Evaluation of Air and Space Force Development

November 2021

1258-3-044 - ADM(RS)

Reviewed by ADM(RS) in accordance with the Access to Information Act.  Information UNCLASSIFIED.


Assistant Deputy Minister (Defence Research and Development Canada)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services)
Air Force Development Committee
Accountabilities, Responsibilities and Authorities
Air and Space Force Development
Canadian Armed Forces
Conceive, Design, Build, Manage
Chief of Force Development
Director General
DG Air & Space FD
Director General Air & Space Force Development
Department of National Defence
Force Development
Fiscal Year
GBA Plus
Gender-based Analysis Plus
High-level Mandatory Requirements
Identification and Options Analysis
Information Management
Integrated Strategic Analysis
Information Technology
Level 1
Major Capital Project
Office of Primary Interest
Project Approval Directive
Project Approval Process
Personnel, Research/Development, Infrastructure, Concepts, IM/IT, Equipment, Gender-based Analysis Plus
Royal Canadian Air Force Aerospace Warfare Centre
Royal Canadian Air Force
Statement of Capability Deficiency
Space Steering Committee
Strong, Secure, Engaged
Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

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Executive Summary

This report presents the results of the evaluation of the Air and Space Force Development (ASFD) Program conducted during Fiscal Year (FY) 2020/21 by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) (ADM(RS)) in compliance with the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results. The evaluation examines the relevance and performance of the ASFD Program within the Department of National Defence (DND) as part of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) over a five-year period FY 2015/16 to FY 2019/20. 

Program Description 

The ASFD Program consists of Defence Program Inventory Program 4.4 Air and Space Force Development; for the purposes of this evaluation, it will be referred to as ASFD. The responsibility for the ASFD Program is under the authority of the Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) through which the Director General Air and Space Force Development (DG Air & Space FD) is responsible. The ASFD Program is guided by the Chief of Force Development (CFD) Force Development (FD) system. 


The scope focused on the achievement of initial outcomes of the ASFD Program, identifying impacting issues of relevance and performance. While the evaluation examined results related to the FD pillars of Conceive, Design, Build and Manage (CDBM), Space FD was limited to an assessment of the transfer of space responsibilities from the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS) to the RCAF. Space FD is scheduled to be evaluated in a future evaluation of Joint Force Development.

Overall Conclusions

The ASFD Program is impacted by factors internal and external to the RCAF’s sphere of control, which leads to extended timelines of projects and challenges in satisfying capability gaps. Factors within their sphere of control can be remedied, but those beyond it will require departmental and interdepartmental collaboration to resolve.

  • Departmental capability development mechanisms, as well as those tied to whole-of government processes, although rigorous, are slow.
  • Project timelines are extended due to the reallocation of resources within organizations, lack of funding in the early stages of a project, and lengthened timelines for security clearances.
  • Space FD has effectively integrated into the ASFD Program, though interoperability must be a priority to ensure that Canada can continue to collaborate with its partners.


Findings were aligned according to the ability of the ASFD Program to influence the finding. Some findings can be managed internally by the RCAF. Other findings are external to the ASFD and need to be referred for Departmental considerations. This was done in an Integrated Strategic Analysis (ISA) of the evaluations of the FD programs of the Navy, Army and Air Force. Key findings of this evaluation centred around the following areas: 

Air and Space Force


The external findings were referred to the ISA: FD for further analysis.ISA

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Evaluation Scope

Coverage and Responsibilities

The evaluation examined the effectiveness of the Defence Program Inventory Program 4.4 over the FYs 2015/16 to 2019/20. The focus was on the immediate outcomes of the Program, which were “New RCAF capabilities align with identified deficiencies” and "Existing RCAF capabilities are maintained, modified or upgraded.” Additionally, the integration of Space FD into the RCAF and DND/CAF was examined. In line with departmental initiatives and policies, the evaluation assessed the integration of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) into all phases of projects and assessed the extent to which SSE priorities are addressed by the RCAF. 

Key findings fall into two groups: 


All findings referring to the ISA will be associated with this icon.

This evaluation is one of three concurrent FD evaluations conducted in FY 2020/21. Findings from this evaluation containing elements outside the control of the RCAF, alongside findings from the Navy FD evaluation and Land FD evaluation, are further discussed in the ISA: FD. 

Out of Scope

The evaluation did not assess the Future Fighter Capability Project, materiel management, real property, and the departmental procurement process, except for its impact on the ASFD Program.

