Section III: Supplementary Information - RPP 2014-15


Future-Oriented Statement of Operations

The future-oriented condensed statement of operations presented in this section is intended to serve as a general overview of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces operations. The forecasted financial information on expenses and revenues are prepared on an accrual accounting basis to strengthen accountability and to improve transparency and financial management.

Since the future-oriented statement of operations is prepared on an accrual accounting basis and the forecast and planned spending amounts presented in other sections of this report are prepared on an expenditure basis, amounts will differ.

A more detailed statement of future-oriented statement of operations and associated notes, including a reconciliation of the net costs of operations to the requested authorities, can be found on the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces web site68.

Future-Oriented Condensed Statement of Operations
For the Year Ended March 31 (dollars)
Financial information

Estimated Results


Planned Results


Total expenses 19,340,956,165 18,561,144,690 (779,812,475)
Total revenues 424,212,125 408,723,500 (15,488,625)
Net cost of operations 18,916,744,040 18,152,420,190 (764,323,850)

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

List of Supplementary Information Tables

All electronic supplementary information tables listed in the 2014-15 Report on Plans and Priorities can be found on the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces website69.

Tax Expenditures and Evaluations

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures annually in the Tax Expenditures and Evaluations74 publication. The tax measures presented in the Tax Expenditures and Evaluations publication are the sole responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

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