Part 1 - General Principles and Commonalities
Chapter 1. General
On this page
- 1.01 Introduction
- 1.02 Dependants education benefits
- Section 1.1 Directive
- Section 1.2 Spending Accounts
- Section 1.3 Requests for DCBA Review
- Section 1.4 Definitions
1.01 Introduction
This directive contains information regarding the benefits and applicable funding available to relocate CAF members, their dependants (if applicable) and their household goods and effects ((D) HG&E). It provides options to CAF members within a policy framework to allow them to choose specific relocation benefits.
1.02 Dependants education benefits
When relocated for service reasons, a member may be entitled to receive benefits related to the education of the member’s children. The member is responsible for verifying any entitlement, completing the necessary applications and claiming benefits through the Children’s Education Management (CEM) office. Additional information may be found at CBI Chapter 12 (Education of Children).
(C) (amended, effective 1 April 2024)
Section 1.1 Directive
1.1.01 Directive
- This Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive, cited as the “CAFRD”, is effective 1 April 2021 and supersedes the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program Directive (CFIRPD).
- The CAFRD sets out the policies and benefits for relocations conducted under Section 9 of Chapter 208 of the CBI.
1.1.02 Authority
In the CAFRD immediately following every subsection:
- made under the authority of the Treasury Board (TB), there is in parentheses the letter “T”; and
- made under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), there is in parentheses the letter “C”.
1.1.03 Purpose
The purpose of the CAFRD is to relocate the CAF member, the member’s dependants and the member’s household goods and effects ((D)HG&E):
- with the minimum detrimental effect on the member and their dependants;
- with the minimum detrimental effect on CAF operations, CAF training, and CAF administration; and
- at the most reasonable cost.
1.1.04 Application
- (Application) The CAFRD applies to a member:
- who meets the eligibility requirements under CAFRD 1.1.05 (Eligibility); and
- whose HG&E are moved at public expense on or after 1 April 2021.
- For the purposes of determining the move date at subparagraph (1)(b), the date that the member’s HG&E are loaded shall be used.
- (Transition) A member to whom the previous CFIRPD applied and who was reimbursed or incurred a payable expense that is no longer payable under the CAFRD, remains entitled to that reimbursed or incurred expense under the previous CFIRPD.
- (Personalized Funds) Any funds remaining in the former CFIRPD Personalized Component on 31 March 2021 are paid out to the member.
1.1.05 Eligibility
- (Eligibility) Subject to paragraph (3), a member who is not prohibited from moving (D)HG&E is eligible to benefits under the CAFRD, as follows:
- a Regular Force member
- who is posted to a new permanent workplace that is 40 km or more by direct road distance from the current permanent workplace (see also paragraph (2)), and
- whose new residence is at least 40 km closer to the new permanent workplace than the current residence;
- a Reserve Force member who has been authorized by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA) to move their (D)HG&E in accordance with Chapter 13 (Moves of Reservists) for a period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve service employment, when:
- the new permanent workplace is 40 km or more by direct road distance from their current permanent workplace, and
- the new residence is at least 40 km closer to the new permanent workplace than the current residence;
- a Reserve Force member whose Return Move has been authorized by DCBA in accordance with Chapter 13 (Moves of Reservists);
- a member who is authorized to be moved locally under Section 11.3 (Local moves on posting);
- a member who is relocated under Chapter 14 (Moves to Intended Place of Residence); and
- in respect of a member serving at a post outside Canada, it is determined by or under the authority of the CDS that for safety, security or operational reasons the member’s (D)HG&E, the member, or both be moved to a new residence and that move is not a local move provided for under the Military Foreign Service Instructions (MFSI). For greater certainty, this may require two separate moves to two separate locations.
- a Regular Force member
- (Interpretation) In specific circumstances, for the purposes of calculating the distance between the current and the new permanent workplaces at subparagraph (1)(a)(i):
- when a member is on a posting to which their (D)HG&E has not been moved at public expense, and is subsequently posted, the last permanent workplace for which the (D)HG&E was moved at public expense is deemed to be the current permanent workplace; and
- when a member is being moved under Section 11.1 (Move of (D)HG&E from place of enrolment), the member’s permanent residence on their date of enrolment/transfer is deemed to be the current permanent workplace.