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Program Profile

Program Objectives

The ASFD Program develops and manages the execution of activities that introduce new or modified capabilities for the RCAF. 

Governance of the ASFD Program is led by the AFDC, which provides oversight across all RCAF capability development and ensures coordination with joint processes.

Program Stakeholders

DG Air & Space FD is the lead for the ASFD Program on behalf of the RCAF. The stakeholders of the ASFD Program can be grouped into the following categories:  

Program Resources

Figure 1

Figure 1. ASFD Expenditures FY 15/16 – FY 19/20 ($millions).1

Figure 1 Summary

This figure represents fiscal year expenditures of the Air and Space Force Development Program between FY 15/16 and FY 19/20 with numbers in millions of dollars. It is a bar chart with figures for FY 15/16, FY 16/17, FY 17/18, FY 18/19 and FY 19/20.

  • FY 15/16: 220.9
  • FY 16/17: 247.2
  • FY 17/18: 194.4
  • FY 18/19: 208.6
  • FY 19/20: 70.0

Program expenditures for the period include the restated figures for FY 2015/16 to FY 2018/19 and actual expenditures for FY 2019/20. The decrease in expenditures between FY 2018/19 and FY 2019/20 have been attributed to the remapping of organizational expenditure reporting in the Departmental Results Framework, whereby in FY 2019/20, expenditures for the ASFD Program were primarily captured by the Air Staff.

In FY 2019/20, the ASFD Program was supported by 122 military FD positions and 37 full-time equivalent civilian positions.2


1. GC InfoBase [last accessed: June 23, 2021]
2. Data provided by Program

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Key Findings: Internal

Varying costs, departmental processes and timelines have an impact on the delivery of capabilities.

FINDING 1: Although not all capability gaps are addressed or completely satisfied, rigorous processes are followed to monitor, identify, prioritize and deliver the high-priority capabilities.(Internal)

Capability gaps are identified through several means, some flowing through the RCAF AWC and others through Statements of Operational Capability Deficiency (SOCD). These are reviewed and prioritized at the operational level, then selected Major Capital Projects (MCP) are forwarded to CFD and Minor Capital projects are addressed by the RCAF. 

The role of CFD is to review MCPs holistically from all Force Developers and assess them while considering departmental strategic priorities and guidance, affordability, and other key criteria. Final direction on MCPs is issued in the Capability Investment Program Plan Review. The ASFD Program plays an important role developing CFD’s understanding of RCAF capability gaps.  

Once an MCP is commenced, the capability gap is translated into high-level mandatory requirements (HLMR), which become the criteria against which capability assessments are made.  HLMRs are developed during the Design phase and form the structure of conditions to which a capability solution must conform.

Senior program management noted there is always going to be a challenge balancing known gaps against available resources. The CAF FD system and the ASFD Program need to ensure a compromise is occurring in the right place and not accept more operational risk than necessary. ​

Table 1. There are numerous pressures which challenge the full achievement of HLMRs
Cost Estimated costs climb due to project delays, price increases, exchange-rate fluctuations and unanticipated technical challenges. The procurement process ensures that cost increases are identified, reported and considered by senior departmental or governmental review. This may result in the use of contingency funds, the de-scoping/re-scoping of projects or asking for additional funds. These processes are well documented when they occur.
Functional Authorities vs Responsibilities The ASFD Program has the responsibility to deliver capabilities but does not own the responsibility of procurement. The procurement process goes through ADM(Mat), which turns requirements to contract specifications, and then to external agencies. This makes it difficult to keep the original requirement intact. Other agencies have their own criteria to be satisfied, which may influence the HLMRs.
Time The procurement process is lengthy as it contains all the checks, balances and challenge functions which limit agility, but aims to ensure that the best possible value for Canadians is achieved. However, technological development proceeds at a much faster pace, leaving projects significantly challenged to close capability gaps and, on occasion, delivering obsolete capabilities. This is further discussed in Finding 6.

The rigour of the procurement process ensures that HLMRs are clear, but it faces numerous challenges impacting delivery.

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SSE provided policy guidance for future capabilities but not always the resources to implement them.

FINDING 2: The ASFD Program ensures that projects align with SSE; however, timelines for some initiatives have slid in the Identification (ID) and Options Analysis (OA) phases due to the extensive work required and resource limitations.(Internal)

Senior program managers have confirmed that SSE provides an excellent policy foundation for the ASFD Program. However, the detailed work and staff-level analysis to fully understand the SSE initiatives for their complete scope, resource implications and cost did not start until after SSE was promulgated. This work occurs during the early ID/OA phases to establish realistic and concrete timelines which may differ from the SSE policy.

