Reimbursement for preparation of curriculum vitae) Subject to paragraph (2), where the dependants of an officer or noncommissioned member are moved under CBI 208.82 (Movement of Dependants) and the member's spouse or common-law partner was employed immediately prior to the move, the member is entitled to be reimbursed for the costs of having a curriculum vitae professionally prepared to assist the spouse or common-law partner in finding suitable employment.
208.995(2) (Maximum amount) Reimbursement shall be for the actual and reasonable costs incurred for the preparation of the curriculum vitae not exceeding the maximum amount established in Treasury Board directives for a public service employee who is entitled to reimbursement in respect of costs associated with the preparation of a curriculum vitae for a spouse or common-law partner upon relocation.
208.9951 – Temporary Evacuation of Residential Housing Units
208.9951(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2) and to the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff in each case, an officer or noncommissioned member is entitled to claim reimbursement for the actual and reasonable expenses incurred for lodgings or meals or both in respect of each day during which it is necessary to obtain them at the member's own expense for
- the member’s dependants when they are required to vacate a residential housing unit because of infestation, disruption of essential services, emergency repairs or for any other reason not attributable to the negligence of the occupants; and
- the member in respect of any period during which the member accompanies them.
208.9951(2) (Claims) Claims under this instruction shall
- in respect of lodgings, if applicable, be supported by receipts; and
- in respect of meals, not be in excess of the rates for meals established under CBI 208.86 (Interim Lodgings and Meal Expenses – Accompanied Member or Dependants Travelling Alone) for the officer or non-commissioned member and each of the member's dependants.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.9952 – Shipment of Unaccompanied Personal Baggage – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members on Other than Temporary Duty and Dependants
208.9952(1) (Entitlement) Subject to this instruction, if an officer or non-commissioned member is moved to a new place of duty on posting under Section 8 (Relocation Expenses) of this chapter, the member is entitled to ship their unaccompanied personal baggage at the most economical rate.
(amended by TB, effective 1 April 2021)
208.9952(2) (Weight of baggage) The weight of baggage that may be shipped by an officer or non-commissioned member under paragraph (1) shall not exceed
- for a move from a place within Canada or the continental United States of America to a place within Canada or the continental United States of America, if household goods and effects are not moved at public expense,
- for the member – 204 kilograms if an officer or 159 kilograms if a noncommissioned member,
- for the first dependant – 227 kilograms, and
- for each additional dependant – 136 kilograms;
- for a move from a place within Canada or the continental United States of America to a place within Canada or the continental United States of America, if household goods and effects are moved at public expense,
- for the member – 204 kilograms if an officer or 159 kilograms if a noncommissioned member, and
- for dependants – 227 kilograms or one-half of the total weight of the baggage that the dependants would have been entitled to ship at public expense under sub-subparagraphs (2)(a)(ii) and (iii) as if the household goods and effects had not been moved at public expense, whichever is greater;
- for a move from a place within Canada or the continental United States of America to a place outside Canada or the continental United States of America, if household goods and effects are not moved at public expense,
- for the member – 703 kilograms,
- for the first dependant – 454 kilograms, and
- for each additional dependant – 352 kilograms;
- for a move from a place outside Canada or the continental United States of America to a place within Canada or the continental United States of America, if household goods and effects are not moved at public expense,
- for the member – 703 kilograms less the weight of baggage, if any, shipped by that member under sub-subparagraph (2)(c)(i) when the member was moved to that place outside Canada or the continental United States of America,
- for the first dependant – 454 kilograms less the weight of baggage, if any, shipped by that dependant under sub-subparagraph (2)(c)(ii) when that dependant was moved to that place outside Canada or the continental United States of America, and
- for each additional dependant – 352 kilograms less the weight of baggage, if any, shipped by that dependant under sub-subparagraph (2)(c)(iii) when that dependant was moved to that place outside Canada or the continental United States of America; or
- for a move from one place of duty outside Canada or the continental United States of America to another place of duty outside Canada or the continental United States of America, if household goods and effects are not moved at public expense, the weight that may be approved by the Minister.
208.9952(3) (Supplemental weight allowance) An officer or non-commissioned member and their dependants are entitled to a supplemental weight allowance of 25% of the weight of the baggage shipped under subparagraph (2)(c) or (d), as the case may be, to cover the weight of packing and crating materials used.
