DAOD 1000-0, Foundation Framework for Defence Administrative Orders and Directives

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 1997-09-26

Date of Last Modification: 2017-01-20

Application: This Defence Administrative Order and Directive (DAOD) is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).

Approval Authorities:

Enquiries: Director Strategic Corporate Services (DSCS)

2. Purpose


2.1 The DAOD collection establishes mandatory requirements to achieve specific DND and CAF organizational objectives. DAODs are intended to provide administrative direction in respect of the National Defence Act (NDA) and other federal acts, the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (QR&O) and other regulations, policies and directives of the Treasury Board and other central agencies, and other functions and activities of DND employees and CAF members. DAODs should not provide the detailed information and instructions provided by manuals, standard operating procedures and other similar instruments.


2.2 The management of the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) falls under the responsibility of the Minister of National Defence through the DM and the CDS. The DM and the CDS provide direction to DND employees and CAF members by a variety of means, including the use of policy and other instruments of strategic, administrative or managerial nature.

2.3 The DAOD collection was initiated by the decision of the Defence Management Committee in 1996 to simplify and amalgamate policies contained in Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAO), Civilian Personnel Administrative Orders (CPAO), and National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ) directives and instructions, as recommended by the Office of the Auditor General.

Purpose of the DAOD Collection

2.4 The purpose of the DAOD collection is to provide an integrated approach to the management of the functions and activities of DND employees and CAF members. In conjunction with the orders issued by commanders, DAODs provide direction to orient activities toward the achievement of expected results. In order to promote a consistent and disciplined approach in the development of DAODs, developers are expected to follow the DAOD Development Guide and ensure that the provisions in DAODs:

  1. explain the overarching DND and CAF positions on a functional area that has relevance in at least two commands or NDHQ groups;
  2. are consistent with the NDA, other federal acts, the QR&O, other federal regulations and central agency policies and directives;
  3. are developed by the appropriate level one (L1) advisor or other senior official in accordance with an appropriate policy framework DAOD;
  4. establish the boundaries within which organizations must operate, and articulate the goals that are to be attained;
  5. provide a level of clarity, precision and internal consistency that will permit DND employees and CAF members to understand the provisions in DAODs and be held accountable for any failure to comply;
  6. are understandable and accessible;
  7. include clear authorities and responsibilities;
  8. permit monitoring, if appropriate, and provide for consequences of non-compliance;
  9. do not overlap or conflict with provisions in other DAODs;
  10. are developed through a collaborative and consultative process; and
  11. are put in place only if alternative instruments (e.g. voluntary measures or information strategies) are insufficient to meet policy or programme objectives.

Policy Statement

2.5 The DND and the CAF are committed to:

  1. creating and maintaining a complete, comprehensive and easily accessible collection of DAODs;
  2. maintaining the currency and relevancy of the collection of DAODs through regular reviews and updates;
  3. minimizing the number and complexity of prescriptive administrative orders and directives issued in the DND and the CAF; and
  4. eliminating redundant and contradictory administrative orders and directives.

3. Scope

Scope of the DAOD Collection

3.1 The scope of the DAOD collection covers a range of administrative and programme-related functional areas that build upon this foundation framework DAOD. All DAODs are arranged under one of the following eight policy framework DAODs:

  1. DAOD 1000-4, Policy Framework for Materiel and Asset Management;
  2. DAOD 1000-5, Policy Framework for Financial Management;
  3. DAOD 1000-6, Policy Framework for Information and Information Technology Management;
  4. DAOD 1000-7, Policy Framework for Military Personnel Management;
  5. DAOD 1000-8, Policy Framework for Safety and Security Management;
  6. DAOD 1000-9, Policy Framework for Department of National Defence Employee Management;
  7. DAOD 1000-10, Policy Framework for Corporate Administration Management; and
  8. DAOD 1000-11, Policy Framework for Infrastructure and Environment Management.

3.2 By means of the eight policy framework DAODs, the DM and the CDS have authorized the development and issuance of DAODs by assigning functional authority to L1 advisors and other senior officials in specific functional areas. On the basis of the assignments in the policy framework DAODs, the L1 advisors and other senior officials may issue binding direction in DAODs in their functional areas to DND employees and CAF members. The L1 advisors and other senior officials may also cancel DAODs in their functional areas.

3.3 An L1 advisor may assign the authority to issue instructional DAODs to level two (L2) advisors under their command or control, or to another L1 advisor, if the L1 advisor assigning the authority has:

  1. a large collection of DAODs;
  2. a large span of control over distinctly different activities; and
  3. an appropriate internal policy framework in place to oversee the activities of the L2 advisors.

Note – L2 advisors are identified in A-FN-100-002/AG-006, Delegation of Authorities for Financial Administration for the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

3.4 Any L1 advisor who intends to authorize the issuance of instructional DAODs by L2 advisors or another L1 advisor must obtain legal advice that such an authorization is possible in the circumstances, and then inform the Corporate Secretary (Corp Sec) in writing. The Corp Sec must confirm that the conditions identified in subparagraphs 3.3.a. to 3.3.c. are satisfied and must advise the DM and the CDS of the intention of the L1 advisor. The assignment of authority by the L1 advisor must be set out in the policy DAOD to which any instructional DAOD is to be linked.

