DAOD 3009-0, Quality of Materiel and Services

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Policy Direction
  3. Authority
  4. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2003-08-15

Application: This is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).

Supersession: A-QA-193-001/AG-001, DND Quality Assurance Program, Volume 1, Concepts, Principles and Relationships

Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) (ADM(Mat)).

Enquiries: Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain (DGMSSC)

2. Policy Direction


2.1 DND and the CAF procure a diverse range of materiel and services from suppliers (see section 2 of the National Defence Act for the definition of "materiel"). The complexity, cost and risk associated with materiel and services for national defence place additional emphasis on performance and reliability.

2.2 The DND Quality Program is designed to establish confidence in the integrity of materiel and services, and is founded on the principles of quality management. To ensure this integrity, the DND Quality Program encompasses all activities related to materiel from the establishment of the requirement to its disposal from CAF inventory, as well as all activities related to the provision of a service. DND and the CAF apply quality management to the procurement of materiel and services to ensure that contractual requirements relating to quality are met. The application of quality management constitutes Government Quality Assurance (GQA).

2.3 Quality management begins in the earliest program or project phases, and includes systematic approaches to the design of materiel and their related processes, including manufacture and support. The result is the integration of management, engineering, and business approaches to consider all elements of materiel life cycle from conception through disposal, including quality, cost, scheduling and user requirements.

Policy Statement

2.4 DND and the CAF are committed to:

  1. ensuring that all materiel and services procured are fit for their intended purposes and meet departmental needs from conception to disposal; and
  2. employing the principles of quality management throughout all phases of project and program management.

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2.5 DND and the CAF shall:

  1. ensure that the DND Quality Program is incorporated into every aspect of:
    1. research and development;
    2. engineering and maintenance; and
    3. life cycle materiel management (initial selection, procurement, warehouse, use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal) of materiel and services;
  2. use internationally recognized quality management standards in contracting for materiel and services;
  3. require DND suppliers to develop, implement and maintain quality management systems based on the appropriate quality management system standard and ensure that they are committed to continual improvement;
  4. perform GQA, incorporating risk-based analyses on materiel and services provided by internal and external DND suppliers;
  5. analyse and act upon feedback provided by users on the in-service performance of materiel and services provided by suppliers; and
  6. harmonize quality management procedures and practices with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other military organizations.

3. Authority

Authority Table

3.1 The following table identifies the authorities associated with implementation of this DAOD:

The ... has/have the authority to ...


  • approve and issue orders and directives for implementing the quality policy.

Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

  • direct that quality policy be included in business plans in DND and the CAF.

Level 1 Advisors (as set out in A-FN-100-002/ AG-006)

  • make recommendations for changes to the quality policy; and
  • direct the implementation of the quality policy within their respective organizations.

Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain

  • approve and issue instructions implementing the quality policy; and
  • provide guidance, advice and oversight for quality, including national-level issues, objectives and targets.


  • provide leadership in quality management;
  • provide cost-effective assurance of the quality of acquired materiel and services for DND and the CAF;
  • advise and endorse the content and value of quality and environmental management systems to suppliers of materiel and services for DND and the CAF; and
  • work with international quality committees to ensure that the DND and the CAF interests are considered in the development of standards with the aim of harmonizing international quality practices and procedures.

4. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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