208.9952(4) (Dependant acquired outside of Canada or continental United States of America) If an officer or non-commissioned member acquires a dependant while serving at a place of duty outside Canada or the continental United States of America, to which their household goods and effects had not been moved at public expense, they shall be deemed for the purpose of determining entitlement to shipment of baggage under this instruction to have acquired the dependant before proceeding to the place outside Canada or the continental United States of America.
208.9952(5) (Exceptional circumstances) The Minister may, in exceptional circumstances, authorize an increase in the maximum weight of baggage that may be shipped under this instruction.
208.9952(6) (Other reimbursement) When an entitlement exists for shipment of baggage under this instruction, reimbursement may also be made for storage, transfer and personal insurance charges necessarily incurred in connection with the shipment.
208.996 – Local Move of Household Goods and Effects
An officer or non-commissioned member who is not being released and who moves household goods and effects at their place of duty as a result of being ordered into, out of or between residential housing units is entitled to have the public move the household goods and effects and to be reimbursed other actual and reasonable costs associated with the move.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.9961 – Local Move of Household Goods and Effects – Furnished Residential Housing Units
An officer or non-commissioned member, who is required to move their household goods and effects as the result of being ordered out of a furnished residential housing unit and whose costs incurred are less than $125, is entitled only to reimbursement of the actual and reasonable costs incurred by reason of the movement of their household goods and effects.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.9962 – Reimbursement on Postponement or Cancellation of a Posting
When, for service reasons, the posting of an officer or non-commissioned member is postponed or cancelled, the member shall, subject to the approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff, be reimbursed in whole or in part
- in accordance with this chapter as if the posting had not been postponed or cancelled;
- in respect of any amount the member has paid as a deposit or rent or in respect of any liability under a lease for accommodation the member was unable to occupy at the place to which the member was authorized to move prior to postponement or cancellation of the posting; and
- for the member's actual and reasonable expenses associated with the move of the member's dependants, household goods and effects at the member's place of duty as the result of postponement or cancellation of the posting.
208.9963 – Reimbursement of Additional Living Expenses – Dependants Separated from an Officer or Non-Commissioned Member on Posting
208.9963(1) (Entitlement) If one or more dependants of an officer or non-commissioned member who is moved on posting remain at the former place of duty to complete an educational term, or for other justifiable reasons, the member is entitled to reimbursement of the additional living expenses incurred by the dependant or dependants as a result of the separation.
208.9963(2) (Monthly rate) The monthly rate of reimbursement under this instruction shall not exceed the monthly non-commercial accommodation allowance paid to a public service employee under the Treasury Board directive on relocation.
208.9963(3) (Daily rate) Reimbursement may be made on a daily basis, but the monthly rate shall not exceed the rate specified in paragraph (2).
208.9963(4) (Travelling expenses for the dependant) The travelling expenses for the dependant who rejoins the officer or noncommissioned member at the new place of duty shall be reimbursed in accordance with CBI 208.83 (Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants).
208.9964 — Reimbursement of Customs Duties and Taxes on early Repatriation to Canada
208.9964(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a member who is:
- posted to a place of duty outside of Canada for a period of one year or longer from the date of arrival at the new place of duty; and
- posted back to Canada on a date earlier than the posting end date indicated in their posting message at subparagraph (a).
208.9964(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (3) and in relation to their posting back to Canada, the member is entitled to be reimbursed for any customs duties and taxes charged by Canadian authorities on goods purchased for the member’s personal use within the six months before the new posting date.
208.9964(3) (No Entitlement) The member is not entitled to the reimbursement under paragraph (2):
- in relation to any goods purchased after the date the member is notified that they would be posted back to Canada on an earlier date;
- in relation to any goods for which the member would have incurred customs duties and taxes had the member returned to Canada on the original posting end date;
- when the earlier posting date is requested by the member or is the result of the member’s request for release or transfer from the Regular Force; or
- when the customs duties and taxes incurred relate to the early repatriation of a dependant under CBI 208.9912 (Transportation of Dependants and Shipment of Household Goods and Effects for Other Than Service Reasons) or CBI 208.9913 (Early Repatriation of a Dependant from Outside Canada).