Although SSE provided an excellent policy foundation, interviewees felt that it was not accompanied with the necessary amount of Vote 1 (operating expenditures) resources to support the ID/OA phases of new capabilities identified. The level of effort required for the ID/OA phases was not foreseen and has been an ongoing challenge to meet. This is discussed further in Finding 11.

The Aircraft Capability Project-Tactical spent an additional 17 months in the ID/OA phase than originally anticipated due to contract amendments requiring additional  V1/V5 funding.

All projects are inherently aligned to SSE, because it is difficult to initiate projects that are not linked to SSE. Conversely, minor capital projects, that may not be linked to SSE,  have been shown to be easier to develop and deliver because they do not surpass the thresholds that require them to go through the Project Approval Directive (PAD) process. 

Interviewees stated that as a department, DND does not do a good job of assessing its FD plans as a whole and acknowledged that the RCAF struggles as well in this regard, in spite of SSE policy direction. Interviewees believe that if DND/CAF and the RCAF had better oversight and planning of FD, they would be much better placed to determine which projects should proceed as part of a cohesive planning effort. In March 2021, DND/CAF created a new strategic advisor position to the Chief of the Defence Staff on Future Capabilities which may position the department to improve FD planning. 

Projects become less relevant the longer they are delayed because of the way technology changes and capabilities evolve, as discussed in Finding 6. Furthermore, delays can trigger additional complications, such as the need to extend the life expectancy of current capabilities or equipment to fill the gap, as well as putting Canada’s credibility at risk with Allies.  

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Within the RCAF, communication could improve the awareness of FD activities.

FINDING 3: Communication challenges have resulted in a lack of understanding of RCAF Force Development processes and committees, as well as associated ARAs at operational and tactical levels.(Internal)

Communication Challenges

Senior program managers have acknowledged the sentiments from the operational and tactical communities and stated that the strategic level has not always clearly articulated why they cannot action every requirement that comes up the Chain of Command. 

Unclear ARAs

The lack of clarity in ARAs, particularly in the Conceive pillar, impedes the ability to ascertain responsibilities of organizations that operate within this phase of ASFD capability development. This results in the development of short-sighted capabilities as opposed to those with a greater strategic impact for future Horizons.

The Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft project is an example of improved RCAF AWC alignment in FD. This realignment enabled DG Air & Space FD to work with the RCAF AWC to produce a strategic context document which quickened the project’s progress through initial project approval gates one month earlier than anticipated.


1. In order to strengthen governance and oversight of the ASFD Program, the RCAF should review, clarify and communicate ARAs and governance processes. 

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Although the AFDC falls short of its mandate, a transformation is underway which indicates signs of improvement.

FINDING 4: The Air Force Development Committee has not fulfilled its mandate and is perceived as largely an information-sharing body; however, evidence indicates that there are improvements and a revitalization underway.(Internal)

Air Force Order 1000-10-1 outlines the roles and responsibilities of the AFDC as the monitoring and oversight board of Air FD. However, results from the survey indicated that senior managers, who received separate survey questions from the program staff and stakeholders,  believed that not all of its roles were being fulfilled.

Signs of Improvement

A review of AFDC minutes over a period of two years (2018-2020) has validated these transformational claims. While earlier meetings focused on presentations on the progress of capabilities, more recent meetings incorporated feedback, recommendations and more fulsome discussions on capabilities and decision making. This may be an indication of approaching the true intent of its mandate.

Suggestion for follow-up: Review the effectiveness of the AFDC and the fulfilment of responsibilities according to its mandate.

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The transition of space effects from VCDS to the RCAF was a positive move for DG Space in the context of FD.

FINDING 5: Space is well-positioned within the RCAF and well-connected within DND/CAF and international partners.(Internal)

RCAF Integration

External Integration

As a joint capability, interviews with senior managers highlighted the importance of space integration within DND/CAF as well as with international partners.  

Lack of a Space Forum

The lack of a forum to discuss space FD may result in communication challenges due to limited personnel available to engage with joint space stakeholders. However, while senior program managers agree that space could be included in the AFDC, space FD is not currently within the scope of its activities.