- (Limitation) A member who enrols or re-enrols, or transfers from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force, and has not achieved trained status (as defined in Section 1.4 (Definitions)) is not eligible to benefits under the CAFRD, unless that member:
- has graduated from a Canadian military college during their current period of Regular Force service;
- has graduated from a civilian university or vocational college for which their education/training and attendance was paid by the CAF during their current period of Regular Force service;
- is a dental, medical or legal officer who has successfully completed or has been otherwise granted the Basic Military Officer Qualification;
- is a medical officer or medical specialist who has been confirmed by the CAF on the virtue of their skilled applicant status to be capable of employment immediately upon enrolment;
- is a Chaplain recruit who, by virtue of their ecclesiastical mandate received by their respective religious authority, is authorized to exercise pastoral care; or
- has moved their (D)HG&E at public expense to a new place of duty and subsequently releases or transfers from the Regular Force (see CAFRD 14.1.01 (Eligibility criteria table) for the list of eligible release items).
(T) (amended, effective 1 April 2024)
1.1.06 Structure
This directive has been divided into three parts:
- Part 1 – General Principles and Commonalities – which contains the general principles and administration of the CAFRD, and the relocation entitlements that are common to all moves;
- Part 2 – Main Benefits – which contains the main and general entitlements for a typical move for service within Canada; and
- Part 3 – Special Circumstances – which contains the limitations or enhancements of benefits for specific moves that are not contemplated in Part 2.
1.1.07 Units of measure
In this directive, the symbol:
- “km” means kilometres;
- “kg” means kilograms; and
- “lbs” means pounds.
1.1.08 Joint or shared custody of dependants
In cases of joint/shared custody, when the dependant is residing with the member at the time of the relocation and moves with the member, expenses as outlined in the CAFRD related to that dependant are reimbursable.
Section 1.2 Spending Accounts
1.2.01 General
- There are two sets of spending accounts (the “Core Account” and the “Custom Account”) from which CAFRD benefits are funded.
- Unused benefits payable from either Core Account or Custom Account funds are forfeited. They cannot be exchanged or assigned a monetary value to pay for other benefits or expenses.
1.2.02 Core Account
- The benefits funded from the Core Account are intended to compensate the member for common relocation expenses considered to be essential to the move of a CAF member.
- The Core Account is not a fixed amount of funds.
1.2.03 Custom Account
- The benefits funded from the Custom Account are intended to:
- where specifically indicated in this directive, enhance/augment benefits payable from Core Account funds; and
- provide the member with flexibility to choose other CAFRD benefits that best meet the member’s relocation needs.
- The Custom Account is a fixed amount of funds determined by an individualized formula.
1.2.04 Custom Account formula
- The formula below is the default Custom Account formula. For some types of moves in Part 3 of this directive, this default formula is replaced by a situation-specific Custom Account formula.
- The Custom Account formula is as follows: A + B + C = D, where:
A is the accommodation factor,
B is the transportation factor,
C is the HG&E shipment factor, and
D is the total amount available in the Custom Account.
- To calculate the transportation factor (“B”), the kilometric rate that corresponds with the annual Department of Finance income tax deduction limit for the use of personal vehicles for business purposes on the member’s Change of Strength (COS) date shall be used with the following formula:
- [One-way distance (km) × Department of Finance rate × family size] × 0.35
A | The greater of
+ B | 35% of the cost of one-way transport from old place of duty to new place of duty for member and dependants. |
+ C | 35% of the average cost of shipping 454 kg (1,000 lbs) of HG&E per qualifying room from current residence to new residence. |
= D | Total Custom Account funds. |
1.2.05 Qualifying rooms
- For the purpose of calculating the HG&E shipment factor (“C”) in the Custom Account formula, the following is the list of qualifying rooms:
- Basement;
- Bedroom (including bedrooms in basement);
- Dining Room;
- Family Room;
- Garage (not including a parking garage for a condominium or apartment building);
- Kitchen;
- Living Room;
- Outbuilding or Storage Shed (limit one);
- Recreation Room; and
- separate storage room (for a condominium or apartment).
- When shipment out of Long-Term Storage (LTS) is authorized, the Custom Account formula will be based on the number of qualifying rooms when the HG&E originally went into storage.
1.2.06 Qualifying rooms – shared accommodation
When a member shares accommodations with persons other than the member’s spouse or dependants, the HG&E shipment factor is based on only the rooms occupied by the member.
Section 1.3 Requests for DCBA Review
1.3.01 General
- The benefits outlined in this directive are designed to provide some degree of flexibility while remaining within the intent of the policy. This will allow members to make choices based on their specific needs. However, those choices shall not extend benefits or create entitlements.
1.1 Circumstances considered to be within a member's control or not arising from service-related factors (e.g. personal circumstances) may not be grounds for reimbursement under the CAFRD.