(TB, effective 1 April 2021)
CBI 208.997 – Separation Expense
208.997(1) (Purpose) The purpose of Separation Expense (SE) is to reimburse eligible Canadian Forces members for some additional living expenses resulting from the short-term separation from their dependants and household goods and effects ((D)HG&E) as a result of a posting to a new place of duty in Canada for service reasons.
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
208.997(2) (Definitions) The following definitions apply in this instruction:
- absent for service reasons
- means an absence from the SE accommodation for the purposes of training, an operation or exercise, remote work, temporary duty or an attached posting. It does not include an absence for telework. (absent pour des raisons de service)
- commercial accommodation
means a furnished accommodation that:
- is at a hotel, motel, tourist home, guest cottage, residence or apartment, or similar commercial property including those obtained via an online peer-to-peer marketplace (e.g. “Airbnb”); and
- is publicly available at a published rate. (logement commercial)
- dependant
- means:
- a member’s spouse or common-law partner;
- a member’s, their spouse’s, or their common-law partner’s child — including a stepchild, legal ward, adopted child or child adopted under a Canadian aboriginal custom adoption practice — who is dependent on the member because the child is:
- under 18 years of age;
- mentally or physically disabled; or
- under 25 years of age and in full-time attendance at a school or other education institution that provides training or instruction of an educational, professional, vocational or technical nature; or
- a member’s, their spouse’s, or their common-law partner’s relative — a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or grandchild — who is dependent on the member because the relative is mentally or physically disabled. (personne à charge)
- fair market value
means the highest rent — in an open and unrestricted market — of accommodation or furniture agreed to by two persons who are knowledgeable, informed, prudent and acting independently of each other. (la juste valeur marchande)
- furniture rental
means furniture rented at fair market value from a furniture rental company, but does not include furniture rented with a right to own. (location de meubles)
- non-commercial accommodation
means an apartment, condominium or similar residential property that the member rents at fair market value from another person. (logement non commercial)
- permanent workplace
has the same meaning as in paragraphs (2) and (3) of CBI 1.26 (Definitions – Place of Duty and Permanent Workplace). (lieu de travail permanent)
- place of duty
has the same meaning as in paragraph (1) of CBI 1.26 (Definitions – Place of Duty and Permanent Workplace).
For greater certainty, there may be overlap areas between places of duty, and therefore a new place of duty may also include parts of the former place of duty. In this instruction, any move from one place of duty to another may include a move that originates from within that same place of duty. (lieu de service)
- principal residence
means a residential property in Canada that:
- is located:
- at the place to which the member’s HG&E were last moved at public expense;
- at the place of the member’s HG&E on the date the member enrolled in the Regular Force unless the member has subsequently moved at public expense; or
- at the place of the member’s HG&E on the date the member was authorized to be on their current period of Class “C” Reserve Service unless the member has subsequently moved at public expense; or
- at any other place of duty, selected place of residence or designated alternative location, to which the member was authorized to move their HG&E at public expense;
- is owned or rented by a member; and
- but for service reasons, would have been occupied by the member on a full-time basis. (résidence principale)
- is located:
- private accommodation
means an accommodation rented by a member at fair market value and located within a larger residential property. (logement privé)
- quarters
means an accommodation — without cooking facilities — available to a member at public expense, and includes “government and institutional accommodation” as defined in the National Joint Council Travel Directive, as amended from time to time. (quartiers)
- remote work
- means duties performed by a member at a location other than their permanent workplace when ordered to do so in the context of temporary unforeseeable circumstances, such as pandemics, states of emergency, etc. (travail à distance)
- residential housing unit
- has the same meaning as in article 1.02 (Definitions) of the QR&O. (unité de logement résidentiel)
- SE accommodation
- means an accommodation being temporarily occupied by the member in accordance with this instruction (logement couvert par les FAF)
- Separation Expense or SE
means the reimbursement of expenses and payment of allowances identified in this instruction. (frais d’absence du foyer)
- service couple
means two members who are married or living in a common-law partnership and each member is either a member of the Regular Force or a member of the Reserve Force who is on Class “C” Reserve Service. (couple militaire)
- spouse
in relation to a member, does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member. (conjoint)
- telework
- means duties performed by a member at a location other than their permanent workplace, when authorized at their request. (télétravail)
- utilities
means basic home utilities and
- is limited to the following charges, when not included in the monthly rent/lease, for
- water,
- fuel for heating and cooking,
- electricity,
- sewage,
- garbage collection, including garbage bags, tags or containers required by the local government, and
- taxes for municipal services such as fire protection, police protection, street cleaning, mail delivery, street lighting and snow removal; and
- does not include other recurring charges, such as
- internet,
- cable or satellite service, or
- landline or cellular telephone service. (services publics)
- is limited to the following charges, when not included in the monthly rent/lease, for
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.997(3) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (5), a member to whom paragraph (4) does not apply, and who is in the Regular Force or in the Reserve Force on Class “C” Reserve Service, is entitled to SE if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member’s most recent former place of duty is either:
- in Canada, or
- outside Canada and, in relation to that place of duty, the move of the member’s (D)HG&E was prohibited.