Figure 7
Figure 7. The majority of respondents don’t know if the ASFD Program has clear oversight over the development of space capabilities. 
Figure 7 Summary

This figure depicts the percentage of respondents who agree with the statement through icons in the shape of people.

  • 86% agree
  • 14% disagree


2. In order to clarify the governance framework for Space Force Development, the ASFD should investigate options for governance bodies such as: 

  1. Air Force Development Committee 
  2. another existing Force Development governance body 
  3. an independent Space FD governance body 

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Key Findings: External

The rate of changing technology is faster than that with which DND/CAF can keep up, leaving capabilities technologically obsolete when operationally active.

FINDING 6: Rapidly changing technology combined with government and department project processes put the ASFD Program at risk of delivering technologically obsolete capabilities.(External)


Due to the prolonged and cumbersome procurement process, Allies and adversaries are advancing faster technologically. The technology they are incorporating into their capabilities now, may not be possible for the CAF to incorporate for years. The CDBM FD model may not be sufficiently agile to compensate for this growing gap, as departmental and government processes further hinder the model.


The Cyclone project was delivered (Initial Operational Capability 2018) with Link 11 network capabilities, which is now in sundown for decommissioning. Therefore, it will soon be unable to integrate with modern CAF networks. 

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Increased awareness and consistency of implementation of PRICIEG* could strengthen the capability development process.  

FINDING 7: PRICIEG analysis is potentially a valuable tool, but there are inconsistencies in its understanding and its application, risking delays and shortfalls in meeting capabilities.(External)


There were differing opinions on the value of PRICIEG.

  • Many Program Managers felt that PRICIEG provides a good framework and context for identifying risk areas and for engagement with other L1s.
  • It is difficult to identify some PRICIEG components until the final platform selection has been made.
  • Senior program management and some Project Directors feel there is a growing recognition within the RCAF and the broader CAF that PRICIEG might not be the best tool to force the analysis required. It may be worthwhile considering the inclusion of a validation of PRICIEG as a tool and whether there are other tools that do this better, for example, those used by Allies.

*Personnel, Research/Development, Infrastructure, Concepts, IM/IT, Equipment, Gender-based Analysis Plus

The Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter (MHLH – Chinook CH147F) Initial Operational Capability documentation indicated that only half of the maintenance capacity was trained, reducing the sustained deployability of the capability.  This should have been identified by the "P" in PRICIEG.

Suggestion for follow-up: In a future review, examine the effectiveness of PRICIEG on capability projects since its mandatory enactment in the PAD.

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Collaboration with FD enablers is essential for the delivery of capabilities. 

FINDING 8: The quality of support for ASFD Program activities from other L1s is usually high, but there are delays leading to prolonged delivery of a capability.(External)


The Griffon Limited Life Extension Project Management Office in ADM(Mat) was experiencing resource challenges. Thus, a deputy Project Director had to work with the Project Management Office full-time as a result of staffing shortfalls.

The Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter (MHLH – Chinook CH147F) experienced project delays due to insufficient early engagement with ADM(IE), resulting in lacking sufficient resources to build infrastructure necessary for the storage of the helicopters.

FD enablers are critical to the delivery of capabilities and may drastically impact the schedule and overall quality of capability development if they do not have appropriate support.

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While there are some successes with interoperability, it is viewed as an ongoing challenge that the department faces. 

FINDING 9: Maximum interoperability within the CAF and with international partners is crucial for the ASFD Program to be able to support and contribute to coalition operations.(External)


Only 53% of survey respondents believed the ASFD Program produces capabilities that are fully interoperable within the CAF and with Allied partners.

“As national and allied space systems will face greater risks, the CAF may need to seek more mitigation strategies and collaborative approaches to space capabilities to gain robustness and redundancy and, therefore, resilience.” 

Future Operating Environment, 2013-2040

Internally, the CAF faces the same interoperability problems. 

The Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter (MHLH – Chinook CH147F) selection, purchase and integration of defensive systems that have yet to be integrated to Consolidated Secret Network Infrastructure networks delayed full operational capability by 36 months. 

An increased focus on digital enablers, such as networks, communications systems and software applications, is essential for the success of individual services and joint capabilities, as well as interoperability within the CAF and with Allied and non-traditional partners.

“We need to build the joint operational fabric before we deploy. We need to start putting the pieces together so that environments are better prepared to fight together.”

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Several factors contribute to decreased participation rates in RCAF and DND/CAF force development engagements.  

