Internal Services: planned results


Internal services are the services that are provided within a department so that it can meet its corporate obligations and deliver its programs. There are 10 categories of internal services:

  • Management and Oversight Services;
  • Communications Services;
  • Legal Services;
  • Human Resources Management Services;
  • Financial Management Services;
  • Information Management Services;
  • Information Technology Services;
  • Real Property Management Services;
  • Materiel Management Services; and
  • Acquisition Management Services.

Planning highlights

A number of efforts and key deliverables will be the focus of fiscal year (FY) 2023-24 across Internal Services programming. These include the following items:

Management and Oversight Services

The Departmental Litigation Oversight created in FY 2019-20, continues to manage and coordinate activities related to the increasing number of complex class action lawsuits in the department, including enabling coordination across the Defence Team and with other departments where required. These class actions address workplace harassment and discrimination, compensation and benefits or other health and safety issues. The oversight function will continue to support the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)'s Legal Advisor/Department of Justice and will expand to better assist the Department of National Defence (DND)/CAF representatives having authority to provide instructions on the various issues. Departmental Litigation Oversight will engage throughout the litigation cycle, including through the implementation of settlement agreements. Such dedicated management and coordination helps meet the Defence Team’s legal and moral obligations while managing associated risks and enabling strategic perspective.

Review Services

To advance corporate priorities and fulfill Core Responsibilities, independent engagements (audits, evaluations, conflict of interest analysis, wrongdoings and other administrative investigations) will be conducted to provide insight on risk management, controls, and governance of programs and operations. These activities will facilitate decision-making by prioritizing commitments related to culture change, oversight, accountability, transparency, and the delivery of Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada's Defence Policy and the Minister of National Defence Mandate Letter, including the modernization of the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD).


The timely and efficient processing of security clearances in support of operations remains a top priority. DND/CAF will identify security risks through the execution of the DND Security program, enabling DND/CAF to make evidence-based security risk decisions that support the execution of the Defence Services Program. An implementation report on the FY 2021-24 Departmental Security Plan (DSP) will be produced, while meeting annual milestones for the plan’s continued implementation and renewal in 2025. The DSP implementation will focus on positive management of strategic security risks and their associated risk treatment plans, to better align with enterprise risk management. DND/CAF will also adapt and modernize the DND Security Program, capitalizing on lessons learned and fundamental changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will continue to implement the updated Business Continuity Management Program by the deliberate and federated conduct of business impact analyses at the departmental level, using automated tools and proactive governance to effectively manage critical services.

Military Police provide protection to CAF members guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa, Ontario, during Summer 2022.

Communications Services

Transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in communication are essential to building and maintaining trust between Canadians and DND/CAF, and public affairs and communications services figure predominantly in the management of reputational risk.

Given the high-profile domestic and international context within which the CAF is currently operating, DND/CAF Public Affairs and Communications Services will continue to play a critical role in contributing to the progress on Defence plans and priorities for FY 2023–24 by working collaboratively across the Defence Team to provide strategic communications advice and expertise, ensure the effective management of reputational risk, and communicate clearly and accurately on the institution’s progress and outcomes to Canadians and members of the Defence Team:

  • Strong, Secure, Engaged 2023: Communicate action on Canada’s Defence Policy Update, —to ensure CAF defences remain robust in a more dangerous world, and the policy remains the foundation for how the CAF is supported, equipped, and resourced;
  • NORAD modernization: Communicate about the Defence Team’s work to enhance Canada’s approach to the defence of North America, including the CAF’s presence in the Arctic, and improved surveillance and infrastructure. Early and continuous consultation with northern communities and Indigenous Peoples is an important aspect of NORAD modernization;
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commitments: Ensure Canadians are informed about DND/CAF contributions to NATO, including increasing defence capabilities, participating in global peace and stability operations alongside allies, and facilitating increased information sharing and interoperability;ATO commitments: Ensure Canadians are informed about DND/CAF contributions to NATO, including increasing defence capabilities, participating in global peace and stability operations alongside allies, and facilitating increased information sharing and interoperability;
  • CAF reconstitution: Implement strategic recruitment advertising campaigns and support marketing activities, increase CAF personnel numbers, and attract a diverse workforce. Advertising efforts are based on research (testing and evaluation) to ensure evidence and data-driven decisions are made. Engagement activities, which bring community and opinion leaders together with CAF personnel, allow these stakeholders to gain a better understanding of CAF experiences and share that knowledge with their wider networks and audiences; and
  • External Reviews: Continue to communicate through multiple platforms to Canadians on the concrete steps being taken to address the recommendations of various external reviews, including the Report of the Independent External Comprehensive Review, and to improve the work environment for all Defence Team members while targeting the full spectrum of harms and misconduct.