(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)
- the member has a principal residence in Canada;
- the member is posted to or on that Class C Reserve Service at a new place of duty in Canada;
- the member is entitled to a move at public expense to the new place of duty;
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
- the move of the member’s (D)HG&E at public expense to the new place of duty is prohibited or restricted, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff;
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
- the member does not move their (D)HG&E to the new place of duty;
- the member occupies an accommodation at a new place of duty; and
- a dependant occupies the principal residence on a full-time basis.
- For greater certainty, subparagraph (3)(a)(ii) does not apply in respect of a member who was not prohibited from moving their (D)HG&E to a place of duty outside Canada, who proceeded unaccompanied nonetheless, and is then posted back to Canada.
- In the province of Quebec, all rent/lease agreements entered into or renewed should have a maximum duration of one year and – if possible – should be negotiated to end no later than 30 June of the same calendar year if entered into or renewed prior to 30 June, or no later than 30 June of the following calendar year if entered into or renewed after 30 June. For example, a rent/lease agreement entered into on 1 January should end no later than 30 June of that same calendar year, whereas a rent/lease agreement entered into on 1 July should end no later than 30 June of the following calendar year.
208.997(4) (Entitlement – Service Couple) In relation to a service couple that lives in the same principal residence, when one or both member(s) are posted, one or both member(s) of that service couple are entitled, subject to paragraph (5), to SE as follows:
- when one member is posted and entitled to move (D)HG&E at public expense and the other is not posted,
- if the posted member proceeds on the posting and does not move their HG&E – except for any unaccompanied baggage as provided for under CBI 208.9952 – to the new place of duty, that member is entitled to SE, and
- if the posted member proceeds on the posting and does move all of their HG&E to the new place of duty, the member who was not posted is entitled to SE;
- when both members are posted to different places of duty and are entitled to move (D)HG&E at public expense, and elect to move all their HG&E to one member’s new place of duty, the member who does not move any HG&E – except for any unaccompanied baggage as provided for under CBI 208.9952 – is entitled to SE at the new place of duty; and
- when both members are posted to different places of duty and are prohibited from moving any (D)HG&E at public expense – except for any unaccompanied baggage as provided for under CBI 208.9952 – both members are entitled to SE at their new place(s) of duty.
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
208.997(5) (No Entitlement – SE) There is no entitlement to SE if any of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member is enrolled outside Canada and moves to a place of duty in Canada;
- the member moves
- from a place of duty in Canada to a new place of duty outside Canada, or
- except as provided at subparagraph (3)(a) or paragraph (4), from a place of duty outside Canada to a new place of duty in Canada;
- the member is entitled to a benefit under CBI Chapter 10 (Military Foreign Service Instructions), for temporary duty or an attached posting of more than 120 days;
- the member marries or forms a common-law partnership, after the change of strength date;
- the member is
- absent for service reasons or absent for leave from the SE accommodation, for 120 consecutive days or more, or
- absent from the SE accommodation for telework for 90 cumulative days or more in any 365 day period;
- the member is on leave under article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) or article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O;
- the member occupies a new principal residence at the new place of duty;
- the member elects an intended place of residence on or before release;
- the member incurs no expenses for a principal residence;
- the prohibition or restriction in subparagraph (3)(e) expires or is otherwise ceased by the appropriate posting authority;
- except as provided at subparagraph (4)(c), the member’s spouse or common-law partner is also a member and receives SE;
- a dependant occupies the SE accommodation at the new place of duty with the member for 90 days or more in any 365 day period;
- except where paragraph (4) applies, no dependant occupies the principal residence on a full-time basis;
- the member’s HG&E was moved at public expense to a principal residence for the purpose of the member’s release or transfer to the Reserve Force;
- a former spouse – or a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member – occupies, for 90 days or more in any 365 day period, the principal residence with a dependant who is a child;
- a person who no longer cohabits with the member in a conjugal relationship occupies, for 90 days or more in any 365 day period, the principal residence with a dependant who is a child; or
- the member’s HG&E is placed in long-term storage at public expense.