- The non-accountable Movement Grant at CAFRD 3.4.01 and the applicable allowance at CAFRD 3.4.03 (Posting Allowance and Reserve Relocation Allowance) are provided to offset some additional expenses that are not specifically provided for under this directive.
- There is no provision, under any circumstances, for benefits to be exchanged, traded, assigned a monetary value, or changed through the provision of a business case (i.e. an analysis of the costs related to a proposed alternative plan/benefit in relation to that provided for under this directive).
(T) (amended, effective 1 April 2024)
1.3.02 Request for DCBA review – process
- A member may submit a request for DCBA review to the CAF Relocation Coordinator at origin or destination as applicable when the member:
- has incurred actual and reasonable expenses, resulting from exceptional circumstances or demands, that do not appear to be covered by the CAFRD;
- requires DCBA authority to receive a CAFRD benefit; or
- does not agree with the application or the interpretation of the CAFRD by the contracted relocation service provider.
- The member’s request shall include a description of the decision/situation that generated the request including all relevant facts known to the member, a clear statement of the benefits sought, and all pertinent supporting documents such as the posting instruction, the Member’s Personnel Record Resumé (MPRR), invoices, airfare quotes, medical statements, Relocation Consultant’s statements, reports, all applicable policy references, etc.
- CAF Relocation Coordinators shall:
- ensure applicable policy references are included in all requests; and
- return incomplete requests to the member with explanations on required documents/information.
- Requests submitted directly by the member to DCBA will not be accepted.
- DCBA will inform the member of their options should their request not be granted or be partially granted.
(C) (amended, effective 15 June 2023)
Section 1.4 Definitions
The definitions in this section apply to the CAFRD:
Means the Government of Canada’s Accommodation and Car Rental Directory for the applicable particular area.
- Actively marketed
A principal residence is considered actively marketed for sale when:
- it is continuously for sale except for brief interruptions (e.g. to change brokers or listings);
- the listing price is consistent with both the value determined by the most recent appraisal for the entire property and the conditions of the market as confirmed by the listing agent;
- the member is acting in good faith to dispose of the residence; and
- no reasonable offers have been refused.
Démarches de mise en vente active
- Actual and reasonable expenses
- the actual expenses incurred, supported by proof of payment, e.g. receipts and vouchers; and
- the reasonable amount that the CAF judges to be both appropriate and justifiable based on experience of what such costs should be in the circumstances, and within the limits of this directive.
Dépenses réelles et raisonnables
- Arm’s length transaction
Means a transaction that is consummated between two or more individuals who are not connected by blood relationship, marriage or common-law partnership or adoption, as per the Canada Revenue Agency income tax folio S1-F5-C1 as amended from time to time. Non-immediate family members such as cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces are normally considered to be at arm’s length from each other.
Transaction sans lien de dépendance
- Basic commercial animal care
Means commercial care for a pet or a service dog, limited to boarding fees charged by the commercial boarding facility. It does not include any other animal care charges such as special diets, grooming, veterinarian costs, medications, inoculations, vaccine certificates, etc. Soins de base commerciaux aux animaux
- Commercial lodgings
- lodgings obtained in a hotel, motel, tourist home, public campsite, guest cottage or similar establishment that caters to the general public at predetermined rates;
- lodgings obtained via an online peer-to-peer marketplace (e.g. “Airbnb”); and
- for the purposes of HHT/DIT (Chapter 4) or ILM&M (Chapter 5), any transient accommodation under the administration of the Minister of National Defence or another Minister of the Crown that a member elects to utilize in lieu of any other type of commercial lodgings.
Hébergement commercial
- Commercial transportation
Means transportation by air, and ground transportation such as but not limited to professional airport limousine, shuttle, taxi, bus, rail or watercraft. For local travel only, a ride sharing service such as “Uber" or a similar transportation service may be used.
Transport commercial
- COS date
Means the Change of Strength (COS) date as indicated on a Regular Force member’s posting instruction. For a Reserve Force member being moved for service under Chapter 13 of this directive, the commencement date of the initial period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve service for which the member is being moved is deemed to be the COS date.
Date de CE
- Cross-posting
Means a posting from one post outside Canada to another post outside Canada.