FINDING 10: Human resource challenges within the ASFD Program have impacted its ability to effectively engage in force development activities for the RCAF.(External)


Perceived moderate to low staffing levels and elevated workloads contribute to missed deadlines and decreased participation in DND/CAF FD activities. Consequently, less emphasis is placed on strategic planning for the future. 

27% ASFD Staffing Vacancy Rate for FY 2020/21.

"Project quantities remained the same, quantity of staff decreased because the operational community felt it was more important to have people at the squadrons versus the headquarters."

Security Clearance Delays

Security clearance delays have had an impact on all stages of project development, risking individuals’ and organizations’ ability to progress a capability through the CDBM pillars. 

  • All interviewees and questionnaire respondents concurred that security challenges have impacted project delivery, and 60% of cases studied also noted this issue.
  • Civilian contractors were a particular challenge. The staff required to work on projects with Top Secret clearance or above require both the expertise and security clearance, which increases the cost, especially within Space FD organizations, which is discussed in Finding 11.
  • Section heads and directors may wait up to two years for their security clearance, effectively hindering them from fully engaging with their projects. 
  • Timelines for requesting a security clearance leave a wide gap in capacity for FD organizations. Individuals rarely have the necessary security clearance upon hiring. This causes delays in employing them as intended until clearances are processed. Data was not available to conduct further analysis on the impact.

Project Director Training

Project Directors are challenged to understand their complex role with limited formal training, leading to delays in project timelines. 

One project was delayed because it took eight months for the Project Director to understand their role and how to do their job.

“There’s very little formal training that exists for a project director. It’s a problem for us, our Project Directors struggle to understand their role.”

Figure 10
Figure 10.
Figure 10 Summary

A larger box representing the larger percentage of 67% with an inset box representing the smaller percentage of 45%. There are arrows that point to the separate points of data.

  • 67% of survey respondents disagreed that Project Directors are certified within sufficient timelines to complete their tasks efficiently.
  • 45% disagreed that the training enables Project Directors to complete their tasks effectively. 

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Challenges with the timing of funds for projects hinders capability development. 

FINDING 11: Increased ability to access adequate, predictable funding in the critical early stages of major capital projects could compress the timelines and impact the resultant capability.(External)


The reliance on V1 funds (operating expenses) and inability to access V5 funds (project-specific funds) during the ID/OA pillars delay project timelines. It also leads to a loss of limited time trying to access adequate funding and risk manage the project. If V5 project funds were accessible earlier, it would allow for more resources to be dedicated to the front end of the project, including planning, research and experimentation, consultation with partners and stakeholders, and hiring Subject Matter Experts. Noted impacts of insufficient funding are: 

Interviewees noted that delivered capabilities could be optimized with increased upfront investment.  

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The ASFD Program is impacted by factors internal and external to the RCAF’s sphere of control, which leads to extended timelines of projects and challenges in satisfying capability gaps. Factors within their sphere of control can be remedied, but those beyond it will require departmental and interdepartmental collaboration to resolve. 

Departmental capability development mechanisms, as well as those tied to whole-of-government processes, although rigorous, are slow. In spite of the rigor afforded by the PAD, the resulting delivery of capabilities is often years longer than estimated. This presents a challenge in maintaining pace with Allied partners and operational readiness. In particular, technology-based capabilities oftentimes are delivered obsolete, which puts CAF missions at risk of reduced interoperability, and employing ineffective equipment.

Project timelines can be extended due to reallocated resources within organizations, lack of funding in the early stages of a project, and lengthened timelines for security clearances. The lack of resources in these areas can severely impact a project in its most critical phases before it transitions to ADM(Mat) for procurement. This results in projects spending considerable amounts of time in the Definition phase, or projects with insufficient planning in the earlier phases which negatively impacts the delivery of the capability in scope, cost or schedule.

Space FD has effectively integrated into the ASFD Program, though interoperability must remain a priority to ensure that Canada can continue to collaborate with its partners. The FD elements of the space domain have been wholly and effectively integrated into the RCAF since its move from VCDS. As such, space is well integrated with DND/CAF and well connected to Allied partners. Continued success in the space domain relies on its ability to remain interoperable with Allied partners by maintaining the technological pace and delivery of space capabilities.

Communication challenges, limited resources, and a not completely realized AFDC have led to the majority of stakeholders within the Program to state that there was a lack of guidance from the strategic levels. As a result, most capabilities are developed in response to present capability deficiencies as opposed to looking outward to those with a greater strategic impact.

