DAOD 2016-0, Approval to Travel Aboard a Canadian Armed Forces Flight

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Abbreviations
  4. Policy Direction
  5. Consequences
  6. Authorities
  7. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2010-06-11

Date of Last Modification: 2023-03-23

Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).

Supersession: CFAO 20-20, Service Airlift – Personnel

Approval Authority: Director of Staff, Strategic Joint Staff (DOS SJS)

Enquiries: Strategic Joint Staff J4 Transportation (Strat J4 Tn)

2. Definitions

aircrew (personnel navigant)

Royal Canadian Air Force personnel who operate an aircraft while in flight.

Note – Personnel who operate an aircraft remotely can only be qualified aircrew if the complexity of the aircraft, mission and operating environment require it. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 44868)

CAF aircraft (aéronef des FAC)

Any aircraft operated by the CAF. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 42920)

CAF flight (vol des FAC)

A flight conducted by a CAF or commercial aircraft in support of DND or CAF activities.

(Defence Terminology Bank record number 42924)

Canadian Police Arrangement (arrangement sur la police civile au Canada)

The partnership between Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to manage the Canadian police contribution to international peacekeeping and peace-operation missions. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 696502)

canine team; K9 team (equipe canine)

A military or police team composed of a trained dog and its handler. (Defence Terminology Bank record number to be assigned)

duty travel (voyage en service commandé)

Travel undertaken for the purpose of duty or employment. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 43055)

government official (représentant du gouvernement)

A civil servant, or an elected official and any member of their political staff, at the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels of government in Canada. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 43087)

non-governmental organization (organisation non gouvernementale)

A private, not for profit, voluntary organization with no governmental or intergovernmental affiliation, established for the purpose of fulfilling a range of activities, in particular development-related projects or the promotion of a specific cause, and organized at local, national, regional or international level.

Notes 1. A non-governmental organization does not necessarily have an official status or mandate for its existence or activities. 2. NATO may or may not support or cooperate with a given non-governmental organization. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 36608)

passenger (passager)

Every person carried in an aircraft other than the designated crew. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 36821)

service dog team (équipe cynophile d’assistance)

A service dog and either its service dog trainer or the person with a disability. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 694595)

3. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
1 CAD (1 DAC) 1 Canadian Air Division
ATARES (ATARES) Air Transport, Air to Air Refuelling and other exchanges of services
B Comd (cmdt B) base commander
CBI (DRAS) Compensation and Benefit Instructions for the Canadian Forces
CDS (CEMD) Chief of the Defence Staff
CFMWS (SBMFC) Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services
CO (cmdt d’unité) commanding officer
Comd (cmdt) commander
CPA (APCC) Canadian Police Arrangement
DG (DG) director general
QR&O (ORFC) Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces
L1 (N1) level one advisor
NATO (OTAN) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NDHQ (QGDN) National Defence Headquarters
RCMP (GRC) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
TF (FO) task force
W Comd (cmdt Ere) wing commander

4. Policy Direction


4.1 This DAOD applies to CAF flights for which passenger bookings are created using a DND passenger reservation system. For other CAF flights, see the 1 CAD Orders.

4.2 This DAOD does not apply to the approval of passengers to fly aboard a CAF aircraft on a flight that is conducted with a primary purpose of supporting the activities of an organization other than the DND or the CAF. Approval for passengers to fly on such a flight are governed by:

  1. the terms of the arrangement or agreement between the DND and the CAF, and the other organization under which the CAF aircraft is being provided; or
  2. in the absence of an arrangement or agreement that deals with passenger-carrying, an arrangement between the other organization and the Comd having operational control of the CAF aircraft.

4.3 This DAOD sets out:

  1. the categories of passengers who are authorized to travel aboard a CAF flight, based on the principle that only those passengers traveling in support of, or in the interest of, the DND and the CAF, may be authorized to travel on a CAF flight; and
  2. the DND and CAF approval authorities who will determine the interest of the DND and the CAF.

4.4 This DAOD does not convey authority to task or authorize a CAF flight.

4.5 Approval to travel granted under this DAOD:

  1. does not guarantee a flight; and
  2. is subject to any requirement established by the Comd 1 CAD for passengers on certain aircraft types to have specific training or medical qualifications.

Policy Statement

4.6 The DND and the CAF are committed to ensuring that CAF flights are:

  1. operated in support of and in the interest of the DND and the CAF; and
  2. provided in a timely and efficient manner.


4.7 All CAF flights authorized to carry passengers, with the exception of tactical and familiarization flights, must be entered into the current passenger reservation system in which a name record can be created for each passenger. Tactical and familiarization flights require an alternate manifest containing the name record to be created and held on the flight file.