Human Resources Management Services

In FY 2023-24, DND will focus on ensuring that the employee experience is front of mind and supported by sound people management. As DND adopts a hybrid approach to working in the post-pandemic context, the aim will be ensuring the continued safety, health, and wellness of DND employees. A key lesson learned during the COVID-19 pandemic for the public service was the importance of being agile, responsive, and resilient so that it can continue supporting the CAF. Providing services to support the evolving hybrid workforce is crucial to ensuring DND maintains capacity and ensures relevance in the future. Continuing to align the future public service workforce requirements of DND with future-focused recruitment and skill development strategies will be key to achieving the workforce needed to deliver on Strong, Secure, Engaged. 

DND’s public servants’ People Management Strategy will be updated; prioritizing the renewal of the human resources management approach to compete more effectively in attracting and retaining Canada’s best and brightest as future analysts, technicians, administrators, and civilian leaders.

Providing timely, effective staffing and data-driven strategies to attract and retain the highly-skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce of the future is key to delivering on DND’s mission. It will focus its efforts on reducing the time required to staff and onboard new talent, developing rapid and nimble staffing solutions to support managers in hiring, and ensuring public servants continue to have the skills and competencies needed for the future. 

Building a “here to help” culture by designing or refreshing programs and services to public service employees and military managers of public servants that provide seamless and positive HR experiences. This will include continued work to modernize digital HR initiatives and increase use of data and analytics but will also involve focusing efforts on improving supports in key areas, such as tools and services for military managers, growth of DND’s HR Connect service, enhancement of DND’s client service and support model, and expansion of the Office of Disability Management, among others. 

DND will increase its understanding of the future of work by leveraging evidence-based research and analytics to inform workforce insights and strategic decision making.

National Defence will build on current progress in the ongoing effort to reduce the backlog of pay cases to ensure employees are paid appropriately. To achieve this, the Compensation Team will continue to provide client-centered services to support employees and managers while putting the client first, continuing to build trust, and providing services that lead to positive pay outcomes.

DND recognizes the urgent need to examine and identify actions to address and eliminate systemic racism, hateful conduct and discrimination, and to support and promote racial equity within its culture and workplace. Diversity and inclusion, as well as anti-racism, are long-standing priorities. In this regard, civilian HR will continue to partner with supporting stakeholders to review and adjust current HR policies and processes to identify and eliminate barriers and systemic discrimination where they exist. This includes applying a Gender-based analysis plus (GBA Plus) and intersectional lens to all new or revised HR policies, to continue to develop resources and tools for employees and managers, and to promote awareness and provide learning opportunities for public service employees on racial equity, discrimination, and harassment-related themes. This includes continued implementation of the action plan to meet the objectives identified in the Directive to increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace and supports the activities of  DND/CAF’s Anti-Racism Secretariat.

DND will assess the organization’s public service human resources policies and practices to identify systemic and attitudinal barriers to employment opportunities for equity-seeking group members.

CPCC will continue to support DND/CAF in becoming an innovative, agile, and integrated organization that delivers excellence in client-oriented, credible, and transparent conflict solutions. Efforts will include: 

  • Continuing development and implementation of the culture evolution framework through leadership competency enhancement programs, such as the Leadership Support Team, coaching programs, and restorative services;
  • Modernizing service delivery and complaint processes to improve the efficiency of conflict solutions;
  • Expanding the restorative services program; and
  • Updating to the CAF policy on harassment to streamline, modernize, and align with the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Program.

Financial Management Services

Defence Policy Update activities are underway to update the way forward on Canada’s existing Defence Policy, Strong, Secure Engaged. The policy review will focus on the size and capability of the CAF, its roles and responsibilities, as well as ensuring current and future resources are sufficiently aligned to keep Canadians safe at home and engaged around the world. Budget 2022 also announced a multi-year budget increase for DND aimed at strengthening Canada’s contributions to core alliances, reinforcing cyber security and bolstering Defence capabilities, while continuing to support culture change and a safe and healthy working environment for the CAF.