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Annex A – Findings and Recommendations

Table A-1. Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations.
Key Findings Recommendations
Although not all capability gaps are addressed or completely satisfied, rigorous processes are followed to monitor, identify, prioritize and deliver the high-priority capabilities. -
The ASFD Program ensures that projects align with SSE; however, timelines for some initiatives have slid in the Identification (ID) and Operation Analysis (OA) phases due to the extensive work required and resource limitations. -
Communication challenges have resulted in a lack of understanding of RCAF Force Development processes and committees, as well as associated ARAs at operational and tactical levels. 1. In order to strengthen governance and oversight of the ASFD Program, the RCAF should review, clarify and communicate ARAs and governance processes.
The Air Force Development Committee has not fulfilled its mandate and is perceived as largely an information-sharing body; however, evidence indicates that there are improvements and a revitalization underway. Suggestion for follow-up: Review the effectiveness of the AFDC and the fulfilment of responsibilities according to its mandate.
Space is well-positioned within the RCAF and well-connected within DND/CAF and international partners.

2. In order to clarify the governance framework for Space Force Development, the ASFD should investigate options for governance bodies such as: 

  1. Air Force Development Committee 
  2. another existing Force Development governance body 
  3. an independent Space FD governance body 
Rapidly changing technology combined with government and department project processes put the ASFD Program at risk of delivering technologically obsolete capabilities. Please refer to the ISA for a related recommendation.ISA
PRICIEG analysis is potentially a valuable tool, but there are inconsistencies in its understanding and its application, risking delays and shortfalls in meeting capabilities. Please refer to the ISA for a related recommendation.ISA
The quality of support for ASFD Program activities from other L1s is usually high, but there are delays leading to prolonged delivery of a capability. Suggestion for follow-up: Examine the effectiveness of PRICIEG on capability projects since its mandatory enactment in the PAD.
Maximum interoperability within the CAF and with international partners is crucial for the ASFD Program to be able to support and contribute to coalition operations. Please refer to the ISA for a related recommendation.ISA
Human resource challenges within the ASFD Program have impacted its ability to effectively engage in force development activities for the RCAF. Please refer to the ISA for a related recommendation.ISA
Increased ability to access adequate, predictable funding in the critical early stages of major capital projects could compress the timelines and impact the resultant capability. Please refer to the ISA for a related recommendation.ISA

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Annex B – Management Action Plan

ADM(RS) Recommendation

1. In order to strengthen governance and oversight of the ASFD Program, the RCAF should review, clarify and communicate ARAs and governance processes. 

Management Action 1.1

RCAF FD activities falls under LOO 4 of the RCAF Campaign Plan and draw strategic FD guidance from such cornerstone documents as SSE, RCAF Vectors, the RCAF Future Air Operating Concept and the RCAF Future Concepts Directive. RCAF Campaign Plan LOO 4 establishes various FD governance structures/bodies, many of which are well established and leveraged (e.g., AFDC, Air Force Science and Technology Oversight Committee). Likewise, complimentary FD governance bodies such as the Minor Capital Project Management Board, chaired by DG Air & Space FD and conducted quarterly, have greatly enhanced FD agility, oversight and accountability at the minor capital project level. That being said, it is recognized that not all RCAF LOO 4 FD governance initiatives have been fully realized. 

To that end, an RCAF Strategy is currently under development and being led by Deputy Commander RCAF in collaboration with key RCAF FD stakeholders (DG Air & Space FD, RCAF AWC, DG Space, Fighter Capability Office, and DG Air Readiness). Among other governance objectives, this strategy is intended to enhance the coherence and foster a longer-term view of the RCAF FD program and reinforce ARAs associated therewith. It is anticipated that this strategy document will undergo Commander RCAF review at the Spring 2022 Air Board. 