5. Consequences


5.1 Should clarification of the policy statement, requirements or authorities set out in this DAOD be required, DND employees and CAF members may seek direction through their channel of communication or chain of command, as appropriate. The anticipated results set out in the policy statement may not be achieved by the DND and the CAF if the requirements specified in this DAOD are not properly implemented. Not achieving the anticipated results could affect the ability of the DND and the CAF to ensure that the CAF is prepared to undertake missions for the protection of Canada and Canadians and the maintenance of international peace and stability. 

6. Authorities

DOS SJS Authority

6.1 DOS SJS has the authority to issue policies, directives and orders for duty travel and non-duty travel aboard a CAF flight. Policies, directives and orders previously issued by or on behalf of the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff remain in force until cancelled or otherwise amended by DOS SJS.

Approval Authority Tables

6.2 The passenger categories for duty travel and non-duty travel, and the applicable approval authorities who may authorize travel aboard a CAF flight, are set out in the following two tables:

Table 1

Duty Travel 

          Approval Authorities    
Passenger Categories    DOS SJS L1s TF Comds Formation Comds and NDHQ DGs W Comds and B Comds COs
  • a DND employee
  • a CAF member
  • a foreign military member on CAF exchange
  • a CFMWS employee
  • an RCMP member or other CPA police officer
  •  a dependant of a DND employee, CAF member or foreign military member if their travel is related to the duty travel of the DND employee, CAF member or foreign military member
  • a service dog team or K9 team, 







  • a contractor engaged by the DND
  • a member of an organization with a collateral relationship with DND, including the Conference of Defence Associations, the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association, the benevolent funds, the Navy League of Canada, the Royal Canadian Naval Association, the Royal Canadian Air Force Association, the Federation of Military and United Services Institutes of Canada, or any other organization to which the DND provides grants and contributions through transfer payments as specifically identified in the main estimates
  • a member of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Royal Canadian Army Cadets, Royal Canadian Air Cadets or Junior Canadian Rangers, or a civilian instructor or volunteer in a cadet organization. Travel to and from cadet organization training may be considered duty travel for the purpose of this DAOD







  • a member of the media
  • a student other than a DND employee or CAF member, on a CAF course 







  • a government official or staff member if their travel is considered to be in the interest of the DND or the CAF
  • a member of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council
  • a representative of a non-governmental organization
  • a DND employee, CFMWS employee, other government department employee or DND contractor traveling on compassionate status while deployed outside of Canada in support of CAF operations
  • a member of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council
  • a representative of a non-governmental organization
  • a DND employee, CFMWS employee, other government department employee or DND contractor traveling on compassionate status while deployed outside of Canada in support of CAF operations







  • a person holding an honorary appointment under QR&O article 3.06, Honorary Appointments, or granted honorary rank under QR&O article 3.07, Honorary Rank, and their spouse or common-law partner if the approving authority determines that their attendance is appropriate






  • a Royal Family member, the Governor General or a member of the Governor General’s staff, or a dependant of the Governor General if their travel is related to the duty travel of the Governor General
  • military personnel of NATO, Five Eyes, Commonwealth countries or ATARES participants




Table 2

Non-Duty Travel Aboard a CAF Flight Authorized for General Leave

            Approval Authorities    
Passenger Categories    CDS DOS SJS L1s TF Comds Formation Comds and NDHQ DGs W Comds and B Comds COs
  • a CAF member or their dependant, accompanied or unaccompanied
  • a foreign military member on CAF exchange or their dependant
  • an RCMP member with valid leave document from their chain of command
  • a service dog team or canine team







  • a DND employee, CFMWS employee or their dependant if the employee, due to their employment and exigency of the employer, is in a deployed status removed from their normal place of employment. Non-duty travel from their routine or permanent place of employment may only be authorized under exceptional circumstances.







  • an active military member of NATO or a Commonwealth armed force







Note - The term “dependant” in the above tables has the same meaning as set out in the definition “dependant” in paragraph (3) of CBI 208.80, Application and Definitions. In this definition, “dependant” includes a spouse or common-law partner.

Other Approval Authorities

6.3 For the approval of passengers not included in any category in the above tables, specific authorities must be sought from DOS SJS. These requests may be single events or standing authorities through a delegation of authority. Requests must be forwarded to the Directorate of Support Operations Coordination Movements for staffing.

Special Programs

6.4 The CDS may issue direction to permit the travel of CAF members and dependants on a CAF flight in support of special programs such as the Special Christmas/New Year’s Leave Travel Program. Particulars of each special program are promulgated when introduced.

7. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

Page details

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