- Dependant
“Dependant” means, in relation to an individual who is a member, a person who is related to the individual within the meaning of paragraph (2) and who:
- physically resides in the individual’s residence for more than 240 days during the 365 days immediately before the day on which the individual moves their HG&E; or
- does not meet the residency requirement in subparagraph (a) because
- they attend full-time a university, college, professional or vocational institution, or similar body,
- they married or became the common-law partner of the individual during the 240 days immediately before the day on which the individual moves their HG&E and physically resides with the individual after that day,
- they became a child of the individual during the 240 days immediately before the day on which the individual moves their HG&E and physically resides with the individual after that day, or
- in the case of the spouse or the common-law partner of the individual, they are or were a member of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force and reside elsewhere for service reasons.
- For the purpose of paragraph (1) a person is related to an individual who is a member if:
- the person is the individual’s common-law partner or spouse;
- the person is a child of the individual, their spouse or their common-law partner;
- in the case of a person who is a minor or who is an adult who has been declared incompetent under provincial or territorial law, the individual, their spouse or their common-law partner is the person authorized by law to act on behalf of that person;
- the person is a person in respect of whom the individual may claim a tax credit under the Income Tax Act or would be able to claim such a credit except for the fact that the person’s income exceeds the applicable income limit specified under that Act for that tax credit; or
- for the sole purpose of a relocation under the CAFRD, the person is a caregiver – whom a single member engages to care for their minor or disabled dependant who meets the residency requirement at subparagraph (1)(a) or (1)(b)(iii) – and that caregiver is moving to the new place of duty with the member.
- For the purpose of paragraph (1), if an individual who is a member has a child who is a minor and is the subject of a custody order or an enforceable custody agreement between the individual and another person, the child is deemed to physically reside in the individual’s residence for the greater of:
- the number of days in a year that the order or agreement specifies the individual’s residence to be the child’s primary residence; and
- number of days in a year that the order or agreement specifies that individual has access to but not custody of the child.
Personne à charge (PC)
- Direct road distance
Means the shortest practical road distance as determined by the contracted relocation service provider using a publicly available online mapping application (e.g. Google Maps, Google Earth, MapQuest, Microsoft Bing Maps, or other similar application or software). For a relocation between two locations in Canada, the road distance is calculated for a route via Canadian roads only. Any disputed calculations shall be resolved by the Director Relocation Business Management (DRBM).
Distance par la route directe
- Dwelling
Means any self-contained living quarters that has amenities that are necessary for continuous year-round occupancy, and has one or more private entrances such as an apartment, house boat, house, condominium, mobile home, or a portion of a multi-unit residential building.
Unité d’habitation
- Eligible person
Has the same meaning as in QR&O 209.20 (Definitions)
Personne admissible
- Equity
Means the sale price of a property less any existing mortgages, liens, charges or other debts that are secured against that property.
Valeur nette totale
- Exceptional circumstances
Means events that are not considered to be a personal circumstance and are unavoidable as a result of being caused by:
- the CAF;
- a Department of the Government of Canada or of a province, or a contracted agent of either;
- an authority of a foreign Government or their contracted agent;
- a natural disaster or severe weather event;
- a labour disruption;
- a criminal activity committed by someone other than the member or their dependant; or
- adverse safety, shelter, financial or security conditions as confirmed and approved by the DCBA.
Circonstances exceptionnelles
Events such as the issuing of a posting instruction are considered to be a basic service requirement and are not considered to be an exceptional circumstance as being caused by the CAF.
- Geographical boundaries
Means the area surrounding a member’s permanent workplace, established for acceptable residency distance from the permanent workplace by or under the authority of the CDS (see Geographical boundaries list). It may or may not align with the place of duty for the applicable location. Where the geographical boundary has not been established, the place of duty is considered to be the geographical boundary.
Limites géographiques
- Household Goods and Effects (HG&E)
Means the personal belongings, including the furniture, household effects, household equipment and personal effects of a member and dependants. They do not include those items specified as not eligible to be shipped under the applicable removal services contract (RSC). They do not include any effects that are shipped as unaccompanied baggage (UAB) for a restricted or prohibited move. They do not include private motor vehicles (PMV), recreational vehicles (RVs), boats, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles (ATVs), trailers, snowmobiles, or private aircrafts.
Articles de ménage et effets personnels (AM et EP)
- HG&E removal services contract (HG&E RSC)
Means the applicable contract in place for the move of HG&E or private motor vehicle (PMV), as the case may be, to the member’s new place of duty.
Contrat de services de déménagement des AM et EP (CSD AM et EP)
- Imposed Restriction (IR)
Means a delay in moving (D)HG&E for a specific period of time, approved in accordance with CAF instructions (PDF link accessible only on the National Defence network).