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
When a member moves their dependants or their HG&E or both, at their own expense, to a third location outside of the former place of duty or place of enrolment, as the case may be, their entitlement to SE ceases if the member’s circumstances no longer satisfy:
- the definition of principal residence at paragraph (2), or
- the occupancy requirement at subparagraph (3)(h).
208.997(5.1) (SE – Cease Date) When a member who is in receipt of SE becomes disentitled under paragraph (5) to SE, the entitlement to SE shall cease:
- in respect of a member who is in receipt of SE under paragraph (7), on the date the member becomes disentitled; and
- in any other case, at the end of the calendar month in which the member becomes disentitled.
(TB, effective 1 June 2023)
In respect of a disentitlement under subparagraph (5)(c) or (e), a member is expected to terminate their accommodation arrangements as soon as it is known that their absence will exceed the number of days at subparagraph 5(c), (5)(e)(i) or (5)(e)(ii) as applicable.
208.997(6) (Repealed by TB, effective 1 Ferbuary 2013)
208.997(7) (Amount – Quarters) If quarters are available, the amount of SE is limited to:
- quarters at public expense;
- actual and reasonable monthly parking expenses, not exceeding the amount of the monthly charge referred to in paragraph (4) of article 208.50 (Deductions for the Provision of Furnished Quarters and Covered Residential Parking) of the QR&O;
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024) - (Repealed by TB, effective 1 February 2013); and
- actual and reasonable basic internet, basic cable and cellular or land-line telephone connection expenses.
208.997(8) (Amount – Private Accommodations) If quarters are unavailable and the member occupies a private accommodation, the amount of SE is limited to:
- private accommodation expenses, the monthly amount of which does not exceed the monthly charge under paragraph (1) of article 208.50 (Deductions for the Provision of Furnished Quarters and Covered Residential Parking) of the QR&O for a single quarter Type H1, rated “very good”;
- (Repealed by TB, effective 1 February 2013);
- actual and reasonable monthly parking expenses, up to a maximum of $100.00; and
- actual and reasonable basic internet, basic cable and cellular or land-line telephone connection expenses.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.997(9) (Amount – Non-Commercial Accommodations And Residential Housing Units) If quarters are unavailable and the member occupies a non-commercial accommodation or a residential housing unit, the amount of SE is limited to:
- actual and reasonable expenses for non-commercial accommodations or a residential housing unit, utilities and furniture rental, the monthly amount of which do not exceed the applicable rate in the table to this instruction that corresponds with the location of the member’s permanent workplace;
- (Repealed by TB, effective 1 February 2013);
- actual and reasonable parking expenses, up to a monthly maximum of $100.00; and
- actual and reasonable basic internet, basic cable and cellular or land-line telephone connection expenses.
(amended by TB, effective 1 December 2024)
208.997(10) (Amount – Commercial Accommodations) If quarters are unavailable and the member occupies a commercial accommodation, the amount of SE is limited to:
- actual and reasonable commercial accommodation expenses, the monthly amount of which do not exceed the applicable rate in the table to this instruction that corresponds with the location of the member’s permanent workplace;
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
- (Repealed by TB, effective 1 February 2013); and
- actual and reasonable parking expenses, up to a monthly maximum of $100.00.
208.997(11) (Amount – Termination and Re-occupancy Expenses) Subject to paragraph (12), when a member is absent from the SE accommodation at their new place of duty in accordance with subparagraph (5)(c) or (5)(e) and is required to terminate their accommodation, the member is entitled to be reimbursed:
- actual termination liability expenses, not exceeding the maximum amount the landlord may charge under the applicable legislation relating to tenants;
- actual and reasonable expenses for the packing, storage and unpacking of 210 kilograms of unaccompanied baggage; and
- upon return from the absence under subparagraph (5)(c) or (5)(e), actual and reasonable expenses for:
- five days interim lodging and meal expenses at the new place of duty when quarters are unavailable, and
- actual and reasonable basic internet, basic cable and cellular or land-line telephone connection expenses.
