Relocation Directive - Chapter 11 - Other moves within Canada

11.01 In this chapter

This chapter describes the benefits related to other moves (not including moves to an IPR) within Canada.
(TB amended 16 September 2014)

It is divided into the following sections:

11.1 Move of (D)HG&E from place of enrolment

11.1.01 Purpose

This section describes the relocation entitlements, limitations and enhancements applicable to Regular Force members on their first authorized-to-move-(D)HG&E move from place of enrolment:

It is divided into the following blocks:

11.1.02 Move of (D)HG&E

When CF members become entitled to move their (D)HG&E they may move from:

Relocation of HG&E will be from one location only.

11.1.03 Limitation of benefits

The benefits for a move from the place of enrolment are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2 except for the limitation on LTS.

When CF members are posted within the same place of duty but their HG&E is not located at the current place of duty, their move is not considered to be a move within the same place of duty.
(TB amended 16 September 2014)

11.1.04 Time limit for LTS -CF members without dependants

CF members without dependants have a time limit to relocate their HG&E to the new place of duty. If service reasons prevented the CF member from moving their LTS to their current place of duty within the time limitation, the time limitation may be extended by the corresponding number of trg/TD/Attach Posting days.

If HG&E has then the CF member must relocate HG&E
within a period of from the COS date
been stored in LTS 6 months (see storage cost note below).
not been stored in LTS 12 months.

Storage cost - After the limit stated above, LTS may remain in storage, however it will become CF members responsibility to pay all associated costs for storage.

11.1.05 Return to assist

CF members are entitled to return to their principal residence at place of enrolment to assist with the move as outlined at art 11.2.13.

11.1.06 Funding Formula - CF members with dependants

The Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae for relocations from place of enrolment for CF members with dependants are as follows:

Custom Funding
Personalized Funding

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

11.1.07 Funding Formula - CF members without dependants

The Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae for relocations from place of enrolment for CF members without dependants are as follows:

Custom Funding
Personalized Funding

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

Section 11.2 Unaccompanied moves

11.2.01 In this section

This section describes the entitlements, limitations or enhancements applicable to CF members who proceed unaccompanied to their new place of duty.

It is divided into the following blocks:

11.2.02 Purpose

When accommodations have not been secured or they are not available prior to COS or RFD, CF members, who intend to relocate their dependants and/or HG&E to the new location, may proceed unaccompanied to the new place of duty on a restricted basis for a maximum period of six months.This does not apply to Reserve Force members serving on Class B reserve service. Reserve Force members on Class B reserve service shall relocate immediately as per Statement of Understanding (SOU).

CF members shall request an Imposed Restriction (IR) through the approving authority, as soon as it is known that the unaccompanied period will exceed six months. IR is administered by the support base. This does not apply to Reserve Force members serving on Class B reserve service. Reserve Force members on Class B reserve service shall relocate immediately as per Statement of Understanding (SOU).

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

11.2.03 Limitation of benefits

Benefits for unaccompanied moves are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for these entitlements, which have limitations or enhancements:

11.2.04 Returning from Operations - Posted to a location other than the (D)HG&E location

CF members returning from Operations who are subsequently posted to a location other than where their (D)HG&E are located may return to the location of their (D)HG&E to make relocation arrangements prior to proceeding to the new place of duty.

The service provider shall administer all subsequent relocation benefits as per Parts 1 and 2 of the policy from the location of (D)HG&E to new place of duty.

CF members returning from Operations who are posted prohibited from moving their (D)HG&E from Operations to the new place of duty will continue to be administered by their local orderly room for their return travel.

CF members being returned from Operations directly to the new place of duty shall be administered as per this section until accommodations have been secured. The relocation will then be administered from location of (D)HG&E or LTS to the new place of duty.

If prior to deployment to Operations, the CF member had not exercised the move of (D)HG&E from place of enrolment, RLRS will administer these moves as per section 11.1.

Funding shall be based on a move from location of (D)HG&E to the new place of duty.