Note – QR&O article 1.14, Exercise of Powers Conferred on the Chief of the Defence Staff by Governor in Council, QR&O article 1.15, Exercise of Powers Conferred on the Chief of the Defence Staff by Treasury Board, and QR&O article 1.16, Exercise of Powers Conferred on the Chief of the Defence Staff by the Minister, may have application in the assignment of any power or jurisdiction given to the CDS, or any act or thing to be done by, to or before the CDS.

3.5 L1 advisors and other senior officials may also develop and issue manuals, standard operating procedures and other similar instruments other than DAODs in an assigned or authorized functional area to provide detailed instruction and guidance for DND employees and CAF members. These other instruments must be identified in an appropriate policy or instructional DAOD issued by an L1 advisor or other senior official.

4. Governance and Compliance


4.1 In order for the DM and the CDS to fulfill their responsibilities in the oversight of DAODs, a sound management framework and governance structure must be established. The Defence Executive Policy Committee (DXPC) has been established to allow the DM and the CDS to provide direction and exercise oversight for functional and administrative policies on matters for which they share responsibility. In addition, the Corporate Administrative Management Policy Steering Committee (CAMPSC) is composed of members at the director-general level representing their functional areas. The CAMPSC acts as the overarching governance body on behalf of the DM and the CDS for the DAOD collection management. The CAMPSC is supported by the Corporate Administrative Management Policy Review Group (CAMPRG), a working-level group which communicates the concerns of L1 advisors and other senior officials, reports on the management of DAODs in terms of progress and issues, and provides recommendations to the CAMPSC.

Compliance and Consequences

4.2 DND employees and CAF members must comply with applicable DAODs. Should clarification of DAOD policies or instructions be required, DND employees and CAF members may seek direction through their channel of communication or chain of command, as appropriate. DND employees and CAF members are accountable to their respective managers and military superiors for any failure to comply with the direction set out in a DAOD. Those managers and military superiors have the primary responsibility for and means of ensuring compliance by individual DND employees and CAF members with applicable DAODs, and must take or direct appropriate corrective measures if non-compliance with a DAOD has consequences for the DND and the CAF. These measures should also decrease the likelihood of recurrence. Non-compliance with a DAOD may result in administrative or disciplinary action, or both, for a DND employee or CAF member.

4.3 L1 advisors and other senior officials are responsible for reporting to the DM and the CDS, as applicable, on appropriate matters regarding compliance. The decision of an L1 advisor or other senior official to take action or to intervene in a case of non-compliance, other than in respect of a decision under the Code of Service Discipline regarding a CAF member, will depend on the degree of risk resulting from the non-compliance and other circumstances of the case. The level of oversight exercised by an L1 advisor or other senior official will be based largely on the internal management and oversight regime of the DND and the CAF.

4.4 In an effort to ensure consistency in the approach of the DND and the CAF to non-compliance, DAODs should explain possible institutional and, in some cases, individual consequences. Consequences for non-compliance with DAODs may be developed by the appropriate L1 advisors and other senior officials in consultation with their respective legal advisors. Actions taken in cases of non-compliance may take various forms, including informal follow-ups, requests for specific information or additional reports, external audits or other investigations, withdrawal of authority, and formal direction on specific preventative or corrective measures to be taken by the DND and the CAF.

5. Requirements

Common Requirements in DAODs

5.1 While specific requirements set out in DAODs will vary with the subject matter, there are general requirements common to most DAODs in order for the DND and the CAF to achieve the expected results and objectives. To that end, it is necessary that clear roles, responsibilities and performance expectations be set out in DAODs by using the following measures:

  1. the DM, the CDS, L1 advisors and other senior officials should assign authorities and responsibilities in DAODs to the most appropriate level to achieve the expected results;
  2. the responsibilities of DND managers, members of the chain of command and other DND employees and CAF members should be clearly described;
  3. reasonable performance expectations, based on objectives and expected results set out in DAODs, should be established for DND employees, CAF members and L1 advisor organizations; and
  4. all DND employees and CAF members should have a clear understanding as to how DAODs provide administrative direction in the DND and the CAF and establish their respective duties.

Implementation of DAODs

5.2 In addition, to help establish the capacity to implement DAODs, it is necessary that the DND and the CAF:

  1. allocate sufficient resources for the efficient and effective development, monitoring and review of DAODs;
  2. establish appropriate processes and systems to organize and control DAOD activities; and
  3. collect sufficient performance information to evaluate and report results, monitor compliance and continuously improve management-related practices.

6. Reporting and Monitoring


6.1 Reporting provides the means of confirming compliance with a DAOD. L1 advisors and other senior officials must adhere to the following principles when designing reporting requirements:

  1. oversight responsibilities and accountabilities of the DM and the CDS must be respected;
  2. reporting requirements must have a clear purpose;
  3. information sought must be timely and meaningful;
  4. reporting must be efficient and the cost to create and submit information should be minimal; and
  5. existing data sources must be leveraged and reporting requirements not duplicated.


6.2 DAOD monitoring is a shared responsibility. The Corp Sec, on behalf of the DM and the CDS, monitors the general state of the DAOD collection to ensure compliance with this DAOD and relevance, and makes recommendations for improvements. L1 advisors and other senior officials must regularly monitor the DAODs for which that official is responsible and review them every three to five years as determined by that official. Specific monitoring and reporting requirements for individual DAODs are set out in the policy framework DAODs. Monitoring of the DAODs grouped under these policy frameworks will be conducted by the responsible L1 advisors and other senior officials.

7. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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