(amended by TB, effective 1 June 2023)
208.997(12) (Frequency – Termination and Re-occupancy Expenses) During the period that the move of (D)HG&E to the member’s new place of duty remains prohibited or restricted, the member is entitled to be reimbursed under paragraph (11):
- in respect of being absent for service reasons or being absent for leave, for each absence of 120 consecutive days or more; and
- in respect of absences for telework for 90 cumulative days or more in any 365 day period, only once. For greater certainty, expenses for subsequent absences for non-service reasons are the responsibility of the member.
(TB, effective 1 June 2023)
208.997(13) (Amount – Termination Expenses – Move to Quarters) When quarters become available, a member in receipt of SE under paragraph (8), (9), or (10) is – for their move to quarters – entitled to be reimbursed:
- actual termination liability expenses, not exceeding the maximum amount the landlord may charge under the applicable legislation relating to tenants; and
- actual and reasonable basic internet, basic cable and land-line telephone disconnection and reconnection expenses.
(TB, effective 1 June 2023)
208.997(14) (Transition – Rate Reductions) When a rate in the table to this instruction is reduced, a member who on the effective date of the rate change is in receipt of a monthly amount under paragraph (9) or (10), or has entered into a rent or lease agreement in respect of their upcoming posting to a new place of duty but is not yet in receipt of a monthly amount under paragraph (9) or (10), is entitled to be reimbursed the monthly amount in effect on the day prior to the rate change, until Date A or Date B, whichever date is earlier:
Date A is the later of:
- under the applicable legislation relating to tenants, the last day in which the member remains liable under their rent or lease agreement or is subject to a penalty if they break their rent or lease agreement; or
- six months after the effective date of the rate change; and
Date B is the date the member occupies a different SE accommodation under paragraph (9) or (10).
(TB 30 November 2023, effective 1 June 2023)
A member shall make all reasonable attempts to negotiate with their lessor/landlord a reduction of their monthly rent or a release from their rent/lease agreement without penalty or continued liability.
Table to CBI 208.997
Maximum Monthly Lodging Rates (in dollars)
Rate change effective 1 April 2024
Permanent Workplace | Rate | |
Calgary | AB | 1,781 |
Cold lake | AB | 1,156 |
Edmonton | AB | 1,375 |
Lethbridge | AB | 1,469 |
Suffield / Medicine Hat | AB | 1,219 |
Red Deer | AB | 1,375 |
Wainwright | AB | 1,000 |
Any other permanent workplace in Alberta | AB | 1,266 |
Abbotsford / Aldergrove | BC | 1,781 |
Chilliwack | BC | 1,781 |
Comox | BC | 1,875 |
Kelowna / Vernon | BC | 2,531 |
Kamloops | BC | 2,000 |
Masset | BC | 1,300 |
Nanaimo | BC | 1,969 |
Vancouver / New Westminster / Richmond | BC | 2,938 |
Victoria / Esquimalt / Patricia Bay | BC | 2,406 |
Any other permanent workplace in British Columbia | BC | 2,033 |
Brandon / Shilo | MB | 1,156 |
Portage | MB | 1,156 |
Winnipeg | MB | 1,500 |
Any other permanent workplace in Manitoba | MB | 1,156 |
Bathurst | NB | 1,125 |
Fredericton / Oromocto | NB | 1,563 |
Moncton | NB | 1,500 |
Saint John | NB | 1,313 |
Any other permanent workplace in New Brunswick | NB | 1,313 |
Corner Brook | NL | 969 |
Gander | NL | 938 |
St John’s / Torbay | NL | 1,313 |
Any other permanent workplace in Newfoundland and Labrador | NL | 953 |
Bridgewater / Lunenburg | NS | 1,625 |
Greenwood / Kentville / Aldershot | NS | 1,125 |
Halifax | NS | 1,969 |
Pictou | NS | 1,281 |
Sydney / Glace Bay | NS | 1,250 |
Truro | NS | 1,250 |
Yarmouth | NS | 1,094 |
Any other permanent workplace in Nova Scotia | NS | 1,236 |
Yellowknife | NT | 2,250 |
Iqaluit | NU | 2,400 |
National Capital Region (NCR) | ON/QC | 2,075 |
Barrie / Borden | ON | 2,250 |
Brantford / Simcoe | ON | 1,875 |
Brockville | ON | 1,875 |
Cambridge / Waterloo / Kitchener / Stratford | ON | 2,094 |
Cornwall | ON | 1,563 |
Guelph | ON | 2,281 |
Hamilton | ON | 2,125 |