Restriction imposée
- Incidentals
Means the incidental expense allowance at the rate set out in the NJC Travel Directive (link accessible only on the National Defence network) and is intended to pay for expenses such as, but not limited to, gratuities (except for taxis), dry cleaning, laundry, bottled water, phone calls, home grass cutting, snow removal, home security check, and plant watering.
Frais accessoires
- Intended Place of Residence (IPR)
Means the place at which a member, or an eligible person who is not an estate, intends to reside following a release or transfer from the Regular Force. In respect of an estate, it is the place in which the executor or the member’s lawfully appointed agent intends to move the member’s HG&E.
Domicile projeté (DP)
- Isolated post
Means a place
designated as an isolated post by the NJC in the NJC Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive; or
- in any other case, designated or re-designated as an isolated post by the Director General Compensation and Benefits under the authority of CBI 11.2.01(3) (Authority).
Poste isolé
- Local authority
Means the Base/Wing Commander, Base/Wing Administration Officer or equivalent, or their delegate, at the place of duty a member is posted from or to as the case may be.
Autorité locale
- Long-Term Storage (LTS)
Means the storage or long-term storage of HG&E, not including storage in transit (SIT).
Entreposage à long terme (ELT)
- Loyalty contract
Means a vendor-imposed contract, which stipulates a fixed period of time for a service provided to the consumer (e.g., a free cell phone for signing a three year contract; if the contract is broken there is a penalty to the consumer).
Contrat de fidélité
- Meal allowance
Means the meal allowance at the 100% rate provided under the NJC Travel Directive per person.
Indemnité de repas
- Member
Means an officer or non-commissioned member of the CAF. When the context requires, “member” includes an eligible person who is not an estate.
- Miscellaneous Allowance
When on TNL (Chapter 6) and ILM&M (Chapter 5) means 12% of the full daily meal allowance rate for the member and 6% of the full daily meal allowance rate for each dependant regardless of age and is based on the daily meal allowance which corresponds with the members/dependants location at the beginning of the day.
Allocation pour frais divers
- Mortgage
Means a debt instrument, secured by the collateral of specified real estate property, which the borrower is obliged to pay back with a predetermined set of payments. A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is not a mortgage for the purposes of this directive.
Means the National Joint Council.
- Non-commercial lodgings
Means lodgings other than commercial lodgings, including a travel trailer, tent, or a private home, but not including public quarters or the private residence of the member or a relative or acquaintance with whom the member normally resides.
Hébergement non-commercial
- Overseas
Means a location that is outside of Canada, the continental United States of America (USA), and Mexico.
- Period of employment
Means a period of Reserve Force employment as described at CAFRD 13.02 (Meaning of “Period of Employment”).
Période d’emploi
- Permanent Workplace
- Means, for a Regular Force member:
- after the date of their most recent enrolment or transfer and until they are posted, the member’s permanent residence; or
- in any other case, the specific, permanent, physical location associated with the member’s position and where the member ordinarily performs their duties.
- Means, for a Reserve Force member:
- if the member is listed on a Reserve List that is not organized under section 17 of the National Defence Act (NDA) and the member is not serving on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service, the member’s permanent residence; or
- in any other case, the specific, permanent, physical location associated with the member’s position and where the member ordinarily performs their duties.
Note: Reserve Lists are organized under section 17 of the NDA by Ministerial Organization Order (“MOO”). Verification of whether a Reserve List has been organized or not should be done using the relevant MOO (link accessible only on the National Defence network).
Lieu de travail permanent
- Means, for a Regular Force member:
- Personal circumstances
Means a circumstance or situation encountered by a member during their relocation which is the result of discretionary and/or non service related decisions.
Circonstances personnelles
- Pet
Means a dog, cat, caged bird, ferret, goldfish, hamster, rabbit, turtle, or other common household pet that is traditionally kept in a member’s house, but does not include a farm, feral, or wild animal. Large numbers of animals such as a cattery or a kennel of dogs, whether owned for pleasure or profit, are not included.
Animal de compagnie
- Place of duty
- Means the surrounding area that is within 100 km direct road distance from the permanent workplace. For a permanent workplace that is in Canada, it includes only the surrounding area that is in Canada.
- For greater certainty, there may be overlap areas between places of duty, and therefore a new place of duty may also include parts of the current or former places of duty. In the CAFRD, any move or travel to a “new” place of duty may include a move or travel that originates from within that same place of duty.