11.2.05 Returning to previous place of duty for release purposes

CF members on IR returning to their previous place of duty for release purposes are entitled to reimbursement of:

The releasing authority at the CF member's place of duty shall administer this benefit.

11.2.06 TNL

The benefits in art 6.09 are limited to reimbursement for driving one PMV or motorcycle and towing one trailer to the new place of duty.

11.2.07 Shipment of vehicle

The benefits in art 9.3.02 are limited to reimbursement for shipping of one PMV including motorcycle when CF members do not drive to the new place of duty.

11.2.08 HHT

The benefits of Chapter 4 are limited by the following:

CF members are entitled to reimbursement of expenses related to an HHT for their spouse under these conditions:

There is no entitlement to commercial lodgings for the spouse of CF members residing in other than government quarters; however, meals and incidentals are authorized for both CF member and spouse.

11.2.09 Interim accommodations/HHT on IR

CF members (with the exception of members serving on Class A or Class B reserve service) proceeding unaccompanied to the new place of duty where Government rations and quarters are not available are entitled to be reimbursed for either:

Note: Once semi-permanent accommodations are secured, ILM&M ceases and all further separation expenses will be reimbursed by the Base Orderly Room under Separation Allowance claim. ILM&M will cease on the day semi-permanent accommodation is occupied or the day any semi-permanent accommodation was available, whichever is earlier.

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

11.2.10 Unaccompanied baggage (UAB)

CF members are entitled to UAB as per art 3.4.06.

11.2.11 Rations and quarters

Regular Force and Reserve Force members serving on class C reserve service must occupy single quarters when available. The table below describes the entitlements to rations and quarters. This benefit is not applicable to Reserve Force members serving on class B reserve service.

CF members who are proceeding to their new place of duty are entitled to receive
without dependants in advance of their HG&E free quarters providing their residence is continually and actively marketed.
with dependants unaccompanied

Benefits IAW CBI 208.997

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

At locations where single quarters are not available CF members are reimbursed actual and reasonable expenses for accommodation, furniture rental, utilities and parking not to exceed the maximum rates as published by DCBA.

CF members without dependants providing their residence is continually and actively marketed shall have their benefit applied as follows:

Core benefit

Maximum six months or until the move of (D)HG&E, whichever occurs first.

Custom benefit

Additional months.

(TB amended, effective 1 September 2012)

11.2.12 Recovery of expenses

CF members who are reimbursed for benefits from either the Custom or Personalized Funding Formulae and subsequently do not relocate their (D) HG&E will have these expenditures recovered when they proceed unaccompanied to new place of duty.

11.2.13 Return to assist

CF members are entitled to five days special (relocation) leave to facilitate returning to the former residence/place of duty to assist with the move and return to new location. They will be reimbursed:

Core benefit

Transportation, traveling and ILM&M expenses for up to five days

Custom benefit

Expenses in excess of five days

11.2.14 Funding formula

The funding formulae below are used when CF members:

Custom Funding
Personalized Funding

Section 11.3 Local Moves

11.3.01 Purpose

This section describes the move entitlements for CF members who are posted and are authorized a move of (D)HG&E within the same place of duty as a result of that posting. These are rare and will only be authorized when the posting results in the CF member requiring to occupy or vacate:

This section does not apply to a CF member to whom Chapter 14 applies.
(TB amended 16 September 2014)

It is divided into the following blocks:

11.3.02 Limitation of benefits

The benefits for moves within the same place of duty are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for the following limitations or enhancements:

(TB amended 16 September 2014)

11.3.03 HHT/DIT

There is no entitlement to a HHT or DIT.

11.3.04 Movement grant

CF members are entitled to receive the Movement Grant regardless of whether or not HG&E are relocated under the HGRS contract.