As a leader in financial management, DND/CAF is committed to helping advance Defence priorities through immediate and extended investments in continental defence, ensuring alliances and collective security, and the capabilities of the CAF. Building on partnerships across Defence, financial stewardship of the Defence budget will require horizontal coordination across multiple lines of effort. In FY 2023-24 the DND/CAF financial community will continue to lead oversight of the implementation of Strong, Secure, Engaged to support financial management of the 20-year, multi-billion-dollar policy. DND/CAF will also continue to modernize financial systems and processes, and remove barriers to innovative financial planning strategies to drive more value. Additionally, the department will build on the work to enhance awareness about financial management practices to ensure compliance, as well as transform business processes to create efficiencies. Enhanced transparency for reporting on major investments will strengthen public confidence that Canadian tax dollars are well spent, and that members of Canada’s military have the tools and resources they need.

Information Management Services

The department will continue to support the Government of Canada’s information and data management priorities that are included in the Treasury Board's Policy on Service and Digital, and in the Standard on Systems that Manage Information and Data, as well as continue to support the Treasury Board’s Directive on Open Government. Pursuant to evolving policy direction, emergent technologies and implementation of Defence 365 to support a remote and mobile workforce, the department will focus on enabling DND/CAF Operations by leveraging Defence 365 to deliver a centralized, unified, cloud platform where information can be managed and accessed from anywhere, anytime to advance decision-making capabilities.

Service Management

In order to advance and meet the requirements of the Policy on Service and Digital, the Department will continue to evolve its client-centric service design and delivery for external facing services to Canadians. DND will continue to incorporate client feedback mechanisms, mature the end-to-end online services,  evolve  service standards and provide snapshots of departmental services and related data through the service inventory. In FY 2023-24, the Department will;

  • Develop and communicate a service management strategy to promote an integrated, consistent approach to service management across the department; and
  • Capture and support service improvement, a move towards end-to-end digital service delivery and a client-centric approach.

Data Management

DND/CAF will continue to prioritize electronic data management, governance and analytics in order to execute Defence policy initiatives.
In FY 2023-24, the department will:

  • Continue to build the capacity for enterprise-wide data management, following the direction of the Policy on Service and Digital, and in accordance with the DND/CAF Data Strategy;
  • Action the Data Strategy Implementation Plan and track its progress;
  • Develop a Data Maturity Roadmap which will provide specific guidance throughout the department;
  • Evolve conduct-related data in support of developing a plan to improve Defence culture in accordance with the Chief of the Defence Staff/Deputy Minister Initiating Directive for Professional Conduct and Culture;
  • Build business requirements, processes and analytical tools to enable the Defence Team to connect data internally with other national agencies, allies and partners;
  • Build data management and data governance into existing DND/CAF career and other training offerings. This actively promotes a culture that recognizes the value of data as an asset, builds data literacy, and develops analytical skills at all levels of the Defence Team. This aligns with Analytics in DND/CAF: Vision and Guiding Principles and the Data Literacy Roadmap;
  • Leverage data management and data-driven innovation to solve internal and defence-wide data problems. This includes mature reporting of real-time performance information in accordance with TBS direction and guidance;
  • Provide guidance on management and access requirements for data stored within information technology systems to ensure it is secure and reliable;
  • Implement the Defence Data Stewardship Model to oversee and monitor compliance with enterprise-wide data policies, standards, and practices. This includes the priority data domain areas related to operational data, and military and civilian personnel data;
  • Finalize an enterprise-level Data Quality Framework to improve report accuracy, reduce costs, and improve outcomes based on trusted data, aligned with the Data Governance Framework;
  • Launch a DND/CAF Artificial Intelligence Strategy, develop a Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre and conduct an artificial intelligence maturity assessment;
  • Design an enterprise data hub prototype to demonstrate a solution to data accessibility problems while proactively applying governance controls. This includes accessing data assets, facilitated search and catalogue capabilities and balancing data security and privacy risks;
  • Develop a data costing guide and service catalogue to help guide the organization on the costs and implications of data considerations in project and capability development; and
  • Align with Pan-Domain Command and Control data requirements and establish minimum essential metadata standards.

