From the Minister
As Minister of National Defence, I have the privilege to present our Departmental Plan for fiscal year (FY) 2023-24. This report identifies the priorities of the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and the initiatives that will guide these priorities to implementation.
In the year ahead, Defence will continue to diligently carry out its essential operations, programs, and initiatives — guided by a focus on ensuring that Canada is strong at home, secure in North America and engaged in the world; rebuilding and reconstituting the CAF, thus ensuring its readiness for the future; providing a safe and inclusive workplace for all members of the Defence Team; and modernizing Canada’s defence capabilities, with particular emphasis on Canada’s contributions to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
This year will see the Defence Policy Update, which is essential to strengthening the Defence Team, our enterprise, and our capabilities as we continue implementing Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada's Defence Policy.
To be strong at home, we will continue to build a modern, adaptable military that is prepared to respond to evolving and emerging security challenges and threats in order to protect Canadians. To be secure in North America, we will continue to work in close collaboration with the United States on continental defence. Canada will continue to be engaged in the world with the capabilities we bring to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), by leading or contributing to coalition efforts and international peace operations with the United Nations, and by continuing to strengthen our bilateral and multilateral security partnerships. Notably, Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy will challenge us to balance the capabilities of the Royal Canadian Navy between this region and the rest of the world.
CAF reconstitution will focus on rebuilding personnel strength through streamlined recruitment; increasing efficiencies that help to retain CAF members; and modernizing our military personnel system. Canadians can have confidence in their military – and see it as an employer of choice – because they see its members working together with a common purpose and commitment to deliver operational success in a manner that reflects Canadian identity and values.
Defence will continue to take deliberate and coordinated action at all levels to eliminate all forms of racism, discrimination, biases, harmful stereotypes, and systemic barriers. In FY 2023-24, we will continue work that is already underway to implement recommendations from the Report of the Independent External Comprehensive Review and other internal and external review reports. We will continue to evolve our culture through various initiatives, including revising and redesigning the complaints system, improving the promotion and selection process and promoting inclusive leadership. This work will include updates to policies and improvements to training, education, and professional development. We will also continue to prioritize comprehensive support for survivors and advance military justice modernization. These efforts to make our workplace more inclusive and respectful will make our entire Defence Team stronger and more operationally effective.
We will be moving forward with the substantial investment I announced in June 2022 to deliver on Canada’s commitment to modernizing NORAD capabilities, including surveillance, command and control systems, communications, air weapons systems, and infrastructure, especially in Canada’s North and Arctic. We will establish dedicated science and technology programming for the defence of North America. NORAD modernization will also enable Defence to advance reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples by creating economic opportunities for Indigenous and Northern partners and communities. Modernizing Canada’s NORAD capabilities is a significant undertaking that will continue through the coming years. The investments will also establish a new baseline for the Defence Policy Update.
To improve interoperability with our Canadian partners and international allies, we will continue to collaborate with our colleagues from Public Services and Procurement Canada to streamline defence procurement to improve the timely acquisition of military capabilities. From designing, building, and delivering vessels for the Royal Canadian Navy, to purchasing search and rescue and fighter aircraft for the Royal Canadian Air Force, to delivering armoured, transport and support vehicles to the Canadian Army, we will provide the CAF with the modern capabilities they need to succeed in a complex and constantly evolving security environment. We will also continue to evolve as an environmentally sustainable organization, improve our energy efficiency, and reduce our environmental footprint across Defence activities in support of federal greening and sustainable development targets.
As Ukraine continues to defend its sovereignty against the illegal invasion by Russia, Canada remains committed to standing shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine, ensuring its forces are well equipped and trained to defend their territory and people, for as long as it takes.
Through this report, Canadians and parliamentarians will get an outlook of the ambitious plans and priorities that National Defence is preparing to undertake in FY 2023-24. I am confident that the entire Defence Team is ready to take on the challenge.
The Honourable Anita Anand, PC, MP
Minister of National Defence
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