OPI: Deputy Commander RCAF
Target Date: May 31, 2022

ADM(RS) Recommendation

2. In order to clarify the governance framework for Space Force Development, the ASFD should investigate options for governance bodies such as: 

  1. Air Force Development Committee 
  2. another existing Force Development governance body 
  3. an independent Space FD governance body 

Management Action 2.1

DG Space, as the delegated authority from Commander RCAF, is responsible for maintaining a holistic perspective on the DND/CAF Space Enterprise.  To that end, DG Space is staffing a proposal to the VCDS that would direct the creation of a DND/CAF Space Steering Committee (SSC) – chaired by DG Space, and attended by the various departmental stakeholders (to include DG Air & Space FD, ADM(IM), Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, ADM(DRDC), CFD and Canadian Joint Operations Command).  The SSC will create coherence across all space-related activities, including Space FD, Force Employment and Force Generation efforts – in order to ensure the organizations are not working in isolation, but rather that the collective efforts are complementary to the wider Space Enterprise. The SSC would not supplant current FD accountabilities or processes, but would compel coordination across the department to optimize communication, eliminate potential duplication of effort, and allow Force Employers to become more directly involved in the identification of capability requirements - endorsed by the SSC - for the consideration of the FD community.  To enhance its effectiveness, the SSC would be synchronized with current CAF, RCAF and FD governance processes. This stand-up of the SCC committee is forecast to occur in December 2021. 

OPI: DG Space
Target Date: December 31, 2021

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Annex C – Evaluation Context

This report presents the results of the evaluation of the Air and Space Force Development Program, conducted during FY 2020/21 by ADM(RS) in compliance with the 2016 Treasury Board Policy on Results. The evaluation examines the performance of the ASFD Program over a four-year period, FY 2015/16 to FY 2019/20 and was conducted in accordance with the ADM(RS) five-year Departmental Evaluation Plan. The findings and recommendations in this evaluation may be used to inform management decisions related to program design, delivery and resource allocation, as well as serve as a baseline for future evaluations. 

Previous evaluations associated with the ASFD Program by ADM(RS) include: 

In 2017, Space FD was transferred from VCDS under the authority of the Commander RCAF, and as such, has not been evaluated as part of the ASFD Program previously. Space is anticipated to be included as part of the Joint Force Development evaluation to be conducted in the future.

Program Description

Capability gaps are identified through several means. Long range, conceptual capability gaps are identified and developed by the RCAF AWC in concert with research partners. When matured, they feed into the ASFD processes.  Shorter range gaps are developed by several means with the primary means being SOCDs.  These are reviewed and prioritized at the operational level and forwarded to the strategic level for further assessment and selection based on feasibility, affordability and strategic direction. Selected and funded Minor Capital Projects are managed by the RCAF and follow an expedited project approval process defined in the PAD which results in an accelerated progress to implementation. Selected MCPs are forwarded to CFD for further consideration. Remaining capability gaps continue to be monitored for future consideration. 

The RCAF FD System is based on the CAF FD System and includes the same four key functions or pillars: Conceive, Design, Build and Manage. The VCDS Project Approval Process (PAP) roughly aligns with the Design and Build pillars. Each pillar of the CDBM model has a lead agency that is responsible to guide the capability through to force employment. PRICIEG is intended to be an evergreen document which considers the following components of a project: Personnel; Research and development; Infrastructure; Concepts of Operations and Doctrine; Information Technology; Equipment, Support and Sustainability; and Gender-based Analysis Plus.

Conceive is the stage wherein the linkages between RCAF military problems and CAF strategy/Government of Canada policies are solidified, and future capability requirements are defined. Part of Conceive is the conduct of a preliminary PRICIEG analysis and the setting of priorities for Concept Development and Experimentation.

Design is the stage wherein capability requirements are translated into designs, doctrine and structures for force employment, using the PRICIEG construct, and corresponds to the ID/OA stages of the VCDS PAP. This means early project scope definition, clarification of the strategic context, and development of HLMRs and Options. A Project Director within the RCAF is the responsible lead during this pillar, and the project is funded with Vote 1 money.

Build is the stage wherein capabilities are developed and synchronized through a detailed analysis of the PRICIEG functional components of capability and then implemented. The Build pillar corresponds to the Definition and Implementation stages of the VCDS PAP, to include refinement of the Statement of Operational Requirement, Options, Business Case and understanding of procurement strategy. A Project Management Office within ADM(Mat) becomes the functional lead for the project in this pillar, and the project gains access to Vote 5 funds from Treasury Board Secretariat.

Manage is the stage wherein the capability is managed through the “materiel management” and “capability management” functions. Materiel management relates to the sustainment of aerospace equipment under the auspice of Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management while capability management refers to the continued monitoring of aerospace capabilities by the Air Staff, ensuring that it remains relevant and aligned with CAF strategic guidance. In both cases, the most common triggers to a planning cycle are SOCD, and Estimated Life Expectancy dates.

- Précis from the RCAF Future Concepts Directive, Director Air Programmes, 2016

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