Digital Enterprise Modernization

The rapid advancement of information management and technology will allow the department to use modern business practices to improve the overall processes and business of Defence. These efforts will contribute to future force development and increase business resource management efficiency and consistency. It will also increase the trust and reliability of data and information while enabling a modern workforce and workplace. In FY 2023-24, DND/CAF will:

  • Realize the next releases for the Financial Planning and Forecasting, Material Identification, Modernization Integration, Sustainment and Logistics, and Material Planning and Forecasting enterprise modernization initiatives;
  • Mature the Defence Digital Core, which builds on the Government of Canada Digital Core and adds Defence-specific processes to accelerate implementation;
  • Move DEFENCEx from the options analysis phase to the definition phase, bringing Defence closer to having an adaptable, advanced, and sustainable platform for its financial, materiel, and related resource management; and
  • Mature the Target Architecture to deal with both classified and unclassified datasets.

Information Technology Services

The department will continue to mature its Enterprise Architecture practice, and as a result will enhance alignment and oversight of technical solutions within DND/CAF. The department will work closely with TBS to ensure the department is aligned with Government of Canada IM/IT directives and standards, such as the  Directive on Service and Digital, the Directive on Standard on Systems that Manage Information and Data, and Government of Canada Enterprise Architecture Review Board reviews.

DND/CAF will continue to maintain and assess its IM/IT investments in its Application Portfolio Management Program to ensure quality application and business data is captured. This will enable DND/CAF to better manage its IM/IT investments and for its partners to provide necessary support services.

The department will continue to support Government of Canada IT Transformation through the delivery of key projects/initiatives as follows:

  • Migrating aging telephone infrastructure to innovative solutions;
  • Modernizing networks and email systems at defence installations across the country;
  • Establishing a software asset management program to better track and manage software assets within the department; and
  • Refining service management practices to support the continued shift to a hybrid workforce.

The department will mature and evolve the Microsoft 365 platform capabilities themselves within DND/CAF to enable a seamless work and communications platform. The Defence 365 Program will work to integrate information exchange between existing systems and implement security controls to allow for information storage and processing up to Protected B.

Safety Program

It has been a priority to advance a more robust and relevant Safety Program within Defence. In doing so, the Defence Team will continue to review and update Occupational Health and Safety Standards and Guidance and establish a framework for a Hazard Prevention Program that supports the Total Health and Wellness Strategy under Strong, Secure, Engaged. As well, the modernization of the General Safety Training Program will continue to allow more managers and employees to access this training through a virtual platform at a lower cost.

Gender-based analysis plus

The Defence Team will continue to conduct independent internal audits and evaluations. The assessment of GBA Plus considerations is incorporated into the planning process for all internal audit and evaluation engagements to inform the development of objectives, criteria and scope. The annual risk-based audit planning and departmental evaluation plans consider departmental risks and priorities. Accordingly, internal audit and evaluation engagements may be undertaken in areas such as organizational culture, diversity and inclusion to examine topics related to GBA Plus.

Planning for Contracts Awarded to Indigenous Businesses

The Defence Team will continue to work closely with its suppliers and procurement communities to provide economic empowerment for Indigenous peoples, and to increase diversity in procurement. In accordance with Ministerial mandates from the Ministers of Public Services and Procurement Canada and the Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, DND is aiming to achieve the 5 percent target (expected to be determined by contractual value) for Indigenous participation in various procurement activities, including but not limited to: acquisitions, maintenance and repairs, construction and environmental remediation and/or provision of services.

Planned budgetary spending for Internal Services

The following table shows, for internal services, budgetary spending for FY 2023–24, as well as planned spending for that year and for each of the next two fiscal years.

2023–24 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) 2023–24 planned spending 2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending
904,711,202 904,711,202 926,089,323 936,940,902

Planned human resources for Internal Services

The following table shows, in full time equivalents, the human resources the department will need to carry out its internal services for FY 2023–24 and for each of the next two fiscal years.

2023–24 planned full-time equivalents 2024–25 planned full-time equivalents 2025–26 planned full-time equivalents
4,392 4,423 4,430

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