Lieu de service
- Place of enrolment
- in relation to a member who enrolled in or transferred to the Regular Force in Canada, a place that is no more than 100 km by direct road distance of the address in Canada that the member specified as their residence at the time of enrolment or transfer, or
- in relation to a member who enrolled in or transferred to the Regular Force while residing outside of Canada, the nearest port of entry or border point in Canada on a direct route from their current permanent workplace to the residence where they were residing at the time of enrolment or transfer.
Lieu d’enrôlement
- Pre-negotiated corporate rate
Means a rate payable to a third party service provider (TPSP) which is negotiated by the contracted relocation service provider. These rates vary by location.
Tarif d’entreprise préétabli
- Primary mode of travel
Means the mode of travel by which the member and the majority of the family members travel.
Moyen de transport principal
- Principal residence
Means a dwelling in Canada, together with that portion of land (1.25 acres or less) that:
- is situated at the location to which the member’s HG&E were last moved at public expense or at a location from which the member is authorized to move HG&E where the member’s HG&E have never been moved at public expense;
- is owned by the member or the member’s dependants or jointly by the member and the member's dependants; and
- meets the occupancy requirements of CAFRD 8.2.02 (Entitlement – Occupancy requirements).
Résidence principale
- Private Motor Vehicle (PMV)
Means a licenced, insured, road worthy and operable sedan, sports car, station wagon, minivan, Sport Utility Vehicle , crossover, van, pick-up, or 4-wheel drive vehicle of one-ton rating or less registered in the member’s name or in the name of the spouse or common-law partner, or a dependant, the primary purpose of which is for regular family conveyance. This definition excludes racing cars, campers/RVs, motorcycles, and any other vehicle which does not meet the above criteria.
Véhicule personnel (VP)
- Prohibited move
Means a move to a place of duty to which the CAF considers it desirable, or in the public interest, to prohibit the move of dependants, or HG&E, or both.
Déménagement interdit
- Purchase price
Means the actual amount paid for a residence including any applicable federal or provincial sales taxes, minus any rebates for those taxes if they were included in the original purchase price.
Prix d’achat
- Rented residence
Means a dwelling that is rented or leased by the member or the member’s dependants or jointly by the member and the member's dependants, and is situated at:
- the location to which the member’s HG&E were last moved at public expense or at a location from which the member is authorized to move HG&E where the member’s HG&E have never been moved at public expense; or
- the location to which the move of HG&E is authorized
Résidence louée
- Replacement residence
Means a dwelling in Canada, together with that portion of land (1.25 acres or less) that:
- is situated at the location to which the move of HG&E is authorized;
- is purchased by the member, member’s dependants or both; and
- will be the principal residence of the member or the member’s dependants.
Résidence de remplacement
- Restricted move
Means a move to a place of duty to which the CAF considers it desirable, or in the public interest, to restrict the move of dependants or HG&E or both, until suitable accommodation becomes available.
Déménagement restreint
- Sale price
Means the final selling price of a principal residence.
Prix de vente
- Secured accommodation
Means that a binding contract for accommodations (purchase or rent/lease agreement) has been signed and all conditions have been met.
Logement garanti
- Service dog
Means a dog that is trained as a service dog, the need of which is affirmed by a medical practitioner, to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a physical, sensory or mental disability.
Chien d’assistance
- Spouse
- Storage at owner’s expense (SOE)
- Storage in Transit (SIT)
Means the temporary storage of HG&E during the move from one residence to another. It includes storage in van (SIV).
Entreposage en cours de déménagement
- Third Party Service Provider (TPSP)
Means a third party service provider (not considered a subcontractor) engaged by the contracted relocation service provider to deliver specialized services related to a relocation under the CAFRD.
Tiers fournisseur de service (TFS)
- Trained status
Means the point at which a member has successfully completed or is otherwise granted basic military occupation training and is posted to a unit where the member will apply their occupation or trade skills and/or undergo further on-job training.
- Unit authority
Means the Commanding Officer (CO) or the senior Administration Officer or equivalent, or their delegate, of the unit a member is posted from or to as the case may be.
Autorité de l'unité
- Unrestricted economy airfare
Means a commercial airline economy class fare that has no restrictions, and is fully refundable and amendable without additional service fees.
Billet d’avion en classe économique sans restriction
Means the common law partner of the member or a person married to the member but does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart from the member within the meaning of the Divorce Act.
Means the continued storage of HG&E at a commercial facility – after a member's SIT or LTS entitlement has expired – for which the member is responsible for the contracting and payment of.
Entreposage aux frais du propriétaire (EFP)
(T) (amended, effective 1 April 2024)
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