11.3.05 Posting instruction without financial code

When a posting instruction authorizing a move within the same place of duty but does not include a financial code, CF members are to liaise with the CF Relocation Coordinator, who will contact the posting authority.
(TB amended 16 September 2014)

Section 11.4 Moves to and from Isolated Posts

11.4.01 In this section

The relocation benefits provided for in this section apply to a CF member who completes a move to or from an isolated post on or after 19 April 2018.

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

It is divided into the following blocks:

11.4.02 Transportation to location of HG&E in LTS

Return transportation and traveling expenses shall be reimbursed for one person when access to the LTS location is required. Access to LTS is approved when CF members are cross-posted between places of duty and there is a requirement to access LTS due to:

Reimbursement of expenses will be as a:

Core benefit
Custom benefit

Additional days

Personalized benefit

Additional expenses

11.4.03 Relocation from an isolated post for release purposes

CF members who do not have an IPR entitlement, or who wish to defer this election, are entitled to the full benefits of a relocation as per the CFIRP policy to a location in Canada of their choice without electing their IPR provided there is a release capability at proximity.

A posting allowance is payable as per art 3.4.03.

CF members are entitled to have their LTS moved to their replacement residence.

NDHQ/Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) is the authority for specified release centers.

11.4.04 Limitation of benefits - Goose Bay and Iqaluit

The benefits for isolated posts are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for these entitlements which have limitations or enhancements:

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

11.4.05 HHT

There is no entitlement to an HHT when relocating to Goose Bay or Iqaluit.

Core benefit

Due to limitation of flights, when proceeding on HHT from Thule, Greenland and Clear, Alaska, CF members are authorized 11 days HHT plus two days of travel time.

When CF members plan a shortened HHT art 4.2.04 applies.

11.4.06 Replacement residence

There is no entitlement to purchase a replacement residence on posting to Goose Bay or Iqaluit.

11.4.07 TNL - Goose Bay

Core benefit

CF members travelling to/from Goose Bay via the Cartwright -Goose Bay ferry are authorized 4 additional travel days and travel days aboard ferry.

CF members travelling to/from Goose Bay via the Lewisporte -Goose Bay ferry are authorized 3 additional travel days and travel days aboard ferry.

CF members travelling overland are authorized 3 additional travel days.

11.4.08 Weight limitations – Iqaluit

The principles contained in Chapter 9 continue to apply. CF members are limited to the following one-way shipping weight entitlements on posting in and out of Iqaluit:

Family size Weight Limitation
1 3,098 Kg/6,831 lbs
2 3,902 Kg/8,602 lbs
3 4,246 Kg/9,361 lbs
4 4,590 Kgs/10,120 lbs
5 4,934 Kgs/10,879 lbs
6 5,279 Kgs/11,638 lbs
7 5,623 Kgs/12,397 lbs

When CF members are returning from isolated posts, the weight entitlement will be based on CF members' current household size or the household size that originally moved to that location, whichever is greater.

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

11.4.09 Air priority shipments - Iqaluit

CF members who will occupy furnished accommodation before their normal HG&E arrives, are entitled to the air priority shipment of effects for the purpose of immediate set-up of residency upon arrival. This weight reduces the overall authorized weight entitlement.

Core benefit
Custom benefit

Weight in excess of core funds.

Personalized benefit

When all custom funds have been expended.

Shipment process

All shipments shall be processed through the applicable Crown Transport Agent to ensure all charges are applied at the current contract rates. The separate air priority shipment shall not be authorized when HG&E is shipped by air, except when CF members proceed unaccompanied in advance of their dependants and HG&E, then only their personal entitlement may be shipped.

11.4.10 Shipment of PMV - Iqaluit

Although the principles of Chapter 9 apply, CF members posted to Iqaluit are limited to shipping one PMV.

11.4.11 Funding Formula - Relocation to Iqaluit

The following Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae are used for relocations to Iqaluit:

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

Custom Funding
Personalized Funding

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

11.4.12 Funding formula - Relocation from Iqaluit

The following Custom and Personalized Funding Formulae are used for relocations from Iqaluit:

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

Custom Funding
Personalized Funding

(TB amended, 19 April 2018)

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