Kenora | ON | 1,688 |
Kingston | ON | 1,875 |
London / St. Thomas | ON | 1,875 |
Meaford / Owen Sound | ON | 1,688 |
Niagara Falls / St. Catherines | ON | 2,000 |
North Bay | ON | 1,813 |
Petawawa / Pembroke | ON | 1,563 |
Peterborough | ON | 1,906 |
Sault Ste. Marie | ON | 1,563 |
Sudbury | ON | 1,719 |
Thunder Bay | ON | 1,625 |
Toronto / Brampton / Halton Hills / Oakville / Oshawa | ON | 2,369 |
Trenton / Coburg / Belleville | ON | 1,656 |
Windsor | ON | 1,688 |
Any other permanent workplace in Ontario | ON | 1,852 |
Charlottetown | PE | 1,656 |
Any other permanent workplace in Prince Edward Island | PE | 1,650 |
Bagotville / Saguenay / Chicoutimi | QC | 906 |
Mirabel | QC | 1,469 |
Montreal / Laval / Saint-Hubert | QC | 2,250 |
Quebec City / Valcartier / Levis | QC | 1,281 |
Rimouski | QC | 1,188 |
Rouyn-Noranda | QC | 1,031 |
Saint-Hyacinthe / Drummondville | QC | 1,610 |
Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu | QC | 1,450 |
Sept-Îles | QC | 813 |
Sherbrooke | QC | 1,156 |
Trois Rivières / Shawinigan | QC | 1,031 |
Any other permanent workplace in Quebec | QC | 1,158 |
Moose Jaw | SK | 1,313 |
Regina | SK | 1,344 |
Saskatoon / Dundurn | SK | 1,406 |
Any other permanent workplace in Saskatchewan | SK | 1,354 |
Whitehorse | YT | 1,600 |
Note Any permanent workplace location not listed in the table to this instruction should be identified to the DCBA, through the applicable chain of command. |
208.998 – Custodial Expense
208.998(1) (Purpose) The purpose of the Custodial Expense (CE) is to reimburse Canadian Forces members for some expenses paid for maintaining a vacant residence.
208.998(2) (Definitions) The following definitions apply in this instruction:
- Custodial Expense
or “CE” means the reimbursement of expenses identified in this instruction. (frais d’entretien)
- principal residence
means a principal residence as defined in CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense). (résidence principale)
- service couple
means two members both of whom are the spouse or common-law partner of the other. (couple militaire)
- spouse
in relation to a member, does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member. (conjoint)
208.998(3) (Entitlement) A member — other than a member who occupies single quarters and other than a member who places their household goods and effects in long-term storage during their absence from their principal residence — who is prohibited, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, from moving their dependants and household goods and effects at public expense to their new place of duty is entitled to CE if any of the following conditions are satisfied after 31 January 2011:
- the member is absent from their principal residence for service reasons, has no dependants, and the principal residence remains vacant during the member’s absence;
- the member:
- is absent from their principal residence for service reasons;
- is a single parent;
- has a dependant who is under 18 years of age and does not occupy the principal residence during the member’s absence; and
- leaves their principal residence vacant during the member’s absence; or
- the member is part of a service couple who are absent from their principal residence for service reasons and the principal residence remains vacant during the service couple’s absence.
208.998(4) (Authorized Expenses) CE is payable for the following expenses in respect of the member’s vacant principal residence:
- snow removal, lawn maintenance, security and household maintenance, provided by a commercial business; and
- additional property insurance.
208.998(5) (Limitation) For greater certainty, CE is not payable:
- in respect of a service couple, to more than one member; and
- in respect of property taxes, electricity, telephone, cable, internet, water, gas, sewer, utility, renovation and other principal residence expenses.
208.998(6) (Amount) The amount of CE is limited to the lesser of:
- actual and reasonable expenses;
- $9.17 per day; or
- $275 per month.
(TB, moved from CBI 209.36, effective 1 September 2018)
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